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10/14/2010 4:44:35 PM

Noble Map Pack - 11/30/2010

The Halo: Reach Warfront expands! [url=/news/content.aspx?type=topnews&cid=29224] click for full story [/url]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] arkadin13 I find it ridiculous that you charge $10 for 3 maps. The maps that shipped with game were mostly remakes and campaign levels and now you want to make us pay out the ass for more?[/quote] there has always been only 3 maps at a time, in any DLC map pack, and they have always cost 800 Microsoft points. Always.

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  • Tempest looks awesome!

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  • $10 for 3 maps? Im sorry bungie but you have lost your touch. What happend to having many types of hell for matchmaking and the fact that when you come out with a new map set that you had 5 maps that opened new fighting styles? The maps you show here are lack of anything that would be of interest. Im not even close to being sure if i should buy them or just stick around for more firefight gruntpocalypse games. If you added the firefight maps or a firefight forge setup im sure that it would be worth every cent.

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  • [quote]Posted by: DigThat @Nero Valentine Are you stupid? Bungie made them Forge World variants so that you could customize them COMPLETELY. that's where i stopped reading. can YOU take hemmorhage out of matchmaking, customize it a bit to your liking, then send your better version back into matchmaking? i sure can't[/quote] No. That defeats the purpose of matchmaking. That's why you have FRIENDS who you can join a PARTY with.

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  • So tempest was that map that everyone insisted was forge world in the first pictures of bnet!

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  • Anchor 9 looks like it could be enjoyable. Good to see an area that I may not find in campaign.

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  • [quote]Considering that developers such as Valve already give out multiplayer maps for free, I do think that paying $3.33 for a single map is quite expensive! But my bigger point was that Bungie will eventually integrate the DLC into multiplayer, which blocks anyone who hasn't purchased the maps from playing! Currently, I can play every single playlist on Halo Reach, but after Bungie moves the maps into multiplayer, I will have to pay extra to continue to do what I can already do right now! And I know that Bungie will defend this by saying that multiplayer is some sort of bonus feature that is included with the campaign, which is the only thing you are entitled to with your retail copy, but that would be overlooking Halo's impact on online console multiplayer, which is the defining feature of the Halo games since Halo 2! It would discredit the feature that most players bought the game for in the first place! But so long as Bungie pumps out more maps, regardless of quality and price, I suppose you will continue to buy them because the price isn't "extravagant"! As if anything is extravagant to someone who can readily afford to pay it![/quote] I would remind you of three things: 1. Bungie has no say about pricing. That's Microsoft's fault. 2. Valve's principal playerbase is PC gamers. They use plain old internet connections to play online, and there is no massive corporation breathing down their necks to force them to raise prices. 3. Sure, Valve's games get ported to Xbox. But at that point Microsoft has no monopoly on the game. If they charge for the maps, and they're free on PC, then Microsoft would lose customers who migrate over to PC, where the maps were free. A poor business decision, to be sure. This pretty much invalidates your entire argument. This is a non-issue. Complain to Microsoft if you want to complain at all. And yes, I will pay it, because the game itself is worth it. And we don't even know yet if there will be playlist blocking for lack of maps. That is an argument for another day; Bungie may have updated their strategy. I GOT YO BACKS BUNGIE! <3

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  • Bungie, please stop making maps tied to the fiction. The best maps were pretty much outside the story and were tight competitive spaces, not the large expansive areas as seen in the Noble map pack. The Pit, Guardian, and Narrows are three of my favorite maps ever and they're not taken from campaign. You're trying too hard to ground the maps into the world to create a more "immersive" experience. Looking at MLG has done with the Halo:Reach maps, fixing spawns and putting in power weapons to fight for -- as Halo has always been about power weapons -- they've done a better job than Bungie has with their own maps.

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  • Wheres my Terminal Remake?

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  • Wow new maps already (awesome), I can't wait for these maps to come out. I just need to get some Microsoft Points and I'll be fine.

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  • What Reach fans have all been waiting for.

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  • It's funny how many people forgot about the heroic map pack's exsistence. Halo 3 was released September 25th 2007, Heroic Map Pack is released on December 11th 2007 for 800 ms points. That is about the same wait between Reach and Noble Pack. Yet nobody complained about Heroic pack until after they bought it because they found out the maps suck.

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  • Looks hawt, good thing I've been saving my MSP since I renewed my Bungie Pro subscription in September.

