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10/24/2021 6:35:29 PM

Known Issue: Increase in Rutabaga Errors

A group of individuals discovered and reported an issue where players can generate more orbs than intended when triggering some supers. The team has been working on a fix for this, currently targeting December for release. To prevent exploitation of this issue, the team has deployed some changes that will force Rutabaga errors when players attempt to reproduce the bug. With this change, we are also aware that players who experience extreme sustained framerate hitching in PvP environments may encounter this error more frequently than normal. If you encounter Rutabaga errors when playing in PvP environments for reasons other than reproducing the orb generation issue, please respond to this thread with details on what you were doing when the error occurred.

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  • I experienced this error when I alt-tabbed out to stream on discord to friends

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  • Edited by aureliamiyu: 10/26/2021 11:51:29 PM
    Was restricted from Gambit yesterday afternoon, kept getting Rutabaga errors when the match hasn't even started. The first one was just after being dropped on to the map, the second and third right after or even at the very end of The Drifter cutscene. Closed the game after visiting The Tower (worked fine). This morning two Gambit matches worked fine, but afterwards the Rutabaga thing happened again. Did one strike for control and it worked ok. I don't want to risk getting restricted again so I didn't play any more and closed the game after visiting The Tower. Played with a gaming laptop, and the internet connection that day was very stable (any other background applications running at that time was just my file explorer and e-mails)

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  • I was just playing trials this past weekend just fine, I left my computer on while I went to go get something to eat and I come back with my access to crucible and gambit restricted for two weeks, I thought it may have been something with my connection but it was just fine the whole time. It was most likely this new error that has been going around because my connection was very stable while I was playing. It sucks that my access has been restricted.

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  • So I've been getting rutabaga in Gambit. Mostly on Emerald Coast map. Just happened just now in the same place it seems. Fighting Cabal with the mythoclast.

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  • I have had a Marmot issue logging on today. Currently running my second verification of game files even after the first time it crashed again twice.

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  • i was walking around far away from my team or enemies and got kicked.

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  • I was playing fine, got in a 3 man squad and did some strikes, no problems, tried pvp and got kicked from the same gambit match twice and got timeout, I didn't even play, instantly kicked, tried one control game and got kicked too.

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  • Haven't experienced this bug since I haven't played the game for like 3 days, tho I can inform that I don't have the best Pc, and I've experienced fps drops when someone uses a super, anywhere. (even tho my game is doing good, it suddenly just freezes for like 2 seconds when a super is casted) I wouldn't like to get banned for something that I haven't done or for not having a streamer like pc. I hope this gets fix as fast a possible, I believe in you team!

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  • Got this error every time my frames froze for 2-3 secs on Control while dead. Sometimes my frames goes down when multiple player use their supers and BANG ! rutabaga happens. Hope there is a fix/workaround/more tolerance with frame drops/whatever next week at best, because December is way too far.

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    I've been getting Rutabaga a couple of times the past couple of days, mostly when I'm entering a gambit match. I never load into it completely, it just pops up as my ship is landing. I saw the thing of alt tab problems so I stopped doing that but it is just happening more frequently. I've lowered my graphics settings too and I'm trying to play gambit for my pinnacles but I can't get into a match, all I've gotten is banned from gambit for like 30 minutes and then it just happens again, banning again. I'm worried I'll get some sort of serious ban for something I have no idea how to fix or avoid.

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  • This company is a clown show. An absolute train wreck of a developer. Stop trying to "fix" things if your "solution" is worse than the original problem!

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  • Started a new topic: .

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    i have the rutabaga error for more than 2 months, last week I finished the ban on my account for 2 months and the error continues to appear, improve my internet signal, lower the quality of the graphics and nothing, now I cannot play quietly if the error continues to appear for fear of a ban too many 2 months, and it will be of no use to me to buy the deluxe edition of wq if I can not play with that error, the worst thing is that nobody gives a solution, just this week they reported the Rutabaga problem and apparently it is more common than I thought, I hope they give it a solution before December as they said they supposedly would

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  • For those of you on Windows 10, now would be the time to consider upgrading! Windows 11 eliminates these tabbing issues and since Destiny is cpu bound, Windows 11 will improve fps stability since it runs performance on the cpu and prioritizes apps while gaming. If you have Windows 11 and are having errors from Bungie, I would then consider getting a refund. I think there are way too many bugs and broken quests in the game to think this is even acceptable to sell to the public! Not to mention how the whole vaulting and sunsetting works, it reminds me of an person who gives you something then later decides they want it back. The only difference here is we have purchased dlc that you decided is ok to take away. I think you guys and gals need to broaden your minds to figure out how to give the players what they paid for!

