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2/23/2024 9:16:41 PM

Please HELP with Brazil servers

As I have stated previously, brazil servers are constantly kicking people out and moderators of this forum keep saying its the user internet fault. Take a look at Brazil forum page and you will see, keep neglecting the issue every time instead of addressing with OUR company. I paid hundreds of dollars just like other brazilians to play this annd for a WEEK we have being kicked out for weasol and centipede erro codes. Thats my last effort to get you to help us, if not, then I assume that's why people are quitting the game, the lack of trust we have on the company to fix the issues.
#Help #Errorcodes

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  • Hi. Thanks for your report. Our investigations have determined that the Telephonica Brasil internet service provider is having issues that are causing these error codes for our Brazillian players. Unfortunately, this is not an issue we can assist with since it's the ISP having the issue.

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    29 Replies
    • Edited by CarlosAssisFilho: 3/6/2024 1:49:58 PM
      Aparentemente, após a atualização de terça-feira (Jogos dos Guardiões), a conexão ficou normal pra mim. Joguei ontem e hoje sem erros de desconexão. Fica agora a dúvida: foi alguma ajuste na Vivo ou na Bungie? Apparently, after Tuesday's update (Guardians Games), the connection became normal for me. I played yesterday and today with no disconnection errors. Now the question remains: was there an adjustment at Vivo or Bungie? :D

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    • O negócio galera é boicotar essa porcaria da bungie e mostrar q nós consumidores não somos otarios eu mesmo não invisto mais nessa porcaria dos destiny2 devido a essas quedas nas partidas. Esta injogavel jogar e nm vem culpar nossos servidores conversas fiadas deles

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    • Essa bungie está um lixo vem cm essas conversas fiadas q são os servidores dq do Brasil que estão com o problema criem vergonha na cara se essa -blam!- de empresa não tem.suporte vende ou reembolsa tds os jogadores q investiram no jogo e parem cm esse papo furado culpando nossa conexão jogo outros jogos on-line não tenho problema algum

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    • qual é o seu provedor? tenho passado por isso com a vivo fibra

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      9 Replies
      • As already mentioned here, if Bungie and vivo support (operator in Brazil) do not talk to each other, the problem will not be resolved. A normal person complaining that "the server has an ISP problem" won't solve anything, it won't reach someone who can really change something. This problem already happened in 2019 with people in Europe (just search on Twitter at the time) and Bungie managed to solve it. PS: Yes, my English is bad and my apologies are in order, but the only support I have is that it needs to be in English, even though the game is 100% in my language, we do not have support in the same way.

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        • Achei isso no Discord do Destiny 2 Brasil, na parte de anuncios: "Lawure — Ontem às 23:48 Atenção @Guardião, para quem está passando por problema de conexões (assim como eu) segue mensagem do nosso tchakael que é mod do forum da bungie e trouxe informações a respeito, até o momento não houve ainda uma pronuncia oficial, mas isso é o máximo que teremos de uma mensagem oficial ate o devido momento desse post: A Bungie já está ciente dos problemas de conexão e eles não são relacionados com os servidores, mas com a rota, o caminho físico percorrido através de cabos e fibras óticas, de alguns provedores da América do Sul com os servidores de Destiny 2 nos Estados Unidos. A equipe no Centro de Operações de Rede da Bungie está investigando a situação, mas os jogadores também devem entrar em contato com o provedor informando caso desejem acelerar uma solução, já que deverá ser resolvido pelos provedores e seus parceiros. Para ajudar o suporte do seu provedor caso solicitem informações do servidor, a lista de IPs da Bungie está disponível através do ASN 394073." O difícil é conseguir falar com o time de engenharia da Vivo.

