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11/19/2010 1:28:53 AM

The three things Reach NEEDS changed to be the Halo game it should be

Now first off, this is going to be somewhat of a wall, and heres a little backround on me. I bought a 360 simply because of the FIRST cutscene of Halo 3, I was at my friends house and he showed me it, I couldnt play PS2 any more I bought an xbox, that was in 2007 the day Halo 3 came out. I was addicted, I origonally didnt have live, so naturally I bought CE, and 2 and beat the campaigns in order. I was flabergasted. I am the campaign guy to my friends, I have beat the Halo 3 campaign on legendary for them and couldnt stop playing the 3 campaign. Now reach have an amazing campaign, but alas it didnt have the repalay value the other 3 had. H3s mission The Ark and The Covenant were simply put amazing I couldnt stop playing them and Reach is good but theres no standout missions IMO but thats not why Im posting Im doing this because there are 3 enormous problems in my eyes that need to be fixed: [b]1. Reason for playing[/b] I mean its self explainatory, Halo 3 had a rank system that worked something that had prestige (omg cod word) but having a 50 in halo for the most part ment something. In reach whats the point? i can play gruntpockalypse and get roughly 2x the credits in half the time, There is absolutely no drive for multiplayer for me rank wise. The credits for multiplayer arent the same as firefight so why get angry in multi when i can get easy ones in firefight, that needs to be changed Arena system is awful, I dont play it why should I? I think you need to have an overall reach rank and that needs to be shown at all times like when you play competitive so you actually have some presige with your rank. Thats something that needs to be changed for me to have drive to play. [b]2. The maps[/b] Good god there are so few and most of them arent good, now Im not saying I want new maps, I want the old ones back. Guardian, Last Resort, Construct, and High Ground need to come back, Some of the best maps of all time. These maps get old too easy, its the same look of all the forge world maps, they just arent the same and their boring to play. Thats one thing that really kills the game too, I played H3 RELIGIOUSLY for two years and off and on for the last one. H3s maps were oodles and oodles of fun and these maps, are boring, bland and most of all lame....Bring our old maps back! [b]3. Balance[/b] Lets be honest Bloom needs to go away I want my solid reticule like I had in H3 and for the love of god fix armour lock, if you use it you have to go full time, there its balanced not that hard. Thats all that needs to be said about that Now for everyone who didnt read [b] Short Version [/b] Muliplayer needs to be more competitive, New maps, and old ones, And most of all balence [b]One More Thing[/b] [i]Quitting is too prevalant and the quit ban just isnt working, ive been quit banned, There NEEDS to be a Cr drop when you quit start off at say 100 Cr and the more you quit that number goes up, See how few rage quit when that happens...that could literally save this game because I cant recall the last time I played a game without someone quitting[/i] So for all who read thank you, please rate, comment, and subscribe ect... and for anyone saying go play Halo 3 Then Im going to, and when I get black ops in a week it gets retired again until reach is fixed, This BTW is all coming from a Bungie Fan boy FYI. [Edited on 11.19.2010 8:33 AM PST]
#Halo #Reach

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ruze84 Good luck on Black Ops. I tried it, and it made me realize just how good Reach really is. All I got to say is, watch out for the tears in the maps and glitching, don't mind that ranks mean nothing as well, and your going to love rifle recoil. Oh, and the spawn system is just 'lovely'. Hahahahah .... your so screwed.[/quote] I played black ops and rank does have some effect you cant boost in campaign so it actually shows experience, and i played bo at a friends house and do like it Now let me expain my bloom strategy.... I think bloom does add some skill but i just dont like my reticule freaking out so i want it to just stay solid or not move as much because i dont like it And as for you who are yelling at me...I really do want reach to be good, if they patch it and fix what needs to be fixed believe me I am going to play it again I just want some fun back in my halo games...not boring bs

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  • I agree with the maps point 100% (though I'd add The Pit to that list of all time great maps from H3). I'm indifferent about the rank system, I agree Arena is broken, but I never liked the 50 system either because it just encouraged people to start new accounts and messed up the quality of matchmaking. I totally disagree with you on bloom and AL. I think both are well balanced as they are, and both add an extra level of skill to the game.

