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8/14/2004 12:06:47 AM


[color="yellow"][i]Note: Frankie is out of town this week and the Bungie Princess is our special guest author.. (I'm just posting it). Now brace yourselves for the most fact-filled top-secret-spoiling update EVER!...[/i][/color] [b]BUNGIE WEEKLY UPDATE[/b] - August 13th Frankie’s in Mexico and I’m in charge! So, listen up…we are taking a break from all that blah-blah about Halo 2 and we are discussing a truly important topic…HAIR! I will be devoting several hours of my Saturday to some serious “diva-time” along side my best friend at Joel’s salon. There will be lots of girly-girl talk and wine to be had for all. The only dilemma is what color should I do my hair? Anyone who has known me longer than about a month knows I absolutely love to change my hair color. It is a running joke around here. I am currently blonde, but am thinking it is time for a change. In the spirit of by-passing all that typical video game talk I think we should devote a forum to helping me choose my new hair color. But seriously, I am supposed to be giving you some weekly information about our big project over here in Bungieland. Biggest news of the week involves the rancid Bungie refrigerator. We are bursting at the seams over here and need to find some space to sit some more people helping out on the game. So, I figured what the heck why not the fridge…that is some prime real estate. But seriously, the dev team doesn’t know it yet but they have lost the battle of the fridge and it’s pungent odor will soon be seeping onto their side of the room. I ate dinner with the boys tonight (frightening). Have you ever had the pleasure of attacking a taco bar with 70 hungry men…hhhmmmm, let me be the one to tell you this is not a pretty site. Amanda has quickly learned that food is the precious commodity in this office. The way to a man’s heart is most certainly through his stomach. We will be making the ever dreaded Costco trip next week to stock up on goodies. The people at Costco, employees and customers alike, hate me. When I roll up to the check out lane with two industrial size carts stacked to the point of towering over my head and a flat bed stock piled with beer in tow…let’s just say I am not typically greeted with a warm “How are you?” but rather an overwhelmed look of panic. So, my week has not solely revolved around food and nasty refrigerators. In addition to feeding the masses, Amanda has been hard at work helping Harold keep a running inventory of about a thousand computers…man, these guys are expensive. She has also called all over the world in search of elusive Xboxes from other countries…so if you have one that you don’t need, feel free to send it in…kidding. I just got the 2nd pass of the art book back…looking very cool guys...keep your eyes open come November 9th (oh yeah and Halo 2 will be on shelves as well). The rest of my time this week was spent modeling Dunn’s ever-growing collection of crazy hats. I have been a cowgirl, a gardener and Frank Sinatra so far. Okay, okay enough my drivel, here are some updates straight from me to you on this game everyone keeps talking about (stage whisper…”Hey Brian, what’s the name of that video game we’re working on again….oh yeah…Halo 2…thanks!) So Butchie put the beta out on a branch this week and really wants the code to stay jolly and happy until he goes to RTM…wherever that is…and what is he doing taking a vacation anyway?! All of the levels are undergoing performance reviews (are they even eligible for a raise?) and things are shaping up nicely. Even though Jaime's running around his level with ¾ of his screen filled with debug info, we still have trouble getting him to stop playing so Butchie can run his analysis tools. He's evidently having a blast, and that's a good thing. Luke has been integrating our aiming code withhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, huh!?!? Ooops sorry drifted off there where was I…something about sniping and intending to shoot …I don’t know sounds, pretty cool and I guess the Counter-Strike and Quake people will really like the fact that you can’t snipe through walls. Which seems kinda lame to me, I think Master Chief should have x-ray vision and be able to snipe through walls, because then he could really wail on those damn Elite bastards. Ryan, a very verbose gentleman, a man of many words has this to say regarding test: Testing next beta update Emblem Pass (it failed but no bugs encountered) Working on test cases for release Thanks for that lovely, in-depth update Ryan, it was truly moving. Apparently, Adrian has some serious termite problems at his house because he is fixing bugs like a machine and patching all the holes in the drywall. He is having a really hard time determining if his house has too many holes or too many walls, but says it is gonna be so cool, so he must be having fun! Keep us posted Adrian and let me know if you need some help selecting new paint color and curtains when you’re done patching those walls. Last, but certainly not least, Nathan would like to take a jab at "Pistol Pete" -- Pete apparently did some dorky thing when he introduced himself to someone last week and made pistols out of both hands and pointed and said "Pete Parsons"…I personally did get to witness a later revival of the pistol gesture and it is pretty lame. Nathan also mentioned something brief about "his first man hug with Chris (butcher).” Aaahhhhh. Well, boys and girls, that’s it for me this week. I am sure you are sitting on the edge of you seat waiting for the next installment of the Weekly Update with special guest writer Bungie Princess…So far we haven't heard a peep out of ole Frankie and it's highly likely that he's in a small village in Mexico lying in a bathtub filled with ice minus a few internal organs. Don't worry, I'll keep bringing you the best updates ever until he surfaces again! Ciao! Yours truly, [i]Bungie Princess[/i] [img]/images/games/halo2/weeklyupdate/mschief.jpg[/img]
#Halo #Halo2

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BRVolition [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Mastercheif004 Let me put it like this, THAT WAS THE LEAST INFORMMATIVE -BLAMMMIN- UPDATE IVE EVER -BLAMMIN- SEEN. BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! i rest my case(lol)[/quote] Is this what happens when you've got a dedicated developer who genuinely wants to please their fans in every way possible?[/quote] The short answer is yes.

