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8/8/2006 4:13:22 AM

Promotional Video Contest

[b]Promotional Video Contest![/b] Even seen a clip from Bungie promoting their new game that just made you go “wow”? Here’s your chance to make your own video promoting one of Bungie’s games and make them go “wow.”* Using footage from any of Bungie’s games, from Gnop! to Halo 3, make a 1:30 (max) video promoting that game, or you can sling them all into one video and make a promotion for Bungie Studios, or you film one yourself using legos! The point is, "Be creative". Then post your video on (among others) and post the link here. The contest will go through seven^ rounds of elimination before declaring a victor. Below are the specifications. [i]If your video does not reach these specs. It may not be accepted.[/i] [b]-The Video-[/b] [*]Must be Bungie related [*]Must contain the Bungie logo at some point [*]Must be no longer than 1:30 [*]Must be your own creation [*]Creativity is a big plus [*]Must not infringe on Bungie's [url=]Code of Conduct[/url] (i.e. No profanity, No racial slurs, No nudity.) [i]There is no limit to the number of videos you can enter.[/i] [b]-Hosting-[/b] [*]List of accepted hosting sites: [*][url=]Youtube[/url] [*][url=]Mythica[/url] [*][url=[/url]Putfile[/url] [*][url=[/url]Google video[/url] [*]A link to your video and a short explanation must be posted clearly in this thread. [*]The short explanation is not necessary, but it wont hurt. [*]To ensure that the video you are entering is yours please tag your Youtube video with the following: "Bungie" "Promotional" "Contest" "" -Links to helpful items- [*][url=]H.B.O. - Halo 1 Cutscene Library[/url] [*][url=]H.B.O. - Halo 2 Cutscene Library[/url] [*][url=]Fraps - Real time video capture[/url] [*][url=]The Ventcore - Download your Bungie game here :)[/url] [*][url=]RAD Game Tools - With this program you can extract and convert Myth II Cutscene files, as well as any other game's cutscenes.[/url] [*][url=]A collection of Behind the Scene videos of Bungie studios and other Bungie related videos[/url] [*][url=]Windows Movie Maker home page[/url] [*][url=]iMovie home page[/url] This contest will be open for three weeks, from August 8th to August 29th [b][u]The winners will receive a shopping spree at the Bungie store thanks to the oh-so-lovely, and very generous Senor Leche. Below is the amount the winners will have for the shopping spree (American): [*]Third Place - $20.00 [*]Second Place - $30.00 [*]First Place - $50.00[/b][/u] [b]The judges for this contest are:[/b] [*]Me [*]Butane123 [*]ODST1125 [*]spartakus14 [url=]Here is an example I made up quickly with Windows Movie Maker and the original halo announcement trailer.[/url] This thread may be used for, aside from entering your video, asking questions and discussing each others work. In discussing others work please use constructive criticism if you must criticizing at all, absolutely no flaming please. [i]This contest is SCC approved *Chances are no one at Bungie will see these videos ^The number of rounds may change due to the number of entries[/i] [Edited on 8/10/2006]

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  • Don't give em such a hard time...maybe they are judging the entries and will post an answer when they are done. Most people have submited at least three videos and it would really be a long task to judge all of them accordingly. Just give them time...

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  • yeah my second video is not up on the list :S but it has not been edited in ages they have probly forgot'n about us :S

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  • is there a list of videos that pasted?

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  • When dose this thing end? btw.........dose anyone like my vids on page 11?

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  • I know it's passed the deadline, and I know they're over 1:30, but you can still watch if you're interested. I put a lot of work into them... [url=]Trailer 1[/url] [url=]Trailer 2[/url] Credit the videos to the name at the end of the video. He is unable to post here for certain reasons.. if you want, he can PM you, just message me. ;)

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Jtizzle07 I just wonder why my last two videos were never put on the list.[/quote] I think because the list was last updated 17 days ago...they probably just put those there so they wouldn't have to go through each and every page...but...who knows...

