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originally posted in: Trials capture zone
10/2/2023 4:56:39 PM
[b][u]Advantages of Zones: [/u][/b] 1) It reduces the average time of rounds by 30 seconds or more. 2) It forces teams to leave spawn, and teams no longer camp for super. By extension, it pushes supers out another round at least. In general, camping decreases when zones are active. 3) It forces teams to play the entire map. 4) It forces players to use a balanced loadout: one that can deal with multiple ranges. 5) It balances certain playstyles. For example, even if you believe shotgunning is OP, now you may only have to deal with one zone where shotgunning is an issue. 6) It promotes more teamwork and strategy because there are 6 combinations to account for instead of 1. 7) Promotes a wider range of abilities and a different meta than just Elimination would. Ie, more things are viable in Zones than regular Elim. [b][u]Some downsides:[/u][/b] 1) Some maps / zone locations give a slight advantage to one team or another. 2) Makes it harder to 1v3, because the zone takes away time. This is especially obvious when solo-queing or "carrying".

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  • and? you forget to specify that now people no longer play the kills, but the zone with a bubble and a radiance from the 4th round.... do you think it's better? ... it's camping the same

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  • Bubble and Well have ALWAYS won rounds by capping Zone, because they're the fastest supers. However, now, camping for super is less effective, because the rounds are shorter on average. Well and Bubble are LESS viable when rounds are shorter, so they're less viable in Zone Trials then in "regular" Trials.

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  • I think they should make zone 45 seconds, it takes around 15 seconds to get out of spawn and those extra 15 seconds could let people flush out potential wells, bubbles, barricades, etc

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  • That might be a good compromise

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  • It feels like the better of the 2 world's, elim promotes camping for supers, and zone cap wins or loses games more easily due to supers. Feels like there are less 1v3 clutch moments now because someone just sits on point while the other 2 fight

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  • Wells and bubbles are more viable due to zone cap. Even on the losing team wells and bubbles can get their super far before the winning team can if they have roaming super. Wells and bubbles can nearly guarantee a round win, so 4-2 games can be lost entirely to zone cap because of supers. In normal elim you have around a minute 30 (might be wrong idk) to kill the other team before zone pops up, this allows the team without well and bubble to make plays and force supers out before zone is up. If the team with well and bubble run, it gives the other team time to build supers they would not have if it were 30 second rounds

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  • Edited by NotCreative123: 10/3/2023 6:32:24 PM
    That is well thought out. Normal Elimination: 1) Wells and Bubbles appear by Round 3 due to increased Round Timers 2) However, opposing team controls middle of map while team with super is waiting fir zone 3) Opposing team also has time to regenerate more super energy while waiting Dominion: 1) Wells and Bubbles appear by Round 5, and games can be decided before supers arrive. 2) When Bubbles and Wells do arrive, it is harder to prevent them from reaching the zone 3) There are more kills per unit of time, which makes super cooldowns less important when compared to number of kills All in all, I still believe Bubble and Well are less viable in Dominion, but you did raise some good points.

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  • I think zone cap is fine, but I liked it when they alternated weeks with it instead of just forcing it. I despise losing games because my super can't break a bubble and kill everyone inside within the 10 seconds it takes for them to pop it and stand on zone. I also hate it when I solo queue, the game goes 4-4 and I'm the only person on my team who got a super all game because the blueberries are running 10 int on roaming supers and have 800 dmg combined between the 2 of them. But that's a different story

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  • I also want to retract something I said. 3) actually I wouldn’t say is true. Having the capture point in the game, I’ve never been so bored in my life of literally spawning in and contesting the SAME….EXACT…LANES….or choke points….EVERY ……SINGLE…..DAMN……ROUND…’s actually the opposite of what you said. With zone, everyone goes the same direction, sits in the same lanes…same spots…aiming the same sniper/pulse/scout/etc…..every round. Trials is now a test of who can land their shots in the lane quicker and more accurately than the other. It’s no longer strategy, and more just…who can lane the other team faster, or who can bubble/well the point faster.