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  • So what if Frankie is in Mexico, doesn't he have a laptop? And Achronos, you are right, you don't have to do this update every week, but if you do decide to do an update, you could pry give us some more info.

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  • This has to be the most pointless update ever posted. :|

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  • The bungie Princess took time out of her day just so she could amuse us. If you really hated it, Dont read it. I personally thought that was one of the better updates yet

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  • Bungie Princess is the new Morgan Webb........... Now I have to go cut my tongue out for saying such things. Good thing I can still type......sort of.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SketchFactor Seriously... Everyone needs to RELAX. We don't have to do the updates, but we do. We have a LOT of work to do but Frankie takes time to put this together just for the enjoyment of our readers (as the Princess did this week). It's NEVER been about revealing every detail of the game... if you ever read any of the original Halo updates, you'll see that those were way less informative than what Frankie has been giving you. And, as we get closer and closer to 11/9, nobody on the team has time to chat with Frank or myself about what they're doing because they're too busy working. If you think that just because there's no detailed account of what everyone is doing that nobody is working...well...that's absurb. =) Obviously we're not going to tell you everything... in fact, there's way more we're NOT going to talk about than what we ARE going to talk about. Everyone should relax and take this for what it is - just a story, a glimpse into the studio from one person's perspective. For the haters it's simple - stop reading them. Nobody makes you read them. We're glad that people enjoy the updates and that we can share a little insight into our Studio but more and more people are getting more and more greedy and really seem to have lost site of what it's all about. I love that our fans are hardcore and devoted but sometimes everyone needs to just step back and laugh a little and not be so critical. Sorry to have to rant here, but the constant negativity is getting a little old. We're a mysterious and secretive group working hard to deliver the best game we possibly can. Hang in there. Have faith and have fun. I think the Princess' update is funny... and despite what you say, it is better than saying "NO UPDATE THIS WEEK." Bam. [/quote] srry sketch yur right, lil stressed here in florida right now all trying to not get slaughtered by a huge hurricane

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  • This is the lowest point I have yet to see on the forums, thanks for jumping in Achronos.

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  • From all the flaming I don't know if we are ever going to get an update again. I understand bungie that the closer you get to finishing halo 2 you can't really say much about it cause your keeping most of halo 2 a secret and I'm glad you are so when I get it everything will be new to me. And for the bungie princess you should keep your hair natural. Looking at the pic of you with the halo helmet on you would make a great halo 2 bobble head. lol You did a great job on the update keep it up!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] p1acebo Having just read this weeks Update and the subsequent posts, I'm considerably more embarrassed by the forum community than the Update. The overwhelming lack of respect and arrogant nature of the comments are both disheartening and frustrating. These posts serve merely as confirmation to an already established suspicion; over the past few months this forums members have seen a dramatic incline in the number of self-righteous, pompous kids polluting these threads. While I hate to admit it, the Bungie forums have evidently been ripped away from the veteran community members (I'm not referring to myself) by a swarm of overly confident, obtrusive jerks, crazed on the hype that is Halo 2. These forums have functioned and maintained a reasonable manner for years but the second Halo 2 hits the mainstream audience, the -blam!- hits the fan. I suppose you could say this was the straw that broke the camel's back, and I know I'm not alone when I say that this response does not represent the Halo community, but rather the reaction of an alarmingly large number of ungrateful, misinformed idiots. To be considered a part of this community is truly embarrassing; where's the members I conversed with a meager 3 months ago? Presumably driven out by the blatant disregard for Bungie's continual efforts to support an existentially needy, unappreciative crowd. When your family gets you a gift, what do you do? Openly scrutinize it and throw it back in their face? Good riddance. [/quote] Look carefully, and you'll find those people. But I have yet to see them roam the Halo 2 forums. Most are 16 or less year olds whom have been over priviledged and pompously spoiled. Not to mention, they somehow passed grade school without a subsequent grasp of grammar and spelling. None the less, there are quite a few of us, you just won't see us constantly posting (us being those who still respect Bungie for what it is, and know somewhat of the old ways whether new to the forums or not).

