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8/11/2022 8:25:53 PM
it should 3 tap at 180 rpm they just made it so u need 3 crits

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  • That depends on resil.

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  • starts at 81. 81-20%=64.8. Rounds to 65. 65x3=195 Yeah, I don't think the damage nerf will apply in PVP. It shouldn't unless it keeps the damage buff.

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  • [quote]starts at 81. 81-20%=64.8. Rounds to 65. 65x3=195 Yeah, I don't think the damage nerf will apply in PVP. It shouldn't unless it keeps the damage buff.[/quote] Pvp is the entire reason it'll take the damage hit. Don't think they would care about the damage numbers in pve nearly as much.

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  • Edited by Wynd: 8/11/2022 10:18:13 PM
    Yes so 8 resil or higher will survive it. Which shocker people use high resil cuz of flinch reduction now and it will never be a 3 tap vs basically any titan. I don't recall other weapons having their ttk ruined by resil like this. This needs to be lowered to 15% or just removed.

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  • Edited by ParrotTom: 8/11/2022 11:55:03 PM
    This is assuming the damage reduction applies in PVP which I don't think it should since it's no longer gaining damage. Or they'll reduce the damage loss by a smaller amount. It would be far from the first time they gave us incomplete/ inaccurate information. Edit: The only way the damage reduction could work in PVP would be if they buffed the base damage, or if the AA buff makes it as easy to hip fire as Last Word. As it stands now, the only way you'll land hip fire shots are if the inner circle is on point.

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  • is a pvp dmg reduction , is obv , but i guess this is destiny forum and reading is hard

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  • [quote]is a pvp dmg reduction , is obv , but i guess this is destiny forum and reading is hard[/quote] [quote]Dead Man's Tale - The Cranial Spike perk was causing issues with unintended damage scalars against players, and generally felt unpredictable both to use and to fight against. It also wasn't quite landing the "hip-firing cowboy rifle" fantasy as strongly as we wanted to, so we reworked it to lean more into fast-firing hip-fire. Changed Cranial Spike's effects: Cranial Spike no longer buffs damage vs. players, instead it grants increased reload, aim assist, and range per stack. It still grants additional damage vs. PvE combatants. Upon reaching max stacks of Cranial Spike, the catalyst will now increase hip-fire RPM by 50 (i.e., it will fire at 180 RPM) but will deal reduced damage per bullet (20% decrease).[/quote] The exact words from the twab. They never said the 20% reduction was exclusive to one or the other. The only PVP exclusive change to DMT is what they did to CS, but I'm sure those buffs will still work in PVE. But it's as you said, reading is hard, and so is grammar and spelling in your case. I guess it's fortunate that schools are reopening in a few weeks.

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  • yeah and i read a OBV pvp 20% hipfire dmg nerf with max stacks of Cranial Spike for pve i guess is the same but with the cranial spike perk still giving a dmg buff inside pve the 20% hipfire dmg nerf is not a problem just a buff to rpm , is basic english , i suck at writing english but i can read it with 0 problems, is so sad that bungie HAVE TO write every single detail because the community can't even understand the implied things , very very sad

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  • Edited by ParrotTom: 8/12/2022 5:35:21 PM
    It was implied that Last Word would get a buff when they buffed 180s recently (yes, it's a 180 at its core), and lo and behold it did. They said it was unintentional days later, a buff that if you did the math, basically did nothing. It was also implied it would get a mag buff back in S12, it, along with Hawkmoon (it USED to have the impact of a 180) got a reserve buff instead. It was implied DMT would get a buff with 150s, but it didn't. It was implied Crimson would gain a ROF buff with 110 (120s now), but it didn't. It was also implied it and Warden's Law would get a damage nerf with 120s. Guess what didn't get nerfed? Graviton Lance is a lightweight pulse despite the impact matching an adaptive frame. Where's its buff that lightweight PRs got? It still does I think 73 to the head while weapons like Outbreak do 81, and weapons like Collective do I think 90 to the head. When they nerfed Luna/ NF the first time, they said they were adjusting the damage of the weapon to match the ROF, and nerfing Magnificent Howl to only apply bonus damage for the third shot if it was a body shot. They never implied MH would get a damage nerf, only for where it was applied and for the number of shots. In their own words, it's supposed to do +100 damage to the body. When they converted 150 HCs to 140s, they never said much less implied Thorn's poison would be nerfed. Polaris Lance catalyst says to get Perfect Fifth kills, and the perk specifically says it's an explosion. Where does that translate to getting kills with the weak af burn damage that's implied nowhere on the weapon? It was implied that Thorn would finally get its long overdue catalyst with the Thorn themed armor when the anniversary pack launched. Where's the catalyst? It's implied a lot perks like Adagio and Successful Warmup will scale damage to match, like so many other weapons and perks (Sweet Business and Onslaught for example), but they don't. They may imply a lot of things, but they almost never clarify. Implied or not, it means nothing until seen in game.

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  • I'd bet money that dmg nerf is 100% going to be a thing in pvp and I'm sure they thought they were real clever setting it up so resil can screw it over.

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  • Edited by ParrotTom: 8/13/2022 4:34:31 AM
    Something they'll hopefully clear up. Otherwise, that bonus AA needs to make it like a slower scout rifle version of Last Word. Outgoing flinch aside, there'd be almost no reason to hip fire in PVP since hip firing won't hit the target unless the inner circle is on point.

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