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4/17/2011 7:47:20 PM
[url=]HaloReachSecrets[/url] - The ultimate BOB and Easter Egg source for Halo: Reach. [url=]GRD Doll Locations[/url] [quote]July 7th, 2011, The "BOB" Helmet, now known as "GRD" Helmet, was seen in Tender Loins armory as he quickly went through the helmets available in the armory. If anyone has a picture or a video of this, PM me asap![/quote] [quote]Since there are now three confirmed BOB Banshees, on three separate levels (not counting multiple spawns per levels) our search takes us to the skies, in search of BOB Banshees. [url=]The Package BOB Banshee[/url][/quote] [quote][url=]Bungie Weekly Update BOB Comments[/url][/quote] [quote]Current Objective: Kill BOB Banshees, since they seem to be our last hope).[/quote] [quote]IWHBYD skull ruined by hackers within three days. September 25th 2007- September 28th, 2007. [url=]343 Studio Employee stutters at 4:15 over new armor question.[/url] [url=]BS Angel comment.[/url] [url=]Large BOB Helmet picture.[/url] [url=]BOB Helmet on Dashboard[/url] [url=]Comparison picture of BOB helmet to Marathon BOB[/url][/quote] [quote]Three quick-points (for the people complaining, these points are my theories, not 100% fact): 1. BOBS work like Halo: 3 skulls, since the campaign had no skull collectables, or collectables that reward the player something. 2. Halo: 3 had a huge mystery, the IWHBYD skull, and hackers ruined it fast. Bungie isn't going to make the same mistake again.[/quote] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [quote][b]Question[/b]: Are there any videos showing all the BOB spawn locations so we can hunt for ourselves? [b]Answer[/b]: Yes, the following videos are NOT mine, but they show the majority of the BOB spawn locations and they are pretty straight foward. 1. [url=]Video One[/url] 2. [url=]Video Two[/url] 3. [url=]Video Three[/url] 4. [url=]Video Four[/url] 5. [url=]Video Five[/url] 6. [url=]Video Six[/url] 7. [url=]Video Seven[/url] 8. [url=]Video Eight[/url] 9. [url=]Video Nine[/url] 10. [url=]Video Ten[/url] The videos above once again are NOT mine, but each video shows you pretty much every single BOB in the game and they are excellent.[/quote] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I consider myself a BOB fanatic. Me and my crew HRS know every spawn, on every level, on every difficulty for BOB. I understand how he works, and how much it takes to kill BOB. Now, I think people on and people who play Reach aren't looking at the BOBS the way I do. The campaign had no skull collectables, and the skulls from Halo 3 unlocked armor, Hayabusa. I consider the BOBS to be "moving, interactive, skulls." There is a BOB on each level, and for the two levels (Exodus and New Alexandria) he is in a Banshee. (Proof: Under his description he is named as an Elite "Light" Vehicle.") I personally have killed one BOB per level on Normal, and now I'm two levels off killing each BOB on Legendary. Before I elaborate deeper, each BOB gives you a medal, Bungie is having a lot of daily challenges for us to kill BOB on Heroic+, and these BOBS don't just appear as you progress through the level, they also appear behind you. On Long Night of Solace for example, as you move toward the Sabre, turn around in the level and head back to the beach. You will notice the beach is STILL full of activity. Now here is the fun part, kill three waves on the beach of enemies, and watch each wave. Each wave gets harder and harder. On wave 3, and toward the end, BOB will randomly drop in a drop pod, and