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5/4/2021 2:59:06 PM

Suggestion: Create a "Tier System" in Trials

So, we are all well aware of various critiques regarding the state of Trials of Osiris. I believe that, at its core, the gametype is fun and functional as high-end competitive play. That said, the barrier to access is, in my opinion, too high. We can argue whether this is due to cheats, carries, skill gaps, or whatever until we're blue in the face, but ultimately that's all moot. My proposal? A tier system. Create a system that resets weekly with multiple matchmaking pools or tiers. For example: everybody starts in tier 1 each week. Once a person earns a flawless for the week, they are bumped up into the tier 2 group. After that, they remain in tier 2 until the weekly reset or until they achieve their third flawless, at which point they're moved into tier 3. Same thing here, with tier 3 lasting until 5 flawless tickets, tier 4 lasting until 7, and tier 5 for anything above that. A setup like this would temporarily reduce the overall population in a given tier, but it would encourage many more players to enter the pool over time and actually try to play. You could also add unique seasonal "trials tier emblems" which are earned when you hit a certain tier to give the sweatiest of players something special to earn. If that isn't incentive enough, you could also add an extra adept weapon drop each time a player hits a new tier. So on the first flawless card, you get one adept drop. Upon completion of your third, you get two. On the fifth, three, and seventh, four. This would (I think) give incentive to top end players while allowing less skilled players to still achieve something, but I don't think it would devalue the rewards much overall. I'm entirely open to legitimate critiques here, but I really don't see why this wouldn't be a good idea. It would even have the added bonus of pushing cheaters up the list to where they are consistently playing other cheaters or ultra sweats who can still punish them, leaving the majority of players feeling more satisfied at the end of the weekly trials session. The key to trials is balancing rewards and effort with population, and I believe such a system would effectively remediate the population issues while insulating the feeling of achievement.

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  • The whole “when [blank] goes flawless make them face flawless players” idea does not work for 1 reason. You face cheaters/recovs playing trials and that is what you complain about and the major misconception that you all have is that Hackers go flawless multiple times in a week (not true) they do it once then stop. Recovs are paid to do carries on accounts so once one account is done they move to another account that hasnt been flawless yet. All this “ranking flawless” system does is hurt YOU or players who work hard to grind trials as once you go flawless good luck getting flawless again you will be playing only sweats, and will become the cannon fodder of the people in that tier. And the system we have now is good its major problem is that it relies on there being aton of players in Trials, which there isn’t so it forces people to face players who have more wins because there isn’t enough at your current win. The system you ask for would still have same issue because what happens at the top? will the same two teams compete constantly at the top? Its just gonna have the same issues just much worse as you are punishing now the players who do well. The thing that must be fixed is incentives to trials, actual legal battles with services (they are extremely easy to locate i will expand on why bungie does this later), and purchasing a anti-cheat like Battle-Eye instead of making a home-made one like they are doing. Bungie doesn’t purse these hack services and carry services because they pursue maximum profit, this article will help show that as they received money from the lawsuit

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