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6/30/2011 2:02:43 PM

Bungie Aerospace

Bang. Zoom! [url=/news/content.aspx?type=topnews&link=bungie_aerospace] click for full story [/url]

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  • i wish bungie aerspace was real

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  • what is the app called to get free blue flames on halo reach

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  • what is that suppost to mean [Edited on 07.06.2011 3:24 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] mercilesavenger did you even read th whole article bungie is helping little indie deelopers like the wereto get on thier feet and mobile games are easy to publish so india developers have access to publishing on them bungie isnt abandoning thier philosophy thier still working hard on thier game and other projects meanwhile providing what would most likely be things like money to fund indie development and contacts and facilities this is a very good thing and shows that bungie cares about the gaming community by supporting other developers other than themselves and all those people who are -blam!-ing about it not bing a new game it had only been in development 6 months and aerospace doesnt even sound like a goddam game and to all the people saying they are greedy and trying to grab quick cash just shut the -blam!- up they are helping indie developers no matter what even if bungie makes money and theyre a buissness they arent a charity they need to eat and sleep under a roof too[/quote] What do you hope to achieve with brown-nosing like this? Do you think a Bungie representative is going to come to your door and dub you the one and only official Master Chief and give you 9,000 dollars and the key to the internet? First off, [i]Lurn too spel[/i]. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] mercilesavenger mobile games are easy to publish so [b]india[/b] developers have access to publishing on them[/quote] Well, at least they're helping people in other countries! 2nd, if Bungie cared about the gaming community, they wouldn't have put out the half-baked failure that was Reach. If Bungie cared about the fans that made the Halo franchise a success, they would have had the respect to at least make the last game in the franchise a decent game, and not try to implement a bunch of random changes (ahem ARENA ahem) that approximately 2,000 people enjoyed to play Reach for more than a few months. They should've stuck with the formula that made the Halo franchise a success, not rewrite a whole new game with a Halo nameplate. If they cared about the gaming community, they would've listened to the seemingly endless cries for changes on the forums. If they cared about the gaming community, they wouldn't have scrapped any updates for Reach 7 months after its release. [b]I've had carnival goldfish that have had longer lifespans than Reach.[/b] If Bungie cared about the gaming community they wouldn't put out a rushed, half-baked project, label it a Halo game, and scrap support after less than a year for it. This just sends out the vibe that they could care less about what the fans wanted, and more about getting on to a new project. And saying the whole "they need to eat and sleep under a roof too" is ridiculous. They aren't exactly designing games in a cardboard-box shantytown, wrapping soiled rags around their hands in an effort to keep their fingers warm while they dream of the first meal in 3 days. I'm not saying it's Trump Tower over there, but it isn't Cabrini Green. We fans are the ones who made the Halo franchise a success. And then we were essentially collectively given the finger with Reach, so don't expect many of us to be all green grass and high tides when it comes to a new project. Kind of like having someone dump you saying "I just need to be alone" and the next day seeing them with a new person. You don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to figure out why you were dumped. [Edited on 08.05.2011 1:29 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Leokaz [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ThunderBug Bungie is not doing halo 4![/quote] We know, its a beautiful thing considering where they went with Reach! Recoil, jetpacks, armor lock, crappy camo that doesnt even phase the AI, inability to sprint for more than 6 seconds(your a steroid enhanced super soldier... suck it up), killing a scarab with a pelican(if they could do that then why the hell did I have to climb tall structures to drop on it from 80ft up?!), $50 bucks for a dumb statue they said would be rare and hard to find that you can buy on ebay for $10... The recoil is harder to control than any in COD game, lack of skill requirement to rank up so rank means nothing anymore.... no they blew halo for me.... I loved 3, but Reach? No. And dont even get me started on ODST... I hope 343 does the Halo title right like they did in the first and second Halo's.[/quote] Amen to that. I'm honestly glad that another company is taking over Halo. It was a terrible shame to see such a great franchise's legacy stained with the failure that was Reach.