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  • Finally a post with reason. I share the exact same opinions as you, i 'was' a hardcore Bungie/Halo fanboy but thanks to the 'not so addictive' Reach multilayer and the fact of how they butchered the universes cannon (plot line in regards to the books) I've lost a lot of respect for the halo series. PS the whole Forge world maps thing is cool, but the same bland textures gets really boring really fast. (a contradiction to what one of the things halos was known well for in MP- amazing scenery + good looking maps)

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ruze84 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] The Stig 521 [b]1. Reason for playing[/b] I mean its self explainatory, Halo 3 had a rank system that worked something that had prestige (omg cod word) but having a 50 in halo for the most part ment something. In reach whats the point? i can play gruntpockalypse and get roughly 2x the credits in half the time, There is absolutely no drive for multiplayer for me rank wise. The credits for multiplayer arent the same as firefight so why get angry in multi when i can get easy ones in firefight, that needs to be changed Arena system is awful, I dont play it why should I? I think you need to have an overall reach rank and that needs to be shown at all times like when you play competitive so you actually have some presige with your rank. Thats something that needs to be changed for me to have drive to play. [/quote] Disagree, but only on a certain specifics. I don't think having a 50 in halo meant alot. Some 40-50 players were good, some were awesome, and some sucked. And there were a LOT of players ranked in that area over time. However, I do have some suggestions to what you mentioned that I do agree with: that there is little incentive for many players to want to keep playing (not everyone cares about a imaginary title to make us keep playing, but that's neither here nor there). - Provide a bonus for games won, in ratings and credits, especially in multiplayer. - Provide a small bonus for games played consecutively with the same teammates in credits. - [b]Allow an icon to be shown on a players gamertag which represents the highest arena season they have ever completed.[/b] No matter what season, playlist or rating your in, if your best ranking was silver, we'll all know. [quote] [b]2. The maps[/b] Good god there are so few and most of them arent good, now Im not saying I want new maps, I want the old ones back. Guardian, Last Resort, Construct, and High Ground need to come back, Some of the best maps of all time. These maps get old too easy, its the same look of all the forge world maps, they just arent the same and their boring to play. Thats one thing that really kills the game too, I played H3 RELIGIOUSLY for two years and off and on for the last one. H3s maps were oodles and oodles of fun and these maps, are boring, bland and most of all lame....Bring our old maps back! [/quote] I agree in part. I'd love some old maps, especially the ones you mentioned. But Reach is going to have to be it's own with something new. And the current developer forgeworld maps are some of the most amateur I've seen, which I hate to say. Lets see what the Noble pack and the Forgetacular contests are going to bring to the table. [quote] [b]3. Balance[/b] Lets be honest Bloom needs to go away I want my solid reticule like I had in H3 and for the love of god fix armour lock, if you use it you have to go full time, there its balanced not that hard. Thats all that needs to be said about that [/quote] Wholeheartedly disagree with your suggestion for bloom. You want your solid reticule back, play another game that has it. Because many of us are enjoying Reach just the way it's weapons are. The only changes I might suggest, though, are to make the bloom rate increase dramatically as non-timed shots (read, spamming) are fired in succession. Basically, you try to spam the dmr (instead of switching to a magnum, AR, etc), and you'll have less chance to hit. I'd also fix it so that movement alters bloom more, so you don't have a solid reticule with the first shot while jetpacking, jumping, etc. [quote] [b]One More Thing[/b] [i]Quitting is too prevalant and the quit ban just isnt working, ive been quit banned, There NEEDS to be a Cr drop when you quit start off at say 100 Cr and the more you quit that number goes up, See how few rage quit when that happens...that could literally save this game because I cant recall the last time I played a game without someone quitting[/i] [/quote] Don't have it happen to me very often. But I will only go into team games with one or more friends who I know personally. I don't believe in soloing a team sport, and those whose 'friends' quit on them mid-game need to raise the bar on what counts as a friend, in my opinion. [quote] So for all who read thank you, please rate, comment, and subscribe ect... and for anyone saying go play Halo 3 Then Im going to, and when I get black ops in a week it gets retired again until reach is fixed, This BTW is all coming from a Bungie Fan boy FYI.[/quote] Good luck on Black Ops. I tried it, and it made me realize just how good Reach really is. All I got to say is, watch out for the tears in the maps and glitching, don't mind that ranks mean nothing as well, and your going to love rifle recoil. Oh, and the spawn system is just 'lovely'. Hahahahah .... your so screwed.[/quote]Pretty much what this guy said.

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  • fixing bad maps by bringing back bad maps from Halo 3 is hardly a good fix. Good new maps is the answer.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] My BR iz nutZZ I want a patch[/quote] Agreed, but I'm starting to think it's already too late.

