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8/14/2004 12:06:47 AM


[color="yellow"][i]Note: Frankie is out of town this week and the Bungie Princess is our special guest author.. (I'm just posting it). Now brace yourselves for the most fact-filled top-secret-spoiling update EVER!...[/i][/color] [b]BUNGIE WEEKLY UPDATE[/b] - August 13th Frankie’s in Mexico and I’m in charge! So, listen up…we are taking a break from all that blah-blah about Halo 2 and we are discussing a truly important topic…HAIR! I will be devoting several hours of my Saturday to some serious “diva-time” along side my best friend at Joel’s salon. There will be lots of girly-girl talk and wine to be had for all. The only dilemma is what color should I do my hair? Anyone who has known me longer than about a month knows I absolutely love to change my hair color. It is a running joke around here. I am currently blonde, but am thinking it is time for a change. In the spirit of by-passing all that typical video game talk I think we should devote a forum to helping me choose my new hair color. But seriously, I am supposed to be giving you some weekly information about our big project over here in Bungieland. Biggest news of the week involves the rancid Bungie refrigerator. We are bursting at the seams over here and need to find some space to sit some more people helping out on the game. So, I figured what the heck why not the fridge…that is some prime real estate. But seriously, the dev team doesn’t know it yet but they have lost the battle of the fridge and it’s pungent odor will soon be seeping onto their side of the room. I ate dinner with the boys tonight (frightening). Have you ever had the pleasure of attacking a taco bar with 70 hungry men…hhhmmmm, let me be the one to tell you this is not a pretty site. Amanda has quickly learned that food is the precious commodity in this office. The way to a man’s heart is most certainly through his stomach. We will be making the ever dreaded Costco trip next week to stock up on goodies. The people at Costco, employees and customers alike, hate me. When I roll up to the check out lane with two industrial size carts stacked to the point of towering over my head and a flat bed stock piled with beer in tow…let’s just say I am not typically greeted with a warm “How are you?” but rather an overwhelmed look of panic. So, my week has not solely revolved around food and nasty refrigerators. In addition to feeding the masses, Amanda has been hard at work helping Harold keep a running inventory of about a thousand computers…man, these guys are expensive. She has also called all over the world in search of elusive Xboxes from other countries…so if you have one that you don’t need, feel free to send it in…kidding. I just got the 2nd pass of the art book back…looking very cool guys...keep your eyes open come November 9th (oh yeah and Halo 2 will be on shelves as well). The rest of my time this week was spent modeling Dunn’s ever-growing collection of crazy hats. I have been a cowgirl, a gardener and Frank Sinatra so far. Okay, okay enough my drivel, here are some updates straight from me to you on this game everyone keeps talking about (stage whisper…”Hey Brian, what’s the name of that video game we’re working on again….oh yeah…Halo 2…thanks!) So Butchie put the beta out on a branch this week and really wants the code to stay jolly and happy until he goes to RTM…wherever that is…and what is he doing taking a vacation anyway?! All of the levels are undergoing performance reviews (are they even eligible for a raise?) and things are shaping up nicely. Even though Jaime's running around his level with ¾ of his screen filled with debug info, we still have trouble getting him to stop playing so Butchie can run his analysis tools. He's evidently having a blast, and that's a good thing. Luke has been integrating our aiming code withhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, huh!?!? Ooops sorry drifted off there where was I…something about sniping and intending to shoot …I don’t know sounds, pretty cool and I guess the Counter-Strike and Quake people will really like the fact that you can’t snipe through walls. Which seems kinda lame to me, I think Master Chief should have x-ray vision and be able to snipe through walls, because then he could really wail on those damn Elite bastards. Ryan, a very verbose gentleman, a man of many words has this to say regarding test: Testing next beta update Emblem Pass (it failed but no bugs encountered) Working on test cases for release Thanks for that lovely, in-depth update Ryan, it was truly moving. Apparently, Adrian has some serious termite problems at his house because he is fixing bugs like a machine and patching all the holes in the drywall. He is having a really hard time determining if his house has too many holes or too many walls, but says it is gonna be so cool, so he must be having fun! Keep us posted Adrian and let me know if you need some help selecting new paint color and curtains when you’re done patching those walls. Last, but certainly not least, Nathan would like to take a jab at "Pistol Pete" -- Pete apparently did some dorky thing when he introduced himself to someone last week and made pistols out of both hands and pointed and said "Pete Parsons"…I personally did get to witness a later revival of the pistol gesture and it is pretty lame. Nathan also mentioned something brief about "his first man hug with Chris (butcher).” Aaahhhhh. Well, boys and girls, that’s it for me this week. I am sure you are sitting on the edge of you seat waiting for the next installment of the Weekly Update with special guest writer Bungie Princess…So far we haven't heard a peep out of ole Frankie and it's highly likely that he's in a small village in Mexico lying in a bathtub filled with ice minus a few internal organs. Don't worry, I'll keep bringing you the best updates ever until he surfaces again! Ciao! Yours truly, [i]Bungie Princess[/i] [img]/images/games/halo2/weeklyupdate/mschief.jpg[/img]
#Halo #Halo2