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  • Edited by Avium: 10/24/2021 7:43:43 PM
    Curious. I just got two "Time Skew Maxed" errors and then a PvP ban. I've been playing Trials since this morning with no problems until now. Could this patch be related? EDIT: Yep. Alt-tab instantly causes a "Time Skew Maxed". Which sucks since I really don't want to stare at my ship while the game tries to find players. This is why you shouldn't rush patches out without proper testing. Also, this is why I do NOT envy dmg04. Being the front line for sh..tuff like this. It's like being a human shield. :-)

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    14 Replies
    • Rutabaga error here, being taken every 30 min to orbit and afraid of being banned AGAIN and UNFAIRLY from this game that makes me more rethink about future purchases. Honestly, can't you measure the damage that mistakes like these do to those thinking of purchasing new dlcs? Eternally broken!

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    • Edited by Commander Bradley: 10/26/2021 1:16:18 PM
      Constant Rutabaga errors when I try to join either Trials of Osiris or Gambit, been temporarily banned from both several times. Nothing done before each error other than entering the activity.

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    • Edited by shotgun_Isaiah: 10/26/2021 1:34:48 AM
      for those of us who have been restricted is there any estimated time for us to be unrestricted or are we just supposed to wait the two weeks?

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      1 Reply
      • I was alt-tabbing out to turn off a video so I could hear my teammate in Trials Freelance. This is not a proper fix for this issue. I have to wonder how many times this will happen before myself or others are permanently suspended from competitive because a reasonable response couldn't have been made and instead you chose to kick people out of matches because they needed to alt-tab for whatever reason between rounds. Especially when these people had not ever heard of this exploit or how it's even done. This is the first time I'm hearing about it and I don't even know what it is. From this years Halloween event it's obvious that you don't care to respect our time when methods of farming pages were nerfed, even methods that are literally just playing the game. This response is far worse. Stop having timed events. Let us play trials all week. The weekend is not enough time to enjoy the game especially when you have this Rutabaga Error suspending us from playing it. I hope that when decisions are made in the future Bungie thinks about how it will effect people's time commitment to this game. If this is how it's going to be, this game isn't worth playing.

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      • Dropped a rift and fired my pulse, instant kick out of comp

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      • I got error code Rutabaga twice in 2 separates trial freelance matches. My framerate froze for a 1-2 sec and than i got error code Rutabaga. I got trial/comp suspension for error code Rutabaga for 2 trial freelance matches . It was not my fault .This orb generation hotfix need to happen before December because people including myself will lose the motivation to do trial , comp , gambit and normal pvp matches knowing that error code Rutabaga can strike at anytime and get you comp/gambit suspended for 30 min each time. There is still 3 trials weekends in November but the hotfix won`t come out till December. This increase of error code Rutabaga isn`t helping increase players engagement to trials knowing that error code Rutabaga will strike at anytime and get you comp suspended for 2nd error code Rutabaga caused left the match message in less than 1 hour of gameplay.

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      • I tried to play gambit last night and as soon as the drifter cutscene would end I’d get dropped from the match. This happens three times in a row and I got banned from gambit. I’m had a bigger influx of rutabaga errors this season, but even more this past 24hrs.

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      • Got time skew error when a round in trials was complete lol, was not doing the glitch but was error coded. Took my mercy though.

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      • -blam!- dude really guys. I have been suspended from trials two times for no reason mid match getting rutabaga error codes literally just shooting a pulse rifle banned me from trials. Fix your game

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      • I am concerned about this as I play Destiny in HDR, which only works in fullscreen mode, so that means I have no choice but to alt-tab to use discord DMs and with Dim. I just dont understand what Bungie and microsoft dont get about the way dual monitors are used currently. Pretty much everyone has a stream or youtube stream running on monitor number 2 and if you have to be in fullscreen, then alt-tab is your only option

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      • I was loading into gambit, no matter my settings I get Rutabaga'd , currently have got 3 gambit timeouts, for getting auto dced. Don't care or know enough about the glitch to do it, just annoying any potential fix.

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