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  • I want a patch

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  • agree but i would also like to have faster walking speeds and jumping height probably not going to happen tho

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  • Dude, you need to e-mail bungie. Your totally right.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Genocide512 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] The Stig 521 Well lets look at the update...nothing but DLC B.S. I want to know how their going to fix their "swan song" not how their going to add new maps...Seriously Bungie stop advertising and make the game more enjoyable for us. [/quote] Nothing will be fixed because they don't want to fix it get that into your thick skull, this is the game that they wanted to make whether you like it or not is up to you, but you just get over yourself, they won't do anything you've suggested so you might as well go and play halo3 or black ops if you aren't satisfied with what you got or stop whining.[/quote] So your telling me that you are 100% satisfied with this game and have never gotten mad or said that something needs to be changed? Yeah I'll believe that when hell freezes over

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  • agreed; but taking bloom out would be way to overpowered; the dmr would be a nightmare. It just needs a small tweak.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] The Stig 521 Well lets look at the update...nothing but DLC B.S. I want to know how their going to fix their "swan song" not how their going to add new maps...Seriously Bungie stop advertising and make the game more enjoyable for us. [/quote] Nothing will be fixed because they don't want to fix it get that into your thick skull, this is the game that they wanted to make whether you like it or not is up to you, but you just get over yourself, they won't do anything you've suggested so you might as well go and play halo3 or black ops if you aren't satisfied with what you got or stop whining.

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  • Well lets look at the update...nothing but DLC B.S. I want to know how their going to fix their "swan song" not how their going to add new maps...Seriously Bungie stop advertising and make the game more enjoyable for us.

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  • All i got from this is that you want another halo3

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  • dont have any comments but i dont want this to die so heres my bump for you.

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  • couldnt agree more with all post topics. they have taken the purpose out of matchmaking.i could literally start my xbox in the morning sign into a game of slayer and let it run the whold day and i could not get a kill all day and earn 800 credits every 15 min. the credit system is whack go back to an xp system and when people quit they lose xp. i want my global rank back along with a number rank that i can show off and work towards improving. the maps are pretty awful compared to previous halo's. Abilities are a good idea. i like them but i dont think they should be in Halo. halo used to be about skill and teamwork. now its about credit boosting. thanks bungie

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  • [b]1. Reason for playing[/b] I suspect that I'm representing a minority here, but I play for the sake of playing. For fun. To have a good time. But that doesn't mean that I don't try hard to win, even though winning or losing has no influence on the credits you get. I simply want to win. Otherwise I wouldn't be playing. Rank never meant anything to me. It was just an arbitary number that went up over time. I never tried to level up on purpose - that just happened while playing because, as I said, I aim to win a game. So, in a nutshell, neither a 1 - 50 ranking system nor the credits you earn are reason for me to play. I play because I like to play. End of story. [b]2. The Maps[/b] I have to agree with you: The maps in Reach are - as a whole - the worst of all Halo games. None of the remakes are actually fun, and most of them don't even work with Reach's different game mechanic. And the new maps aren't better. For the lack of a better term, I'd say they are too complex; I know that "complex" probably isn't the right word to describe it, but what the heck. Just take Sword Base as an example. 90% of the action takes place in and around the yellow lift room. The rest of the map is just used to spawn and maybe pick up the shotgun, sword, or whatever. Seriously, what do you do when you spawn on that map? Pick up a power weapon if it's close by, and then proceed to the yellow lift room. Boring. [b]3. Balance[/b] Bloom itself isn't the problem. The real problem is that the aim-assist's bullet magnetism somewhat directs your bullets toward the target, thus effectively offsetting a substantial amount of the spread the bloom is supposed to generate. Otherwise people wouldn't score headshots that often when spamming the DRM at medium distance. I can even prove it: Pick up a DMR and spam a magazin into a wall; take note of the bullet pattern. Now have an opponent stand right in front of the wall and empty a magazin at him. The bullet pattern is considerably smaller. [Edited on 11.19.2010 11:02 AM PST]

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  • I partially agree on 1, but 2 and 3 NO WAY. The maps are fine for the most part and plenty more will be released before all is said and done. And it is ridiculous to call reach unbalanced. It is the most balanced Halo game of all of them.

