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8/8/2006 4:13:22 AM

Promotional Video Contest

[b]Promotional Video Contest![/b] Even seen a clip from Bungie promoting their new game that just made you go “wow”? Here’s your chance to make your own video promoting one of Bungie’s games and make them go “wow.”* Using footage from any of Bungie’s games, from Gnop! to Halo 3, make a 1:30 (max) video promoting that game, or you can sling them all into one video and make a promotion for Bungie Studios, or you film one yourself using legos! The point is, "Be creative". Then post your video on (among others) and post the link here. The contest will go through seven^ rounds of elimination before declaring a victor. Below are the specifications. [i]If your video does not reach these specs. It may not be accepted.[/i] [b]-The Video-[/b] [*]Must be Bungie related [*]Must contain the Bungie logo at some point [*]Must be no longer than 1:30 [*]Must be your own creation [*]Creativity is a big plus [*]Must not infringe on Bungie's [url=]Code of Conduct[/url] (i.e. No profanity, No racial slurs, No nudity.) [i]There is no limit to the number of videos you can enter.[/i] [b]-Hosting-[/b] [*]List of accepted hosting sites: [*][url=]Youtube[/url] [*][url=]Mythica[/url] [*][url=[/url]Putfile[/url] [*][url=[/url]Google video[/url] [*]A link to your video and a short explanation must be posted clearly in this thread. [*]The short explanation is not necessary, but it wont hurt. [*]To ensure that the video you are entering is yours please tag your Youtube video with the following: "Bungie" "Promotional" "Contest" "" -Links to helpful items- [*][url=]H.B.O. - Halo 1 Cutscene Library[/url] [*][url=]H.B.O. - Halo 2 Cutscene Library[/url] [*][url=]Fraps - Real time video capture[/url] [*][url=]The Ventcore - Download your Bungie game here :)[/url] [*][url=]RAD Game Tools - With this program you can extract and convert Myth II Cutscene files, as well as any other game's cutscenes.[/url] [*][url=]A collection of Behind the Scene videos of Bungie studios and other Bungie related videos[/url] [*][url=]Windows Movie Maker home page[/url] [*][url=]iMovie home page[/url] This contest will be open for three weeks, from August 8th to August 29th [b][u]The winners will receive a shopping spree at the Bungie store thanks to the oh-so-lovely, and very generous Senor Leche. Below is the amount the winners will have for the shopping spree (American): [*]Third Place - $20.00 [*]Second Place - $30.00 [*]First Place - $50.00[/b][/u] [b]The judges for this contest are:[/b] [*]Me [*]Butane123 [*]ODST1125 [*]spartakus14 [url=]Here is an example I made up quickly with Windows Movie Maker and the original halo announcement trailer.[/url] This thread may be used for, aside from entering your video, asking questions and discussing each others work. In discussing others work please use constructive criticism if you must criticizing at all, absolutely no flaming please. [i]This contest is SCC approved *Chances are no one at Bungie will see these videos ^The number of rounds may change due to the number of entries[/i] [Edited on 8/10/2006]

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  • EDIT: too many problems with my vid. [Edited on 8/10/2006]

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  • Well, I decided to make my promo/ad video for a much awaited Bungie product that I'm sure you've all heard of. I dragged out some old Gladiator music and some Mission Impossible clips, and this is what I came up with: [url] H4.wmv&sid=1675113[/url] (It's supposed to be over-dramatic and slightly corny/funny. Have fun.) I don't know if this qualifies as a participant, I just wanted to have a little fun. It's up to the judges. [Edited on 8/10/2006]

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  • I don't want cut scenes I want people playing the game fighting that stuff.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Banshee Barron Well, I decided to make my promo/ad video for a much awaited Bungie product that I'm sure you've all heard of. I dragged out some old Gladiator music and some Mission Impossible clips, and this is what I came up with: [url] H4.wmv&sid=1675113[/url] (It's supposed to be over-dramatic and slightly corny/funny. Have fun.) I don't know if this qualifies as a participant, I just wanted to have a little fun.[/quote] I just love that one. Good idea.

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  • Alright sooo: I am thinking about creating a custom animation for this but I need to know the timeframe for this contest. Animations take days to make and if I don't have days to enter, then there is no point. Thanks in advance!

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  • [b][u]Video Entry[/u][/b] This video contains clips from several cutscenes from Halo: Combat Evolved and Halo 2, promoting Halo 3. [url][/url] For some reason when I post links on here they put a space in the copy and paste this if it doesn't work. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Mr_Anderson3 Alright sooo: I am thinking about creating a custom animation for this but I need to know the timeframe for this contest. Animations take days to make and if I don't have days to enter, then there is no point. Thanks in advance![/quote] To answer the above poster's question, this is from the FIRST POST: [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Gnome [b]Promotional Video Contest![/b] This contest will be open for three weeks, from August 8th to August 29th[/quote] [Edited on 8/10/2006]

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  • Hey all, first time poster, but this contest was right up my alley. I'm honored to compete with you all and the submissions I've seen are already amazing. Hope to be among the best of you! First video: Second Video: More to come!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] XJapanRoX Second Video: More to come![/quote] Haha! I love that one.