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          • Edited by Codijr: 2/28/2024 5:18:46 AM
            Adding to the main thread: Suggesting that individuals contact their ISP’s and complain to reps (or managers) that every service is working fine and at perfect speeds, except one video game, will at best result in a slew of unread support tickets which will go nowhere. The issue may be outside of Bungie’s direct control but that doesn’t mean that the burden of action falls directly to the end customer and that there’s nothing to be done, especially since the issue is unique to Destiny, a Bungie service. A direct official communication by a Bungie representative(s) to a company will hold infinitely more weight than any amount of tickets we could create, and will be much more likely to be escalated into something productive. The fact that this wasn’t the first move and that there’s no open line of communication on the matter is beyond me. The only “official” response being the confirmation that there are issues and that there’s nothing to be done, is insultingly lazy and dishonest to those who have invested in the service. People outside of Brazil need to realize that gaming is extremely expensive here and buying even a couple “cheap” DLC’s adds up to hundreds of dollars very fast. I purchased mine on sale in early February and it was still overpriced, so I can only imagine the frustration of those more invested than myself. Where can I find the contact information of someone directly involved with Bungie who should be seeing these posts, because this forum is clearly pointless. This is not rhetorical, I would appreciate an email address or phone number.

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            8 Replies
            • Hi there! Thank you for your report. Can you please confirm who your Internet Service Provider is?

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              8 Replies
              • I played earlier, no problem at first glance. But now, I'm getting buffalo error (how tf I'm not connected with Steam, os course I am) and now I get a centipede and can't even see the character selection page.

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              • I have been facing the same problem for several days. Unfortunately we have no one to complain to. I'm glad I didn't buy The Final Shape, I would have thrown my money in the trash.

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              • It seems accurate. Vivo Fibra has been unstable with D2 for at least 4 days. I just tested a GPM (e.g.: WTfast) and it was possible to play without any problems. Anyway it is very strange the problem begun with the weekly reset.

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              • Hello everybody! I live in Brazil and I have the same problem, but my provider is different, it's local (Unifique). I can't play without crashing and getting error codes.

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                5 Replies
                • Same here, please guys fix this problem

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                • Temporary fix (PC only): Install a VPN. Here im using Kaspersky VPN and everything working fine. Yesterday played all day and no dc issues.

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                • Edited by Hi Im Swat: 2/24/2024 9:22:07 PM
                  Hi Im Swat
                  Hi Im Swat

                  Bungie fan forever. Here since 2008. - old

                  EDIT: Bungie has confirmed the issue is outside their control. There is nothing Bungie can do. Contact your ISPs for support. [quote]Hi. Thanks for your report. Our investigations have determined that the Telephonica Brasil internet service provider is having issues that are causing these error codes for our Brazillian players. Unfortunately, this is not an issue we can assist with since it's the ISP having the issue.[/quote]

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                  2 Replies
                  • My ISP is Algar Telecom. Same problem here, dc all day since last update tuesday (20). Other games like: Apex, Valorant, CS and Warzone.. working just fine. Just Destiny giving me connection issues. So, idk if the problem is Telephonica ISP. - DC erros since last update; - Different ppl from different regions of the country; - Different ISPs; - Same errors (centipede and weasel). Coincidence?

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                  • Unfortunately you have issues with trolls that use separate accounts to vote themselves up to make it look like they know what they are talking about..., not moderators. Like me, those individuals are not affiliated with Bungie, and do not have the final say in anything that is said. That said, Bungie uses a server farm in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. You may be getting a connection drop between you and those servers. They also use cloud based servers depending on player populations. Think expansion launch, the Las Vegas farm can't handle that many, so players get booped to cloud based servers. Alternatively if there is a trouble spot say in Texas and a connection cannot be made, it may try a cloud server instead. Bungie may well have cancelled any cloud based servers they had due to low population, as such it's possible the only connection you can make is to Las Vegas, and if there is something wrong between you and them... Error codes. There may be server farms elsewhere on the planet, I am just not aware of them since I live in the USA and those do not affect me. You might try using Nvidia Geforce now. It works like a VPN and may route your traffic around the trouble spot. I really hope the issue gets resolved, regardless of where the problem lies. Non 3rd party source: "We've invested heavily in new server infrastructure for Destiny 2, including using cloud servers for gameplay for the first time. We really believe this is the best model for all of Destiny 2's varied cooperative and competitive experiences. Engineering will always involve tradeoffs and cost-benefit analysis, but as a team we’ve got no regrets about the unique technology we’ve built for Destiny 2."

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