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Edited by ElfinAinu: 7/22/2014 12:23:58 PM

How to control your dreams-Lucid dreaming ;Share your experiences!!

Hello Flood. Since this is rather old and split up due to the new posting structure- i have made a lovely pastebin for the guide which has updated sections and small changes to make it more pleasant to read. [url=]Enjoy everyone[/url] [b]edit[/b]Sorry for the mass of grammar mistakes that occur below, I have yet to had a time to re-type this guide in a grammar friendly way. For the record this guide was made in February of 2011[b]edit[/b] Before you post hateful comments saying it isn't possible it is. [b]IT IS POSSIBLE TO CONTROL YOUR DREAMS [/b] This is a phenomenon called lucid dreaming and I have recently in the past week or so discovered this and had multiple experiences. A lucid dream is where you realise in your dream that you are dreaming and this can lead to you being able to do anything, your wildest fantasies including ,ahem ahem, If you wish to experience one or multiple of these dreams you will need dedication and want to perform a dream, I will list in short form beneath what is needed to be done to achieve LUCIDITY 1. HOW YOU SEE THE WORLD The first step is psychological and very important. You need to believe you can perform these dreams and you need to believe that the world around you could be a dream or not. You need to start to think of yourself as having a real body and a dream body that is a reflection of you (I imagine a coin on one side is the world as it is and the other my dreamscape) 2. DREAM RECALL You will need to improve your dream recall as if you have a dream that's lucid but forget it whets the point. To do this you will need to create a dream diary or log, this will be somewhere for you to record your dreams near your bed [u]immediately[/u] after waking. To successfully create this diary you will need to when you wake have the first thought you have to be 'what did I dream' this will lead you into the phase or mind where you remember what you did, you will remember backwards. Once you have successfully remembered key points jot them in your diary before you forget. Looking back upon your diary at a later stage will enable you to remember dreams and bring them back which in turn allows you to remember dreams better. . Example (exert from my diary)- I was running, there was a red wall, as I went to climb it the COD icon for climbing appeared, I am in a dream I thought, the world span around, (I now wake up) 3. REALITY CHECKS This is the largest step towards receiving your fist lucid dream. Every hour you will need to perform two of these or alternatively whenever things seem odd, (or even better do both), until you get into a habit of doing these, this is important as these cause you to realise you are dreaming and cause your conscience to kick in while your body is sleeping. CHECK 1- Try and push your fingers through your hand in a dream they should go strait through CHECK 2- if you wear a watch look at it turn away for a few seconds then look again as in a dream the time will of completely changed or gone fuzzy. CHECK 3-hold your nose and close your mouth then try to breathe, in a dream you can even if u block off airways (I should know this caused my first lucid dream) CHECK 4- if you have text infront of you looks at it then look back much like the watch or is the letters fuzzy or unreadable in a dream they often are. 4. WAKE UP GO BACK TO BED This is a technique I used to get my memory better for recalling. When you sleep you go into cycles of different strengths. Every 90mins you enter one where you are in REM (rapid eye movement) this is the stage where you have lucid dreams. Set an alarm, not radio, to wake you up 4 1/2 hours after you sleep this will be your strongest REM cycle. Remember your dream and fill your diary. Wait an hour (read or do anything before returning to sleep) when falling asleep picture in your head your last dream and you might feel like you are getting closer to it, you may of now entered a lucid dream. 5. PLANT IT INTO YOUR MIND It has been proven the more you think about wanting lucid dreams the more your subconscious (the part of your brain where you dream) will realise it should create them. This will help you get a lucid dream as if you want one you can get one. [u]warning if you want it too much you may have a negative effect, play it cool[/u] 6. REPETITION Before you fall asleep think to yourself, I will remember my dreams, or I will have a lucid dream (once you can remember them. think these when you are dozing off, just repeat them until you physically fall asleep. (Note. if u are experienced at how to get lucid dreams you can choose what its like by saying, I will dream about-what you want-) [b]ONCE YOU HAVE A LUCID DREAM [/b] Once you realise you are dreaming then be careful not to get too excited as this will cause you to wake up. In a lucid dream play it cool you can cheer after you record it in your diary upon waking. If you feel the dream fading then spin around as fast as possible on the spot and shout, I want more clarity, this triggers your subconscious into reiterating your dream, repeat this when you might wake [u]you are the limit[/u] you can do many things in your dream, perform magic, seduce your love or play halo without armour lock ;) you just got to believe you can do it, the moment you doubt you can do it is the moment your cant and this often leads to awaking [u]this is the way I got to lucid dream I hope it works for you if you want more detail please research more although I have placed the best techniques I have found[/u] WHEN YOU DO GET A LUCID DREAM DONT BE DISGRUNTLED WHEN YOU WAKE UP, YOU HAVE TO EVENTUALLY, LONGER DREAMS COME WITH TIME AND PRACTICE REMEMBER THERES ALWAYS NEXT NIGHT. [b]NOTES[/b] 1. It takes various lengths of time to get into a few dreams it took me a couple of weeks it can take months, don't give up keep trying LICUD DREAMS ARE WORTH IT 2.If you wake up you might not be able to move muscles for a bit, this is sleep paralysis, where you body stops you moving your real body by locking itself like a safe, wait or fall back to sleep and you will come to normal. 3. Believe in yourself, the only barrier is YOU 4. There is no harm from lucid dreams, but if you are having a stressed life you will have less lucid dreams, 5. If you're worried about a presentation or something, practice I in your dreamscape. 6. DO NOT MOVE WHEN YOU AWAKE, AS YOU WILL STIMULATE THE BRAIN CAUSING YOU TO FORGET TOUR DREAM. 7.follow these steps and you should in time enjoy a wonderful world. 8. Dieing in lucid dreams don't kill u in real life, its not real just a world created by your conscious to sort out random bits of information Please record your thoughts or amazing dreams you've had This is truly amazing and should be shared among everyone P.s tell people you know about your dreams this will hit home telling your brain you are determined to have these lucid dreams p.p.s sleep paralysis is a very rare and uncommon thing if it happens just swallow as this will cause your brain to restart its motor neurones and this will unlock your muscles p.p.p.s-yes inception did make a movie on this but I have been lucid since way before so have millions of people, I decided it would be nice to help others have these awesome dreams TLDR: follow the bullet points if you want to be aware you are dreaming and to fulfil your fantasies. Don't give up. And when you do get lucid dreams continue these techniques for more. [b]edit[/b] Title edited to prevent a seizure from the lack of grammar and use of capitals.[b]end of edit[/b] [Edited on 08.17.2012 10:29 AM PDT]
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  • Haha, this is truly amazing. I have tried for a week now, and finally, finally got one of these magnificent things to work. I find that the constant reality checks can help, get into a habit of doing them and eventually you will do them in the dream. My first dream was somewhat disappointing however. I remember I was down the street from my house, which I first thought was strange because I barely leave the house, I walk forward and then suddenly feel heavier, and realise I am wearing a suit of armour, at this point I realised I was dreaming. I then thought to myself, that the first thing to do, was to meet a character from a fictional universe, so I close my eyes, and being the zelda fan I am I somewhat blame my subconscious, appear on a platform by the windfish, he says some part of his speech, namely, verily it be the nature of all dreams to end, now let us awaken together, and the water came, and I awoke sadly. Still I am now trying for my second one.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Rocket Squid [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] The S bot 9000 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] TwistedDippy666 To people above me can't quote as phone but its normal to have trouble at first, to guarantee a dream try waking up duringa rem cycle add it increases chance of succeed [/quote] Omg omg you still post![/quote] lol[/quote] I still post whenever i get the chance/feel like it. In regards to ADA if you want to give it a shot do it, every person has varying degrees of success, for instance someone who is horrific at wild's might instead be good at reality checks, even if it does involve running into walls to see if they can go through. It was hilarious i managed to trick a friend into thinking he was dreaming and insisted he could run through a brick wall, he ran into it at full speed, was hilarious.