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  • Stupid internet, it was out for 2 days and I missed the deadline... Oh well.

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  • I just wonder why my last two videos were never put on the list.

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  • *yawn* hey gnome? Update much?

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  • So anxious! :)

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  • Well, Cortana 5 definately gets the "Most Videos Submitted" award.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] mddwebboy How are they planning to judge this thing? Any word from bungie? Btw, I've been watching a few random vids on this forum and I've seen some excelling work, but also lots of stuff that looks like it was thrown together. No offense intended, I did like many of the vids...[/quote] This isn't a bungie contest, Gnome is a member of It's just something he and other people from his website put together. And they haven't updated the list yet so don't worry.

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  • Yes, very fine work !! WE made ours in a few hours before dinner and, well, it shows. A step up from Lego's maybe. Creativity was the key ??

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  • How are they planning to judge this thing? Any word from bungie? Btw, I've been watching a few random vids on this forum and I've seen some excelling work, but also lots of stuff that looks like it was thrown together. No offense intended, I did like many of the vids...

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  • Mine either :D.

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  • Yeah, and I'm kinda videos still aren't on the round 1 entries list...

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  • I guess it's over, Then.

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  • [url=]"Holiday Halo"[/url] I used Halo: CE, Halo Custom Edition, and Halo 2. I matched up what the song was saying with the video. ex. "To a hymn called 'Faith and Misery'" was a view of Truth with the index. "I beg to dream and differ from the hollow lies" was a scene with the heretic leader. Etc, etc. Hope you like it! [Edited on 8/30/2006]

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  • my 7th and last video

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  • Well I guess they forgot bout us.....*sigh* j/k

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  • here is my 6th video

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  • so what happens now?

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  • Here is my 5th entrie [url] [/url]

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  • [quote] [b] [url=] The Chief - by Papa John [/url] Master Chief Petty Officer, or Master Chief for short is the main character of the Halo series. You play the games through his eyes, - excluding when you play as another character during select parts of Halo 2. The Master Chief is a SPARTAN warrior. SPARTAN-117 to be exact. He's been trained since the age of six and genetically enhanced. His real anme as revealed in the book Halo: Fall of Reach is John. He is also the highest ranking SPARTAN and was their leader. During Halo: Combat Evolved and Halo 2 he is beleived to be the last remaining SPARTAN, for fans of the books, they know better. This movie is a Tribute Montage to Humankind's Hero, The Master Chief. Halo: Combat Evolved was released in 2001 by Bungie Studios for the Xbox. Halo 2 was also released by Bungie Studios in 2004 for the Xbox. The song used in this video is 'Hair of The Dog'. It was released in 1975 by Nazareth. Enjoy the video! [/quote] [/b] [url=] Bungie Promotional Contest Video - The Chief - by Papa John [/url] [b] Hosted By: Google Video *For Optimal Viewing - Watch It In 'Original' or 'Double' Size via the Menu on the Bottom Right of The Screen. Original is the clearest, and Double is fairly clear, but also much larger. Also, for Optimal Audio, I suggest Turning Up your Volume a little before you watch the Video. Enjoy! [/b] A Word: [i] This will be my last entry. The contest closes in only a days time and I doubt I'll be able to get another in. So, I hope you all enjoy this one! It's been fun working on my own videos, and watching the other entrants' videos. Papa John [/i] [Edited on 8/28/2006]

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  • That was awesome Youngen! :-) Hope you go well in comp...Go Aussies!!! Also just in case you skipped mine here it is again: You Tube: [url][/url] Mythica: [url][/url] [Edited on 8/28/2006]

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  • [b]So here are all 3 of my ENTRIES[/b] incase you may have skimmed over it by accident [url= wmv]promo 01Mythica[/url] [url=]promo 01Youtube[/url] [url=]promo 02 Youtube[/url] [url=]pro mo 03 Mythica[/url] [url=]promo 03 Youtube[/url] [Edited on 8/27/2006]

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