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9/27/2020 4:21:04 AM
Why? Do you want to pretend your guardian is part of Antifa?

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  • Can't call it super black either, that's super offensive.

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  • Nah man, just prefer a slicker look than the generally obnoxious palette.

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  • contrived response. sense of humor belongs in a toilet.

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  • “Diversity Committee”

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  • Nah we’re just a bunch of emos

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  • Man people really took the bait on this one

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  • Now if this isn't racist...

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  • Typical leftist derrr brain comment. “Waysist, waysist.” If u don’t agree with me or have your own option that’s isn’t part of the liberal hive mind then “you’re a waysist’

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  • It's not, not even a tiny little bit but if you think it is then maybe go see a shrink and work out some of your own inner demons. Antifa wears all black all the time. ISIS wore all black all the time. BLM wears all black all the time. Ninjas wear all black all the time. Emo and goth kids wear all black all the time. Lol. Stay away from the pc SJW crowd kid, they are polluting your mind.

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  • Do you even know why people associated with the blm movement wear black? Do you even know why antifa, a group built on the notion that black lives do matter (which they do) and presenting this fact to the public through justified violence considering the last 300 years of American history? Like. Violence is never the answer does not apply here. Lynching was a thing that existed not too long ago. Jim Crow laws was a thing. There is still racism present today, even in the government and the system. But there also is a huge amount of ignorance within people who think things like "blm protestors wear black so they're associated with ISIS." Stfu. Really. How stupid can you be? ISIS committed so many deaths. Sorry if I misunderstood your views. This is really just targeted at anyone who thinks blm is a bad movement. The comparison to ISIS just ticked me off because of how wrong it is of a comparison. ISIS fought for selfish and evil reasons while blm and antifa members are fighting for basic universal human rights.

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  • BLM needs to police their own to maintain credibility. Allowing these hard left violent marxists to hijack a good cause is no better than the middle eastern nations that harbor terrorists. I can see how the comparison is easy to make. Now how we got here from the op requesting an all black shader... 🤷

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  • Agreed, but you’re wasting your breath with idiots like this. You only had to look at the BLM thread Bungie posted to see how many ignorant racists play Destiny. God it was depressing.

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  • 1
    It was, and thats just sad

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  • Ignorant he says. While being blind/nieve/tribally ignorant to others with a different opinion. Oh the tolerant left. Where did it go so wrong? Out committing political violence against people with opposing views to their own. Sounds a bit like fascism, which they claim they’re against 🤣

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  • Lol no I don't know why they wear all black nor do I even care. I'd assume it's cuz it makes them harder to see at night or in dark unlit areas but that's probably only part of it. And I was not comparing Isis or Antifa or BLM to each other, I was listing groups of people that wear all black pretty much all the time. The fact you thought that though is your own inner demons projectng outward. There are even more groups that wear all black that I didn't mention like certain samurai clans that wore all black armor when they went into battle. Again stay away from the pc SJW crowd, they will rot your mind. Ahh never mind, from the sounds of it you are already super deep down that rabbit hole. Ohhh an afterthought though, I do hate Antifa and anyone who thinks they are a justified movement and supports them should get the fvck out of America. And if you don't live in America good, stay out. ✌️

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  • You hate people that are anti fascist? You know what that makes you? Of course you don’t, you are so blinded by propaganda you can’t see right from wrong. I used to pity ignorance like yours but you seem to want your country to go from a beacon of democracy and freedom to a shithole fascist dictatorship. History will not be kind to people like you.

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  • [quote]You hate people that are anti fascist? You know what that makes you? Of course you don’t, you are so blinded by propaganda you can’t see right from wrong. I used to pity ignorance like yours but you seem to want your country to go from a beacon of democracy and freedom to a shithole fascist dictatorship. History will not be kind to people like you.[/quote] Speaking of history, go read a history book, or maybe the constitution. Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches, checks and balances, electoral college. Read up. Crackpots like you claiming the USA is on the brink of a dictatorship make me laugh.

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  • You talk about history, if you can’t see the parallels between the USA today and 1930s Germany you’re either blind or stupid.

