Hi. Thanks for your report.
I've sent this issue to our web and app team to investigate why the raid isn't showing up in Game History. However, we're unable to do anything about raid.report since that is a third-party website.
Hello, just wanted to ask if you guys could get any info regarding our issue? We even got some data from our run on the #RaidMemories email that was sent regarding the day 1 raid so even if the run is missing from our history, the data must be somewhere right? https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/711377250083143774/1087423756990951495/image0.jpg
hi i also did day 1 but emblem didnt drop for me but did for the rest of my party i did everything i could to message people at bungie but no luck
So why, in this second stream clip attached, did they all wipe and come back ? If so many teams had the same thing happen and they didn’t resurrect ? I’m just trying to understand :( because it’s so very disappointing to have been one of the teams who didn’t get a clear with identical clips for day one ..