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8/14/2004 12:06:47 AM


[color="yellow"][i]Note: Frankie is out of town this week and the Bungie Princess is our special guest author.. (I'm just posting it). Now brace yourselves for the most fact-filled top-secret-spoiling update EVER!...[/i][/color] [b]BUNGIE WEEKLY UPDATE[/b] - August 13th Frankie’s in Mexico and I’m in charge! So, listen up…we are taking a break from all that blah-blah about Halo 2 and we are discussing a truly important topic…HAIR! I will be devoting several hours of my Saturday to some serious “diva-time” along side my best friend at Joel’s salon. There will be lots of girly-girl talk and wine to be had for all. The only dilemma is what color should I do my hair? Anyone who has known me longer than about a month knows I absolutely love to change my hair color. It is a running joke around here. I am currently blonde, but am thinking it is time for a change. In the spirit of by-passing all that typical video game talk I think we should devote a forum to helping me choose my new hair color. But seriously, I am supposed to be giving you some weekly information about our big project over here in Bungieland. Biggest news of the week involves the rancid Bungie refrigerator. We are bursting at the seams over here and need to find some space to sit some more people helping out on the game. So, I figured what the heck why not the fridge…that is some prime real estate. But seriously, the dev team doesn’t know it yet but they have lost the battle of the fridge and it’s pungent odor will soon be seeping onto their side of the room. I ate dinner with the boys tonight (frightening). Have you ever had the pleasure of attacking a taco bar with 70 hungry men…hhhmmmm, let me be the one to tell you this is not a pretty site. Amanda has quickly learned that food is the precious commodity in this office. The way to a man’s heart is most certainly through his stomach. We will be making the ever dreaded Costco trip next week to stock up on goodies. The people at Costco, employees and customers alike, hate me. When I roll up to the check out lane with two industrial size carts stacked to the point of towering over my head and a flat bed stock piled with beer in tow…let’s just say I am not typically greeted with a warm “How are you?” but rather an overwhelmed look of panic. So, my week has not solely revolved around food and nasty refrigerators. In addition to feeding the masses, Amanda has been hard at work helping Harold keep a running inventory of about a thousand computers…man, these guys are expensive. She has also called all over the world in search of elusive Xboxes from other countries…so if you have one that you don’t need, feel free to send it in…kidding. I just got the 2nd pass of the art book back…looking very cool guys...keep your eyes open come November 9th (oh yeah and Halo 2 will be on shelves as well). The rest of my time this week was spent modeling Dunn’s ever-growing collection of crazy hats. I have been a cowgirl, a gardener and Frank Sinatra so far. Okay, okay enough my drivel, here are some updates straight from me to you on this game everyone keeps talking about (stage whisper…”Hey Brian, what’s the name of that video game we’re working on again….oh yeah…Halo 2…thanks!) So Butchie put the beta out on a branch this week and really wants the code to stay jolly and happy until he goes to RTM…wherever that is…and what is he doing taking a vacation anyway?! All of the levels are undergoing performance reviews (are they even eligible for a raise?) and things are shaping up nicely. Even though Jaime's running around his level with ¾ of his screen filled with debug info, we still have trouble getting him to stop playing so Butchie can run his analysis tools. He's evidently having a blast, and that's a good thing. Luke has been integrating our aiming code withhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, huh!?!? Ooops sorry drifted off there where was I…something about sniping and intending to shoot …I don’t know sounds, pretty cool and I guess the Counter-Strike and Quake people will really like the fact that you can’t snipe through walls. Which seems kinda lame to me, I think Master Chief should have x-ray vision and be able to snipe through walls, because then he could really wail on those damn Elite bastards. Ryan, a very verbose gentleman, a man of many words has this to say regarding test: Testing next beta update Emblem Pass (it failed but no bugs encountered) Working on test cases for release Thanks for that lovely, in-depth update Ryan, it was truly moving. Apparently, Adrian has some serious termite problems at his house because he is fixing bugs like a machine and patching all the holes in the drywall. He is having a really hard time determining if his house has too many holes or too many walls, but says it is gonna be so cool, so he must be having fun! Keep us posted Adrian and let me know if you need some help selecting new paint color and curtains when you’re done patching those walls. Last, but certainly not least, Nathan would like to take a jab at "Pistol Pete" -- Pete apparently did some dorky thing when he introduced himself to someone last week and made pistols out of both hands and pointed and said "Pete Parsons"…I personally did get to witness a later revival of the pistol gesture and it is pretty lame. Nathan also mentioned something brief about "his first man hug with Chris (butcher).” Aaahhhhh. Well, boys and girls, that’s it for me this week. I am sure you are sitting on the edge of you seat waiting for the next installment of the Weekly Update with special guest writer Bungie Princess…So far we haven't heard a peep out of ole Frankie and it's highly likely that he's in a small village in Mexico lying in a bathtub filled with ice minus a few internal organs. Don't worry, I'll keep bringing you the best updates ever until he surfaces again! Ciao! Yours truly, [i]Bungie Princess[/i] [img]/images/games/halo2/weeklyupdate/mschief.jpg[/img]
#Halo2 #Halo

