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7/26/2020 4:45:07 PM

Falling guillotine and Heavy weapons

Falling guillotine has proved to be an extremely good dps option for boss dps and general play. But me and many others would be hard pressed to equip something else in its place for the reasons that it outputs a ton of damage, has a lot of reserves, and is legendary. Meaning you can equip witherhoard or izanagi or even an exotic primary. What gets left in its shadow is almost every ranged dps option like whisper or sleeper. My proposition is that the exotics like whisper and sleeper or even Leviathans breath need a significant increase in reserves. Falling guillotine without lucent blade, whirlwind blade, or heavy attacks can output about 880k in total damage. With all of those listed it can even hit around 1 million in total damage. Swords have finally gotten the love they deserve and i dont want them to change. I dont think its unreasonable to ask for an improvement on the ammo economy by simply making our guns hold more ammo. Sleeper with the catalyst has around 440k damage in total and Whisper with its perk hits for 430k. My opinion is that Sleeper should be brought up to 12 rounds by default and 15 with the catalyst. Aleast bring the exotic heavies that were designed for damage phases to about 660k in total output. Swords have the high risk high reward of high damage at the risk your vulnerable to the boss stomping on you and other attacking enemies. But that risk is eliminated with Well of Radiance or Ward of Dawn. So i dont think its unreasonable to bring some weapons reserves up to par with guillotine. A legendary weapon that outperforms most exotic dps options is a problem. The problem isn't that the sword is op. The problem is that the other options suck.

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  • My mind is blown, did no one use swords in the previous season with passive guard? I mean they were stronger last season than they are now. Cool there’s a sword with good DPS, I preferred having a passive that pretty much made me immune to death with a sword out. I mean passive guard was strong that if I was about to die and was at flashing red health I had more of a chance to live if I pulled out my sword and charged into as many enemies as possible than if I tried to take cover. Can’t really do that now. Even with one sword having stupid high dps the likely hood of swording enemies in real end game content, grandmaster NFO, is still low. A regular orange bar can pretty much 1 shot you and most champs unless you have all 3 fire team members with sword meleeing isn’t enough to kill most champions. Not to mention that I don’t think the corrupted boss is swordable either. We used swords to counter the broken boop punch off map mechanics that literally can hit you anywhere in the map, even behind walls completely out of LOS.

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    • You basically just told bungo they need to nerf swords again. Awesome work champ.

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    • The only reason the sword is as strong as it is is because of Sunsetting. I believe this is exactly what Bungie was talking about delivering weapons more powerful for a time but they expire. The sword will naturally be nerfed with its power cap. The sword actually gives me some hope in the direction of sunsetting.

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    • Man I just enjoy running up to a champion and spinning it out of existence. F*ck champions, all my homies hate champions.

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    • Is it no paragraphs day? I thought that was in October...🤔

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      • Swords are high damage options with the trade off that you have to be close. You risk dying to get in close. If anything, they should switch the ammo economies of Temptations Hook and Falling Guillotine. Hooks heavy uses 8 ammo while Guillotine takes 4. Flip those values and far as I see it, it’s balanced.

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      • So nerf swords, got it.

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      • 🙄

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      • Well Sleeper currently sucks anyway and Whisper is pretty situational. By I agree people are crutching Guillotine hard even for stuff they really shouldn't be using it.

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        7 Replies
        • Falling Guillotine definitely should’ve been exotic.

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          2 Replies
          • Meh, swords are for disgusting weebs. I meme everything to death with Edge transit.

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          • Edited by Q: 7/26/2020 5:44:53 PM
            Xenophage is my go to nowadays, got bored of using the sword.

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            2 Replies
            • Sleeper won't get buffed, it got an ammo nerf for gambit.

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              • Eeeehm. Whisper with its current reserves does comparible total damage though. And you wont get stomped to death.

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                18 Replies
                • Gg thanks for the indirect ask for nerf.... [i]aweessoommme....[/i]

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                • It's perfectly balanced. With swords you have to get close to the enemy, and let's face it, that isnt possible in some activities, whether it be the damage or the location/type of boss. Iziwendi still outclasses it for raid bosses.

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                • Can we make Machine Gun ammo the mag size displayed in collections and give them a larger reserve as well. 150-200 round magazines as they used to be, that way they aren't almost pointless aside from Thunderlord and Xenophage.

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                • The only reason why Bungie is letting it be powerful and will let it stay that way is because it's going to get sunsetted eventually. Whether the frame returns or not is another question for a later time.

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                • "What is power creep?"

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                • Exotic doesn't mean "more powerful". Exotic means "different". Exotics are there to encourage different playstyles, not to be far-and-away better than all legendary weapons.

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                  • Edited by DuBChiri2: 7/26/2020 8:05:06 PM
                    Swords can't be used against EVERY boss but certainly a lot of them. Well and bubble helps them bypass their weakness of needing to be close but in an activity like the prophecy dungeon, a boss that moves a lot will prove to be difficult for swords to some degree. As for sleeper and leviathans breath, giving them reserves doesn't fix their problem. They don't hit hard enough and no amount of ammo or slight buff will fix that. Let me ask 2 questions: Would you rather sleeper have 50% more ammo, or 50% more damage? Would you rather have 25% more reserves, but 25% more damage (I know that the math might not work just bear with me)? If I were fighting...let's say the garden of salvation boss...which would be more impactful to the viability of the weapon? The boss has rather short damage phases and sleeper and leviathans breath don't shoot very fast. For me, I would rather sleeper hit 50% harder because then all of its max total damage would be dealt in a much shorter time due to its shorter reserve count. Vs having 25% more ammo and damage where I would reach the same exact numbers, just over a longer period of time. And 50% reserves...well you get the idea. For bungie, reserves can dictate how much power a certain weapon can dish out because dps is INCREDIBLY important to the game. Take a look at rapid-fire frame grenade launchers. They didn't nerf their damage by a whole lot, but they DID give them an increase in reserve ammo to compensate. Their overall damage is relatively similar to what it was previously, but their dps is quite a bit lower and that was enough to reign them in. So I'll ask again but a little differently: Would you rather sleeper and leviathans breath hit harder over a shorter period of time, or harder over a longer period of time? Which would be more beneficial to the weapon as a whole? It's not wrong to want more ammo, it's not wrong to want to give them more damage. They can have both, but bungie won't give both equal large improvements. As for whisper...its catalyst makes it hit hard enough and its reserves are fine. It's only a boss damage weapon or tanky single target weapon. With a full team of 6 (or 5 + divinity), it already pretty much kills any boss in the game without fail and it can do it from pretty much any distance with the only requirement being you hit your shots correctly. Give colony a buff too, it would be funny to watch more people kill enemies with explosive metal bugs.

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                  • Just wait a season or two and it will get nerfed. It is a pattern that Bungie follows. Make a weapon strong, people chase it, then they nerf it and a new gun is made powerful. It's a looter shooter, they want people chasing loot.

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                  • Exotics aren't supposed to be stronger than legendaries. They're meant to have unique abilities that you can't get from legendaries.

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                  • FG balances out by requiring CQC to use. Sure in most activities it’s the thing to use. But take it into a GM nightfalls or GoS and let me know how good it is. It has its place and that place is anywhere close range is possible. Mid to long range though? Worthless.

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