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2/14/2011 6:25:59 PM

Defiant Map Pack

Defy the Covenant. March 2011. [url=/news/content.aspx?type=topnews&cid=30646] click for full story [/url]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] GrinnialVex Really, I wish it were either all firefight or all multiplayer, rather than both.[/quote] But i like options...

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  • Please release the music like you did for the first map pack. It's really good.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] sanglant316v2 This is the day Halo died. Bungie didn't even develop these maps, another company had to be brought on board because they don't care about Halo: Reach they've moved on. 2 MP maps and 1 firefight map???? BS Halo has officially become irrelevant, RIP[/quote] I don't see why they couldn't make it 3 MP maps and a FF maps. This is extremely disappointing.

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  • Glad that Certain Affinity is back with another map pack. The new perspective will just make the overall quality of the maps better. I hope they continue making map packs and maybe we can see a free remake of a fan favorite on Bungie day.

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  • I am pretty sure they only posted this because it got leaked... Oh well I really like the art direction they went for, and I am proud that this [i]certain affinity[/i] is taking over the halo series.

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  • I FREAKING LOVE MARTY! And if it wasn't Marty that composed that, sorry. Awesome music man! They need to release an iTunes track like they did with the Noble Map Pack trailer. And they need to do it quick. Oh, and the maps looked cool as well. :)

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  • YAY: New maps. BOO: They're gonna be overpriced as always.

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  • Would anyone like to have an MP3 download of that song, it is a direct copy, but some of the sound effects you hear are not that noticeable acually, but it should keep us satisfied until they give us a download, if they do. :( If you want me to post it I will, just say so! :D

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  • This is the day Halo died. Bungie didn't even develop these maps, another company had to be brought on board because they don't care about Halo: Reach they've moved on. 2 MP maps and 1 firefight map???? BS Halo has officially become irrelevant, RIP

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Fatal1ty Am I the only one that jizzed in the awesomeness of the music?[/quote] No, you weren't...

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Sharebear287 Which map(s) are you going to be able to forge on?[/quote] My bet is that Highland will have a nice Forge pallet.

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  • Sorry urk, but this looks SO much better than the Noble Map Pack, and the music just makes me want to buy it. Why doesn't Reach have that kind of music?! All it has is this rough stuff, no sad and yet inspiring music like this.

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  • Am I the only one that jizzed in the awesomeness of the music?

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  • Certain Affinity is lead by Max Hoberman. Max Hoberman was Bungie's multiplayer lead for h1,h2 and h3. While their first major project was the final h2 map pack (disappointing) , with added experience making Blops maps, im sure this map pack will be the best yet. I <3 Max Hoberman

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  • Can't wait to get them urk, I need to get some Microsoft points now!

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  • So damn awesome! Also, LOL at the Flag Dropped bit.

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  • The skyboxes are blaming epic!!! The detail is flippin sweet! I can't wait to get my hands on these maps!

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  • Which map(s) are you going to be able to forge on?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DataantiF18 :) i came so epic music :D[/quote] Secondly: INORITE! MARTY FTW!!! That was seriously some tight compositions. Firstly: did you have spare pants? Because I did that and more to mine.

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  • So the rumors were right! :D

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  • These threads are hilarious. First page or two of comments are "OMG LOVE IT CAN'T WAIT". Further down you go, it turns into a cry fest about Halo: Reach. Come on folks, find a happy medium.

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  • Because Black Ops sucks dick

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  • Certain Affinity.. Nah, 343i really made them. I have them, they play well.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Sp Dark Killer Apparently Bungie is in love with assassinations. [/quote]Yea, what as up with all of them anyway? it got a bit distracting after the 20th time.

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  • Fix the game first and I'll care. If I wanted to pay to play a game that takes skill away from skill gameplay and also glitches features properly implemented in prior games then I would care about your map packs. I have been playing halo for the durration of the halo franchise, and so have all my friends(with 23 or so being diehard competitive players who buy the maps when they come out), but I have not played reach in months(nor have my friends). For that matter I haven't played my xbox either, and we have all moved to a game which is being ACTIVELY developed , new content, and patched biweekly! I suggest instead of paying the 800 microsoft points that anyone here just come play league of legends with me. its better than reach and takes skill.

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  • What is the sweet music from? Anyone know? It seems like its a nice bit of new music from the elder, but I don't know. It doesn't sound like any of the songs I have heard on the Reach Soundtrack.

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