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  • How do you guys get the noise out of the cutscenes?

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  • [url=] Well here is my second one [/url] This is my second one really sloppy, put together in like an hour.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Paintballer4355 [url=] Well here is my second one [/url] This is my second one really sloppy, put together in like an hour.[/quote] I'm just saying, it dosen't look all that unique. It seems more like a remake.

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  • It says in the rules "no profanity" does that include when Sarge say '-blam!-es' 'damn' etc? Those are such classic sarge moments...

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Banshee Barron Well, I decided to make my promo/ad video for a much awaited Bungie product that I'm sure you've all heard of. I dragged out some old Gladiator music and some Mission Impossible clips, and this is what I came up with: [url] H4.wmv&sid=1675113[/url] (It's supposed to be over-dramatic and slightly corny/funny. Have fun.) I don't know if this qualifies as a participant, I just wanted to have a little fun. It's up to the judges.[/quote] Good one, Banshee Baron !!! That one had me in stitches, LoL!!!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ICEMAN ASSASS1N [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Banshee Barron Well, I decided to make my promo/ad video for a much awaited Bungie product that I'm sure you've all heard of. I dragged out some old Gladiator music and some Mission Impossible clips, and this is what I came up with: [url] H4.wmv&sid=1675113[/url] (It's supposed to be over-dramatic and slightly corny/funny. Have fun.) I don't know if this qualifies as a participant, I just wanted to have a little fun. It's up to the judges.[/quote] Good one, Banshee Baron !!! That one had me in stitches, LoL!!![/quote] Lol. It would have been sweet if you had edited the page and put in a text box so it would look like there really was a search feature.

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  • One more that I thouught was quite creative. Bad editing, but worth watching. Good song, R.E.M -- It's the end of the world as we know it.

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  • sweet promo I made you should see it good song from audioslave [Edited on 8/10/2006]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Caputofish08 One more that I thouught was quite creative. Bad editing, but worth watching. Good song, R.E.M -- It's the end of the world as we know it. [/quote] not my favorite but i love how you squeezed the end of halo 1 in it. i dont understand why they put the elite grab johnson's butt at the end of it, but it still makes me laugh every time :)

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  • [url=]My second video.[/url] You have to use your imagination on this one. I tried to make it look like the Chief was leaving the forerunner ship while Earth is being annihilated. I spent a little bit more time on this one.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Phfor Slayer It says in the rules "no profanity" does that include when Sarge say '-blam!-es' 'damn' etc? Those are such classic sarge moments...[/quote] Naw, that would be ok. Just try to keep everything else withen the [url=]code of conduct[/url]. Anything from the cutscenes would be fine.

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  • Thanks Cortana 5! =) Third video: More on the way...

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  • Cortana 5, I really like your Time goes by one and your This is the way the world ends one with the durandel quotes. awsome.

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  • Well, I got rather bored in the past 3 hours. So I made this: [url=]Generically Weird[/url] - For all the angry white boys*. Yeah. I really hate the ending, and there's a LOT I could of done better. It was mostly made to parody how everyone was using the same clips over and over. I purposely extended some shots (The first and the third are the most notable) because I wanted to make the ending appear more dramatic. Which it would be if I had more space... clips... time... et cetera. Personally, I think Cortana's [i]Way the World Ends[/i] clip is the best so far. It's not outstandingly good (the text in the middle is both the blessing and the curse), but everything else is far more mediocre. * Not racist, I swear. EDIT: Crap. Forgot to add Bungie's logo. I'll edit it later. >> Kritz [Edited on 8/11/2006]

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  • I also made a promotional vid for HALO. U can watch it here: [url=]Bigbulkens' contest vid[/url] (Click "download" if it doesnt work in ur browser) Greetz.

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  • [quote] [b][url=]My FIrst entry[/url][/b][/quote] Not very good, but, eh...

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  • Here is a short GNOP! Promotional Video I made using Flash and Windows Movie Maker. Some of you may also recognize the song part I placed in. [url][/url]. Hope you like it. Edit: I made a more improved GNOP! Video. I guess a lot of people thought the random GNOP! popping up was annoying, So I removed it. Plus I added a little more footage to the game being played, and improved the FPS so it's more smooth. Enjoy. [url][/url] To Gnome: only put the second one up by my name. The first one is no longer in the contest. [Edited on 8/12/2006]

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  • Here's my [url=] movie. [/url] Yes, I know it's not that great. But I didn't make it specifically for this occasion. I was bored a few weeks ago and just decided to play around with Gmod 9 for a while and this is what came out. The Bungie logo's not in it either, but that can be fixed, depending on the response I get from the public. [i] No [/i], I don't expect this to win. I don't even expect you to like it. I just thought I'd put it out there. It's not really promoting anything, other than the Spartans. Yeah, I know they're fighting humans but apparently no one has the time to put together a few Covenant ragdolls.

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