disappear within two-three seconds. Bungie has programmed SO many unique spawns for the BOBS, I doubt it's just for fun or nothing. BOBS descriptions tell you to "Wipe them out" "Seek and Destroy" and to simply kill them all. This is a reference to a Marathon Vidmaster, and to the secret of the BOBS, to find and kill them all on Legendary, just as you would wipe them out on Marathon. The Vidmaster also tells us to hit all switches and so on, but I think this doesn't matter. What we have to do is to kill ONE BOB per level, and make sure we get the "BOB" medal for each and every mission. This is why nothing has happened, because getting the BOB medal for the Banshee kills isn't possible. Yet Bungie states the BOB in the Banshee is a BOB, but it has NO pilot when destroyed and you don't get the medal. Hackers destroyed one of the most secret, long term Easter Eggs of Halo 3: The IWHBYD skull. This was meant to take AGES to find. Hackers ruined it pretty quickly. Don't you think Bungie would have stepped up their game against the hackers for Halo: Reach? This is my personal theory, the BOB helmet. [url=]Picture of the comparison here[/url] The picture above is of the BOB eye piece from Marathon, and this secret helmet. This helmet is on the disk hidden away along with the chest piece we have seen in so many pictures. The screenshot was from IGN and IGN does not fake screenshots for the public. This picture was used on the Dashboard and has had a lot of attention. BS Angel from the Waypoint forums told us that "She can't tell us how to get the helmet, that would take the fun away from finding out how to get it." (Summed up quote) I doubt this means it will be unlocked via a patch in the future, this means the helmet works like Hayabusa did, get a BOB medal PER mission on Heroic+ and you get the armor pieces. BOB has one-three unique spawns per mission, and they aren't normal spawns. Bungie has programmed some BOBS to be VERY hard to find, like the BOB on The Long Night of Solace. The secret helmet resembles the BOB eye piece from Marathon. Bungie is trying to help us along to killing these BOBS through daily challenges and is trying to bring attention to them weekly. The descriptions are to kill them all. BOB is VERY strong, probably the strongest enemy in the campaign shield and health wise, he flees, spawns secretly, and can vanish in thin air. He IS on each mission, and in a Banshee on two, which doesn't yield the medal for killing him. [url=]HRS[/url] [Edited on 01.28.2012 1:48 PM PST]
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  • You guys dont know anything about the BOB spawning locations. In nightfall there is only 3 spawn locations in the package there is only 3.Ive been playing alot of campaign and i know where and when will they spawn. In nightfall you guys think there are many spwan locations because every time you get to the where he is,you frighten him and he runs everyehere.I could even assasinate the first and the last one with out getting spotted and still get away without being seen. [Edited on 12.31.2011 4:22 PM PST]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Danger wasp 009 i think bungie coded it so it would be impossible to hack/ mod to get the helmet. maybe hack protection. or thy coded it so at a given time, they might add the helmet v.i.a DLC, if there ever will be a halo: each dlc.[/quote] Bungie has nothing to do with the helmet. You people seriously need to stop with your "theories". It's not obtainable to the player. Deal with it and stop looking retarded with new theories.

