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3/7/2011 3:54:37 AM

A beginer's guide to driving the ghost.

***Thanks to Rascalz for idea of making other threads like my warthog one.*** **Feel free to [u]constructively[/u] criticize, add to, or anything else (but troll) you feel nescassary** *Thanks to Toxicacidsnake* [quote]Intro[/quote] After creating my first guide, which I got great feedback on, Rascalz game me a crazy idea: make a set of guides for driving all vehicles. So, community, you're gonna get what you need, a trip to driving school, halo style. The basics of driving a ghost are simple: splatter first, shoot second. But did you know theres a betterr way? There is, and although its not as complicated as driving a warthog, its more like an art; you have to learn what to do, and do it without thinking. Save the thinking for customs, thats where you'll need it most. Also remember that the ghost is a lone wolf vehicle, one of the few there is, so use it like that. [quote]Section 1: Splattering[/quote] Splattering is the first thing you do with the ghost. Splattering is how you get kills. Splattering is how you make the other team screem expletives into their mics. Turns out, the splatter is a lie. With AL kills, stickies to be thrown, and shots you can't fire, splattering is a gamble, in which you will almost never roll a 7. To splatter an opponent, you need to first be absoloutley sure they don't have; stickies, AL, a plasma laucher, or a group f 3+. Splattering is best to do when they have no idea you're there, and they're running to do something else, not watching their radar, and bam, their doing a flip of your grill as you laugh. The consequences of missing a splatter are simple: death or hijack. While the ghost in perticular is a great splatter tool, it should be done with caution, or as a last resort. While this [i]is[/i] what you have grown up doing, you shouldn't run into fights and try to go on sunday driver sprees, but calmy wait an obsereve over the hill, then crush the loser that thinks they just won an epic fight. You can also get embarrassed by screwing up with splattering. You can keep trying, just to have the opponent jump over you, then hijack you, shoot you down, then t-bag you, just because you were an idiot. Plus, teasing works nice to with AL'ers. Gun it, they AL, and then they can chose to get killed now or later. Remember, save the stupidity for customs, and use your head when you're trying to splatter somone. [quote]Section 2: Shooting[/quote] This section is simple. Shooting, just spam your shots at the enemy, and they die right? Well, as normal, I'm telling you that you're wrong. Shooting is something special, and there are certain times you want to, and others you want to splatter. It seems simple, but some times you want to shoot may make your jaw drop, want to post a reply telling me to get out of here, only to find that you now are winning those battles. The best time to shoot is against an armor locker. How do you tell an armor locker? You can tell if they are: A, not shooting at you, B standing still, C have no power weapons, even though you've killed them about 30 times, or D, all of the above. Wait for them to AL because your coming at them, (remember, don't boost unless its time to splatter) then sit back, watch for people coming over to kill you, then shoot that loser down. Now, of course when someone is in a hard to reach area, you have to shoot, but sometimes one kill isn't worth it. Did you know a shotgun can destroy a ghost in 3-5 hits if used correctly? Did you know that a sniper can in 2-4? Yeah, you didnt did you. Some fights aren't worth it, but sometimes splattering isn't either. If a guy is running at you, desperatley trying to survive, *ALWAYS SHOOT.* If you attempt to splatter, they [u]will[/u] AL or jump over you, both embarassing, both potentially lethal. [quote]Section 3: Vehicle v Vehicle[/quote] Vehicles are a no-no, lets just say that now. Unless some knuckle head is trying to kill you with a mongoose, lay out. Wraith will kill you, revenant will kill you, and warthogs (if they read my guide ;D ) will kill you. Ghosts are not triple v vehicles. But, becacuse you sometimes have to, you might as well know how. Warthogs will be your main source of worry. The have a gunner with a big turret, and they will survive your arracks. Its best to avoid warthogs if they have full health still, because this is asking for a death. The way to kill them is to make them chase you, and slowly chip away. Aiming for the gunner works great as well, becacuse it will screw the driver, and you have another kill on the way. But only attempt to do things like this with caution, warthogs will prey on you, and when my gunner kills a ghost driver, I laugh at the fool who attempted to kill me. Just prey on the week warthogs, and they will cry that you ended their road rage. The only other vehicle (other than mongoose of course) you want to go after is the Wraith. Why the wraith, isn't it super powerful? Its really pretty simple, their guns kills you in one hit, so don't get hit. They can't fire too fast, so move around, never stop, move in circles around it, and never let go of that RT! Eventually you will kill it, and the driver will either call you a modder or salute you that in a ghost you could kill him (both are nice). [quote]Section 4: Defensive Driving[/quote] This is what newbie ghost user are bad at, and why they die so often. This vehicle really is a thorn in teams' sides, so they will try to kill you, even if there is a tank or wraith, because you are so obnoxious. So if you can drive defensively, I give a guarntee that at least 70% of the time, someone on the other team will quit. Its great when someone on the other team quits because of your awesomeness, and now you can do that on a regular basis. The first step to driving defensively is knowing when to quit. If its you against a tank, who is going to win? Against a Sniper? A revenant? Don't even try. Find the stragglers, the weeklings, the people that are scared and trying to find their way home, and scare their armor off. If you do find that you're about to die, flee, wait for a new ghost, protect that perfection, and then go back out. You're gonna have to bail, and you have to accept that. One of the best things to do if you have a weak ghost and are about to be boarded is to get out of the ghost, let them get in it, only to find that it has a sticky grenade, and that they're dead. Hard to do yes, effective even more so. [quote]Conclusion[/quote] While this guide may be shorter than my warthog guide, there is less to cover, and that is because driving a hog is like math, a ghost is like art. There's not too many ways to do math, but driving a ghost becomes your style, your poison. I can guide you, and help you secure yourself, but to be an elite ghost driver, you need to make driving a ghost your own thing, your own art. [Edited on 04.03.2011 1:59 PM PDT]
#Halo #Reach

