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8/31/2011 1:44:16 AM

Can Crimson take down Angry Birds?

We all know that Angry Birds is probably the greatest game to ever grace mobile gaming. It ranks just behind the fart app and that app that costs $10,000 on the list of greatest apps ever created. There is something so primal about launching birds into pigs. It probably reaches back to our days as cavemen. I mean, back then it was cool to have a bird, but what good is a tiny little blue bird going to do when you have all the cave women flocking to you because you invented fire. They want to have you cave babies, but it's not going to happen with a little avian creature. So what did our ancestors do? They launched those tiny birds at pigs. It was then they that were able to harness the delicious pork products. And that's how bacon was invented. So for crimson to be effective at all, it needs to be able to break the hold that angry birds has on the market. It needs to beat the game which tells the story of our ancestors inventing bacon so they could make sweet cave love to the cave women all night and populate the world. So Crimson needs two things. Food and women. Those are the two most basic needs of life. We need food and we need to reproduce. Crimson must include a food greater than bacon. It will be a hard task, but I think we can do it. My personal suggestion would be [url=]deep fried butter[/url], but we can decide that later. Secondly we need women. Lots and lots of women. Bungie, if you're listening, I would place a call to [url=]Keira Knightley's[/url] agent. She is definitely a 10 and she knows how to play the pirate roll. Johnny Depp in a bikini might also be a little bit of a turn on. But definition some pirates with some skin showing would be clutch. Angry Birds set the precedent. They built a best selling game by telling the tale of our ancestors getting women with bacon. Now Crimson needs to not just follow the blueprint, but follow the blueprint x10. We need MORE delicious foods and MORE women. That's the key. Hopefully Bungie knows what they're doing.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] The U2 RoKKeR [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] NAKED N00B Hmm. I never thought of it that way. I appreciate your well constructed response, but I'm still going to have to disagree. But when forming your opinions, have you considered the promiscuous nature of your mother and the embarrassing body odor?[/quote] Please, spare the childish ego boosting insults. It just makes you look like a pretentious ass. Crimson is a [i]strategy[/i] game, not a game you can mindlessly fling birds at towers. Therefore, it does not appeal to a wider audience and therefore it will not "take down Angry Birds". Seriously, just because Bungie is publishing it doesn't mean it can take down the largest success in mobile gaming history. Run along now.[/quote] Hahaha, nice one bro. OT: I'm thinking we need to combine Sage's beard, bacon and -blam!-s.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] The U2 RoKKeR Please, spare the childish ego boosting insults. It just makes you look like a pretentious ass. Crimson is a [i]strategy[/i] game, not a game you can mindlessly fling birds at towers. Therefore, it does not appeal to a wider audience and therefore it will not "take down Angry Birds". Seriously, just because Bungie is publishing it doesn't mean it can take down the largest success in mobile gaming history. Run along now.[/quote] I had no intentions of looking like a pretentious ass, especially after your first post which contained mind blowing information and logic. There is tons of strategy involved in Angry Birds. One must know physics. One must strategize to hit the weak spots in structures. Clearly you've never played Angry Birds to its fullest. The Bungie name isn't enough to take down Angry Birds. That's why we made this thread to discus how best to include both of the traits of good video games - food and women.

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  • Pretty sure if a Game released by BUNGIE game studios on an iPad everyone would download it so most likely crimson would win with the right kind of promotions.

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  • I hope not. That would suck.

