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3/4/2012 3:13:08 AM

Halo SkillMod |OT2| (Now With a Dedicated Server!)

[quote][b]This mod is currently being developed for Halo: Combat Evolved PC, not Custom Edition. When I've finished it, I will develop it for Custom Edition as well if people want me to.[/b][/quote] [quote][i][b][u]IP for ProMod Server hosted by JacobGRocks[/b][/u][/i]: [u][b][i]Server Name[/u][/b][/i]: promod[/quote] [quote]Yes, I already made this thread a while back. It was locked due to inactivity. I thought since I got JacobGRocks to host a dedicated server for me that I'd make a new thread to inform everyone.[/quote] With how wonderful Halo: Combat Evolved is in the Halo franchise, we've all felt some flaws here and there. Things that we didn't like and gave less skilled players a leg up on higher skilled players. Even though, as most of you will agree, Halo: Combat Evolved is the best in this series at preventing that, there are still times where this occurs. While there might not be a way to eliminate this completely, I believe there are ways to stop it from happening as much as we can. The way being through simple modding. I've decided to go ahead and start work on a simple mod that aims to do that. Simple things such as editing weapons, grenades, vehicles, etc. Seeing as though I am, by no means, all knowing on what could help make this a great competitive mod, I'm asking all of you for suggestions. I know that some of you will probably say that Halo: Combat Evolved was perfect and my changes will only hurt it. While I respect that, I urge you to hear me out. I know this mod might not be for all, but I'm making it for anyone who may feel the same way I do. [quote][u][i]SparkEdit Changes[/u][/i]: -These vary from map to map. For non-vehicular maps I removed Rocket Launchers/Fuel Rods. I remove flamethrowers every time. -Removed half the grenades from all maps -Removed Overshields and Active Camo from non-vehicular maps. [u][i]HHT/HMT Changes[/u][/i]: -Shortened the blast radius of the frag grenade slightly and decreased the damage of the frag grenades. This was to ensure that if you recharge your shields another grenade won't kill you. -Rocket Launcher only has two rockets instead of four. -Flag/Ball kill in one hit instead of two. I decided that its already hard enough to melee someone on Halo PC due to netcode. There is no reason to leave the flag carrier that defenseless. -Max grenades that can be carried are 2. You also start with only 1 frag grenade. This is to avoid grenade spam which is often found in this game. In large part this is due to less skilled players giving up on trying to shoot. Instead they spam grenades hoping to win. - Switched Pistol to primary weapon and the Assault Rifle to secondary. This is to encourage people to use the pistol more instead of the Assault Rifle.[/quote] Everything here is open to debate. I trust you all to be fair with your input and I hope that we can all work together to make this as best as we can. Do keep in mind that all the changes have to be in a way that doesn't matter if you have the mod or not. Meaning that if a server is running the mod it will all work perfectly fine if the person joining is using the default maps. (P.S. I'm really looking for some input right now for vehicles specifically. ) [quote][u][i]List of maps being included:[/u][/i] Damnation* Rat Race* Chill Out* Blood Gulch Sidewinder Derelict* Danger Canyon Hang 'Em High* [b][i]* Playable on the server[/b][/i][/quote] [Edited on 03.05.2012 10:21 PM PST]
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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Wilis_kid [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Dr Syx Yeah, that's not really the best for hosting a server. :P[/quote] UK for ya ;)[/quote]xD I've got to come back with my girlfriend's results then! You'll be surprised! By the way, do you have any opinions on my shotgun idea? Toning it just right to take over the AR's role? It being a single shot weapon will actually make it much less spammy and it's built for close quarters already which is what the AR's role is meant to do.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Dr Syx Yeah, that's not really the best for hosting a server. :P[/quote] UK for ya ;)

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  • Yeah, that's not really the best for hosting a server. :P

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Dr Syx Go [url=]here[/url] to check if you'd like.[/quote] 33ms for Ping, 7.33mbps download and 0.77mbps upload. Not sure how good or bad this is but hey.

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  • Go [url=]here[/url] to check if you'd like.