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  • Some zones play the same way, but for the most part, a new Zone means new lanes and a new strategy to push up. Classic Trials is 100% who can control the map the best. And its only ONE part of the map. Zone Trials is the same way, but with THREE parts of the map.

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  • I hope what I said makes sense to everyone that reads it

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  • That makes no sense….smh lol no disrespect, but dude…you want zone to make players use more of the map….and you say that old trials is controlling the map, but that’s only ONE part….dude….that “ONE” par…IS….the whole map lol you’re stating it yourself. Therefore, that ONE part… getting used when there’s no zone to worry about lmao because people are mostly running around that….”ONE” part because there’s no zone to worry about. When there’s a zone, you have to hover around that area of the map or you’re screwed. Lmao kinda counterintuitive lol

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  • I'm not sure I understood your point... Generally, elimination is centered on a certain area of the map. On Eternity, it's the long lane on the outside. On Javelin, it's the inside area. On Midtown, it's the middle and top areas. This area of the map stays constant throughout the course of the game (except for possibly Heavy round). Zone Trials is also centered on 1 area of the map, but it CHANGES EVERY ROUND. Over the course of the game, you play more of the map in Zone Trials than you ever would in Elimination Trials.

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  • I see your point for sure, but I don’t think being chained to play a side of the map is the way to go about it. Every round being forced to play a certain way? Not cool. I’ve had elim games where I’ve utilized the entire map because of the sheer chaos and mayhem of gun fighting and rotating for strategy and placement. And I’ve also had Elon games where we stalemate in one part of the map as well because both teams just have each other locked into positions, even when trying to rotate. And I much prefer that. Being given the option to utilize the entire map is far superior than being locked into one side of the map every round. Or locked into a certain super or weapons or play-style. In elim you’re free to use whatever whenever wherever.

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  • You aren't "forced" to play a certain way, just corralled to that side of the map. You can still flank, push, sit back, or use whatever tactics or strategy you want. In Classic Elim, teams usually just camp one area, so every round feels the exact same. With Zones, you get much more variety.

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  • I didn’t mean “having some up all the time” I meant having ZONE up sorry for the mistype

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  • Edited by Khaos: 10/2/2023 6:22:26 PM
    1) is correct sure. I’ll give you that. 2)-3) go together. Both are kinda the same. 🤔 sure I’ll give you that as well. The rest tho? Not really. The rest aren’t really true. And they aren’t really determined by the capture zone. Having a cap zone at the ENDING portion of the round I would even say is fine. Because yes after a set amount of time in the round, it does indeed force players to leave their spawn. But having some up all the time?…..just read what others have said on this post and you’ll understand the overall feeling of capture zone. Spoiler——-no one likes it

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  • Edited by NotCreative123: 10/2/2023 6:21:29 PM
    #3 is different from #2. #2 just means that teams are forced to push up put of spawn. Even if you push out of spawn, if you just go to the same spot of the map everytime, that's pretty monotonous. #3 means that teams are forced to a certain area of the map, which in classic Trials is usually just one area. In Zone Trials, it's 3 areas. For example, how often do you really play in the outside area on Javelin? Or the bottom area on Endless Vale? Or the outside area of Midtown? Basically never. But with Zones, you are forced to play there, so the entire map is being utilized at least some of the game I think the other points are valid, and I'm curious why you think otherwise. Having a Zone at the end of the round rather than at the start simply delays the push and prolongs rounds unnecessarily. It also opened the opportunity for teams to camp for quick supers, like Well and Bubble.

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  • Downside 3). It forces you to run a specific class super too. (WellLock & Bubble Titan.)

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  • I agree that certain abilities are stronger in Zones than in regular Elimination... Although in this case, Well and Bubble actually LESS viable in Zones, because you can't camp for super as easily. Bungie is supposed to "balance around Trials". It's what they said when they added Zones. I think the nerf to Titan Barricades helped a lot.

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