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2/1/2022 2:40:15 AM

Seraphim Crypto has passed away

It’s with a heavy heart that I have the unfortunate responsibility to share with you that [url=]Seraphim Crypto[/url], a friend and community moderator, passed away over the weekend. For the past couple of months, he had been in a medically induced coma after suffering a brain aneurysm. I keep typing and deleting what I write because I can’t find the right words to describe Seraphim and the loss that we all feel. He was a friend, and I considered him a colleague on the forums. He spoke often of his partner in a loving and playful way. He was often chatting about something in our Discord, usually moderation stuff, but others things, too. It wasn’t uncommon to open up a chat and see him chatting away with someone about something random. I’m incredibly grateful that I was able to meet him once. He was from Germany, and because Bungie considered him one of the leaders from that community, we flew him to Seattle to take part in a community summit. It was an all-day event, so I only managed to chat with him for about 10 minutes before he had to get back to it, and he was leaving the next day so that’s all the time we had to say hi, but I purposely left my desk to go meet him when I heard he was visiting. While he was excited to be at Bungie, I was excited to see him. I’ve known him since 2015 through the website and Discord, but had never met him in-person nor seen his face before. We took a photo to capture the moment. In 2015, he was asked to become a Mentor to help our Germany community. He wanted his avatar to be a [url=]fanart of Mega Absol[/url] from Pokemon because it represented his username well (Seraphim – Angel wings; Crypto – Dark/Shadow Pokemon type in German). In 2017, we gave him Ninja powers to help moderate the website, but he never stopped trying to help people and answer their questions. I found this quote inside a private thread from that time, when he was asked why he wanted to become a Mentor: [quote]”I'm a person that loves to help other people out of many reasons, the simplest one that it keeps me happy. Also, I'm a fan of Bungie since my mate introduced Halo 2 to me in 2005. And ever since the beta, I'm amazed by Destiny. Earlier this year I came back to forums and noted the #Help-Forum. I dived in there and answered a few questions. People thanked me and it made me happy. So I started helping people everyday and that led to an invitation of Bungie to join this team. I decided to join the ranks because I want to give the community back the love they gave me!”[/quote] Most recently, he helped me find websites in Germany for the [url=]Mental Health Resources[/url] that is now live. He was really happy to help with that. When he wanted to relax, he’d post in OffTopic, which is why this is in here. Sometimes he’d answer random moderation questions in here, and other times share his opinion about a game. Some of you would even create threads about him, hoping he’d respond. He enjoyed it. I ask that you share any fond memories you have of him. I will be sharing this with his partner, and I think they’d appreciate seeing what we share. Rest in peace, Seraphim. We miss you.

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  • I always enjoyed seeing him in threads. Much, much respect for him.

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  • 11
    You will be dearly missed, Seraphim. You were a great guy, always helping others out, a bright shining example of the best of this community. Rest in peace. You absolutely deserve it. I hope you're happy, wherever you are. And kick -blam!- while you're out there, just like you always do.

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  • We miss you so much 🤍! It’s hart to accept that he’s gone. Seraphim Crypto you’ll be always in our hearts and a part of our family! See you starside 💫! The light will guide you home! Love, your Handsome Family

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  • Edited by Relyks: 2/1/2022 11:26:27 PM
    Man. I was aware of the developments, but this news came as a shock to hear. I was holding onto hope that this wouldn’t be the case, but it was definitely a possibility, and unfortunately, now reality. Sera is one of our best. In my memories/experiences w/ him, he embodied everything that Bungie moderation stood for. He was the one I always looked to for guidance, and was thus my role model for everything. We shared the same jokes, same stupid humor, but his love for Destiny burned the brightest, and you could see it in his thoughts, actions, and interactions with others on this forum and the rest of the Destiny community. Rest easy, Crypto. I’ll see you starside one day.

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  • So sorry to hear this. My thoughts and prayers are with all the teams and with his family. I did not know him personally but he messaged me from time to time pointing out an error I had made or a smile. Rest in peace starside guardian. xx

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  • Edited by Maurice: 2/2/2022 11:24:11 AM
    Rest in Peace Seraphim. The dedication with which you helped others around you was inspiring. So was the thoroughness and self-discipline with which you approached your responsibilities as a Ninja. Due to the current state of the world we never got to meet up in person during my time with Bungie. But I'm happy to have worked with you, and I am thankful for all the interactions we've had. You will be sorely missed. See you starside Maurice_BNG

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  • Wow, this really hitted me harder then i expected, never knew him, and he sounds like a champ, its not eazy to find people this days that give their hearth to others, reast in peace.

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  • I'm sorry for your lost. I've only heard about him sometimes by others and all i know is that he was supportive, helpful and a good mate to pass time with by playing Destiny. Even i lost one of my uncles recently, he never wake up again once he got on hospital, for one month, just sleepy sofference, until he passed away. I send prayers and a huge hug to his partner, family, loved ones and the staff for this hearthbroken lost. May he rest in peace.

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  • There isn't much I can add to this and I'm still in disbelieve all of this even happened. I'm in deepest agreement with all that has been said above and below this comment. We'll miss him as a big part of this community, as a moderator and ninja, especially in the German corner and as the nice and helpful person he simply was. Rest in peace.

