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9/8/2022 12:36:38 AM

Why is it so hard for female guardians?

Why is it so hard for girls, like myself, to not deal with the toxicity of the community and to find other women in the community? I know we dont put ourselves out there like "Hey Im a female destiny 2 player looking for friends!" But when we find someone and we think its another female Destiny 2 player and it turns out to be a guy, we either recieve toxicity from them, get harassed/bullied, or we get kicked from their groups without being given a chance or get blamed for mistakes that werent us. (happened to me in my run of Kings Fall after Warpriest on opening weekend) Have any other women, other than me, faced this issue while playing? I would love to hear responses from both New Lights and Vets of the community

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  • My personal experience, only ever aimed at me while on Xbox. Been gaming well over half my life and I'm now 44. Online communities are toxic in general but I wouldn't say it was gender specific. I have seen and heard men rip eachother new A-holes, more than I have ripping us females to bits. Also seen women be as toxic if not more toxic than men. As if having a -blam!- gives us some right to speak to others like crap and blame it on a bad day or monthly. (Irl also) women have a tendency to turn nasty first then flip it round and cry about it when someone reacts back. Especially those who feel entitled. Truth is, it's human nature. Things get heated, especially under pressure in such as a raid and things get said that maybe shouldn't, but it works both ways. Sure there are some people that go out of their way to make others miserable. Just don't let that ruin your gaming experience, not everyone is the same. Reach out on some community posts for like-minded gamers, hopefully you will find yourself a nice group of people, female and male alike. I mainly game with my husband and family.

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    • You’re a hunter?

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      • Mam, this is the Bungie Forums. not trying to be a -blam!-, but this place comes with... certain expectations of its userbase

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      • I'm not a chick but if you wanna hang out, I promise I'm not toxic.

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          The fact people do this discuts me

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        • I never use a mic & instantly mute anyone that is talking....

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        • Theres a girl in my clan who, when she was getting ready to run a raid with us, asked if her being female was going to be a problem. It makes me both angry and depressed that such a question is even necessary.

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          • I don't care if you'rea man, woman or trans I don't even care if you like Nickelback, all that matters is BIG DPS!!!

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              Yep. Label the community as toxic cause some idiot called you something stupid.

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            • Why do females always assume that the community is only toxic to women? I was called everything on the books during PvP/ raids. #calmdown

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              • I play with a female player, if anyone is toxic in a raid we both leave.

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              • Been playing since beta D1 and use LFG mostly. Never seen that situation. Not saying it doesn’t exist, just never seen it. Then again, I have a good read on people and will just leave. Not worth getting mad over.

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              • I’m a guy and I’ve been in plenty of groups where a girl joins (clan members and randoms) and it ALWAYS goes south. Not by anything the girl does, but because the other guys in the group get; A) really weird and crack crude jokes, B) act creepy and immediately try getting -blam!-, C) they try to become her knight in shining armor by defending her from anyone else’s rude comments, and simps super hard. I have yet to be in a group where every guy can act normal and manage to get something done while in a fireteam.

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                • I wish you good luck on finding a team!

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                • Sorry you have had to deal with toxic men. I hope you find groups to play with who aren’t toxic. Mostly a solo player here, but always glad to help. Good luck with your future gaming!😁

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                • Edited by Zuni: 9/10/2022 11:21:04 AM
                  Hmm. Last clan I was in had several female guardians. Whenever a bloke guardian posted in discord looking for help or asking if anyone needed a hand with anything…. crickets. Whenever a girl guardian posts the same…. stampede as bloke guardian knights burst onto the scene. Super cringe

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                  • It’s online video game community. It’s basically internet mos eisley spaceport. “Never will you find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy”

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                  • I’m trans and get the same treatment most of the time as soon as it comes up. I just fly solo or stay muted.

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                    64 Replies
                    • I don't treat people any different, this is a game and we are all here to have fun, relax, and chill. There will always be horrible people out there trying to ruin your day, it doesn't matter who you are somebody will hate you for literally no reason, don't let them win, eyes up Guardian.

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                      • It just gaming with toxic d2 players in general. Especially destiny endgame, you’ll see some of the worst kinds of players in endgame. In some cases higher the bp level the more toxic. Plus guys will get kicked twice as fast and get way more toxicity thrown at them. Sorry it happened/happens, to anyone, but it’s not all of us, trust me. Hell I’m a solo because I’d rather not deal toxic. But if anyone need help with anything? I’m around.

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                      • I am a girl myself, and in my about 2700 hrs of playing the game I've not experienced any of this. If anything, people are nicer to me when they find out I'm a girl.

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                      • I have also noticed a trend if there is a female in the fireteam , she is almost always the first to be blamed if something goes wrong, and I have witnessed that first hand because I used to raid with my wife , it has turned her against doing anything that requires talking to anyone but me or our other freind that we play with, and this is a player that used to run relic at Oryx(90% of our clan passed on D2 and never looked back) I experience the toxicity all the time,I have become numb to it, just ignorant noise, I get my stuff done and get out , but it just gets to her too much to enjoy playing

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                      • We never treat women different in my group. There are a lot of nasty punks that play destiny and even the guys I know don’t want to play with them. Look for a decent clan and good luck. No one deserves to be treated that way.

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                      • Best way to say it as a guy..... it's the internet. Have you tried looking on Discord ? ( if you are on PC )

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                      • People are -blam!- weirdos on the Internet, women get harassed all the time in the real world, no surprise here that it’s even more blatant on the Internet. There are non weirdos though rest assure. People who probably wouldn’t even mention your -blam!- or gender so

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                      • Ik what you’re saying but female players 10000% put themselves out there like that. Join a “girl host” lfg it’s so dumb

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