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  • Not sure, I'm a noob with network connections, all I can say is for the most part, I have a ping of around 16-70ish in games unless it's in America in which case around 120ish. I've heard of that upload test thing as well. I'm not sure my networks great but we'll see.

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  • I suppose we could try it :D How is your Internet connection?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Dr Syx It would be excellent if you could do it. The only problem is that I feel a dedicated server that's not based in someone's house would be best. Sadly enough I don't know anyone who owns actual servers in the EU for game hosting. :/ I could never forgive myself if one of Bt's killing sprees placed extra demand on your laptop's CPU and ended up giving you third degree burns. He tends to do that to EU based servers... RIP xXMuffinatorXx & HP Compaq C95- never forget.[/quote] My Laptops pretty powerful, Core 2 Duo T6600 @ 2.2ghz, 4GB DDR3 with a G105m so it should be alright...failing that, my current specs which I'm giving to my sister (Core 2 Quad Q8300 3.00Ghz, 4GB DDR2 and a GTX 460) should do it just fine xD. As for the network and how it actually handles, there's only one way to find out xD. I would maybe host it on my i7 2600k, 8GB DDR3, GTX 560Ti but that's a last resort considering it's the one i'll be using for games, music and video editing from now on post PC upgrade. I'll let you know when I'm in a position to try and host it and we'll give it a shot? Unless someone comes up with something better between now and then :)

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  • It would be excellent if you could do it. The only problem is that I feel a dedicated server that's not based in someone's house would be best. Sadly enough I don't know anyone who owns actual servers in the EU for game hosting. :/ I could never forgive myself if one of Bt's killing sprees placed extra demand on your laptop's CPU and ended up giving you third degree burns. He tends to do that to EU based servers... RIP xXMuffinatorXx & HP Compaq C95- never forget. [Edited on 03.07.2012 12:28 PM PST]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Dr Syx Ah! Thank you very much! Can't believe I couldn't find anything telling me to do that... Maybe I just wasn't looking hard enough... Anyways, do you have any opinion on the shotgun idea? The two people I've talked to already seemed very surprise when hearing it but then realized it was a good idea. I'm going to need some support on this one because this is probably one of the most controversial moves that I'll make according to most players. I'm in need for an EU server to be hosted along side the United States based one JacobGRocks is hosting. I know that there are a few EU players out there that are interested in playing this mod so I think it's unfair to them if they don't have their own server. Is there anyone out there in the EU that would be willing to host this for me?[/quote] I've never hosted a dedicated server before so I'll have to learn, but I'm making a return to Halo and after a few weeks in the dark. I'm almost finished upgrading my PC so i'll try to host it on my laptop which I don't use for games anymore. It should be able to handle it, failing that, my old spec PC should be able to handle it when not in use.

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  • Ah! Thank you very much! Can't believe I couldn't find anything telling me to do that... Maybe I just wasn't looking hard enough... Anyways, do you have any opinion on the shotgun idea? The two people I've talked to already seemed very surprise when hearing it but then realized it was a good idea. I'm going to need some support on this one because this is probably one of the most controversial moves that I'll make according to most players. I'm in need for an EU server to be hosted along side the United States based one JacobGRocks is hosting. I know that there are a few EU players out there that are interested in playing this mod so I think it's unfair to them if they don't have their own server. Is there anyone out there in the EU that would be willing to host this for me? [Edited on 03.06.2012 8:53 PM PST]

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  • To save in esch, press enter. swapping and bitmaps autosave, but esch's bitmap system is broken so use HMT if you are so interested.

