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6/30/2011 2:02:43 PM

Bungie Aerospace

Bang. Zoom! [url=/news/content.aspx?type=topnews&link=bungie_aerospace] click for full story [/url]

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  • yes todally couldnt get any better

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  • Sounds kinda cool but it doesn't interest me that much. I don't play any mobile games. I don't even have a phone or ipad or ipod touch to play it on.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by[/b]: kacummings511 Wow. I have to say that from a game player standpoint that I really don't care about this. You guys hyped this to the wrong market. You knew everyone thought this was going to be your next game. What a letdown. [/quote] Tell this to the guy that bought the tshirt, with no other evidence as to what Aerospace is - aside from being Bungie being involved (and that they told me to!;). I've followed Bungie since CE, and indulged myself in all of the cryptic, roundabout droplets of cerebral nectar that they've enjoyed dispersing for the better part of 10 years. I may be jumping the gun here, but I'm disappointed also. Mobile games [i]can[/i] be fun for a short while, but this is not the epic Bungie material I've grown to love. Even when we saw whatever [url=]THIS[/url] is/was, I was giving you the benefit of doubt regarding its badassery. Please prove us wrong. This [i]could[/i] be the obligatory curve; I, the fool. Just make me feel like I didn't buy the equivalent of a Popcap Games shirt. [Edited on 07.01.2011 7:36 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] RdOG1507 They announced this early because they realized it's a big dissapointment, and a lot of us don't really care. Besides, this only caters to the rich kids with iPhones and all that crap.[/quote] There has never been a greater truth uttered on this site than in this post. Well done, Sir!

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  • They announced this early because they realized it's a big dissapointment, and a lot of us don't really care. Besides, this only caters to the rich kids with iPhones and all that crap. [Edited on 07.01.2011 6:21 PM PDT]

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  • Awesome. Still, I say you guys make an MMORPG. Do it. You know you want to \:D C'mon it'd be a huge boost to the domination thing. And you'd get money. Everybody LOVES money.

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  • Zoom. Bang

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  • I can appreciate what you guys are doing here Bungie, but... I strongly dislike (read: hate) mobile/social networking games! I wanna know about your next I.P./Universe Bungie!!!! I'm SO anxious to hear about your next game!!!! lmao Don't get offended please, you know I love you Bungie. *winks* You know it, baby.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Sevan Grim @ Grumbledock wow... go read it again missy. They are just helping others make THEIR games. Its not Bungie making mobile apps. Its Bungie saying "look what these guys did" and giving them a boost. I love when you franchise-haters jump before reading.[/quote] Tell you what...You go play Angry Birds on your phone & I'll stick with the Xbox. Mobile gaming is for -blam!- who suck at real games.

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  • This is pretty cool. Kickass mobile games while I wait for my kickass console game!

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  • Wow isn't that just fancy. Bungie went from Halo to Mobile devices. I can see the stock market report now... EPIC FAIL Bungie. Hurry guys jump ship & see if your jobs can still be saved by moving over to 343i & work for Microsoft again.

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  • There's only so much you can do with a portable device. Pressing a bunch of touch screen displays on an incredibly awkward keyboard is not the "next level of gaming." Sorry for those of you who have their noses up Bungie's ass, but this is not "cool" or "awesome."

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  • This is just about what I expected Aerospace to be about. While this is an exciting development, I'm still eagerly awaiting the project(s) that are requiring all the open positions. You don't need PS3 developers for a mobile platform. :) What aren't you telling us, Bungie? ;)

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] A Bit Of Zero [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] XxXAlesanaXxX [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] A Bit Of Zero Seems cool of them to hook up with prospective developers, but why mobile? Why not help out XNA Developers or something?[/quote] Because mobile makes more money. Am I the only one that realizes this? Am I the only person who read the whole article and all I seen was... "Here at Bungie we're trying to make more money by catering to a platform used by billions. So in the future dumb games that are similar to Bloons made by smaller companies/individuals can rake us in some dollars here and their. We promise to advertise for you.... Oh yeah and our community that used to be about Halo and our future titles will now have Angry Bird fans all over the place."[/quote] I was thinking that too but I just didn't want to accept it :([/quote] Haha i hated it after i finished reading it and now it make sense money $bungie$ how low and lame are you gonna get?

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  • this is mind numbingly lame is this is what aerospace is really is "mobile games" not everyone has a iLame phone or has a phone strong enough for high res games. lame

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  • Nice, also will Bungie Mobile be released at some point for Android?

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  • Cool!

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  • Now I have a reason to upgrade to a new phone.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] XxXAlesanaXxX [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] A Bit Of Zero Seems cool of them to hook up with prospective developers, but why mobile? Why not help out XNA Developers or something?[/quote] Because mobile makes more money. Am I the only one that realizes this? Am I the only person who read the whole article and all I seen was... "Here at Bungie we're trying to make more money by catering to a platform used by billions. So in the future dumb games that are similar to Bloons made by smaller companies/individuals can rake us in some dollars here and their. We promise to advertise for you.... Oh yeah and our community that used to be about Halo and our future titles will now have Angry Bird fans all over the place."[/quote] I was thinking that too but I just didn't want to accept it :(

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  • well that's cool for you guys but definitely something i will never care about mobile gaming just isn't fun ive tried it and probably will never pick it up i knew it wasn't a game but i was hoping for something besides mobile gaming o well wish you the best of luck with your mobile stuff bungie [Edited on 07.01.2011 10:43 AM PDT]

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  • This isn't what I was expecting; but hey, I bet this is great news for indie devs.

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  • I wonder if ever instead of this being solely a iOS and Android development project, maybe later Bungie could help indie people make games for the platforms such as xbox 360, and PS3. [Edited on 07.01.2011 10:15 AM PDT]

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  • And disappointment settles in...*sigh* Hopefully 343i can revive the community's interests instead of delivering more disappointments.

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  • @ Grumbledock wow... go read it again missy. They are just helping others make THEIR games. Its not Bungie making mobile apps. Its Bungie saying "look what these guys did" and giving them a boost. I love when you franchise-haters jump before reading. [Edited on 07.01.2011 9:56 AM PDT]

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  • HOLY HIGHBALL!! iOS games that you guys think are worth the time will damn sure be worth the time. dont forget out gamecenter support.

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  • Although mobile gaming isn't a platform I'm very interested in I can see the potential of how this will help towards the future. There are good indie dev's out there and if Bungie can find those with real talent and give them some help as they start off. If they end up being successful the money they can make off of Aerospace it'll give them that extra cash to go the extra mile... Think the free stuff Valve can give away because of all the Steam revenue they bring in. Then after making a name for themselves maybe they can get more support behind them and get hired by other AAA game developers or even expand into their own development company themselves... oh wait a minute... Nice try but you can't fool me though Bungie. I know you guys have a soft spot for those garage indie devs because that's exactly what you were when you started off.

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