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  • I've been using ADA since yesterday. It gave me what I was looking for. My first dream fragment. I can finally start practicing my dream recall. I feel like I should post it, because the technique says to tell people which makes your brain do it more often I guess. It's not much, but it's a start. I was in my cousin's home. My view shifted to an above view of the living room, in which everyone was gathered. I was then at my point of view, I was at the dinner table surrounded by shadowy figures. Then I heard a very loud intercom say something in an inaudible form of English. The dream then shifted to an immensely vast, disfigured wall. The dream then proceeded to end.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] teh Chaz [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Rocket Squid [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] teh Chaz [url=]All day awareness[/url] Check it[/quote] That honestly seems like a sure-fire way to achieve this. Thanks again. :P[/quote]Don't get too hopeful I've been going at it for a few days myself with no luck just yet, this takes time. It has helped me locate mosquitoes in my room though.[/quote] Haha. At least it's good for one thing.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Rocket Squid [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] teh Chaz [url=]All day awareness[/url] Check it[/quote] That honestly seems like a sure-fire way to achieve this. Thanks again. :P[/quote]Don't get too hopeful I've been going at it for a few days myself with no luck just yet, this takes time. It has helped me locate mosquitoes in my room though.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] teh Chaz [url=]All day awareness[/url] Check it[/quote] That honestly seems like a sure-fire way to achieve this. Thanks again. :P

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  • [url=]All day awareness[/url] Check it

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] The S bot 9000 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] TwistedDippy666 To people above me can't quote as phone but its normal to have trouble at first, to guarantee a dream try waking up duringa rem cycle add it increases chance of succeed [/quote] Omg omg you still post![/quote] lol

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] TwistedDippy666 To people above me can't quote as phone but its normal to have trouble at first, to guarantee a dream try waking up duringa rem cycle add it increases chance of succeed [/quote] Omg omg you still post!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] teh Chaz [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Rocket Squid Same here. It's been getting rather annoying. Not being to remember your dreams at all.[/quote]Just need to get into the swing of things Have a notebook by your bed every morning, if you can't remember anything just write "can't remember any dreams" so you get used to writing things down every morning at least.[/quote] Seems worth trying. I guess you just have to keep on trying. Obviously it's worth it in the end.