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  • [i]"No one gives a rat's ass whether or not you liked the update.[/i]" Apparently you did care. How sweet. I am just stating my opinions. At least I am not a blind fanboy that worships all and everything Bungie does, as if it were made out of gold. This update sucked. and there are hundreds of posts in here that agree, and non of your "clever combacks" will change that. Keep up that "Knight in Shining armor" act, I am sure Bungie will give you credit in Halo 2. [Edited on 8/15/2004 2:18:04 PM]

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  • [qoute]Since our money paid and will pay their salaries, I am of the opinion they owe us a lot.[/quote] Do you have any idea how often a line like that is used with cops and tickets? And do you have any idea how often they actually care? Welcome to the real world.

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  • I'm going on vacation soon, and when i get back, I will have 3 updates queded for me to read, with another coming in like 2 days. So I wouldn't care if the next update was just that. Hair (censored). I won't mind, I can laugh, then move on to the next update, while justice is being served elsewhere.

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  • Hey, jim: you might as well quit arguing. for every 1 good post in here, there's 50 bad ones. retards like egyptian jackal can't be convinced. youre just wasting your proverbial breath. that's why i stopped flamin em

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Cabanaguy24 [i] - "they don't owe you a GOD damned thing...[/i]" Since our money paid and will pay their salaries, I am of the opinion they owe us a lot. [i]After all, it's my purchasing of their products that keeps them in a job.[/i] Very true my friend. Get over your ass kissing and admit this update blew chunks. Conformists.[/quote] you think they owe you? if you want to smite them then dont buy Halo 2. So stop whining about how much they owe you, they dont owe you anything. Obviously you need to buy yourself a sense of humour and stop living in a dream world.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] GameJunkieJim I think Bungie however- well, I think the update had more info in it than people think...[/quote] Could you elaborate on this a little more? I bet if you did it would prove to people that it was, in fact, a good update. Also, like someone said before, the closer we get to release date, the fewer things they will have to report.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Stickman Army Seriously guys - get over it. Are most of you seriously that stupid? People like you have no sense at all. Why don't you get it? Bungie owes you nothing. NOTHING AT ALL. They produce a product. You can choose whether or not to buy that product. It's as simple as that! This site and these forums are extras, provided only because Bungie cares about its fans. They care. What do they get, a bunch of -blam!-wads that sit and piss and moan because "the update sucked". Get over it, and while you're at it, jump off a cliff! Seriously. All this is extra. What in the world do they owe you? This is THEIR site, THEIR updates, they can do what they want. Don't like it? DON'T BUY HALO 2. It's really that simple. Trust me, they won't care. They have enough reasonable fans that will buy the game. So to all you retards out there, shut the -blam!- up.[/quote] why dont you make us -blam!-.. im supposed to be reading a HALO 2 UPDATE and i end up reading crap about hair and a refrigierator, like i give a damn.