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  • Any word on the possibility of future support for the Windows phone developers out in the wild? They would appreciate help from one of the best developer companies too. Plus studies show that by 2013-2014, the Windows phone will overtake the iOS and Android phones. Just throwing that out there.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ThunderBug Bungie is not doing halo 4![/quote] We know, its a beautiful thing considering where they went with Reach! Recoil, jetpacks, armor lock, crappy camo that doesnt even phase the AI, inability to sprint for more than 6 seconds(your a steroid enhanced super soldier... suck it up), killing a scarab with a pelican(if they could do that then why the hell did I have to climb tall structures to drop on it from 80ft up?!), $50 bucks for a dumb statue they said would be rare and hard to find that you can buy on ebay for $10... The recoil is harder to control than any in COD game, lack of skill requirement to rank up so rank means nothing anymore.... no they blew halo for me.... I loved 3, but Reach? No. And dont even get me started on ODST... I hope 343 does the Halo title right like they did in the first and second Halo's. [Edited on 07.06.2011 4:09 AM PDT]

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    Bungie is not doing halo 4!

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  • did you even read th whole article bungie is helping little indie deelopers like the wereto get on thier feet and mobile games are easy to publish so india developers have access to publishing on them bungie isnt abandoning thier philosophy thier still working hard on thier game and other projects meanwhile providing what would most likely be things like money to fund indie development and contacts and facilities this is a very good thing and shows that bungie cares about the gaming community by supporting other developers other than themselves and all those people who are -blam!-ing about it not bing a new game it had only been in development 6 months and aerospace doesnt even sound like a goddam game and to all the people saying they are greedy and trying to grab quick cash just shut the -blam!- up they are helping indie developers no matter what even if bungie makes money and theyre a buissness they arent a charity they need to eat and sleep under a roof too

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  • I think its really cool. I think mobile games suck on the other hand.

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  • "big action universe" is that a leak?

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  • How many aeroplanes will this involve?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] master piraka [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Caleb_117 hmmm... a little disappointing... I was hoping for an announcement of something more substantial.[/quote] Dude... This is extremely substantial. This is the announcement of hundreds of great games and not just one. That's possible the most substantial thing they've ever announced since their founding.[/quote] Why are you just a legendary member...With your head shoved that far up Bungies ass, Im suprized that your membership isn't higher.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] master piraka [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Caleb_117 hmmm... a little disappointing... I was hoping for an announcement of something more substantial.[/quote] Dude... This is extremely substantial. This is the announcement of hundreds of great games and not just one. That's possible the most substantial thing they've ever announced since their founding.[/quote] Let's exaggerate some more...

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  • Saying the greatest thing Bungie has ever done is invent a -Blam-load of terrible mobile games is the kind of stuff that gets people into Harvard. You have inspired me to rip apart my wireless keyboard key by key and now i simply use all of the little keys instead of the big bulky thing that they come attached to. It was such a waste of space!

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  • guys if someone knows how to get the flaming helmet in halo reach email me

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  • Tell me this isnt the what they were planing for all of the bungie community this bungie day! I mean seriously, how many of us are game designers? Please tell me there was something else the had for everyone to enjoy on Halo! Hidden Armor, new voices, campaign add-ons something?! I mean if this is the big bungie day surprise for "everyone" then what about us Lowly non-game creators.... SOL? Please say there's more to it than that! I've been a Loyal Bungie Lurker since it all started, dont tell me this is it at the end of it all! Please!

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  • Pretty good. If this goes as well as they hope it could bring more dough to help them with their new IP.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] emarsh1999 is there a halo 4 honost to god i need an answer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [/quote] Yes. There is.

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  • Excellent work Bungie.

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  • I don't care about mobile gaming, but it's where the money is headed, so I can understand a move like this.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Caleb_117 hmmm... a little disappointing... I was hoping for an announcement of something more substantial.[/quote] Dude... This is extremely substantial. This is the announcement of hundreds of great games and not just one. That's possible the most substantial thing they've ever announced since their founding.

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  • Bungie is FAIL

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  • ok??

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  • is there a halo 4 honost to god i need an answer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] x StilleTot21 x [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] mcfree007 I Can't wait! Crimson sounds fun.[/quote] I really hope this is sarcastic, because if you're really saying that a game you have no concept of apart from its vague title (the name of a color) sounds fun, then that cements my presumption that some fans will praise Bungie for absolutely no reason at all. Sadly, I don't think he's being sarcastic. Go back and look at the other 10 pages of responses, and I think you'll see that there is a very small slice of the community who is excited about this announcement. I'll save my praise for when I see something that exists. Not a [b]color[/b].[/quote]

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