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  • VERY great and WOW that was fast usually i dont see map packs for a few months after game releases. great job and im happy they added another Forgeworthy map cause whats a halo map pack without a map to build great maps? although i disliked the third map because it was a campaign remake but hey bungie, you work your asses off so good job. next map pack you need to have a map like foundry cause I loved it, same looking textures as the foundry walls from halo 3 too because i feel trapped in the forgeworld walls in bases and stuff that are closed in so im not much of a fan of forerunner items in the pallette

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  • Damn, I think Tempest could turn into one of my favorite maps. :)

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] vanert Wow... already?[/quote]I'm surprised as you are. I didn't think there would be any map packs for Reach until 2011.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DigThat @Nero Valentine Are you stupid? Bungie made them Forge World variants so that you could customize them COMPLETELY.[/quote] that's where i stopped reading. can YOU take hemmorhage out of matchmaking, customize it a bit to your liking, then send your better version back into matchmaking? i sure can't

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  • Wow... already?

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  • I'm not buying any of the map packs until they are all out! I guarantee you that the noble map pack will be free eventually. Just wait.

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  • will say what i said in the other thread. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] tomski18 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] The Fury In NJ Spend 60 USD, but not a simple 10. Something's wrong.[/quote] spend £40, and then find out a month later if you want the full online experience (access to playlists etc.) you're going to have to spend another £7 - this is on top of the £300 you originally paid for the xbox, the £40 a year you've been paying for xbox live, the £20 you paid for a mic so you can talk to your friends and the £60 you paid for the wireless adapter. yeah, something is wrong, and that something is that we accept this as normal. yes, microsoft and bungie have to make a profit. the thing is, they already make an obscene amount of profit - microsoft now make more money from xbox than they do from windows. you might think an additional £7 is a "simple" amount of money, but some of us are still in school, are living off a student loan or have low-paying jobs. if it's such a small amount of money, are you going to pay it for me? [/quote] the fact that these maps were at least complete enough to show off in promotional screenshots as long ago as august just demonstrates what a cynical attempt this is at making a few extra bucks. halo reach was shipped with a small number of maps, several of which were just forge maps, and then just two months later you'll be paying more for maps that could reasonably have been included with the vanilla game. people in this thread are contrasting bungie with infinity ward, who charged 1200 MSP for a 5-map map pack, 3 of which were remakes from cod 4. they obviously forget or were never aware of the widespread outrage at them for charging such a price, nor unfortunately the success of the scheme because people were willing to pay out of the nose for anything with modern warfare 2 stamped on it. i suspect that is the situation here. it might also be pointing out that bungie, like infinity ward, is now in a publishing agreement with activision.

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  • That's about how much I pay for school also. Ha ha.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DigThat Why are people so STUPID?? The map pack is ten dollars. That averages about $3.30 per map. 3 -BLAM-ing DOLLARS PER MAP. I BUY LUNCH EVERY DAY AT SCHOOL FOR THREE DOLLARS. This is not a rip-off. Halo's map packs have cost 800 MS points since they first started. Heck, adjusted for inflation, the monetary value of 800 MS points has probably gone down since then. The maps look great, Bungie. I don't know if you cheated us by ripping them off of the gold release or not, but frankly, I don't really care. I always enjoy me some Halo, and I'm hungry for more Invasion.[/quote] Wow you're getting ripped off at school.

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  • Really? 3 maps for ten bucks? Two months after the game was released? I mean come on! Really? Really? We all know you could have released these at launch and just held out to make more money, you aren't fooling anyone. And if there are play lists blocks because of map packs this time that is seriously unfair.

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  • Sick.

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  • [quote]Good job supporting the wealthy elite at the top of the spire (no pun intended) Bungie[/quote] Woah woah woah, am I reading this right? When did $10 become the kind of money only "the wealthy elite" posess?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DigThat [quote]Also it's nice to see Bungie not even attempt to improve upon their DLC traditions! Like, keeping with the whole "Three maps are the value of 1/6 of the entire game". But now I can't wait for the next three map packs that I'll have to buy to keep the features I had at launch! [/quote] How much would you sell them for? A dollar apiece? Sheesh. Three dollars a map. Hardly what I would call extravagant.[/quote]Considering that developers such as Valve already give out multiplayer maps for free, I do think that paying $3.33 for a single map is quite expensive! But my bigger point was that Bungie will eventually integrate the DLC into multiplayer, which blocks anyone who hasn't purchased the maps from playing! Currently, I can play every single playlist on Halo Reach, but after Bungie moves the maps into multiplayer, I will have to pay extra to continue to do what I can already do right now! And I know that Bungie will defend this by saying that multiplayer is some sort of bonus feature that is included with the campaign, which is the only thing you are entitled to with your retail copy, but that would be overlooking Halo's impact on online console multiplayer, which is the defining feature of the Halo games since Halo 2! It would discredit the feature that most players bought the game for in the first place! But so long as Bungie pumps out more maps, regardless of quality and price, I suppose you will continue to buy them because the price isn't "extravagant"! As if anything is extravagant to someone who can readily afford to pay it!

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