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  • seeing as you have to compare it to angry birds proves angry birds is better

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  • no

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  • dude angy birds is no longer number 1 just to let you know

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] it1345 Hey, before MW2 they were the top in FPSes. Why not mobile stuff too?[/quote] Why is MW2 successful? Because it is easy and appeals to a mass market. Why is Angry Birds successful? Because it is easy and appeals to a mass market. Now, while Crimson is free, it's strategy genre is not exactly something for mass market. And, it is only on iPad where as Angry Birds is on many OS's. Now, I'm not saying that Crimson [i]wont[/i] be successful, because I think it will, but it will not reach the level of Angry Birds. Hell, I saw a huge Angry Birds/Verizon poster in the mall the other day. I don't think I'll be seeing the same for Crimson any time soon. In short, no, it wont. [Edited on 08.30.2011 8:09 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Duardo It's a shame that it is only coming out for the iPad, as I feel there will be more buzz if it were available for other iOS devices too.[/quote]Well it's available for the Android (edit: Well, they said it would be... might not be right away I suppose), and in a post Bungie said it would be available 'on iOS devices.' I don't know anything about Apple, but I thought that meant Iphones too. I figured after that they just meant the first chapter was only free on the Ipad or something. [Edited on 08.30.2011 8:06 PM PDT]

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  • It's a shame that it is only coming out for the iPad, as I feel there will be more buzz if it were available for other iOS devices too. Also, Crimson is technically free (you can pay some money to go further into the game), so it and Angry Birds are in different categories ;)

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  • Angry Birds has twice the user base because it's on Android, too

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  • Yeah, it [i]definitely[/i] needs to come to Android.

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  • Naked Noob still has the best threads.

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  • Not unless it comes to iphone and android phones. There isn't enough of a user base on tablets.

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  • Let's try to make this the second top-topic!?=) [Edited on 08.30.2011 7:00 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] The U2 RoKKeR [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] NAKED N00B Hmm. I never thought of it that way. I appreciate your well constructed response, but I'm still going to have to disagree. But when forming your opinions, have you considered the promiscuous nature of your mother and the embarrassing body odor?[/quote] Please, spare the childish ego boosting insults. It just makes you look like a pretentious ass. Crimson is a [i]strategy[/i] game, not a game you can mindlessly fling birds at towers. Therefore, it does not appeal to a wider audience and therefore it will not "take down Angry Birds". Seriously, just because Bungie is publishing it doesn't mean it can take down the largest success in mobile gaming history. Run along now.[/quote] Hey, before MW2 they were the top in FPSes. Why not mobile stuff too?

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  • I thought crimson was just for the iPad? Or am I horribly mistaken?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Sonic343 Angry Birds is overrated and not that fun IMO. I'm hoping Crimson will take it down. [/quote] I also dislike Angry Birds; mainly because I'm horrible at it. But since Crimson is exclusive to the iPad (correct?), it's going to be pretty damn hard to top Angry Birds which is on every iOS device.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] NAKED N00B Hmm. I never thought of it that way. I appreciate your well constructed response, but I'm still going to have to disagree. But when forming your opinions, have you considered the promiscuous nature of your mother and the embarrassing body odor?[/quote] Please, spare the childish ego boosting insults. It just makes you look like a pretentious ass. Crimson is a [i]strategy[/i] game, not a game you can mindlessly fling birds at towers. Therefore, it does not appeal to a wider audience and therefore it will not "take down Angry Birds". Seriously, just because Bungie is publishing it doesn't mean it can take down the largest success in mobile gaming history. Run along now. [Edited on 08.30.2011 6:29 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] The U2 RoKKeR HAHAHA. Oh wow... No.[/quote] Hmm. I never thought of it that way. I appreciate your well constructed response, but I'm still going to have to disagree. But when forming your opinions, have you considered the promiscuous nature of your mother and the embarrassing body odor?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] NAKED N00B [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] UndeadJon Angry birds is pretty dumb, I'm sure it will beat it.[/quote] What part of launching birds at pigs do you consider dumb?[/quote]It gets boring to me, sorry but I'm a little edgy right now.

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  • HAHAHA. Oh wow... No.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] NAKED N00B [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] UndeadJon Angry birds is pretty dumb, I'm sure it will beat it.[/quote] What part of launching birds at pigs do you consider dumb?[/quote]

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  • She has no breasts. OT: Yes, it's obvious.

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  • Misa Campo should definitely be in the game.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] UndeadJon Angry birds is pretty dumb, I'm sure it will beat it.[/quote] What part of launching birds at pigs do you consider dumb?

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