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Edited by OtterTears: 5/13/2024 3:49:15 AM

So tired of HCs

Can we please nerf them. They been meta for years now. Ever since D1. I’m tired of them. You nerf everything good in the game but won’t dare touch 140 HCs.

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  • Edited by Spectra: 5/16/2024 5:56:18 AM
    Weapons like HCs and submachine guns work really well in a fast paced sandbox like Destiny’s. HCs will always be a good weapon because they cause big damage with a single shot. However, on a one of one duel, if you catch an handcannon user out of cover, you can beat him using a pulse or auto.

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  • Ignores how good let’s see like everything else is lol so bias. pulses sidearms smgs autos aren’t good at all rn yea ..

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  • All the people downvoting this are honestly unable to cope with reality.

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    • Just do better

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      • Sorry, can't nerf streamers auto-aiming toys.

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        • It takes three headshots!! They require the highest skill. Pulse and auto are the lowest skill. Period!

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          • 140 HCS have a lower TTK than half the pulses in the game, 750 SMGS, 450 autos, and even 150 scouts now. get better.

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          • No nerfs period

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          • I'm so tired of Billy Betas ruining this game.

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          • Their TTK is garbage. You can’t nerf something that statistically isn’t good. It’s the pure satisfaction and team play that makes HCs good, and Bungie can’t do anything about that.

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          • HCs are fine lol if anything autos are dominating.

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          • Hand cannons haven't been the meta for a very long time. They only do one thing better than any other gun. Peak shoot. Straight up duel, no one misses and the hand cannon loses 9 out of 10 times. All except one beat its ttk, the one matches it. All auto's beat its ttk. All scouts except 180 and 120 beat its ttk. Hand cannons are also the only weapon to require 100 accuracy to achieve their ttk ( not sure if any other archetypes got pushed into this same requirement with the new sandbox, but pretty sure none did)

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            • Edited by Avory: 5/13/2024 4:45:39 PM
              Are you stupid or do you just not pay attention to any sandbox adjustments Hcs have been nerfed several times over the course of d2 most recent for example was the March update which guess what affected Hcs the worst out of any primary And while hc metas have been common it has always been paired with another weapon just as dominant but easier to use For example rn with summoner Or last year where Hcs were semi present but smgs were the overwhelming meta They rarely touch Hcs for a reason there essentially the best balenced primary in pvp And losing to one in a fair 1v1 90% of the time is being the worse player out the 2 and is a skill issue

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              • Edited by Kiro - 13: 5/13/2024 8:46:30 PM
                Its a .87 ttk for 140s and a entire 1 second for 120s. I am fairly sure every other primary in the game has faster or equal to ttk. Name me one primary thats has a worse ttk then a 120 HC.

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                • 2

                  Lore-meister - old

                  Aim assist nerf fixes them … 50% across the board make the sweats actually aim

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                  20 Replies
                  • If you lay on the trigger with some of the other weapons , you can outperform hand cannon users if they get caught out in the open . Most H/C users peek shot . The other determining factor is that most auto and pulse users will see their health drop so quickly that they try to exit the fight instead of finishing it out . Unfortunately as soon as you try to run you get popped in the back for the remaining 80 points or someone off to the side finishes you off as soon as you come into their view. I Recommend that you move a little and stay in the fight . If they miss one shot you have them pretty easily.

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                  • 140 Hand Cannons are the most used weapon type, but I'd hesitate to call them the hard meta right now. Hell, they aren't anywhere near the meta for Trials right now. The Summoner was the most used weapon in Trials for the past 6 active weekends, and before that it was the Prosecutor. Thorn always remains in the conversation for comp pvp, but also sees very little play in trials. There's a lot of Luna's Howl right now, but that feels more like the flavor of the week. Thorn, Rose, Summoner, Ammit, Blast furnace, Elsie, Helio, Recluse, etc. All weapons types are featured in the current meta, with a noticeably less SMGs and sidearms than ever before. I'd argue that we are in the softest HC meta that we've ever seen. Not really sure what else you want Bungie to do here.

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                    5 Replies
                    • 🤨 when the balance changes hit 140hcs where given 0 meters of leeway for their optimal ttk. And that's hardly the only nerf they've gotten. Cmon, man, if you're gonna complain, do it in a valid way

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                      10 Replies
                      • It's the baseline. If they are nerfed, everything else has to be nerfed. Most primaries have a better ttk.

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                      • Hand cannons are fun and unique, def not broken but they’re really good.

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                      • Imo hand cannons are what makes destiny PvP unique & fun to play. Anyone can hold down the trigger and melt someone from 40m without much skill needed.

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                        19 Replies
                        • Hc’s are iconic and not even that much of an outlier

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                          • Leave my big iron on my hip alone partner

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                          • Lol , bungies bread and butter ! Nerf ….never ! Their key streamers use them . The Luna howl is everywhere ….I wonder why 😂

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                            2 Replies
                            • They don’t need a nerf. Also you are using one, so I guess you like their benefits.

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                              • Peak shooting effectively takes skill given how fast most other weapons can kill you. HCs also have lower TTKs than Autos (the actual current meta) as 140s have a 0.84 TTK and 120s have a 1.0 TTK. Handcannons are a fan favourite, it doesnt mean they are the best.

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