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  • Give the girl a litle respect I have read every thing from the beginning and i think that she deserves a little respect i mean she tried and i think a update is bbetter than none. She could have said "Screw you guys im goin home"

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  • Yeah^^ Good update Red hair is hot [Edited on 8/14/2004 9:36:31 AM]

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  • Spartan, you are undoubtedly one of the stupidest people I've ever seen. Ignoring the fequent mispellings in your post, let's get to your point: you didn't like the update because it didn't include screenshots....but since when does Bungie release screenshots with the updates? Quit being a moron and start not taking things for granted. "More then half the people?" In this case, we have the quality Bungie fans, who know and love the company, and are amused by Alta's awesome update, and then we have the masses, those Bungie fans who fall atwitter when they hear rumors of Halo 2 being delayed, Halo 2 coming out early; the same people who got angry when Halo 2 was "delayed" until 2004...despite the fact that Bungie didn't have a release date set down at that point and that any release date out there was estimated...the same people who complained/bragged that they were in/ not in the Halo 2 beta, despite the fact that none of the other everyday fans of Halo would ever get to play the beta too. Kids like you need to grow up and quit crying ever time you hear something [i]you[/i] don't like. Oh, and Alta, definitely red.

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  • Since more than half the people and me included thought this pretty lame update was a total and complete waste of our time. Bungie Princess (Whomeveer she may be?) Could redeem herself by finding us some awsome new screeenshots possiably? Or telling us some actual information that can make my mouth water, instead reading an update when im realy thinking about wether or not I should got to the bathroom instead of reading this bulloney of an update..What do you say guys. Isnt that a fair way of redemption?

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  • Guys, stickman army is right, we should be greatful that we get anything from bungie once a week. Show some gratitude. I know we all wanted facts, pictures and so on but take this update for what it was. I say, thanks princess and your hair should be red I think.

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  • Thanks Bungie Princess!!

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  • that was pointless....

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  • ...nice name, and Dictionary! anyways cmon guys, do we really need this show of stupidity? i mean i like that jim guy whatever his name is but is it REALLY nesseccary to lower ourselves to notaneliteornewb's level? or any other spammer for that matter, these people are nothing but either A. Attention whores that NEED us to reply to them in a Mean fashoin just so they think they are important, or B. Are actually this stupid, or C. Were really dissapointed in the Update and thought they should have gottan more...concuring with A of course...lets just not give them what they want, and ignore them. they are losers, and we dont NEED to feed their hunger. That is all, and by the way, whats wrong with kissing up to someone that you think is cool?

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  • I hope Frankie is going to be back to do the next Weekly Update, that whold be nice. Hes really good at it. No effence!

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  • boy,that was the best update ever!!!!! hair color- Red.

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  • It's amazing how people think the Weekly Updates are a fountain of information... As Da Franksta said in the first few updates, it's an insight to the developer-side, so don't expect to see any screenshots, trailers or plot spills in any of these updates. Frankster does a great job, and Alta did no less better. It gives you a great insight of what's going on at Bungie, how the game is progressing. Ofcourse, they are updates, and they frequently spill little bits of information about the game, but no more than that. Remember, they don't have to make these updates. They can stop making these just as easy as they started making them. So don't even dare thinking bad things about this update or any other update, or I will come and visit you...

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  • Forget the update, wasn't anyone disturbed by the pink MC!?

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  • Well then. I have to say that I am glad that there are those like GameJunkieJim that actually seem to have intelliegence. For a second there, I thought that maybe everyone had just gone through a lobotomy. Every day I am amazed at the amount of retards out there. Their logic isn't even logical. They're just... retards. We try to make logical points that they might be able to grasp, so that they can quit -blam!-ing looking like a moron. But no. They just don't get it. The point is, well, look at the site you are on. Bungie did this for us. They created the forums, the whole site just for us crazy fans so that we might be able to express our love for Halo, and learn more about Halo 2. Did they have to do this? No. Not at all. They do it for us fans, because we are dedicated and because they care. Frankie takes time out of his schedule to write a weekly update for us, to satisfy our needs. Does he have to do this? No. Be thankful for what you get. Seriously. I personally thought that update was pretty funny. No, it didn't give excessive amounts of Halo 2 information. So? Bungie doesn't have to do this. The moral of this is, if you don't like it, get out of here, because no one likes you. Don't like it, don't buy the game when it comes out. Jeez. Oh, and -blam!- you. [Edited on 8/14/2004 7:43:57 AM]

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  • Really, Maraxus is right. And notice how most of the people -blam!-ing are 2004 guys are bandwagon jumpers who can't stand it when you don't get what you expect, or what you want. I can't wait to see you around Nov.9th, either carping because your copy of the game didn't come or -blam!-ing about the things that [i]already[/i] bug you about Halo 2. [Edited on 8/14/2004 7:41:40 AM]

