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2/14/2011 6:25:59 PM

Defiant Map Pack

Defy the Covenant. March 2011. [url=/news/content.aspx?type=topnews&cid=30646] click for full story [/url]

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  • This is going to be the bomb diggity!

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  • These maps look great! Hoping we can get this quality of work for future map packs actually put out by you folks, since I was pretty disappointed with the Noble Map Pack. [Edited on 02.14.2011 1:29 PM PST]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] G E A R S III The Halo series is in good hands now.[/quote] hope so.

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  • The Halo series is in good hands now. [Edited on 02.14.2011 1:13 PM PST]

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  • Earlier today I was wondering when they'd announce the next map pack. Got MS points for Valentine's Day (It's full of love) so I'm ready for this. :)

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  • Awesome!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ExaltedVanguard [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] OveruIed Patch the game and I'll [b]think[/b] about shelling out 800ms points.[/quote] This. I played nearly 10000 games of Halo 2 and 3. With Reach as broken as it is, I didn't even hit 700 before I stopped playing. And there's a lot of people who feel the same. Release a patch and a lot of fans would come sprinting back. Keep ignoring us and a large portion of players aren't going to be buying your next game, Halo or not. No one likes a developer that won't even acknowledge the existence of complaints.[/quote] I agree. I wouldn't blame this all on bungie though. The real problem is microsoft. All the due dates for the content from bungie is being rushed, hence making the games have bugs and other common complaints about this game. There has been a serious decline of quality from halo 2 to halo reach including odst. There's less quality in my opinion. (even though I love the games and will play them).

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  • Looks nice. Really interested to see how "Condemned" and the firefight map shape up.

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  • This is SO awesome. I didn't expect for it to be announced this soon after the leak. I'll be buying for sure. On the downside... you can bet we won't be hearing anything about Aerospace until at LEAST after March...

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  • I know Bungie is working on their new title with Activision, but I'd like to know if they are still working WITH everyone to make sure Halo is still Halo. I do [b]not[/b] want Halo to not have anything to do with Bungie. They own Halo, even if they don't [i]technically[/i] own it.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Hylebos ewqeWonder if it will be out in time for my Birthday.[/quote] Same thing I'm wondering. This is awesome, new maps look great.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Sp Dark Killer Apparently Bungie is in love with assassinations. [/quote] As am I.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Sturm0162 Overuled i have a question why would you come all the way to just so you could say i dontlike it WOW[/quote] because this is a community of people who love gaming. If we didn't say "me no like this" or "F yeah this is da bomb" then the producer....bungie.... wouldn't get feedback.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] OveruIed Patch the game and I'll [b]think[/b] about shelling out 800ms points.[/quote] This. I played nearly 10000 games of Halo 2 and 3. With Reach as broken as it is, I didn't even hit 700 before I stopped playing. And there's a lot of people who feel the same. Release a patch and a lot of fans would come sprinting back. Keep ignoring us and a large portion of players aren't going to be buying your next game, Halo or not. No one likes a developer that won't even acknowledge the existence of complaints. [Edited on 02.14.2011 12:51 PM PST]

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  • Another great lookin' map pack, Nice job bungie!

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  • Overuled i have a question why would you come all the way to just so you could say i dontlike it WOW

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  • Oh yes!

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  • Looks pretty good to me. I've been playing since xbox live came out, and am pretty excited to play new halo content. Although it is a let down that old map packs had more content on it from past games. I agree with most that there should be more maps added on to the map packs to keep the community alive, instead of trying to sell out and make us pay more for less.

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  • The maps look really awesome. No one is a remake, right?

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  • i think if they where going to make another foge world theyd just add on to the first one like expand the boundries but if they dont make one they shhould just add more objects

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  • yes i r can read gooder, but its still based around a property that was developed by bungie, they still have input and should take the initiative to make any and all DLC for there game as good as they can, and when i said i wish i was the ceo so i could fire anyone who had anything to do with these maps that was a broad statement.

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  • I have been wanting Firefight DLC, since ODST.

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  • theyve been doing a lot to fine tune multiplayer, new game types with some unusual twists, but they never fix the real problems, the spawns are jacked, lagging is becoming more and more of a problem, the hit box feels a little off in many case which makes swat or even slayer feel like a crap shoot at times..... not to mention the armor lock glitch, i was glad when they removed armor lock from arena. they added grifball which i love, but once again all the maps seem to be made by nokyard, favoritism much? they could do so much, i understand this is their last Halo game, and they're probably working on new projects at the moment, we all get that, so dont rush out map packs, if theres a produstion team helping you, guess what its still attached to your game, and if its bad it will besmirch your name not theres..... ik agree with all the negative feed back that everyone is giving, as for those who just say "oh wow, thats awesome." i salute you, without sheep comercialism would never succeed.

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  • Sweet. Highlands looks amazing, it's set in a great canoical location, and the skybox is beautiful. The other two seem less impressive in comparison. I hate to be nitpicky, but there's barely any covie themed maps in Reach, so more would have been cool.

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  • These maps suck too! They just have pretty skyboxes. If you have looked at the walk-through, the layouts are terrible. NOBODY I KNOW is buying these maps. Not a lot of my friends bought Noble either. Reach is dying, fast. These maps and the lack of value do not help it. Also, Activision can charge more because people want to play CoD, and it has like 4-5 times the population of Reach at any time, plus people playing MW2 that also happen to play BO. Supply and demand. 800 points for a failing, unpatched game and a -blam!-ing FF map is not going to compete with a BO map pack on ANY day (they patch that game up so much, they have earned XBL superiority). Bungie does not care, they are moving on.

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