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Destiny 2

Discuss all things Destiny 2.
5/22/2024 9:33:49 PM

Bungie hates skill

"Additionally, Grapple melee will no longer be able to be used after firing your weapon. This is primarily intended to reduce the number of difficult-to-understand Grapple melee deaths in the Crucible, where players can Grapple toward you, fire a single Hand Cannon shot, and then follow up with a Grapple melee for a very fast cleanup. But it also reduces the number of melee damage stacking sources—which can spiral out of control very quickly—that are easily achievable with Grapple melees by removing One Two Punch from the equation." There you have it, same thing with shoulder charge. Anything in this game that requires finest and mastery is nerfed when its too overwhelming for lower skilled players. Look at AE as an exemple, it was created with the intent to nerfing skilled players against not so skilled. Its always like this with this game, it creates OP things that are easy to do (shatter dive) and nerfs anything aspirational for skill ( you train to be able to do something perfectly so that you can have leverage or an aditional option). People dont invest on getting better, its not worth it. There is a skill ceiling that the team wants, and they will do anything in there power to do so.

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