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  • To people above me can't quote as phone but its normal to have trouble at first, to guarantee a dream try waking up duringa rem cycle add it increases chance of succeed

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Rocket Squid Same here. It's been getting rather annoying. Not being to remember your dreams at all.[/quote]Just need to get into the swing of things Have a notebook by your bed every morning, if you can't remember anything just write "can't remember any dreams" so you get used to writing things down every morning at least.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] teh Chaz [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Rocket Squid I know right? You can literally do ANYTHING. Unfortunately I'll probably get to excited and wake up. By the way, which reality check, I guess, works best for you? Not quite sure how to word that. I tend to use the fingers through the hand thing, but whenever I see a clock I use that one.[/quote]Well I usually do at least two at a time out of the following: -Counting my fingers and generally making sure my hand is normal -Trying to pass my hand through a solid object (the amount of force you apply depends on how you imagine it will pass through) I used to do the hand through hand thing but I think the elasticity of the skin kind of detracts from it so I prefer to use rigid materials like walls -Reading a nearby sentence and then reading it again to check for changes -Check my watch then check again after a few seconds for any changes -Hold my nose and close my mouth and try to breathe in -Jump to see if I float down -Generally look around the room for any inconsistencies Variety is always good Side note: didn't dream last night, annoying but I've only been going for less than a week.[/quote] Same here. It's been getting rather annoying. Not being to remember your dreams at all. [Edited on 08.06.2012 4:36 AM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Rocket Squid I know right? You can literally do ANYTHING. Unfortunately I'll probably get to excited and wake up. By the way, which reality check, I guess, works best for you? Not quite sure how to word that. I tend to use the fingers through the hand thing, but whenever I see a clock I use that one.[/quote]Well I usually do at least two at a time out of the following: -Counting my fingers and generally making sure my hand is normal -Trying to pass my hand through a solid object (the amount of force you apply depends on how you imagine it will pass through) I used to do the hand through hand thing but I think the elasticity of the skin kind of detracts from it so I prefer to use rigid materials like walls -Reading a nearby sentence and then reading it again to check for changes -Check my watch then check again after a few seconds for any changes -Hold my nose and close my mouth and try to breathe in -Jump to see if I float down -Generally look around the room for any inconsistencies Variety is always good Side note: didn't dream last night, annoying but I've only been going for less than a week.

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  • Day 5: Still no success with be able to have even a regular dream... Going to keep trying. Although I have been getting headaches every morning ever since I started trying... Maybe i'm trying too hard? [Edited on 08.06.2012 4:20 AM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] TwistedDippy666 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] halo3genius Forgot to post this a while ago, but I finally had a true lucid dream a few weeks ago, except, I had three in a row. The first one was me just sitting in my old school's classroom learning French. Funny, because we only learned Spanish. Once I realized this, I transformed the dream into a nice sunny day where everyone from my old school were just outside having fun. I forgot the second dream, but the third dream was just me and this cute girl sitting in my room playing video games. I was playing Fallout, she was playing Pokemon. Then I woke up because I got too excited.[/quote] That's quite good for a first lucid dream, 3 at once is quite rare for a first time. So you woke up when you became exited with this girl dream?[/quote] Sorry for the extremely late response. Yeah, I got overly excited. Thing is, in that first dream, I "felt" myself getting to excited and calmed down, and asked for more clarity. I got some of it, but not all. The dream with the girl was when I realized that I wasn't just lucid dreaming off a "random" dream, but I in fact staged the whole thing. For the love of me I just can't remember that second dream.

