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5/21/2024 5:03:43 PM

Please stop forcing players to do PVP!

I've been playing Destiny 2 for 2 years. I haven't touched pvp, I don't like this mode in games and let's face it, I'm a bad pvp player. That's why my frustration reaches its peak when I'm forced to do pvp to obtain or unlock catalysts for certain weapons, etc. I'm dying faster than I can blink, I can't get more than 6-7 kills in one game. I feel like my character is made of paper, even though I follow various guides. This is a waste of time and a lot of nerves for me, which I cannot afford. And I love the game itself and I would like to have fun from it, not frustration.

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    Lore-meister - old

    its crazy they still do this when its clearly a pve game!... who plays destiny for pvp lol

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    6 Replies
    • They just can't accept that it doesn't work and never will. People don't like pvp in this game and that's that. Huge majority, that is.

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    • On the one hand, I feel where you are coming from, as I too am not a fan of PVP.... in most instances but sometimes there are occasions where I just want to get a funny gun, unlock a catalyst, or play get better in a way that I have fun, Is it frustrating to go up against to fragging pvp player when im a below average player? Yes, but I have had a few instances where playing against such people elevates my skills through practice, that is if I'm not immediately kicked in the teeth. That being said, if your going to play pvp, play it with friends that way, regardless of the result you can have some fun with it. Branch out into different ways of playing pvp that on paper are not expected, for example, Warlocks got Lumina and boots of the assembler, Normally this is a PVE setup that meshes with WoR and Solar, but in pvp, it can easily work with most subclasses, it just works BEST with solar. Do a little mad science, Try to create something fun for YOU to play in pvp and get armor to support that playstyle. You only really gotta put on the "Git Gud" pants if you're in comp or trials. So chin up and don't let a bad day in the crucible bother you, So what if you don't have the super shiny and fancy thing, It not a waste of time if you make progress towards what you initially went to do, even if it is a catalyst, a single weapon kill with the weapon will push that progress along. Also, don't listen to pvp guides, its snake oil BS when the real remedy to the problem is finding a setup you like, and sticking to it. PVE counterparts are fine but Pvp "guides" will not do much, find what works for you and practice to get better. Do not focus on the scoreboard or the KDA or the match results, focus on building your foundation, it will take time but you will be able to see improvement over time if you focus more on trying to have fun and find what works.

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    • I don’t mind pvp. I hate the matchmaking though and that there’s no freelance. I just love looking at stats finding out that my opposing teams had a damn near 100% chance of winning. I haven’t had an issue with cross play until lately. I see people lagging around the map appearing and disappearing, basically moving around before the radar detects them. I’ll be in a duel and then someone disappears. Then I’ll see my radar go red without seeing anyone but then get blasted from behind. So I try to turn cross play off and you might as well not even play PvP at that point because you won’t get matched with anyone. I hate quitting matches, I really do. But it’s too much of a pain in the -blam!- to stay in especially when the opposite team is too far ahead.

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    • When there are pvp quests I just take my time and do bits here and there. I never play pvp unless there’s something in it I want. If I want PvP I’ll play warzone or something similar that’s more fun.

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    • Focus on the things that makes the game fun for you and skip the things that frustrates you. I am a solo player and I do the things I can in the game I don't force myself to do things just for the sake of catalysts. Remember, Bungie has a habit of nerfing exotics when they feel like it.

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    • Edited by Boldly Going Nowhere: 5/22/2024 11:53:33 PM
      I don't like slogging through PvE but, y'know, we have to for the guns 🤷

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    • Say all of that, but swap PvP for PvE. Do you see how ridiculous that sounds? “I always play PvP and hate PvE. Please let me obtain everything from PvP. Stop FORCING me to play all content to access all rewards…”.

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    • I’d you don’t play the full game, you don’t deserve all the stuff in the game.

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    • By your logic, I should get timelost and harrowed weapons from pvp because I suck at endgame pve... Yeah no, Ill suck it up and play the whole game regardless. If you want something bad enough, You'll play the required activity to get it. [spoiler]Curse you VoG for not dropping fatebringer[/spoiler]

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      2 Replies
      • Hate to be that guy, but Destiny is a PvE and PvP game. The technical “proper” way of playing it is to be a pve and pvp player. Which obviously not everyone will fit into, which is why I said “technical” earlier. Even with this, you can still only play pve and see success. Same with pvp. But those who delve into both will reap a lot more rewards. Which makes sense logically.

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      • It's time you played trials my friend.

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      • Edited by SCRFY N3RF HRDR: 5/22/2024 3:24:15 PM
        Blink of an eye is about 100-150ms, most weapons sit around the 800ms TTK range. If you’re close quarters with a sidearm that turns into a 670ms optimal. My advice is to hug a teammate and build intuition while using them as a meat shield.

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      • This post and all the replies are hilarious.

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      • Who is forcing you?

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      • It's a game. No one is forcing you to do anything.

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      • I tend to run mine on things like Rift or normal Control (not Sparrow Control... that just gets too chaotic sometimes). Seems to be easier to take a more defensive posture in those modes... a little less stressful.

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      • Edited by A_mo: 5/22/2024 2:05:08 PM
        It might be a lot of work but it probably would be worth it to change whatever catalysts require PvP if and when they could be changed. But 6-7 kills per game... you gotta start out somewhere. The problem that emerges from people not being satisfied with starting out somewhere is that you'll get locked into a cycle that's about anything but actual improvement. The game could be set up to be far more about personal improvement over time, but its the people that are mad about how little they score when the game works right that stop that from happening. Its also not good to have people doing catalysts and quests because that's what they tend to focus on so it messes things up when the game is still trying to ensure they score as much as the game says they should score during the matches. They already toned that down or started offering players choice between pvp and pve but there are some things that are left over from a while back. So it would depend on how much work would have to be taken from other things or if they have time to redo that stuff, if its worth it to redo.

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        Play comp. There’s a lot less going on. The matchmaking and lobby balancing is a little better. You’ll improve faster because there are a lot of one on one situations. 6’s are sweaty af and generally more chaotic

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      • I imagine you’ve gotten dunked on enough by posting this. So instead I’ll ask you a legit straightforward question. Why not just work through it? If you keep deliberately avoiding pvp, every time you do go into it, it’s just going to feel like a slap to the sack. Maybe run a few matches each week on purpose. Get a bit of progress on the catalyst. Get used to the game mode. Don’t focus on score. Just make it routine. And then go do something fun after. At some point your catalyst will be done and you might end up less stressed about pvp.

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        1 Reply
        • Amount of upvotes here is sad. Shows who uses the forums the most lol

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          3 Replies
          • So because you suck, there shouldn’t be PvP related quests or parts of PvP quests? Im trash at PvE, yet you don’t see me complaining having to do PvE content for weapons I want

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          • I don't like the PvP mode either, but you are not forced to play it. If you want to get these catalysts, then stop caring about your K/D or winning. The catalysts that drop from PvP just drop randomly, so I just put on a podcast or a video. The only exception to this rule is the mida catalyst, but that is a PvP weapon sometimes when scouts are meta. So you are not missing out on anything my not having something for a weapon that is not for PvE.

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            2 Replies
            • Hummmm the hottest take in Destiny. " Just because you bought the game. Does not make you entitled to everything in the game"

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              • Looks like you don't do any difficult content. No Dungeons or Raids. No GMs. Looks like zero legendary campaigns.

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              • bungie would of been better off to dump the timer on zero hour . way out of touch with the player base . noway l will be giving them another penny for the FS. most players can't even unlock outbreak. because of there moronic actions. piss poor management. makes for bad game play for the major player base.

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