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Edited by XCptCronchX: 12/11/2020 4:44:27 PM

So Hawkmoon Quest changed my view of the Crow.

This. I actually like the guy now. You can tell he is a completely different person. Idk how they pulled it off but I would actually be upset if something happened to the crow. Awesome job. I hope there is much more of him in the game. Been critical lately of things I haven’t liked with the game...but I did really enjoy the quest and getting a feel for the new guy. Shaw Han sucks though... Edit: the fact debates are going on in here about him and his character is a great example of showing that BUNGIE did extremely well with this. 2nd Edit: Just a thought 💭...if Uldren was chosen with his dark past to be given another chance...with everything he did and the vile corruption that happened....what could our own Guardian have done before they were chosen? I mean what other guardians could have done atrocious things in their past life? The traveler seems to see only the potential one has..not what they had done in their past life but what they COULD be. Just a thought. We need to think...we have no idea what our guardian could have done in the past. We are mad at The Crow because of what we KNOW...I’m sure there are a lot of things we DON’T know about our own Guardian and others... 3rd Edit: I really appreciate all of the comments and great conversations! 4th edit: With the way these conversations are going...this would make an incredible choices quest like the drifter...just saying BUNGIE.

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  • In b4 Crow becomes the main protagonist of the Destiny story while “we” slowly become the bad guys.

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  • Defending a murderer It doesn't get better Defending one that blew caydes head off It really doesn't get better Its Uldren plain and simple and it needs to die

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    33 Replies
    • Voice acting is top notch. Story line is cool too, but the voice acting is what makes it all come together so well.

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      • I like what U said there about other guardians potential past lives... i have thought of that idea when making a backstory for my guardian. someone who was forced to commit atrocities and war crimes after being turned into an exo, and is reborn as a guardian remembering her violent history, a secret even from her ghost. feeling conflicted and undeserving of the power granted to her, i imagine she would feel a kinship with Crow and a desire to protect him, especially from other guardians. she would probably even have felt conflicted about killing Uldren in the first place

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        • I think he HAS remembered who he was/is but the light has gave him perspective. He is The Crow but with Sov as his shadow.

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          • In before Crow is the next speaker. After all the Traveler has been speaking to him in dreams.

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            3 Replies
            • Fictional guardians killing him won't make me forgive him. Letting my guardian kill him a few times might.

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              • He’s a needy -blam!- who thinks we’re friends. I would’ve preferred it if he still had the same personality.

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                2 Replies
                • Deer people of destiny the crow needs help with his PTSD we need to start a found to help pay for his medical bills

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                  5 Replies
                  • I never hated uldren to begin with anyway. I actually hated cayde and still do, I mute the dialogue every time his earth or Nessus strikes pop up. I absolutely loath characters that are simply there to be a court jester. Destiny is at its best in my opinion when it is serious, not silly. (It’s also at its best when there are loads of weapons to get with variety in damage and archetypes but sadly that is still lacking...)

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                  • And the hawkmoon is nasty

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                  • He killed my boy. Cayde for life.

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                    2 Replies
                    • I have always said to my friends that Uldren/Crow is the best written character thru his whole journey.

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                      • [quote] Shaw Han sucks though... [/quote] Yes and he always will

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                        • Edited by Gunship: 12/10/2020 3:20:44 PM
                          Imo his sister was always the real problem. She uses everyone around her, and doesn't care if she breaks them. Classic abusive personality. She let him believe she was dead, just so his pain would help sell her deception. Without her manipulating him, he is a much better person. Probably way happier, though he might not know it. I agree that the writing, and voice acting, was very well done with that quest. Probably the first character I really liked since Cayde-6. Edit: I like Anna Bray a bit too.

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                          8 Replies
                          • Shaw Han is for new players, not veteran players.

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                          • oh i absolutely adored the quest! and i really really like crow! he’s my new fave character... well... second only to ol’ drifty. can’t wait to see this wholesome bird boi grow and get the guardian life he deserves, AND have more fun missions with us 🙂 also you guys gotta read the hawkmoon lore if you haven’t yet! YOU GOTTA!!!

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                            6 Replies
                            • I never really held a grudge against Uldren. But empathy and compassion I only started to develop for Crow when I read the Amnestia lore. That's the first time I learned about his new personality and his struggle in his miserable new life. Then I witnessed the way he speaks and acts. Then I read the Tangled Web lore. With this knowledge it's hard to not feel with this man. But that's just me. On the other side you have people like that guy here who would love kill him over and over again, although Crow already payed the highest price. For what a different person did. More than once.

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                              • Imagine we fall in love with uldren and then he’s the one and only guardian that remembers his past? Yea. That.

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                                • And yet tomorrow their will be 20 people commenting in the forum on the lack of content in BL and how "lazy" Bungie is. Sad really...

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                                  • [quote]Shaw Han sucks though...[/quote]

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                                  • He killed cayde, doesn`t know the turmoil of s vanguard without a leader, and you like him. I call you traitor. Let him know he -blam!-ed up that badly in his previous life and then let him make a decision. I agree he has helped, but traitors will do that for the long haul. We still don't know what influence has been given by spider and/or savathun. If he is possessed in any way and kills another? Zavala for example? I will personally hold guardians like you accountable for failing to realize the danger of a guardian being strong armed to do others bidding.

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                                    6 Replies
                                    • Crow has always been a different person than Uldren. I carry no ill will towards the character and wish only the best for the kinderguardian. Crow is simply cursed to wear the face of the man who killed Cayde. Such is the nature of a Guardian. For all we know, our Guardian could have committed a mountain of heinous crimes in their past life.

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                                      7 Replies
                                      • Edited by TheArtist: 12/10/2020 5:03:14 PM
                                        It’s good storytelling. It shows that what The Traveler brings back from death isn’t the original personality. It means 1 of 3 things. 1. It’s a completely different person, and the body is just a vessel. 2. It’s the same person, but the Traveler only brings back the aspects that are “of The Light. In that person’s character/soul. 3. It’s what that person would have been without the influence of the Darkness. In The Crow/Uldren’s case, I lean towards option 3. Since—-as Awoken—-his entire life was controlled by others (Awoken are a matriarchal society. So he had status as royalty, but no real power as a male), and by the Darkness. First the fusion of Light and Dark that created the Awoken. The machinations of Mara Sov who basically abandoned him as an “acceptable loss” (Uldren was [i]Fosaken[/i] by her) in her war with The Hive. Abandoned to the predatory interest in him by the Amhakara Riven. An unhealthy fascination that Mara knew she had...and after being Taken by Savathun..she poisoned and manipulated his mind with even more Darkness. Ironically it was his unacknowledged desire for power to match his royal status as a Prince, that both Riven and The Darkness used as a way into his mind, to both corrupt both that desire and that mind. IMO, the vision The Traveler was showing The Crow was about an opportunity at redemption. To live a life were he was finally free to chose his own path. Free from the dark designs of others. So you hear in him a level of self awareness (ironically from someone with amnesia) and a level of empathy that was never there in Uldren. Who was so trapped in his sister orbit and her long history of The Game of Queens (manipulation and intrigue) that he was more her shadow than his own person. A shadow she discarded when is ceased to be useful.

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                                        61 Replies
                                        • Did you see where that man poops? That’s a man that deserves some empathy.

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                                          • Can't be Vanguard....diversity.

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