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  • i think bungie coded it so it would be impossible to hack/ mod to get the helmet. maybe hack protection. or thy coded it so at a given time, they might add the helmet v.i.a DLC, if there ever will be a halo: each dlc.

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  • i highly agree with the third paragraph. Winter contingency-bobs in 7 spawns ONI swordbase- Bobs in 6 spawns (including white bob) Nightfall- Bobs in 5 spawns Tip of the spear- Bobs in 4 spawns (aa gun, onward) Long night of solace- bobs in 3 spawns Exodus-2 bobs new alexandria- forget the banshee bobs!!! the package- 2 to 1 bob pillar of autumn- can't find one!! lone wolf- the raged bob that kills you if you last 30 minutes on legendary. It kindof counts down to how many bobs there are. but i don't think they will give you a "GRD" helmet.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] darkeSoft There are hidden BOBs. We haven't found them all yet. Bungie told us to find them all. [/quote] Has anyone found BOB on Tip of the Spear other than at one of the four known spawn points (cliff face at the first AA gun, and three spawn points at the spire)? Here's the background. I'm of the opinion that BOB appears or can be made to appear exactly once on every mission. I've been hunting BOBs for a while now, and whenever I do not see BOB, I go into theater mode to seek him out. With few exceptions (noted below), I always find him. On Winter Contingency, he always spawns in one of the seven known spawn locations. ONI has two; Nightfall has three; The Package has three; and The Pillar of Autumn has two. The Long Night of Solace has three, but one of the spawn points has a trigger. If BOB is to appear by drop pod, the player will have to survive several waves on the beach in order to see him (in theater mode, if not while playing). If a player forgoes the fighting on the beach, it is possible to play the mission without seeing BOB. But if the player survives several waves on the beach and BOB does not arrive by drop pod, then my experience is he will spawn in one of the two locations on the Corvette (and if he arrives by drop pod, he will not spawn on the Corvette). Lone Wolf has a similar trigger -- namely survival. But I have played Tip of the Spear many times wherein BOB does not spawn in any of the four known locations. I therefore believe there is at least a fifth spawn point and that it requires a trigger. I cannot imagine what the trigger is. The only optional fight I can think of in this mission is the phantom that shadows the wraith after the first AA gun. Once the wraith is destroyed, the phantom leaves. Destroying the phantom is a bit tricky (in solo mode) as it requires leaving the wraith alone and manning the gun while Kat (gasp!) drives. But I couldn't see any "reward" for destroying the phantom. The Banshee BOBs have a similar MO. On Exodus, there are three spawn locations, each with a trigger. The trigger for the first two cannot be avoided, but the trigger for the third one (stepping on the bridge on the Beachhead) is optional. Again, exactly one Banshee BOB spawns. If he hasn't spawned in either of the first two locations, then stepping on the bridge will spawn him, while if he has already spawned, then stepping on the bridge will have no effect. On New Alexandria, there is the one general spawn location (though I hear there are several variations) and I believe a trigger, though I'm not sure exactly what that trigger is. I don't think it's time. Perhaps it has to do with how many waves of banshees are destroyed? It's bothered me for a while that The Package seems to have both a walking BOB and a Banshee BOB, but I have a theory about that. In the Package, under the glacier, there are two banshees. If one is destroyed, another will come down from the ceiling 10 to 20 seconds later. When Halsey announces "The package is almost ready, just a little more," the banshees turn and boost towards the ceiling. I think the "Banshee BOB" is a glitch caused by a banshee spawning at the ceiling at or just before Halsey's pronouncement. That is, I don't think it's a Banshee BOB. I would be curious to know whether anyone has seen this Banshee BOB while the other two banshees are flying, whether it appears at any time not concurrent with Halsey's announcement, and whether it can be reliably made to spawn by destroying a banshee at the right moment. But back to the original question -- has anyone seen BOB spawn on Tip of the Spear in any location other than the four known locations? (I posted this question in two other forums several weeks ago, but since those posts remain the last posts on the forums, I'm guessing they're dead forums. My apologies if this is a repeat for anyone.)

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Destiny 7 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] RYN0 V1RUS I think it is something they added to keep these threads alive[/quote] No. These threads should die. [/quote] My point exactly. They put this doll in to keep the threads alive and to have a laugh.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] RYN0 V1RUS I think it is something they added to keep these threads alive[/quote] No. These threads should die.

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  • I found one of these on Beaver Creek. I think it is something they added to keep these threads alive and get a good laugh at stringing gamers along. I thought it was pretty funny.

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  • Yes me too! I didnt think about it at the time but now i realize it was for sure a bob. uggh i wish i knew about this back then:(

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BloodyBrawler787 Anyone notice that the dolls have the same color armor as the people in the 5 player firefight picture?[/quote] Notice how the doll has a red eye and some maps have red fish? Must be a clue. That's how stupid it sounds. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Millo31 It has a pic of the GRD doll, and it's obtained by sniping something off an edge? Hmm....[/quote] Just about anything that hits it will make it fall off. Sniper works nicely for those that can't aim from afar.

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  • Anyone notice that the dolls have the same color armor as the people in the 5 player firefight picture?

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  • It has a pic of the GRD doll, and it's obtained by sniping something off an edge? Hmm....

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] darkeSoft[/quote] The best kept secrets are those that don't exist. Gona write my other text eventually.. just had enough time to read and post a mini comment.