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  • Blah blah blah the Bungie communities gone to S h i t, blah blah. Hey we've always been a bunch of morons, don't blame the princess. Just read the damn update like you do every week, it won't get you closer to Halo 2 no matter who writes it. But for god sakes, at least put out a special edition Bungie Princess Swimsuit calender, oh with some little Halo 2 pictures every now and then.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] gspawn Normally, I wouldn't complain, but I HATE Alta as it is. "OMFG! My hair! Pleeze give me attention! Teehee!" The definition of every male stereotype about female gamers... My fiancee would slit her throat if she read this "Update". ^_^ So sorry to be flaming here, but if there isn't a real Update coming, this marks the first time that Bungie has ever disappointed me with anything ever. [/quote] Yes, because of course that's how she really is. Idiot. Apparently we should just go completely dark on all Halo 2 information, because none of you can deal with a humorous post about Bungie this week. And gspawn, stop "apologize for flaming"... if you were sorry, you wouldn't even say anything. And please, "fiancee would slit her throat"? If your fiancee got that worked up over a humorously written [i]satire[/i], your life must suck a lot, with her not being able to take a joke, and all. Every week, it is the same thing - "Bah, this update is crap". It doesn't matter who wrote it, you guys find something wrong. And some of the posts in this thread made me apologize on your behalf to her for you being such an -blam!-. You guys are making the Penny Arcade forums and their response to a Weekly Update look good in comparison. By the way, some of you who understand and aren't being idiots, thank you for your defenses in the later pages. They were appreciated. The rest of you, well, learn to lighten up. Most of the time in the world, one just has to put up with the -blam!-s. Here, however, I do not have to put up with them here. So, guess what, being an -blam!- is bannable offense now. Play nice, as the rules say. I suggest you consider your future commentary. Complain about the update, but -blam!- like gspawn's post, and XSAVAGE, and some others... well, you made it personal. [b]I will not tolerate that here.[/b] Oh, and gspawn, if you'd like to say something like that to Alta's face in the future, she said she's willing to hear it. You'd probably be slapped or otherwise have some kickboxing moves performed on you, but hey... there are consequences for things that you say, you know.

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  • Lame update. But then again, I guess it's got to be difficult thinking up new things to write about every week.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Mastercheif004 Let me put it like this, THAT WAS THE LEAST INFORMMATIVE -BLAMMMIN- UPDATE IVE EVER -BLAMMIN- SEEN. BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! i rest my case(lol)[/quote] Is this what happens when you've got a dedicated developer who genuinely wants to please their fans in every way possible? [Edited on 8/13/2004 5:42:59 PM]

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  • Termites. Think about it.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] lysergicide So, uhh when will we get to see her naked? uhh. yeah. otherwise, what a crappy update, no "CENSORED." oh yeah and no boobies. wtf[/quote] you a -blam!- retard!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GET OUT

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Banshee Barron You've given them too many chances, too much freedom, too much information- and now they are spoiled brats[/quote]Yes. Spoiled brats, that is a very good analogy. They've become addicted to the updates and they don't appreciate them anymore. But hey, who am I to say anything. I personally think this update was very humorous myself. Thats just me though.

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  • o man frankie,king of noobs, better come save us

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Evil Otto Genius! Pure Genius! Frankie, your'e fired.[/quote] lol, i agree

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  • [i] Posted snipped by moderator. Yes, you too can be a tool. Just don't do it here.[/i] [Edited on 8/13/2004 5:56:24 PM by Achronos]

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  • Genius! Pure Genius! Frankie, your'e fired.

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  • M'dear Sketch Factor, how quickly it is that they forget your last post. A pity. I hope Frankie puts a sarcastic remark in the next update about all of these idiots. It would really make my day after me seeing all of this ungrateful bull-crap. Seriously, you complainers who -blam!-ed about Penny arcade, are now doing the same damn thing that you were mad at them for. The hypocrisy is overwhelming- it's a wonder I even stand to look at New Mambasa anymore. Bungie, give the mods some ban powers or something, your children are running rampant. You've given them too many chances, too much freedom, too much information- and now they are spoiled brats [Edited on 8/13/2004 5:59:52 PM]

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  • Last week didn't Frankie say he would make up for his crappy update with an extra nice info packed one this week? ...and we get this garbage? Like someone else stated; if the update is going to be garbage like this..just say 'no update this week'. ugghh...worst update ever.

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  • I'm telling you guys, you gotta look further than skin deep. There's definitely clues in there.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Mareko [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Paul E Walnuts Instead of these reatrded updates, couldn't they just post a picture of a freshly pinched turd? It really would be more informative, and entertaining.[/quote] Hahaha... man that's funny.[/quote] i absolutely agree lol

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  • This is really non-informative -blam-. Sorry Sketch, Frankie's better.

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