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5/12/2006 11:49:50 PM

Bungie Weekly Update

Hey guys, a Q&A about the trailer which answers a lot of the questions we can freely address. [Edited on 5/12/2006]

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  • Hey, If since Halo 3 is now official, what was the article in Game Informer about Halo 3 Dead?

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  • I thought the AR looked a little more beefy. Maybe a grenade launche bundled in there? Nothing say's hello / goodbye faster. Just imagine the old "noob tube" with a room for of mushroom headed holligans aka flood. I also thought the Armor looked like this wallpaper shot for H2.. Color changed because of the enviroment, no?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Aktins_Diet [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] c0mfor7a31y_Num3 Aktins _Diet thanks again for bringing out the quote of me knocking you and not the quote of me saying i enjoyed your posts...once again... please reread your posts and edit if you feel necisary.[/quote] You, like me, write so much, i have to edit it to the part I talk about the most. (In other words, i get to the point to replying to people) Also, o know you told me to edit things as i want to, but i dont see any reason to edit it. Unless there were some things that i wish halo 2 had that it already has for 360 owners. Thats what I asked of you. I also asked what you, in your mind, feel i should edit. I don't take offence to what you say, i just want detailed critizism. You made a statement, but never stated on what grounds. I am just trying to figure out what I might be doing wrong, and try and make it better. -Aktins Diet[/quote] See man....please quote everything i said (my entire post) not just what you heard when you read it. You're last 2 posts make me sound unfair and me feel "Angsty". Also... anyone with me on the "F" thing Standing for Floyd... as in Pink Floyd? [Edited on 5/13/2006]

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  • are we going to be able to edit maps or make maps of our own???

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  • could you tell us if there are any new vehicles in H3

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Josh Sam Hey, I noticed MC has got some slightly modified armour. The BR seems to be the original BR yet has slight modifications to it. I wonder if MC has got that visor upgrade that the engineer in HALO 2 didnt have time to fit. What do the giant ribcage sort of structers come from in the trailer? They look like the super structure of a ship. Halo 3 is gonna be pretty amazing. Are we ever going to see that myth of an ATV that everyone goes on about. I heard it was ment to be in 2 but it got pushed aside. I know i will be up and early on the release date to get my pre orderd HALO 3 copy. Well i gotta get a 360 1st. Cya [/quote] Yea...nice stuff, i only have speculation from gameplay but.... Fankie said you save the cairo station in a recent update (that means within a find it if you want proof). Im sure upon Mc's return to earth (while Cairo is under enormous unstoppable Attack). He Somehow gets to Cairo Station and saves it. After wards...or before he saves Cairo.. He's Upgrated with New Armour and Weapons. I know when MC left Cairo in Halo 2 during the tests... the technician said hes working on some sort of modification or adjustments to weapons and or gear .(I'll Play Cairo and return with the exact words if want ). Ah.. i guess at he end of the day.. who knows? Actually.... only Bungie knows. [Edited on 5/14/2006]

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  • ya are they gonna make a Halo Movie??

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] c0mfor7a31y_Num3 Aktins _Diet thanks again for bringing out the quote of me knocking you and not the quote of me saying i enjoyed your posts...once again... please reread your posts and edit if you feel necisary.[/quote] You, like me, write so much, i have to edit it to the part I talk about the most. (In other words, i get to the point to replying to people) Also, o know you told me to edit things as i want to, but i dont see any reason to edit it. Unless there were some things that i wish halo 2 had that it already has for 360 owners. Thats what I asked of you. I also asked what you, in your mind, feel i should edit. I don't take offence to what you say, i just want detailed critizism. You made a statement, but never stated on what grounds. I am just trying to figure out what I might be doing wrong, and try and make it better. -Aktins Diet

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  • At the end of the trailor.....a vast opeing with an enormous structure that open up and reveals and awsome light this the Arch from witch was talked about from Halo 2?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] slither9206 Doubt my question will ever be answered or maybe it already has been, but is there going to be a new rank system for Halo 3? I'm thinking that the rank system should extend to level 60 or higher to add in some new graphics for Halo icons. I guess doing such would allow the bridgers and standbyers chances to get even higher than their fake Halo's. I was thiking there also should be a change which allows a players vote to boot players. That way idle players in matchmaking could be booted with a team agreement or delevelers, I know this would cause problems with a party of 3 going in and getting matched with 1 random person who they decide to boot because the 3 of them are delevelers themselves. Or maybe an autoboot system for the delevelers, I donno I'm hoping for too much. I guess my hopes shoudl be that your game is soo good that noone wants to cheat because they are admiring its cool gameplay.[/quote] Thats an exelent idea! I hate people who are doing nothing, and just watching the rest of us play. If we could vote on the folks to boot, then that would be such a better thing then just letting them sit in the game and the enemy killing them. I personally think that there should be a thing where if you want to go down 2 levels, you should, without deleveling. We all know it takes longer to quit contantly to lose rank, so if there was a way to restart our rank, we would rid 90% of the delevelers. Good idea slither9206! -Aktins Diet