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  • I could mess with spawns a bit. I would like some feedback on that across the maps. How is everyone's feeling on his suggestion? I know that there is a huge advantage for the team who spawns on the high ground and that's the only thing I really hate about Hang 'Em High. Also, I made updates to the mod: - There are now grenades on the map, but there are half as many as default. - The Rocket Launcher now has two rockets per clip like usual, but just those two rockets. - I finished Hang 'Em High and Damnation for play on the server JacobGRocks is hosting There is one problem with the mod right now. Since I can't edit how many plasma grenades you can hold, you can hold up to 4 plasmas when I'd like for only two. Plasmas are not very dangerous unless you're stuck in this mod, so you ought not worry too much about it. I will fix it once I can. On that note, Raven, I'm having some trouble with using Eschaton. Apparently you can edit how many plasma grenades someone can hold, but for the life of me I can not figure out how to save it. It seems that everywhere I look it auto-saves, but it's not doing it for me. I can't find a save button anywhere. I know it's a very nooby problem, but I'm completely confused. >.> I have one pretty controversial proposition for you guys. There is a lot of trouble with people simply using ARs to spam you down. Even with pistol as primary they're more inclined to use the AR. I was thinking that I could [i]possibly[/i] tune the shotgun just right to take over the Assault Rifle's role and make that the new secondary weapon. I know it might sound crazy, but I can see a less powerful shotgun being an [i]excellent[/i] replacement to the assault rifle; definitely with how the netcode works. You have to aim it to some degree and it's single fire so you can't spam it. [Edited on 03.05.2012 10:38 PM PST]

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  • Did you play around with the spawns on HeH to make it so the team that spawns by luck on high ground doesn't win? You could make people just spawn in the tombstones.

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  • [quote]Don't really mind the change to the blast radius as long as it's not too drastic* but I'd rather see the damage levels stay as they are. Health packs are there primarily to deal with grenade damage so just make sure they're available on all gametypes (they aren't by default) instead.[/quote]The problem is that someone can chuck a grenade at you, you finish them off with a 3sk, then it hurts you. After that battle, which you won, you recover all your shields. While you're on the way to the health pack, some guy throws a grenade at your feet. Bam. You're dead and that guy got a kill for throwing 1 grenade. Seems quite undeserved of a kill if you ask me. [quote]*I'm thinking of vehicle play here. I'm guessing it's not really possible with the editors but if it is, it'd be nice to see the damage drop off with distance (your primary reason for the change) but for the 'push back' effect to stay the same for the sake of not messing up vehicle balance. Halo 2 decreased the potency of frag grenades and ended up with the worst vehicle play in the series.[/quote]Damage already does drop off with distance by default and the push back is the same on the vehicles. The main focus of decreasing the grenade's potency is to stop it from permanently (Without a health pack) leaving you with just enough health to be killed by another grenade after fully recovering. [quote]Plasma grenades are pretty bad in HPC and the net code certainly plays a part in that. Nobody uses them unless they're just spamming.[/quote]Meh, forgot about even doing this. It looks like I can't really do it anyways, so it doesn't matter. I agree with you, though. [quote]Is there any kind of tracking option that'd allow you to make getting a stick slightly less hit and miss? Perhaps increasing their initial velocity would help slightly.[/quote]I think that changing the velocity won't sync correctly for people who have the vanilla maps so it wouldn't work. :/ [quote]Remove the Ghost's stun effect (not sure how well it'd sync) and increase the accuracy of the rocket's hogs rockets but greatly reduce their splash radius. Gearbox had planned to make both of these changes (minus the splash radius bit) in a CE patch but never got around to it.[/quote]Sadly enough, both of those things would not sync properly. I tried it out a while back when trying to make the Plasma Rifle act more like the "Plasma Gun" from Quake III Arena. Both the stun effect and accuracy did not sync properly to my friend who had vanilla maps. [quote]Fair enough. I don't think this will make much difference to play either way.