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  • Everybody I know that interacted with him had nothing but good things to say. I am so sorry for the loss you all must be feeling. Love you all.

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    • Rest easy Seraphim.

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    • Damn, that's terrible. My condolences out to his family and others close to him. I just noticed this from another post and it's saddening to hear.

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    • Dam sad news RIP

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    • My condolences to his friends and family. I only had the chance to interact with him once, but he was fun to talk to and never seemed to view himself as "above us" because of his rank. A few years ago, I saw that he had responded to a thread about Pokémon. When I noticed that his profile picture was Mega Absol, which is my favorite Pokémon, we ended up having a conversation about why Absol is so cool and just had a good time talking about the games in general. That stuck with me because at that point, I had only seen Ninjas interacting with threads to lock them or replace a comment with the infamous "ninja justice" line. Seraphim was more than just a Ninja, he was a [i]person[/i] that enjoyed playing video games and hanging out on the forums like the rest of us. It was a side of the moderation team that I hadn't yet seen at that point in time. Seraphim, you were a gift to the community. You will be missed.

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    • Edited by Metni: 9/22/2022 7:33:43 AM
      Sera was more than just a Mentor, Ninja, and a strong positive force in this community. He was a role model for most that were lucky enough to share any sort of interaction with him. Seraphim welcomed me with open arms when I was invited to become a mentor many years ago, and never hesitated to guide me into the right direction when I felt any kind of doubt. He was literally always there if I had a question that needed answering. I had the pleasure of sharing some games over the years, whether it was a Halo event, or even back in the VoG vanilla days. Chats always ended up sharing laughs, and we had so much fun. Crazy the way life can just flip upside down. Figured I'd share this one clip he submitted for MoTW a while back, cause we both rez died and he thought it was absolutely hilarious. We were howling. He always said he had a weird sense of humor but to me it was absolutely great. [url][/url] We'll miss you Seraphim. We love you and thank you for all that you've done for this community. My deepest condolences are extended to his family and his wife, and I wish the best during this difficult time. See you starside one day, Sera.

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    • Rest In Peace old friend. Life has moved me away from this community for some time, but it’s people like you that will always make my time here a significant part of my life. You were always kind and ready to share a laugh. This is hard news to take in. I wish I had the opportunity to meet in person, but thank you for the experiences helping out together on these forums, and playing Destiny together.

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    • Edited by Dr. Veritas: 2/3/2022 2:58:17 AM
      Sorry to hear this, my condolences to his family. I personally never had any interactions with him, but by all that I have read, seemed like a great and helpful person.

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    • Sorry to hear. Always seemed to try and help people out on here. RIP brother.

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    • 1
      R.I.P. Seraphim Crypto He was personally my favorite Ninja, and I think that at the minimum, he was generally the least disliked Ninja on these forums from what I can remember seeing over the years.

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    • This is sad to hear. Condolences to his family and friends. Used to play with him during my time in Destiny. Fun guy to chill and mess around with. I still have a hard time believing it. Rest in peace.

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    • [quote]Rest in peace, Seraphim.[/quote]

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    • Ninjas tend to have a bad reputation here, but everyone liked seraphim. I think there’s something to be said about that.

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    • Even when I was banned he was always so patient with my response to it and was even funny about it too. He was a good guy even though I didn't know him, I could feel it.

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    • Edited by o_____________o: 2/1/2022 5:37:16 AM
      This is horrible. I can't claim to have known Seraph very well, but we spoke a few times. We played a few custom games together and I remember telling him that I always keep an open ear if he needed somebody to talk to. (He seemed to be going through a hard time a couple years ago.) He also helped me remove some content that I'm not exactly proud of, garbage that I posted under past monikers. I did some heinous -blam!- on this website and he helped me clean a lot of it up. Going back in time and seeing all the stuff I'd written/posted during the Halo Reach era left me with a sick feeling in my stomach. The guy who did that was an absolute psychopath who had no regard for what minds he was corrupting. I messaged seraph and asked him if he'd be willing to help me get rid of some of that crap and he said "yes". I don't think I can convey in words how much that meant to me. He was a great guy and it's unfortunate that I don't have more to say about him. Wish I knew him better. I hope he rests in peace.

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    • So sad to hear, Seraphim was a wonderful human being, we didn't get to game all that much together but every time we did I had such a good time and enjoyed his company. Rest in peace Seraphim, you will be greatly missed ❤️

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    • 23
      My heart is broken for Crypto and my deepest condolences to his family & loved ones. He was a cherished teammate and leader, and he cared so much about everyone here. Just a small story about my friendship with Crypto. Years ago, we met through games. Crypto helped lead over 25 community game nights on [url=]dating back to 2015.[/url] He was a true lover of Bungie games and cared about creating lifelong friendships through this community. He spent hours organizing, preparing, planning Halo game nights, Destiny community playdates, and helping to make this community better before he was even asked to volunteer and help the community teams at Bungie. We had so much fun thanks to Crypto. I'm grateful for the time we found to sit down and play games together. We will miss you Crypto and your loss is felt so deeply. And we are so thankful that you were in this community.

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