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  • Aktins _Diet I did reply. and i also said i appreciate all your speculation... i made comments on editing for certain reasons.... not certain things you said. thanks again for bringing out the quote of me knocking you and not the quote of me saying i enjoyed your posts...once again... please reread your posts and edit if you feel necisary. i do want to point out i did give you alot of credit in your speculation and what you have to say, but you chose to use my constructive critisism as my quote instead of the praise i gave you. thats what im talking about. It's very easay to inflick pain.......but to be able to heal is unsurpassable...once again... sory if i offended you. reread my post and im sure if you read it, youll see it was a possitive posts towards you and not a negetive post like you quoted me on... thanks and Peace. [Edited on 5/13/2006]

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  • Im going with the NEW Assault Rifle is going to have some kind of grenade launcher on it or some thing. In the new wallpaper with MC if you look close at his AR just above his finger it looks like a grenade canister slot. Just my 2 cents. Oh yeah and new hand armor is for a better pimp slap. Plain and simple, instead of humiliating people by beating them down Bungie is taking it a step further. Now you can completely take away any dignity they may have other wise had left. [Edited on 5/13/2006]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] MyFavoriteBroom "F" could stand for..... Frogs Fire safety Friends Feelings Flat Stanley Project Franklin, Benjamin Fractions Flags Food pyramid Fireworks Fish Or Fernando, the talking Mexican. [/quote] I think the "f" stands for Floyd..... as in Pink Floyd. [Edited on 5/13/2006]

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  • hey bungie, with no intention of weaseling a release date out of you, how far along would you say you are on the game? have you finished the major stuff and are now just working on poilishing up the gameplay with nice graphics, or would u say that you still have a long way to go?

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  • Doubt my question will ever be answered or maybe it already has been, but is there going to be a new rank system for Halo 3? I'm thinking that the rank system should extend to level 60 or higher to add in some new graphics for Halo icons. I guess doing such would allow the bridgers and standbyers chances to get even higher than their fake Halo's. I was thiking there also should be a change which allows a players vote to boot players. That way idle players in matchmaking could be booted with a team agreement or delevelers, I know this would cause problems with a party of 3 going in and getting matched with 1 random person who they decide to boot because the 3 of them are delevelers themselves. Or maybe an autoboot system for the delevelers, I donno I'm hoping for too much. I guess my hopes shoudl be that your game is soo good that noone wants to cheat because they are admiring its cool gameplay.

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  • How many levels are in Halo 3?

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  • i was wondering if any theories where even close

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Josh Sam Hey, I noticed MC has got some slightly modified armour. The BR seems to be the original BR yet has slight modifications to it. I wonder if MC has got that visor upgrade that the engineer in HALO 2 didnt have time to fit. What do the giant ribcage sort of structers come from in the trailer? They look like the super structure of a ship. Halo 3 is gonna be pretty amazing. [b]Are we ever going to see that myth of an ATV that everyone goes on about. I heard it was ment to be in 2 but it got pushed aside. [/b]I know i will be up and early on the release date to get my pre orderd HALO 3 copy. Well i gotta get a 360 1st. Cya [/quote] The mech might have never existed, because Halo is supposed to be our future of combat, and giant mechs are just to improbable for our species to make where we are going. And the other species in Halo seem to be involved with flying and hovering. I doubt you will ever see this giant mach. [Edited on 5/13/2006]

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  • ALRIGHT! I just have the smoking gun to prove once and for all, that MC has new Armor. Look at MC's hand in this picture. Its a flat box of armor over the top part of his hand. Now look at his hand now. You can also see the diffrence in the movie clip. As one can see, the hand has an extra plate of protection. One can also notice the less noticble diffrences between the two sets of armor as well. (Like the Helmet) Thus, MC has new armor. By the way, why has'nt any mod or Bungie rep posted in this thread yet? You would think they would say something for the first week of the halo 3 updates. -Aktins Diet

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Kool Kat I noticed that when the Banshees flew by, they did not even turn to get a better view of the chief. Could that mean that they are allied? Or they are just obsessed with the dome thingy? And where are the brutes in this?[/quote] I personally think that it is all a simulation. I think Cortana is showing Master Chef that if he does not do what cortana needs him to do, this is what will happen. That would explain a lot about the banshees. I bet MC doubted Cortana's sanity, and thats why cortana reminded him what she has done for him. Thats what i think this thing is all about. -Aktins Diet

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  • I noticed that when the Banshees flew by, they did not even turn to get a better view of the chief. Could that mean that they are allied? Or they are just obsessed with the dome thingy? And where are the brutes in this?

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  • Good joob Bungie, keep it up. P.S. Thanks for the wallpaper.

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  • the two spartans left is John and that girl in DOA 4, duh! and if they say that theres only two spartans left and you ask what happened to the other? wth your retarded THEY DIED! thats like your looking at the obituary and pointing to sumone and asking if they died.

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  • That is the master chief, look in the FAQ in the H3 section.

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  • Well someone siad that there were only two spartens left. I want to know what happened to all of the spartens at the end of First Strike.

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  • I want u all to know that Linda and fred survived also.

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