[/quote]It has, actually. I've been playing a lot of CTF with it and it changes it a lot. For the better, mind you. You have to be tactical to actually land a kill with it, but with this you [i]can[/i] actually do it. The melee was absolutely useless before due to the netcode. [quote]Other thoughts: I'm aware that some of the changes I've proposed appear contradictory in some respects; using overshields to give the underdog a boost yet not allowing for them to have an advantage with grenades when they're dying frequently. My argument to this is that the places where I've recommended giving the underdog a leg up are the places where they're probably the underdog because of poor luck or bad map design.[/quote]I feel that giving the underdog a leg up in any situation isn't really all that great. The entire idea of overshields/power weapons goes towards rewarding you for doing well by making it easier to kill opponents. If you take that idea and evolve it further you get things like killstreaks from Call of Duty. While most will argue with me on this point, I'm convinced that this is the truth. Everyone should always be on a balanced playing field. [i]If[/i] there are problems with spawn placements, I [i]could[/i] change them to make for better gameplay instead, though. [quote]Anyway, apologies for the poorly written stream of consciousness. ;)[/quote]It was very helpful! Thank you!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Btcc22 Some feedback![/quote]Exactly what I need! Thank you! [quote]Agree with this, except for on large, open maps like Infinity and Blood Gulch. There's no need to remove the flamer on them. The likes of Danger Canyon will be better off without it though.[/quote]At the same time it's not necessary to remove the flamer, it's not necessary for it to be there either. It seems like Gearbox just placed it there for it you to use it for the trial. Just to be frank, I hate the -blam!- weapon. xD [quote]I could argue that they were okay on some of the smaller maps, like. For all the grief they cause, they [b]do[/b] add an extra elements to the game's tactics.[/quote]The reason I'm taking out the power weapons to begin with is because I've never liked the idea of this sort of "tactical" gameplay. It seems like extra fluff that is poorly argued to be apart of the "skill" of the game. I believe it ought to focus completely on aiming, strafing, and absolutely even combat experience. Not if you timed your OS/weapon respawns right. Besides, this mod is [i]mainly[/i] aimed at better pub play. Pub players don't "tactically" grab over shields. They just walk across it by dumb luck. I could make another version at some point for private matches, but as everyone here knows, that scene is long dead. [quote]I think this is a good change, for the most part, for maps like Sidewinder and Danger Canyon but probably not so much for the likes of Blood Gulch where most of its use is to take out vehicles. I'd rather see a clip with two rockets but the inability to reload rather than being so unforgiving for missing a vehicle, especially in a game where it's so common for rocket lead to be slightly off, causing the vehicle to survive despite taking a direct hit. Nothing more infuriating.[/quote]I guess I could do this. I thought the one rocket per "clip" idea would force players to have time to think about their decisions with each rocket instead of wasting them away. [quote]While you could change the mechanics of the launcher on a per map basis, I don't think that'd be a great idea if you're hoping to get the mod used on pubs. For the average player that's not going to learn the ins and outs of the game, consistency matters.[/quote]I can't imagine a player freaking out at there being 1 rocket per clip so much that they just leave. In a game where you're constantly running into terrible mods, this wouldn't even get a second glance. [quote]I hate grenade spam yet I hated these changes and found them to run counter to your intentions of increasing the 'skill gap'. This mechanic ends up rewarding those who die frequently by giving them grenades and punishes those who stay alive since you've removed all of the grenade spawns. The removal of grenade spawns removes a tactical aspect of the game, especially on maps like Rat Race where the game can be won or lost by having good control over the teleporters. You should consider allowing for two grenades on respawn, setting a two grenade carry limit and changing any piles of four to piles of two instead.[/quote]I agree with you until the first part of your last paragraph. How about I make it where no one spawns with any grenades and place the grenades at specific locations instead? If everyone spawns with 2 grenades then it will be even worse than it is right now in terms of terrible spamming.