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  • TLDR version: Make Reach more like Halo 3.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] The Stig 521 [b]1. Reason for playing[/b] I mean its self explainatory, Halo 3 had a rank system that worked something that had prestige (omg cod word) but having a 50 in halo for the most part ment something. In reach whats the point? i can play gruntpockalypse and get roughly 2x the credits in half the time, There is absolutely no drive for multiplayer for me rank wise. The credits for multiplayer arent the same as firefight so why get angry in multi when i can get easy ones in firefight, that needs to be changed Arena system is awful, I dont play it why should I? I think you need to have an overall reach rank and that needs to be shown at all times like when you play competitive so you actually have some presige with your rank. Thats something that needs to be changed for me to have drive to play. [/quote] Disagree, but only on a certain specifics. I don't think having a 50 in halo meant alot. Some 40-50 players were good, some were awesome, and some sucked. And there were a LOT of players ranked in that area over time. However, I do have some suggestions to what you mentioned that I do agree with: that there is little incentive for many players to want to keep playing (not everyone cares about a imaginary title to make us keep playing, but that's neither here nor there). - Provide a bonus for games won, in ratings and credits, especially in multiplayer. - Provide a small bonus for games played consecutively with the same teammates in credits. - [b]Allow an icon to be shown on a players gamertag which represents the highest arena season they have ever completed.[/b] No matter what season, playlist or rating your in, if your best ranking was silver, we'll all know. [quote] [b]2. The maps[/b] Good god there are so few and most of them arent good, now Im not saying I want new maps, I want the old ones back. Guardian, Last Resort, Construct, and High Ground need to come back, Some of the best maps of all time. These maps get old too easy, its the same look of all the forge world maps, they just arent the same and their boring to play. Thats one thing that really kills the game too, I played H3 RELIGIOUSLY for two years and off and on for the last one. H3s maps were oodles and oodles of fun and these maps, are boring, bland and most of all lame....Bring our old maps back! [/quote] I agree in part. I'd love some old maps, especially the ones you mentioned. But Reach is going to have to be it's own with something new. And the current developer forgeworld maps are some of the most amateur I've seen, which I hate to say. Lets see what the Noble pack and the Forgetacular contests are going to bring to the table. [quote] [b]3. Balance[/b] Lets be honest Bloom needs to go away I want my solid reticule like I had in H3 and for the love of god fix armour lock, if you use it you have to go full time, there its balanced not that hard. Thats all that needs to be said about that [/quote] Wholeheartedly disagree with your suggestion for bloom. You want your solid reticule back, play another game that has it. Because many of us are enjoying Reach just the way it's weapons are. The only changes I might suggest, though, are to make the bloom rate increase dramatically as non-timed shots (read, spamming) are fired in succession. Basically, you try to spam the dmr (instead of switching to a magnum, AR, etc), and you'll have less chance to hit. I'd also fix it so that movement alters bloom more, so you don't have a solid reticule with the first shot while jetpacking, jumping, etc. [quote] [b]One More Thing[/b] [i]Quitting is too prevalant and the quit ban just isnt working, ive been quit banned, There NEEDS to be a Cr drop when you quit start off at say 100 Cr and the more you quit that number goes up, See how few rage quit when that happens...that could literally save this game because I cant recall the last time I played a game without someone quitting[/i] [/quote] Don't have it happen to me very often. But I will only go into team games with one or more friends who I know personally. I don't believe in soloing a team sport, and those whose 'friends' quit on them mid-game need to raise the bar on what counts as a friend, in my opinion. [quote] So for all who read thank you, please rate, comment, and subscribe ect... and for anyone saying go play Halo 3 Then Im going to, and when I get black ops in a week it gets retired again until reach is fixed, This BTW is all coming from a Bungie Fan boy FYI.[/quote] Good luck on Black Ops. I tried it, and it made me realize just how good Reach really is. All I got to say is, watch out for the tears in the maps and glitching, don't mind that ranks mean nothing as well, and your going to love rifle recoil. Oh, and the spawn system is just 'lovely'. Hahahahah .... your so screwed.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] NatCr3w1 I disagree on pretty much everything.First the campaign was amazing it matched CE's especially after H2's.The ranking system I like cause its not like you have to go through so many games and only the one you win you get Xp and it takes forever to rank up.Bloom is fine I mean bullets are propelled by mini explosions it should have some effect but the beta's system could be nice.AL the only thing they need to fix is the frosting effect I like it cause you can't whore the ghost and rockets and be unstoppable.I have something to counter those now.Thats all I have for right now.[/quote] I agree with this statement

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  • I disagree on pretty much everything.First the campaign was amazing it matched CE's especially after H2's.The ranking system I like cause its not like you have to go through so many games and only the one you win you get Xp and it takes forever to rank up.Bloom is fine I mean bullets are propelled by mini explosions it should have some effect but the beta's system could be nice.AL the only thing they need to fix is the frosting effect I like it cause you can't whore the ghost and rockets and be unstoppable.I have something to counter those now.Thats all I have for right now.

