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Edited by Lord Mirror Void: 7/9/2021 12:38:28 PM

Mithrax,[spoiler] Kell of Kells[/spoiler]

Just read the title and tell me your thoughts, I will say this if you don't want to be spoiled majorly about stuff at end of the season leave now. Come back when the season ends. If you don't mind being spoiled here is the spoiler: [b]Saint 14 actually says in the final under the endless night lore tab, he calls Mithrax Kell of Kells[/b] If you believed Mithrax to be Kell of Kells before hearing this spoiler then please tell me your thoughts, if you are wowed by this spoiler then cool, your thoughts as well. If you didn't heed my warning and are now pissed off. I tried to warn you that there would be a major spoiler, so don't get mad when I gave you ample warning. Either way still put your thoughts below.

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  • Edited by TheArtist: 7/5/2021 2:43:40 AM
    Actually I had that thought occur to me a few weeks ago. In Eliksni lore, The Kell of Kells is clearly a messianic figure. However, we've been seing the same conflict as to how that prophecy was to be interpreted as we've had in Judaism and now in Christianity as to what kind of figure the Messiah truly is. In the time of Jesus, many Jews felt that the Messiah would be a King David type figure. A King and military leader who would lead Israel to victory of their enemies. Yet one can argue that Jesus and His message of Peace played a pivotal role in "defeating" the Roman Empire from within..and then using the remains of that Empire to spread the message of Christianity. In some Christian ciricles you see a similar conflict around Christ's prophesied return. Some seeing a warrior Christ coming back to Earth and smiting the enemies of God and Christians. While others, see the return of messenger of peace and unconditional love that once again is an agent of breaking down the existing order and power structure. As one Anglican priest whom I've been following on YouTube said recently, "We Christians are here to be a thorn in the side of the powers of the world." I see Misraaks in much the same way. He is here to be a thorn in the side of EVERYONE who thinks they understand how the world works. He is a traitor to the Fallen cause, and a reminder of what they have fallen away from. He is a thorn in the side of humans (like Lakshmi and Saladin) who see the conflict of Light and Dark in TRIBAL terms with one species being "good" by definition....and all others being "bad" by definition. Even though even the most cursory look at post-collapse Humanity makes that an untenable position. His calmness, patience and wisdom present an UNFORGIVING mirror to the growing darkness wtihin well giving St. 14 a teachable moment on the relativity of perspective. Such that when that Eliksni child ran away from him in fear, I think he had something of an epiphany that softened him towards his former enemy. To the point he know calls Misraaks "friend". (As swords get beaten into plowshares?) The Message that Misraaks brings has a striking similarity to The Gospels of The New Testament. That the Light isn't about forming relationships with "nations"....but that the struggle between Light and Dark is an internal and individual one. That the issue isn't so much the powers themselves...but how you choose to use them. (It isn't the Light that makes one a Guardian. Its the choice to use that power to defend LIfe and those who cannot defend themselves from the Darkness and those who would do harm.) ...and the story is starting to move in that direction. As the Vanguard starts to slowly mend fences with old enemies, and form unlikely allainces accross species lines. Its starting to answer the question of WHY the Traveler stayed and fought for Humanity, when She ran away from other species She'd had contact with. This Human ability----wish really in some of us---to build DIVERSE communities. To reach across the divide of difference and build bridges on common ground, is part of our human nature. Not frequently enough....not powerfully enough....but it is there. While on the Eliksni side, only two individuals had the power to see this....and the desire to lead their people toward this "Community of Light". Variks and Misraaks. So yes, I haven't read your spoiler, But I do believe that Misraaks is both the Kell of Light....and the Kell of Kells (King of Kings?). A redemptive figure who will help move the Fallen back to being the Eliksni, and back into communion (for those who wish it) with The Light.

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