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  • Some feedback! [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Dr Syx -These vary from map to map. For non-vehicular maps I removed Rocket Launchers/Fuel Rods. I remove flamethrowers every time.[/quote] Agree with this, except for on large, open maps like Infinity and Blood Gulch. There's no need to remove the flamer on them. The likes of Danger Canyon will be better off without it though. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Dr Syx -Removed Overshields and Active Camo from non-vehicular maps. (Open for debate whether or not should be taken out from larger maps as well. Also, if we keep it in, where do I put them that will better for gameplay?)[/quote] Leave them exactly where they are on vehicular maps. The only map where they might seem a bit off is Blood Gulch, until you realise that having the spawn closer to the blue port is a fair advantage to try and make up for not having the hill. I could argue that they were okay on some of the smaller maps, like. For all the grief they cause, they [b]do[/b] add an extra elements to the game's tactics. Derelict: I'd move it from the top level to the bottom though; controlling the top is enough of an advantage without needing an overshield too. Giving it to those that spawn on the bottom would help them make a push and regain control if the other team wasn't careful. Rat Race: I'm in two minds about this. I loathe the overshield in team games. In CTF, the bottom spawn area is incredibly easy to overpower with grenades, allowing for mass spawn killing. Having an overshield spawn at the same time just compounds the problem. In team slayer, it turns play into some kind of mating ritual where everybody just dances around the teleporters and tunnels until it spawns. I think removing the active camo, putting a float overshield in the top area of the map and greatly decreasing their spawn frequency would help to balance things out slightly. I'm not sure whether it'd make things miserable to have two players running around with an overshield or if it'd add an extra dimension to the tactics. Damnation: It's fine where it is. Most players use it to grenade jump to the rocket launcher. Chill Out: Dull map that focuses almost entirely on holding the shotgun room. Not great that overshield happens to spawn there too but if you remove it entirely, it'll probably still just be a map where camping with shotguns wins. Consider moving it to the hallway opposite to where it currently spawns. It'd give the controlling team a reason to leave the shotgun area and if they didn't, it'd give the surpressed team a chance to make a push. Hang 'em High: It's fine where it is if you're not receptive to the idea of moving it elsewhere or would rather remove it. It's a massive risk that's more than likely going to get you killed for very little reward. If players can be creative and make use of it though, let them. If you are open to the idea of relocating it, consider moving it to the bottom area (the . HeH is a horrible map where a team spawning top can mean a free victory. I wouldn't object to something that balanced it out a bit. Other small maps: Not played enough to bother with and I doubt any amount of tweaks could change that. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Dr Syx -Rocket Launcher only has one rocket per "clip" and you can only carry up to 2 rockets at a time forcing you to reload after every rocket. It also makes using the rocket launcher more strategic in nature due to the small ammo count.[/quote] I think this is a good change, for the most part, for maps like Sidewinder and Danger Canyon but probably not so much for the likes of Blood Gulch where most of its use is to take out vehicles. I'd rather see a clip with two rockets but the inability to reload rather than being so unforgiving for missing a vehicle, especially in a game where it's so common for rocket lead to be slightly off, causing the vehicle to survive despite taking a direct hit. Nothing more infuriating. While you could change the mechanics of the launcher on a per map basis, I don't think that'd be a great idea if you're hoping to get the mod used on pubs. For the average player that's not going to learn the ins and outs of the game, consistency matters. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Dr Syx -Max grenades that can be carried are two. You also start with only 1 frag grenade. This is to avoid grenade spam which is often found in this game. In large part this is due to less skilled players giving up on trying to shoot. Instead they spam grenades hoping to win. [/quote] [quote]-Removed all grenades from non-vehicular maps[/quote] I hate grenade spam yet I hated these changes and found them to run counter to your intentions of increasing the 'skill gap'. This mechanic ends up rewarding those who die frequently by giving them grenades and punishes those who stay alive since you've removed all of the grenade spawns. The removal of grenade spawns removes a tactical aspect of the game, especially on maps like Rat Race where the game can be won or lost by having good control over the teleporters. You should consider allowing for two grenades on respawn, setting a two grenade carry limit and changing any piles of four to piles of two instead. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Dr Syx -Shortened the blast radius of the frag grenade slightly and decreased the damage of the frag grenades. This was to ensure that if you recharge your shields another grenade won't kill you.[/quote] Don't really mind the change to the blast radius as long as it's not too drastic* but I'd rather see the damage levels stay as they are. Health packs are there primarily to deal with grenade damage so just make sure they're available on all gametypes (they aren't by default) instead. *I'm thinking of vehicle play here. I'm guessing it's not really possible with the editors but if it is, it'd be nice to see the damage drop off with distance (your primary reason for the change) but for the 'push back' effect to stay the same for the sake of not messing up vehicle balance. Halo 2 decreased the potency of frag grenades and ended up with the worst vehicle play in the series. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Dr Syx (I would have made it a Plasma Grenade instead, but I ran into a problem editing plasma grenade counts in HMT.)[/quote] Plasma grenades are pretty bad in HPC and the net code certainly plays a part in that. Nobody uses them unless they're just spamming. If you fix the net code, maybe they'd add something to the game's close quarters combat, given close quarters combat (talking extremes here) is usually a click spamfest followed by AR spraying or melee spamming. Anything that prevents that is a good thing in my book. Is there any kind of tracking option that'd allow you to make getting a stick slightly less hit and miss? Perhaps increasing their initial velocity would help slightly. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Dr Syx (P.S. I'm really looking for some input right now for vehicles specifically. )[/quote] Remove the Ghost's stun effect (not sure how well it'd sync) and increase the accuracy of the rocket's hogs rockets but greatly reduce their splash radius. Gearbox had planned to make both of these changes (minus the splash radius bit) in a CE patch but never got around to it. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Dr Syx -Flag/Ball kill in one hit instead of two.[/quote] Fair enough. I don't think this will make much difference to play either way. Other thoughts: I'm aware that some of the changes I've proposed appear contradictory in some respects; using overshields to give the underdog a boost yet not allowing for them to have an advantage with grenades when they're dying frequently. My argument to this is that the places where I've recommended giving the underdog a leg up are the places where they're probably the underdog because of poor luck or bad map design. Anyway, apologies for the poorly written stream of consciousness. ;)