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  • I concur with statements made by the Barron, Sketch, Achronos, and p1acebo. Really, you guys should lighten up. Complaining isnt going to get you anywhere. Bungie has as much the right to STOP the updates as the do to let them be written. ALSO, many of you 'flamers' neglected to notice that the icon for the news item REGARDING this update was a picture of the Webmaster, and not of the Master Chief. This easily signifies that the update wont have a lot of Halo 2 info in it, and sure enough, it was a glimpse into the studio. Just looking at the -blam!- icon would've helped you lot know what was forthcoming. Some of you also need to learn a little something called PATIENCE. I know that school is starting up again, and no one's happy about it. TOUGH. If you dont like what's in one update, dont complain, just wait a measly week for the next one. None of you should've been flaming Alta just because of a bad update. She hasnt done any before (well, maybe one of the old Halo updates run by Matt), so she doesnt have the same amount of experience as Frankie. So dont get all pissed off at someone just because they're new at something. Hell, many of you are noobs yourselves. I'm sure that you got flamed by Forum Elders. ...and you didnt like it, did you? Well, you're doing the same thing to the Bungie Princess. I'm sure she doesnt like getting flamed, either. Finally, it doesnt seem to have a occurred to many people that not getting ALL the Halo 2 info is a good thing. New games are based a lot on surprises, and that's what makes them special. If you knew every fact about the game before you got it, in wouldnt be nearly as fun as if you got the game when you knew very LITTLE about it. Bungie is actually doing you all a FAVOR by not telling you everything, which will actually allow you to enjoy the game more when you get it. That way, you have a kind of sense of excitement and happiness about the game that you WOULDNT have when you knew all about the game. Hell, I almost feel sad for the Bungie employees, as many of them (if not all of them) probably know the whole plot of the game. They dont have an exhilarating campaign to play when the game is finished and in it's prime. They've already played it. You, on the other hand, get to experience that exhilarating campaign without the sounds problems, AI bugs, and bugs in general. You should feel HAPPY. You dont have to sort out bugs. Without any more to say, I rest my case. So, to but it bluntly: QUIT YOUR -blam!-ING.

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  • Man, I'm really slow in reading the update this week. >_>... Then again, I didn't miss too much. When I first read this update I wanted to scream... *Gasp! ... This is a Halo 2 update? Hair problems and hungry men?*... And pretty much at the end of it I was banging my head on the computer desk. Guess I'll have to wait another week to see anything huge anyway. Seattle here I come. Time to pilfer my way through microsoft stores cheap prices for games ;).

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  • Alright, I've read some more of this thread and you guys are being total asshats. It seems you have some sort of unnatural obssession with Frankie, and I'm not sure he would appreciate that or the fact that you're treating Alta like -blam!-. I don't feel like getting into a flame war with you people, so all else I'm going to say is show a little respect for the lady, she wasn't put on this world to cater to your every ridiculous demand. RESPEC! RESPEC, FOO!

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  • Thanks for the update princess, pretty funny stuff... Sorry everyone seems to be giving you a bunch of crap about it, I liked it. About your hair color, it depends on if your going for traditional or fun... Maybe start small, do some highlights or streaks or something... Do the tips a funky color like blue... Am I bothering you yet? Ah your probably not reading this anyway. Sorry to hear about your taco misadventure, thanks for the update.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Sledgefare I'm glad we recieved some sort of update. Thanks Alta. Hey, Banshee Barron I haven't seen you here in a while. Damn, that's cool.[/quote] On the contrary, I haven’t seen you. I've still been hanging around The Flood and the Septagon, mainly. (Due to recent events my New Mambasa activity will be cut in half, though. This update stuff got me pissed.)

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] NiVeKeR14 Can't you see that the drywall is stricktly metaphorical! Talking about bugs and such... you following me? Anyway, the entire update was full of ironic humor. Lots of sarcasm, I thoroughly enjoyed it. I'm not saying I don't prefer Frankie, but this was amusing. And there was info in there, you just have to dig for it.[/quote] Yes I thought the same thing, read between the lines.

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  • THAT SUCKED no offense

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] GameJunkieJim I got a picture of Alta in a Pink Nightmare Armor MC helmet somewhere... I think it's Alta[/quote] [url=] And its right here![/url]

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  • This thread has teh AIDS. [QUOTE]ok, I"m thinking she's a bit chubby[/QUOTE] Incorrect. [URL][/URL]

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  • The last paragraph of the update may even suggest that next weeks update may be much of the same, or maybe it'll be in future updates. So I suggest you guys get your caps lock keys poised and prepare some more of your witty put-downs. I suggest some more like "you are teh sux", "WEEKLY UPDATE HAS NO HALO2. I DEMAND THAT," or who can forget "bungy cheated me out of a weekly update, i want my money$z back." With any luck we'll discourage Bungie so much that there will never be another weekly update. Ever! [Edited on 8/14/2004 2:57:03 AM]

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  • Your signature is disturbing.....

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  • Oingy Boingy: thank you for raising my faith in humanity, I was gonna have a little go on about how Bungie don't have to give us anything & lets face it, with some of the responses to this thread I wouldn't be surprised if they stopped telling us anything at all because some people were completely pathetic towards someone who is really helping to bring them something they'll really enjoy... So thanx Oingy for saving me a few paragraphs on how people might want to respect Bungie a lil more. :)

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