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  • I've been lurking on here for a while, and I think it's time to make a post. Maybe there is a helmet. Maybe there isn't. If there was, it's obvious Bungie would have wanted to keep it a secret. After the IWHBYD skull was discovered so quickly, it makes perfect sense that they would lock it away better. But how? As a programmer, I can say that there is no possible way to keep hackers out of a system they have physical access to. You can slow them down. You can distract them and try to divert them to the wrong path, but there is no way to keep them out. Unless they didn't give the hackers physical access. It's the same with online games. None of the stats and scores are stored client-side. They could be hacked in seconds by a script-kiddie with CheatEngine. No, everything is stored on the server. The modders and dataminers have stated that there is no helmet on the disk. If it exists, it is hidden on the servers. Kira has said several times that there is no way to make Armoury DLC. I trust this, but would like a citation if possible. Unless the game was coded really, really badly, it is always possible to release an update that would make the Armoury modular (thus allowing for DLC). Any statements that say that DLC is impossible could still be true, but that doesn't mean DLC will never be possible. The helmet could be granted after the player completes a series of challenges, or when the community gets to a certain point; assuming the helmet exists at all. But in the end, does it really matter? Does anyone care? The game tells us to find all the BOBs. It makes more sense than not that there would be a reason for it. There are ground-walking BOBs on 7 levels, the first of which has 7 spawn locations. Someone posted without citation that ONI had 5. Unless I'm wrong (which is perfectly possible as I'm speculating here), there will always be a pattern. If ONI has 7, and we're missing two, it would lead to say that each level has 7. If it is just 5, there is a chance that the levels decrement (there'd be levels with 6,4,3,2, and 1). Of course, due to the lack of proof, it could have just as easily been a troll comment and thus there still are only 3. One seven, and six threes. Because Bungie is like that, I'm willing to bet there would be another level with three BOBs on it, which leaves Exodus, New Alexandria, and Lone Wolf. The former two have been scoured for a long time to no avail, leading to the conclusion that the seventh map is Lone Wolf. I don't know if it is possible to confirm this conclusively (if there are an infinite number of waves, there is no way to say it isn't possible) but a team could be assembled to try and figure this out. I want to find them all. For no reason other than to do it. It would be cool. Maybe there is a helmet, maybe there isn't. I wouldn't wear it if I got it. But the BOBs were placed in this game for a reason. Whether it was to unlock a secret challenge, or as a marketing scheme to keep players playing, it really doesn't matter. All that matters is that there are secrets to be found. Or maybe there aren't. Sometimes those are the best secrets. The ones that can't possibly be found. You can say there is no reason to look, or that I'm wasting my time, but a Mexican once told me life is far more about the present than the future. If I'm enjoying my life now, all is good. There are hidden BOBs. We haven't found them all yet. Bungie told us to find them all. Challenge -Blam!-ing Accepted.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] grizz321 thats not true i got the recon helmet by getting achievements[/quote] I think his point is that originally, it was only given to players for doing something amazing or impressive that caught Bungie's attention.

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  • thats not true i got the recon helmet by getting achievements

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  • what's the point of dolls, may i ask by i see it as a pointless Easter egg. But i have heard rumours that 343 rewards the grd helmet to pro players just like bungie did in halo 3 with Recon

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  • hey guys im late on this whole theory on the new armor and bobs could someone possibly fill me in?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] B Rye Do you guys know what happens when you make assumptions? You look like a fuggin retard. Stop it.[/quote]

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  • The GRD dolls are hidden throughout the Anniversary maps and have the secret helmet from the Defiant Map Pack Trailer on their heads.

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  • creepy that there are hidden dolls on the anniversary maps. with the helmet on.

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  • interesting

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  • Whats a Doll? [Edited on 12.17.2011 9:01 PM PST]

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  • Do not forgot about the BOB on Lonewolf. There is one that comes at you with a Sword when High Ranking Elite Either Generals or Zealots, I think they are Generals bout I remember playing on Heretic and made it to General Wave of Elites, and I saw a BOB coming at me, his what killed me ending my longest lonewolf mission. So hard to the fact that you got to use what weapons you find off of foes. Imagine having to find BOB on that mission with LASO. O.O i wonder.

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  • Hey, I just had a thought, maybe the helmet is so elusive because it knows it's ugly and doesn't want anyone to see it? Just a thought :P

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Kira Onime [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] andyBK47 Source?[/quote] Bungie during one of their weekly updates I believe. Feel free to sniff through them if you want to.[/quote] Evil Otto also confirmed this as well.

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