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  • Seriously guys - get over it. Are most of you seriously that stupid? People like you have no sense at all. Why don't you get it? Bungie owes you nothing. NOTHING AT ALL. They produce a product. You can choose whether or not to buy that product. It's as simple as that! This site and these forums are extras, provided only because Bungie cares about its fans. They care. What do they get, a bunch of -blam!-wads that sit and piss and moan because "the update sucked". Get over it, and while you're at it, jump off a cliff! Seriously. All this is extra. What in the world do they owe you? This is THEIR site, THEIR updates, they can do what they want. Don't like it? DON'T BUY HALO 2. It's really that simple. Trust me, they won't care. They have enough reasonable fans that will buy the game. So to all you retards out there, shut the -blam!- up.

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  • junkie stop arguing with these people whether the update blew or not cus it totally sucked.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SzoJax [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] GameJunkieJim But to be fair -- It's called the Weekley update - not the Halo 2 update.[/quote] [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Ice Eagle Its called the weekly BUNGIE update, not the halo 2 update.[/quote] [color=gold]Well, I think if you look at the title/subject of this thread, it suggests otherwise...just saying.[/color][/quote] OK You got me there -- but it's original intention - before Halo 2 even, is to give the true fans a glimpse inside the minds of Bungie... But -- Good catch... Damn You... LOL

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] GameJunkieJim But to be fair -- It's called the Weekley update - not the Halo 2 update.[/quote] [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Ice Eagle Its called the weekly BUNGIE update, not the halo 2 update.[/quote] [color=gold]Well, I think if you look at the title/subject of this thread, it suggests otherwise...just saying.[/color]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Cabanaguy24 [i] - "they don't owe you a GOD damned thing...[/i]" Since our money paid and will pay their salaries, I am of the opinion they owe us a lot.'[/quote] What they owe us is nothing but a little box with a game in it, you think way too highly of your role in Bungies salary. [quote][i]After all, it's my purchasing of their products that keeps them in a job.[/i] Very true my friend.[/quote] Not truly -- maybe in the grand scope -- But it's Microsoft's coffers that [i]keep them in a job[/i] [quote]Get over your ass kissing and admit this update blew chunks. Conformists.[/quote] No ones kissing ass -- Most of us are just angry at the apes that don't know how to constructively criticise someones efforts. Apes like you apparently -- No one gives a rat's ass whether or not you liked the update. But you don't have to be rude and obnoxious about it. Get off your high horse - your [i]impression[/i] is dead wrong...

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  • "he could really wail on those damn Elite bastards" Hey, I resent that!

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  • [i] - "they don't owe you a GOD damned thing...[/i]" Since our money paid and will pay their salaries, I am of the opinion they owe us a lot. [i]After all, it's my purchasing of their products that keeps them in a job.[/i] Very true my friend. Get over your ass kissing and admit this update blew chunks. Conformists. [Edited on 8/15/2004 11:45:57 AM]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Stachzilla My posts are just an attempt at showing the other side of things... Bungie doesn't owe me diddly squat... i understand that..... but what I don't understand is why I'm being flamed. I was just trying in a civil manner to explain why some people are upset. And now that i've slept on it, I guess I was wrong in thinking that anything was owed to me. Sorry if my opinion is so detremental that it brings you to the point of anger. That wasn't my goal.[/quote] As has been stated multiple times -- Most of us don't have any problem with you not liking the update -- It was the negative behavior behind it...