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  • Nice post dude I also love driving ghosts, oh well any vehicle really. But driving the ghost just provides an unlimited amount of LULZ, whether it be splattering unsuspecting or jumping armor lockers, teaming up with my friend (getting the enemies ghost and ours) and taking out reveants and wraiths, luring larger vehicles into a teammates wraith range or even my personal favorite letting the enemy plasma pistol you then getting out at the last second and then they get into your ghost and you jack them then kill them while they are stunned. I have done that last one countless times and it never gets old, they fall for it every time and you feel like a genius when you can pull it off. Feel free to add that into the OP if you feel it is a good enough tip should you get plasma pistol'd.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Dr H3r0 I tripped and bumped into this thread![/quote]

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  • I tripped and bumped into this thread!

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  • It has been mentioned, but thanks for the input. I have tested, and if you're really well hidden, and are a good shooter, its a great way to finish a ghost. Its so hard though, it doesn't get done often.

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  • Didn't read everybodies post, but if someone already said this, the i apologize, but... you can kill a ghost woth one sniper shot if you hit the large Fuel Cell by the driver's left foot, i've tried this, and it works, you can see a little bit of it if the Ghost is straight on facing you, but if the ghost is driving to our left, just pop a sniper round into the large wheel thing and watch the pretty explosion. FYI

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  • DMR > Ghost The Ghost is just isn't as strong as it was in Halo 3.

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  • I think this guide is very good. Good job.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Dr H3r0 I forgot about these guides... I suppose its time to do research on the falcon![/quote] Lol yeah. I started using it with my little brother about a week ago. Wow, that thing is a beast if you actually communicate. I've already gotten 3 road hogs and two road rages in the past few days with the Falcon alone. Only thing that really seems to threaten it is the Laser, Plasma Launcher, Rockets, and DMRs. I've learned to deal with DMRs and Rockets but not the Plasma Launcher. I know it's possible to dodge since I've seen Falcon pilots do it. As for the laser, well you really can't dodge that.

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  • I forgot about these guides... I suppose its time to do research on the falcon!

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  • Hey D3 when do you plan on releasing a guide for the Falcon? I really need to learn to dodge those god damn plasma bolts.

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  • A few shots to the gas tank will kill the ghost. A sniper is one shot to the gas tank. You can kill a wraith in 2 shots with a sniper if you shoot the little spinning ball in the back. Just some random facts for you.

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  • Thanks for the positive feedbaack!

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  • on another thread someone counted that only 5 DMR sots in the ghost fuel tank (big circle on the side) blow it up while it take alot of shots everywhere else. i read everything, i love the tips.

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  • 3 dmr shots to the little tank on the side kills you :(

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  • Nice Read, thanks bro.

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  • Nice guide. By the way, there's only one g in beginner.

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  • Hey, I've seen a spike in bad drivers recently. Intel suggests its due to the fact this is buried.

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  • 'Bout time someone mentioned something I forgot! Dang, I can't believe I left out teasing!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] AgileHurricane [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] lakkinatorz I completely disagree about the wraith. Not since I got Reach has a ghost even damaged me as a Wraith.[/quote] Then either you're a good Wraith driver, or you only encounter bad Ghost drivers. The easiest way to kill a Wraith is to wait till their back is exposed, then boost towards them. Stop at their back, then just stay at their blind spot until they die.[/quote] The only time that ever happened to me was when my team mate decided to betray as I was on a rampage.

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  • good idea with this guide, wish i had thout of it, i consider driving my best skill in halo... and a helpful one.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] AgileHurricane [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] lakkinatorz I completely disagree about the wraith. Not since I got Reach has a ghost even damaged me as a Wraith.[/quote] Then either you're a good Wraith driver, or you only encounter bad Ghost drivers. The easiest way to kill a Wraith is to wait till their back is exposed, then boost towards them. Stop at their back, then just stay at their blind spot until they die.[/quote] You are joking right, the ghost is the WORST thing to use against a wraith. The rotation speed of the wraith is faster then the ghost can rotate around the wraith, so unless your A HORRIBLE wraith driver, using the ghost to try and take it out is a sure way to get destroyed. You'd be better off driving behind it, hopping out, and going for the jack, which is not effective either. But still a whole lot better then trying to shoot 1000 plasma bolts at a vehicle that can kill you in just one shot. [Edited on 03.14.2011 10:39 AM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] wolfhound134 Guide to Ghost driving 1) Get in 2) Boost 3a) Run into an Armor Locker and blow up 3b) Get DMR'd to death[/quote] lol

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  • I'll share with you a little tip I use for goosing, but it could work for a ghost If you are heading straight towards someone, their armour ability flashes above their head for a split second, so if you see an orange orb above their head, don't try to splatter them

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  • Can't believe you left out the most important aspects. #1: Stick with your team-mates, the ghost is awesome at taking out shields, it is also much harder to get killed when your team-mates are with you. #2 (Cannot believe you left this out) : For splatters, the MOST effective method is 'Teasing'. That is doing a partial boost in order to get your opponent to jump, then while hes in the air boost again for the easy splatter, very effective against AL users. Anyways, you can go ahead and add these to your list :)

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] lakkinatorz I completely disagree about the wraith. Not since I got Reach has a ghost even damaged me as a Wraith.[/quote] Then either you're a good Wraith driver, or you only encounter bad Ghost drivers. The easiest way to kill a Wraith is to wait till their back is exposed, then boost towards them. Stop at their back, then just stay at their blind spot until they die.

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  • Honor!

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