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  • Edited by Reportmebr0: 9/28/2020 12:34:22 PM
    [quote]You talk about history, if you can’t see the parallels between the USA today and 1930s Germany you’re either blind or stupid.[/quote] I'm fairly certain the USA isn't rounding up millions and millions of people, including its own citizens, and sending them to death camps while simultaneously invading nation after nation in a conquest to establish a "perfect" people. I'm also fairly certain the President is elected, not appointed, and would require voting out most of the government and rights of citizens to even remotely resemble 1930s Germany. Every sensible American myself included has a small arsenal to defend against foreign and domestic not to mention voting power like every modern republic. If trump wants a dictatorship like you say, he'll need the loyalty of the military to clear every home of firearms and vote out the 2nd amendment. If you think we will allow that, then you are stupid or blind. Don't worry, if shit hits the fan I'll be the first one to defend you from the bad guys. America is not turning fascist. America is not becoming 1930s Germany. [spoiler]Unless you vote Democrat.[/spoiler]

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  • This country was built on English immigrants escaping their country to live a better life in the Americas. They committed genocide on the Natives and stole land from Mexico. Buying for a minimal amount of money after a war in which the US invaded Mexico City does not count as a fair trade. The fact is, this entire country is full of immigrants and the descendants of immigrants, and today, we see "illegal" immigrants as well as Latino US citizens being put in camps, where women lose the ability to have children, people sleep in cages with tinfoil blankets, and children are separated from their parents. Sound familiar? How about the reasoning. "They're taking away our jobs!" Does that sound familiar? No? If things that I've said do not sound familiar to you, I suggest you pick up a history book and look up the actual facts instead of purely listening to a man who let 209,526 Americans die this year as of the moment I'm typing this.

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  • Edited by Reportmebr0: 9/28/2020 5:16:14 PM
    Your first three sentences are meaningless to me. They're historical but have little significance today. Did I murder natives or steal their land? No. Moving on to your additional commentary, immigration is a staple of America and is what makes the country great. I have family that moved to the US to escape socialism, and they all did it the proper way. [i]They[/i] openly despise illegal immigration for endless reasons, mostly because they came here and did as was asked of them to become citizens. They didn't risk their children's lives crossing a border with smugglers and gang members. And you think the president caused 200k covid deaths? What about Mr. "I'll house the sick with the elderly" Cuomo? He's literally a murderer. Ultimately it is up to the governors to govern, unless you want that dictatorship you're so emotionally charged about, then demand the president do it. [i]This[/i] is what checks and balances looks like, but I digress. I wish you well. Stay informed and stay safe.

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  • Edited by MONKEYGOTRABIES: 9/29/2020 6:21:03 AM
    "Read a history book." Hilarious. Study facism. How it starts is the message of, "immigrants, elites, leftists, and marxists are poluting and corrupting our culture, and, left unchecked, will destroy our nation." That's pretty much word-for-word the RNC's platform. Seriously, look up some, "Fascism 101," and look at it objectively. Here's a checklist: 1) Powerful continuing nationalism (Super check) 2) Disdain for human rights (Kids in cages just for one) 3) Identification of enemies/scapegoating (can be racial, ethnic, religious, or political...and...check) 4) Supremacy of the military even when social issues need funding direly (Chex mix) 5) Rampant sexism (Are we in Check-o-slovakia? Trump must be looking to import a new wife) 6) Villification of the media leading to total control of the media (Step 1 is complete, Sinclair Broadcasting is workin on step 2) 7) Fear motivation/obsession with national security (The RNC just pumps fear messages straight to the amygdala non-stop) 8) Religion and government intwined (something conservatives have always wanted) 9) Corporate power protected (big fat checkity-check-check) 10) Labor power surpressed (And another) 11) Disdain for intellectuals and the arts (certainly the most anti-science administration ever) 12) Obsession with crime and punishment (Your President of Law and Order) 13) Rampant cronyism and corruption (Literally the worst ever) 14) Fraudulent elections (We will see) In reality, every box is checked. Even if you want to debate some of those points, if you were able to look at that list objectively, counting what they'd like as much as what they've accomplished, you'd have to admit almost every single box is checked and the Republicans have evolved to be fascists. Here's the thing: no one realizes they're indoctrinated into becoming fascist, because people are like frogs boiling slowly in a pot that starts off cold. Every year, NPR tweets out snippets of the Declaration of Independence on July 4th. In 2017, Trump supporters angrily accused them of anti-Trump rhetoric and leftist propoganda when they saw it. Not only does that show a shocking level of ignorance, but it shows that they have been so conditioned by their politicians and their news outlets to think so far to the right, that the most American thing in America didn't sound patriotic to them...because they're fascists. Are we to the point of an authoritarian state, no...not yet. But this is how it starts. Every. Single. Time. It's actually in those history books you mention.