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  • You should just stay on Black ops dude cus Reach won't change and thats fine with me cus i don't mind it, bungie have made a game the way that they want it and thats what they should have done, as soon as they interact with their fanbase they get unreasonable request that would envolve them prob having to re-make the whole game, so if you don't like Halo Reach then go and play halo3 or call of duty cus nothing you say will change reach.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Coux73 A fair amount of the old maps have been remade in forge. They're not exactly the same, as the athstetic feel of the originals can't really be captured with the forge pieces. However, some of them aren't that bad. I don't think bloom will be completely removed. It may be tweaked, but not completely removed. Even if it were, I think the DMR would become a little unbalanced and a complete killing machine. Arena is a tricky subject. It was Bungie's attempt to do away with a lot of the problems seen in H3 with the 1-50 ranking system (boosters, de-rankers, back-packers, second accounts, selling of accounts). To a certain degree, the Arena system, along with player investment, does address a fair amount of these issues. However, people really seem to miss the old ranking system, and motivation to rank in Arena is not quite what it was in H3. I'm not quite sure what changes can be made to Arena that wouldn't introduce new problems. The 1-50 ranking system was exploited pretty badly in H3. I can see how Arena would be attractive in that respect. However, I do think a certain something was lost when the change was made. There was a great sense of accomplishment for achieving rank in the old system. It seems to be lacking a little bit in Arena. Maybe that little number felt a little more tangible than getting placed in one of 5 divisions? Who knows. [/quote] Yeah Ive played a couple of the remade maps, there really fun like gaurdian as for the rank what I propose is keep the seasons thats a good idea but take an overall time like every time you play arena it goes into a big giant one that everyone can see when they highlight your name in multiplayer just something so we can have a difinitive way to play competitively because there is no drive when i can just go play competitive and beat guests

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  • A fair amount of the old maps have been remade in forge. They're not exactly the same, as the athstetic feel of the originals can't really be captured with the forge pieces. However, some of them aren't that bad. I don't think bloom will be completely removed. It may be tweaked, but not completely removed. Even if it were, I think the DMR would become a little unbalanced and a complete killing machine. Arena is a tricky subject. It was Bungie's attempt to do away with a lot of the problems seen in H3 with the 1-50 ranking system (boosters, de-rankers, back-packers, second accounts, selling of accounts). To a certain degree, the Arena system, along with player investment, does address a fair amount of these issues. However, people really seem to miss the old ranking system, and motivation to rank in Arena is not quite what it was in H3. I'm not quite sure what changes can be made to Arena that wouldn't introduce new problems. The 1-50 ranking system was exploited pretty badly in H3. I can see how Arena would be attractive in that respect. However, I do think a certain something was lost when the change was made. There was a great sense of accomplishment for achieving rank in the old system. It seems to be lacking a little bit in Arena. Maybe that little number felt a little more tangible than getting placed in one of 5 divisions? Who knows.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] FalconStickr OP it sounds like you just want Halo 3 with new graphics. The Halo 3 servers are still running so go play Halo 3, the worst Halo. You were a 50 in Halo 3 because it was easy to boost. I bet you wernt even close to a 50 in Halo 2. You just seem to care about being the highest level and now that you have to invest time to get that rank. Not just boost in Team Doubles. And for the bloom you are just another crybaby who cant DMR for a damn. Reach>BK[/quote] ok troll...First I did play H3 recently...It was fun, I never played halo 2 online maybe if you read my post you would have seen Halo 3 got me to get an xbox...I can DMR fine I just liked the betas bloom better and it dosent make sense that were supermen and cant handle a little bit of recoil AND back to actually reading my post you would have seen that bloom is literally on the bottom of the list of changes, the drive to be competitive is non existent along with the repetition of maps, yeah I liked halo 3 maps and I would like to see SOME of them back and I dont wanna be the highest rank, i literally couldnt care less what rank I am I just wanted armour...and rank has absolutely nothing to do with skill in this game. I want a system where you can see what rank someone is like halo 3 or halo 2s system it should be shown all the time so before you go off on a rant read the post...and if you did read then you need to learn how to interperate what people say

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