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4/30/2004 12:30:38 AM

The Covenant Primer

Your guide to the inner workings of the greatest threat Humanity has ever faced, and an alien civilization that's a lot more complex than you'd think.

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  • Man that would be sweet to drive a wraith, but I'm not sure I like the idea of having a couple of pissant grunts stick me with a pair of plasma grenades and go out of the game that way. Seems like you'd be a bit of a sitting duck for anything that's within oh say a hundred yards of you. Driving a scorpion is way fun too, but Bungie put just the right amount into Halo 1 to make it so that you're a bit of a sitting duck in one. My boss thinks I'm nuts because I've already booked 2 weeks holidays off for the release of Halo 2. (I won't tell you what my girlfriend thinks about it). But I told him that the thought of rotting at work while the game was sitting in my XBOX at home would drive me crazy and I wouldn't be able to do any work at all!!! Reading [b]FRANKIE'S[/b] postings really helps add to the excitement and build up. Good job buddy. Later folks. I've got your six on XBOX Live.

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  • Any body know if its possible at all to drive wrath tanks? oh yeah Frankie great update man really good. Keep up the good work!!!!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Nedus YOU werent there either!!yeah fire is understandable,but cavemen figured out how to create atmosphere and giant gravity-creating machines,and build a GIANT ring like 5000 miles across,and then launch it into space??yeah thats SOOO believable,isnt it?[/quote] 1. Gravity can be "generated" by Halo spinning around its axis, the trick would be to get the spinning motion to produce ~1G normal, and to sustain the motion as the rotational energy is leeched away from micro meteorite collisions etc. We can create artifical gravity through this method right now. 2. I would imagine that it would only be practical to build a Halo structure in space. it would require a phenominal amount of raw material to create however, one would hope that the Forerunners had some form of matter conversion technology so that planetary bodies could be converted into the appropriate materials rather than requiring "mining" of the appropriate materials 3. Atmosphere is a collection of gases at various ratios, bound to a celestial body by gravity. Atmospheric gasses are something that is well within our ability to mix as we please. Chemical reactions can greate gasses we need as well as harvesting them from the atmosphere. Halo is in orbit with the gas giant Threshold, a vast resource of matter and interesting gasses just waiting to be harvested. Microbes can convert (what we consider) noxious gasses into more acceptable forms (as our very own Earth demonstrates) so creating an atmosphere for a ring world is no where near outsides the bounds of possibility. 4. Lets not forget that we have terraforming that also needs to be done to create habital land masses, and considering the planning that went into these masses with the "artifical" structures that start up top and continue down into the recesses of Halos subterranean machinery, its something to be impressed by (if we assumed this was real). Right now our limitations are on the scale on which these things must be done. Both in time and resources, and the correct technologies to create them, and set the plan in motion. We are so hampered by the economic concerns of building, and researching new technologies (not to mention the egotistical side of research as well) that many grand things that we have the technology to build, or the ability to research, simply wont be beacause of the cost involved to do so. If only the cost of things such as these could be considered in non monetary terms and perhaps a few egos being suppressed then we could achieve so much more. Of course we can get wildly off topic proceeding along this tangent :) And exactly how did the Forerunners suddenly become cavemen? Considering the (now) artifacts that they created, they are acheivements are hardly on the cavemen level. (If we supsend our disbelief for one second and assume that this is all real).

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  • Since I can't seem to edit my post, I meant to say "it might be a little tricky to have a long, uninterrupted run-through of the level, (which is the whole point of, say, an E3 demo)..."

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  • More than likely it was on the easiest setting of the game. Even though Im sure the Developers are all Mighty and Wonderful, it might be a little tricky to have a long, uninterrupted run through of the level if the player keeps dying every three seconds =P I've seen too many clips of game demos played by the creators who can't even run 3 metres without getting themselves pounded... "Uh...we were just...showing you the wonderful and amazing...attack prowess of our enemies...yeah...look at that"

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  • and dont forget the super omega ultimate megaweapon,Rolamee.

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  • geez i keep forgetting to press the quote button!!that last post was to Rolamee

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  • YOU werent there either!!yeah fire is understandable,but cavemen figured out how to create atmosphere and giant gravity-creating machines,and build a GIANT ring like 5000 miles across,and then launch it into space??yeah thats SOOO believable,isnt it?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Samoan4431 ----------------------------- You will meet the Prophets in Halo 2 and it is said that they fight in combat using their floating vehicles with weapons........[/quote] where did you hear that??the depths of your Halo obsessed mind??not to say that im not obsessed with Halo,because i

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  • i meant to quote PhoenixRising with that last post

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  • yeah that was the book.did you see the E3 demo??The MC took a Brute out with one melee combo and 2 bullets.

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  • For all of you that like Dragonball Z, think back to the origins of the Saiyan race. Saiyans were beasts that liked killing (and could change into big monkeys), and another race (forgot what the name was) were beings like humans that had great technology. They teamed up and created a strong race that demolished planets. This sounds alot like the Covenent. Elites being the Saiyans, and Prophits being the other guys. What do you think?

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  • ----------------------------- You will meet the Prophets in Halo 2 and it is said that they fight in combat using their floating vehicles with weapons........

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  • there is a pic with a jackal holding a plasma rifle as well.