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  • My posts are just an attempt at showing the other side of things... Bungie doesn't owe me diddly squat... i understand that..... but what I don't understand is why I'm being flamed. I was just trying in a civil manner to explain why some people are upset. And now that i've slept on it, I guess I was wrong in thinking that anything was owed to me. Sorry if my opinion is so detremental that it brings you to the point of anger. That wasn't my goal.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Ice Eagle Not that it matters, but I would like to state that I do appreciate the updates, be they long or short, informative or not. I really like having my window into bungie, as I am majoring in CS so I can work in the video game industry. This gives myself and others like me the perspective of somebody that works at a Top software studio. Believe it or not, these updates were intended, as specified by frankie, to give those interested in Bungie and its workings a view at a week inside of its towers. Its called the weekly BUNGIE update, not the halo 2 update.I usually just lurk on these forums and catch the updates, but there was so much stupidness that I had to poke my head in and say on behalf of myself that I appreciate the updates. I appreciate the time taken out of hard working people's jobs to let me see whats goin on, and I appreciate Frankie and Alta putting up with ignorant jackasses that are disrespectful, rude, and completely indifferent to those working their guts out so we might have an incredible experience. Keep those updates coming, and they are appreciated, please keep that in mind. Faithful Fan, Justin Turner[/quote] It appears that some people can't *handle* such a concept. It's nice to see that the Bungie staff are still human.

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  • i hope they move the halo 2 release date up to something sooner

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  • dude this update sucks all she talks about is food and her hair

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Stachzilla [quote]Well to the Bungie Crew -- You make enough money - GET A NEW FRIDGE ;) The Whirlpool Gladiator models are sweet looking - but they are primarily freezers. Now to the rest of you empty headed pricks.... What in the hell is your problems? Bungie provides information to you as a favor - they don't owe you a GOD damned thing... You are inconsiderate and rude little bastards. You should all be ashamed - and I'm ashamed to be counted amongst many of you. Quit acting like -blam!-heads and grow up. Now that a few of them have seen it, feel free to snip parts of this post. Thank you for the update Princess, those of us with our heads removed from our nethers appreciate it... It had to be said again. it had to be said again for all you new morons[/quote] See but that's not the point... the point of the Weekly Update, is to delve into the creative process that is put into the creation of the game. This had very little information pertaining to that very thing. I read these weekly updates with a certain expectation of learning how the Bungie Staff works, I'm not saying that this article sucks, I'm saying that it had little to do with the actual development process, and thus shouldn't have been labeled as such. And when one of the first things I read is that this will be a huge spolier update, I expect atleast some sort of information. The big problem that everyone is having, is that this could have been labeled better, and atleast forewarned us of the information we're about to read. And yes, I do believe that the folks at bungie owe me atleast the courtesy of being consistent. After all, it's my purchasing of their products that keeps them in a job. So, take this however you want...this was not meant to be flamatory, and is only my perspective on this whole thing... I don't speak for everyone. Some people are just asshats. [/quote] Lmao.....who gave you a right to define what a Bungie weekly update will contain? If you had been around for the Cortana letters, you would be crying. Be thankful Bungie lets out anything official.....or sit back and cry, but don't post about it here, because everybody who actually appreciates the insights that the updates bring into Bungie life will [i]not[/i] care that you didn't get more of your precious Halo 2 info. Also, go ahead and don't buy Halo 2 because Bungie wasn't "consistent" with you.....there'll be plenty of others to pick up the slack and step all over the deflated balloon that will be your ego when you discover you're a moron and Halo 2 will sell regardless of "alienated update fans." [Edited on 8/15/2004 9:22:46 AM]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] vaiodude4993 I'm sorry to say this, but this weekly update sucked @$$...[/quote] no it didnt. it ruled! :D

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  • Hello people: my first post Stop whining, info-prostitutes! Thanks Princess, I hope you don't read these Love, T3H R3\/3N4N+

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  • Now that I think about it... Pink might also be the hotness. I'd stick with blonde if I were her, though. [Edited on 8/15/2004 9:01:43 AM]

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  • I'm sorry to say this, but this weekly update sucked @$$...

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  • She didn't say NOTHING, dorks. Performance reviews for levels. Bug fixes. Beta version. It's going to get a lot less interesting as develpment wraps up.

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  • [u] [b] POWER TO THE BUNGIE PRINCESS [/b] [/u]

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