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  • This is on Combat Evolved, not the Custom Edition add on. I'm going to create it for Custom Edition as well eventually if the demand is there for it. HMT/HHT are fine for what I'm trying to do since it's only simple stuff. I will use Eschaton if I need to for something. Just to be honest, it has been forever since I've messed with this stuff. I haven't been paying too much attention at all to the tools being developed for Halo PC modding. Eschaton is completely new to me so I'll try to learn to use it. I'm fairly sure this wasn't even released during the days I messed with modding the game. :P Edit: Also, there is no option to change the grenade type through dependency swappers of bipeds on Eschaton, HMT, or HHT. [Edited on 03.04.2012 11:42 AM PST]

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  • God, don't use HMT. Ask me or any one of the other halo modders about stuff, HMT is AIDS. To switch the starting grenades, in Eschaton go to biped\cyborg mp and in dependancy swapper switch weap\frag grenade with weap\plasma grenade. Then use standard loadout. edit: Same can be done for weapons, if you make sure to check "standard equipment" or whatever it's called when making the gametype instead of custom. Also, I'm assuming this is CE, not pc? [Edited on 03.03.2012 11:52 PM PST]

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  • Here are some suggested gametypes for the mod: [quote][i][b][u]Team Slayer[/u][/i][/b]: Game Rules: Death Bonus: No Kill In Order: No Kill Penalty: No Kills to Win: 50 Team Play: Yes Time Limit: None Player Options: Number Of Lifes: Infinite Maximum Health: 100% Shields: Yes Respawn Time: Instant Respawn Time Growth: None Odd Man Out: No Invisible Players: No Suicide Penalty: None Item Options: Infinite Grenades: No Weapon Set: Normal Starting Equipment: Generic Vehicle Options: 1 Warthog 1 Ghost Indicator Options Objectives Indicator: Motion Tracker Other Players On Radar: All Friend Indicators On Screen: Yes Teamplay Options Friendly Fire: Off (I would turn this on for private matches. In pubs it's just an annoyance.) Friendly Fire Penalty: None Auto Team Balance: Yes[/quote] [quote][b][i][u]Capture the Flag:[/u][/b][/i] Game Rules: Assault: No Single Flag: Off Flag Must Reset: No Flag At Home To Score: Yes Captures To Win: 3 Time Limit: None Player Options: Number Of Lifes: Infinite Maximum Health: 100% Shields: Yes Respawn Time: Instant Respawn Time Growth: None Odd Man Out: No Invisible Players: No Suicide Penalty: None Item Options: Infinite Grenades: No Weapon Set: Normal Starting Equipment: Generic Vehicle Options: Vehicle Respawn Time: None 1 Warthog 1 Ghost Indicator Options Objectives Indicator: None Other Players On Radar: None Friend Indicators On Screen: Yes Teamplay Options Friendly Fire: Off Friendly Fire Penalty: None Auto Team Balance: Yes[/quote] We have Team Slayer, Free for All Slayer, and Team Snipers running on the server. [Edited on 03.05.2012 12:54 PM PST]

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