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originally posted in: Team Balancing in Trials?
10/2/2023 4:20:03 AM
No one goes flawless if you add this in. Flip a coin 7 times and let me know how it goes.

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  • If that's the case, then the coin-flipping analogy would indeed apply to the current state of randomized matchmaking, which is tantamount to leaving the outcome to chance, both in terms of teammates and opponents. It essentially amounts to relying on the randomness of matchmaking to determine the balance of power within each match.

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  • The better player you are the better chance you have at going flawless currently. flipping a coin has nothing to do with the current matchmaking

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  • Indeed, a player's skill level currently has a significant impact on their chances of achieving a flawless run. However, the coin-flipping analogy is representative of the inherent unpredictability and randomness present in any system that doesn't account for skill levels effectively, rather than a literal comparison. The contention here is not about diminishing the value of skill but about mitigating the extremes of randomness to create a balanced and competitive environment for all players. A well-implemented SBMM can ensure a fair chance for players of various skill levels while preserving the competitive integrity of the game mode, allowing skill to be the determining factor in achieving flawless runs rather than the luck of the draw in matchmaking.

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  • [quote]Indeed, a player's skill level currently has a significant impact on their chances of achieving a flawless run.[/quote] [quote]A well-implemented SBMM can ensure a fair chance for players of various skill levels…. allowing skill to be the determining factor in achieving flawless runs rather than the luck of the draw in matchmaking.[/quote] Found this a little funny. What you’re asking for just increases matchmaking times and makes skill gaps far less prevalent. You’ve actually made matchmaking the predominant factor over skill, because improving your own skill does nothing since the matchmaking adjusts accordingly. Everyone has a fair chance at going Flawless. We now have solo-queue and FBMM. Mercy cards now forgive twice. All changes that make Flawless more accessible to the average player. What you want is that everyone has an equal chance, which isn’t the same thing when you’re talking about competitive modes. Everyone has a fair and equal chance to earn Trials Loot, discounting Lighthouse locked rewards.

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  • I believe that I have already addressed this? Teamwork and optimizing builds.

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  • The first of which is not actually something the majority of the player base engages in. Unless you’d agree to a return to a 3 player Fireteam requirement. Otherwise solo players will continue to play as solos, not engaging with their team outside of reviving them. Do we now matchmake based off of who actually uses the in game voice chat? To make things more equal. Do we matchmake based off of who has what exotics, to ensure everyone has access to all gear options and are on a fair playing field? Do we matchmake based on class to ensure that three titans who want to barricade themselves into a defensive position only play against opponents who can do the same? There’s a lot of different routes you can go with the argument of teamwork and loadout optimisation when your argument is to reduce frustration and ensure each player has a 50% chance at winning.

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  • Then lets argue the opposite. Do you think .5 KD players deserve to play against 2.0 KD players consistently? All it takes is one look at a duo stacked team's game history to prove this point. I believe that you are trying to make SBMM sound like an impossible option. Even though it has been proven in many other games. This is not a new concept.

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  • You’re using one isolated example of a single low K/D player when statistically that’s completely irrelevant to the argument. SBMM works a bit better for a competitive ranking system, Trials however is not that. It’s a game mode with the express purpose to win 7 games and maybe get to the Lighthouse. A journey that resets every week.

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  • Edited by Bluebairy: 10/2/2023 4:38:51 AM
    Trying to correctly guess what side the coin flips on 7 times in a row isn’t a fair chance

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  • Predicting a coin flip seven times consecutively would be largely reliant on luck and wouldn’t constitute a ‘fair chance’ as you mentioned. However, the essence of incorporating balanced matchmaking isn’t to replicate the randomness of a coin flip but to elevate the role of strategic elements like teamwork, communication, and optimized builds in determining match outcomes. The aim is to create an environment where players can transcend their current skill ratings by leveraging these multifaceted components of gameplay, allowing them to achieve flawless runs based on holistic team performance rather than isolated individual skill. The foundational understanding here is that inherent skill, while pivotal, is one of many determinants of success in Trials, and acknowledging the significance of cohesive team dynamics and strategic interplay is crucial for fostering a truly competitive and equitable playing field.

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  • Unfortunately no one’s a main character and can’t consistently go flawless in sbmm trials with the power of teamwork. If you have great communication you are going to be in a higher skill bracket then players who don’t use teamwork. You’re only going to match good teams who have good teamwork. Then everyone is going to win around 50% of their games making going flawless impossible.

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  • Edited by Strigon: 10/2/2023 5:59:54 AM
    Examining the points put forth, it's noteworthy that your KD ratio stands at 2.09, as evidenced by the pertinent Trials report. This situates you distinctly within the demographic that appears to prefer engagements with players of lower skill levels. This context potentially illuminates your perspective, suggesting a possible inclination towards preserving a status quo that intrinsically advantages players with higher skills, enabling them to more regularly encounter opponents with less proficiency.

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  • The matchmaking doesn’t benefit me at all im in the challenger pool which means the bottom half of the playerbase is once again being catered to and has no chance at matching anyone even average. I don’t want there to be the matchmaking you want because no one would go flawless. However I could youre perspective is being “illuminated” also. You want easy matchmaking so you don’t have to face anyone who can shoot back.

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  • Ultimately, the overarching goal is to enhance player satisfaction within the day-to-day engagements in Trials. It is crucial to cultivate an environment where players persist in pursuing a flawless card, fueled by the perception that victory is within reach in every match and that losses are not a predetermined outcome of imbalance. When players are confronted with egregiously unbalanced matches, there’s a proclivity to forfeit before the match concludes. In contrast, closely-contested games tend to foster a heightened level of engagement, compelling players to remain invested throughout the duration of the match. The prevailing sentiment of achievable victory in balanced matches not only sustains player interest and participation but also enriches the overall competitive experience in Trials.

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  • Teams that effectively adapt, innovate their strategies, and refine their synergy and communication are likely to surpass the ‘50% win’ notion and secure consistent victories, subsequently achieving flawless status. Consider professional teams participating in competitive tournaments. The essence of these tournaments is similar to what SBMM strives to achieve: pairing teams of comparable skill levels. Yet, many pro teams consistently go flawless, leveraging superior strategies, communication, and teamwork to outmatch their peers. The essence of competition lies not just in possessing skill but in continually refining and evolving strategies and team dynamics to gain an edge over equally skilled opponents.

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  • No. The "ideal" SBMM seeks to ensure that both teams have a 50% chance of winning that particular game. It is impossible to "continuously improve" or to improve indefinitely. Just like professional athletes can't run at infinity miles per hour. If 100 people flip a coin 10 times, some of them might flip the coin 10 times in a row. However, it just isn't likely. Binomial distributions govern these types of scenarios. You should look into them. Seems you're misinformed about what governs these statistics. You keep acting like Trials is meant to showcase skill against similarly skilled opponents... But that's the purpose of Comp, not Trials. Trials is meant to [b]reward[/b] skill. The means by which it accomplishes that is by making everything random. In a totally random environment, "good" players win more often than "bad" players. With SBMM, "good" and "bad" players win the same amount. A bottom player should have the opportunity to go Flawless. However, they not have the same likelihood to go Flawless as a top player (especially when the rewards for Flawless are the same for everyone)

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