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  • Bump.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] teh Chaz [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Mr Slashercide [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] teh Chaz [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Mr Slashercide What would you do?[/quote]Well I'm doing a few things at the moment -Recording my dreams every morning -Doing regular reality checks throughout the day -Placing reminders to question whether I'm in a dream around the house -Increasing my general awareness of my environment and familiarisation with the actual "feeling" of being awake so I can compare it to the feeling of being in a normal dream and realise that I am dreaming[/quote]º And once you get there, what will you do?[/quote]At first I will try to control my excitement so I don't wake myself up, that being a common problem for most first timers. When I actually manage to do it I'll be at a slight loss because of the infinite possibilities, flying is high on my list, interacting with the people in the dream should also be entertaining because they always try to convince you that you aren't dreaming with very little success, also telling a person in your dream that they don't exist can have very strange results.[/quote] I know right? You can literally do ANYTHING. Unfortunately I'll probably get to excited and wake up. By the way, which reality check, I guess, works best for you? Not quite sure how to word that. I tend to use the fingers through the hand thing, but whenever I see a clock I use that one. [Edited on 08.05.2012 7:31 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Mr Slashercide [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] teh Chaz [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Mr Slashercide What would you do?[/quote]Well I'm doing a few things at the moment -Recording my dreams every morning -Doing regular reality checks throughout the day -Placing reminders to question whether I'm in a dream around the house -Increasing my general awareness of my environment and familiarisation with the actual "feeling" of being awake so I can compare it to the feeling of being in a normal dream and realise that I am dreaming[/quote]º And once you get there, what will you do?[/quote]At first I will try to control my excitement so I don't wake myself up, that being a common problem for most first timers. When I actually manage to do it I'll be at a slight loss because of the infinite possibilities, flying is high on my list, interacting with the people in the dream should also be entertaining because they always try to convince you that you aren't dreaming with very little success, also telling a person in your dream that they don't exist can have very strange results.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] teh Chaz [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Mr Slashercide What would you do?[/quote]Well I'm doing a few things at the moment -Recording my dreams every morning -Doing regular reality checks throughout the day -Placing reminders to question whether I'm in a dream around the house -Increasing my general awareness of my environment and familiarisation with the actual "feeling" of being awake so I can compare it to the feeling of being in a normal dream and realise that I am dreaming[/quote]º And once you get there, what will you do?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Mr Slashercide What would you do?[/quote]Well I'm doing a few things at the moment -Recording my dreams every morning -Doing regular reality checks throughout the day -Placing reminders to question whether I'm in a dream around the house -Increasing my general awareness of my environment and familiarisation with the actual "feeling" of being awake so I can compare it to the feeling of being in a normal dream and realise that I am dreaming

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Mr Slashercide [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] teh Chaz [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Mr Slashercide [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] teh Chaz [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Mr Slashercide I wonder if this is worth it[/quote]It's the ability to quite literally activate god-mode while you sleep It sounds like one of the best things ever[/quote] hmmmm I dunno. I kind of doubt that you can feel whatever might be happening to you.[/quote]If every person I have ever asked about it is to be believed you apparently retain the same amount of sensory and mental awareness as you do in your awake state. This is neurologically verified by the fact that during lucid dreaming the parts of your brain associated with consciousness are active when they would usually be dormant in normal REM sleep.[/quote] hmmm I would really like to try this kind of stuff out. Lucid dreaming, out of body experiences, all that good stuff but it seems like a lot of work tbh[/quote]Out of body experiences and astral projection is going into the areas of unverified hokey, lucid dreaming is the only solid one that has been verified with proper investigation. Yes it does sound like a lot of work but it's summer and you have loads of time and the stuff you need to do can easily be taken into your stride I've found. I have yet to experience one myself but I'm still trying because it honestly sounds like one of the most fun things ever.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] teh Chaz [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Mr Slashercide [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] teh Chaz [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Mr Slashercide I wonder if this is worth it[/quote]It's the ability to quite literally activate god-mode while you sleep It sounds like one of the best things ever[/quote] hmmmm I dunno. I kind of doubt that you can feel whatever might be happening to you.[/quote]If every person I have ever asked about it is to be believed you apparently retain the same amount of sensory and mental awareness as you do in your awake state. This is neurologically verified by the fact that during lucid dreaming the parts of your brain associated with consciousness are active when they would usually be dormant in normal REM sleep.[/quote] hmmm I would really like to try this kind of stuff out. Lucid dreaming, out of body experiences, all that good stuff but it seems like a lot of work tbh

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Mr Slashercide [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] teh Chaz [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Mr Slashercide I wonder if this is worth it[/quote]It's the ability to quite literally activate god-mode while you sleep It sounds like one of the best things ever[/quote] hmmmm I dunno. I kind of doubt that you can feel whatever might be happening to you.[/quote]If every person I have ever asked about it is to be believed you apparently retain the same amount of sensory and mental awareness as you do in your awake state. This is neurologically verified by the fact that during lucid dreaming the parts of your brain associated with consciousness are active when they would usually be dormant in normal REM sleep.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] teh Chaz [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Mr Slashercide I wonder if this is worth it[/quote]It's the ability to quite literally activate god-mode while you sleep It sounds like one of the best things ever[/quote] hmmmm I dunno. I kind of doubt that you can feel whatever might be happening to you.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Mr Slashercide I wonder if this is worth it[/quote]It's the ability to quite literally activate god-mode while you sleep It sounds like one of the best things ever

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