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  • Sigh. Okay, here goes. Who riots, murders, destroys when they don't get what they want? Liberal Democrats. Who wants the 2nd Amendment abolished so that we can't defend against tyranny, foreign or domestic? Liberal Democrats. Who is literally appointing convicted felons as "street czars" as a bridge between government and people? Liberal Democrats. Who's presidential candidate is mentally unfit for duty with Alzheimer's disease? Liberal Democrats. I can go on but I won't. I respect your ideology, but I don't agree. The checks and balances of the U.S. government prevents any overreach of power, and if that doesn't, the constitution does. Lastly, the 2nd Amendment would benefit [i]all of us[/i] if tyranny truly succeeds.

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  • Edited by MONKEYGOTRABIES: 9/29/2020 7:15:38 AM
    Sigh. If you're going to be condescending, so am I. Conveniently, you don't address any of that head-on and resort to what-about-isms. So clearly, we're dealing someone who's going to debate by employing logical fallacies. Unlike you, I'll address your response point by point. 93% of the protests have been peaceful and non-destructive, and the 7% that is violent includes police violence toward the protesters (Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project). As with any event like these, opportunist extremists capitalize on the moment to advance their agendas. This certainly includes white extremists. For example, the Minneapolis Umbrella Man, who was confronted by BLM supporters for knocking out windows of an Autozone, has been identified by police as a member of the prison gang, "Ary@n Cowboys." This is not cherry-picking, as there is video of white militias starting fires. It is also confirmed by the DOJ and FBI that violence is being egged on by extremists on both sides, including white extremists like, "The Boogaloo Boys," (who murdered a police officer in California), but AG Barr conveniently ignores the right wing in every statement, conflicting with those that do the analysis. Murder. According to the DOJ, since 1994 right-wing extremists account for 57% of terrorist acts (foiled or actualized), while left-wing extremists account for 25%. Right-wing extremists have killed 337 and left-wing extremists have killed 22. In 2019, right-wing extremists accounted for 73% of acts, and in 2020 they accounted for 90%. Not only are they the greatest terrorist threat to America, but it is worsening every year. The facts are not on your side here. According to Trump's own government, when it comes to violence the right is far worse...except when AG Barr talks about it. They have shot up immigrants at Walmart and stormed synagogues and mosques. The past couple of years they have taken a page from 1S1S and plowed vehicles through crowds, which they have done countless times durring these protests. The right is more violent, is responible for more deaths, and it's getting worse. No Democrat has suggested abolishing the 2nd amendment. Period. They have suggested things like universal background checks, red flag temporary confiscations, and closing gun show loopholes and going after straw man purchases. Some have suggested reinstituting the assault weapons ban, and Beto and maybe a few others suggested confiscation, and it backfired terribly, as these aren't particularly popular even among Democrats. Most want common sense legislation. Street Czars. You know who looks the other way on criminal acts in exchange for intel? The police. Everywhere. You know who hires hackers and financial scammers to catch their own kind? The FBI. But I guess if a Democratic governor or mayor tries the whole, "no one knows the criminal world like a criminal," with the altruistic goal of decreasing mass incarceration for the good of families, communities, and the economy, it's terrible. Lastly, Biden has alzheimers and Trump is sharp as a tack...except when Trump repeatedly talks about the F 35 Lightning being literally invisible, talks about Tim Apple (Cook, CEO of Apple) or Marillyn Lockheed (Hewson, CEO of Lockheed Martin), talks about capturing airports during the Revolutionary War, talks repeatedly about the "oranges" of the Mueller Report ("Origins," said only once in four tries in one sitting) in a clear moment of aphasia, etc, etc, etc. Has Biden had some, "out of it," moments? You bet, but Trump's had FAR more. Covfefe. Watch on YouTube, "The Daily Show: Trump's Best Words," to see the senility that conservative media doesn't want you to see. And there's more than one video. Even if I had to choose between two equally senile old idiots, I'll take the one who hasn't failed at every step durring the worst public health crisis in 100 years, the worst economy and unemployment crisis in 90 years, and the worst racial crisis and moment of civil unrest in the last 50-60 years. Here's the problem; you'll claim my facts are wrong and your assertions based on facts you don't present are right, despite me presenting facts from the DOJ controlled by the administration YOU support and video evidence of Trump having a brain made of Jell-O. Remeber #6 on the list of attributes of fascism...control of the media. Now you've got your facts and I've got my facts and never the twain shall meet, which historians will tell you is one of the key steps in fascism's know, in those history books you mentioned.

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