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  • dis is great [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Frankie Your guide to the inner workings of the greatest threat Humanity has ever faced, and an alien civilization that's a lot more complex than you'd think.[/quote]

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  • Personally, I can't wait to face Covenant Brutes one vs. one. In the book "First Strike", it said in the last pages that they were able to rip a hunter apart. Like the part in "First Strike" when MC and his small team of Spartans were ambushed by them. He was stronger than MC even with his MJOLNIR Armor System. But, being MC, he managed to kill him with a Fragmentation grenade. Plus, when you shoot them, they just get madder and start to charge you. So i can't wait to open up a can of whoop-ass on some of those bastards! We'll see who wins that battle..

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Nedus [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Rolamee good point good point. but maybe the forunners were idiots [/quote] yeah the forerunners were idiots that just happened to create whole worlds in space.yeah theyre REALLY dumb,arent they? YOU wernt there, were you, geez, cavemen made fire, didnt they? :)

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  • Dude noone has seen engineers yet, but i usually have a almost-perfect picture of one when i read the book (not bragging) the screen on yahoo is a hack, see the URL? use ur brain Dude

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  • Very interesting thoughts my friend! I hope for as much out of halo 2 as i got from halo 1 (and a bit more) I'm a little usure what s'pht is tho prehaps a bit of a heads up for that hmmm?

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  • Informative, yet concise. Very good. I am just wondering where you get your information.

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  • ok.... wow I loved it and i've read the books.... eric nylund wow love him... anyways I'm really new to this bungie forums thing so If I sound lacking in info about halo please forgive me. Does anyone know if they will follow or atleast hint at the books...? I mean ya I know theres brutes and all and new armor and such. But Kelly... Linda.... Fred..... I'd die a 1000 times over if we would see/meet/fight with them. Hell even just a mention would make my day hehe. SO if anyone knows or I've missed this info before. Clue me in? Will we maybe see or hear about them...?

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  • Nice article. Now can you proofread it and put the bloody commas back where they belong, the uppity little buggers are threatening to destroy all your sentences.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Jumpmaster This is just another theory and I'm not saying it's true, but here it goes. What if the Prophets knew we were the Forerunners, and the rest of the Covenant didn't? What if we were enemies of the Prophets in ancient times, dating back hundreds of thousands of years ago? That would explain why the Prophets return in order to defeat their ancient enemies before they regain their knowledge and wisdom? What if somehow our eyes are opened and we realize that we are the Forerunner species, and we gain all of our past technologies and posessions? Just some speculation for you. Also in reply to someone that made a comment about the return of the Flood being stupid, well then buddy, you are in for what hell of a surprise because Jason Jones has already confirmed their return.[/quote] Its likely that, if the Humans are the Forerunners, that we shall be reminded of it soon since Cortana has absorbed the Halo Library Index, as well as the Library it seems. Once she gets the time to properly analyze it there might just be enough info in it to make that deduction. One would hope that if it does contain the history of the Forerunners then there might be a picture or 2 of them :) As of last "First Strike" storyline the absorbed knowledge of Halo is currently compressed inside of Cortana and she hasn't had the time to analyse it properly. The presence of it as reduced her operational capacity, but no one can deny how valuable it is, and that she should do everything to keep it. But yes, I also wouldnt be suprised that the Prophets know the real truth about the Forerunners and are using religion as a control mechanism on the other covenant species, al-la stargate... However the Covenant do seem to lack the ability to improve on the tecnologies that they discover making them less of a potent threat than what they could of been.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] frolnoc Anyone notice something? I did. The Prophets are looking for Foreeunner technologies, right? That seems to be thier only and main ambition. Why then would they go out of their way to send a whole armada to attack Earth, when they know the humans are only a minor threat, especially after they destroyed Reach. I think its because they are looking for something. They are looking for Forerunner tech on Earth. Remember when 343GS called the Chief "reclaimer", thinking he was a forerunner? Well, what if the humans are the descendants of the forerunner, and Earth is like their homeworld or something. Damnit I'm good.[/quote] Lets not forget that their main reason for attacking Reach in the first place was to gain access to the Forerunner space/slipspace warping artifact. It stands to reason that Earth would have some Forerunner artifacts present especially, if Humans are the descendants of the Forerunners, then it, as you rightly said, stands to reason that Earth is a Forerunner world, if not the Forerunner homeworld due to our genetic similiarty to the other species present on it. Of course we may of forgotten our past due to the last activation of the Halo system obliterating the Floods food, but maybe the Forerunners preserved Earth as a sort of sanctuary for themselves, not realizing that they would forget their past, or in fact intentionally making them forget their past, to stop the sins of the past being repeated. However its usally best to remember those sins to stop them being repeated :) But that said the Covenant have basically been told, or duped, into believing that they have a "holy" war on their hands and that we "the infidels" must be destroyed to defend the purity of the Forerunners holy artifacts. And please don't forget that your conclusions about Humans being descendants of the Forerunners have been discussed previously in this thread, let alone in other countless places in other forums on the internet. :)

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] theword why does 343 guilty spark speak a human language[/quote] Because it's really hard to come up with a good believable reason that doesn't seem contrived, so you don't explain it and let people rationalize this discrepency away.

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  • it makes sense tht weapons most effective against a species would be used by tht species... because originally isnt it likely tht the species fought among itself for example, human weapons would be most effective against humans because they were designed to kill humans... killing another species would be its secondary function

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