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9/12/2009 7:26:02 PM
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] GoldenArms27 **Nope, we just decide to not sell them to people who don't pre-order, to "teach" the customer to pre-order from the store.....We have 36 pre-order copies and about 60 regular copies, we just don't sell the others until 2 days after the launch date.** This is complete and total bulls**t. Yet another reason why I can't stand setting foot into a game stop. You want to "teach" the customer a lesson?!? That's part of what's wrong with the whole Gamestop business model. If you're a self respecting gamer at all, you should find a new job. My question for Gamestop is this...when will you realize that most people don't want to be ripped off on used games and trade-ins, or pressured into pre ordering games (even if they don't want them), or hounded about buying the strategy guide no matter hwo many times they say they don't need it?[/quote] Just becuase you can not stop whining does not mean that gamestop sucks. Most of thier stuff is not extremly overpriced (ok, its a little over the top, but not to much) and they have good options for game deals as well as quick and experianced service. so in the end, jsut because you do not like it does not mean they suck. PS, learn to use quotes.

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