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10/14/2010 4:44:35 PM

Noble Map Pack - 11/30/2010

The Halo: Reach Warfront expands! [url=/news/content.aspx?type=topnews&cid=29224] click for full story [/url]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] urk The Halo: Reach Warfront expands! [url=/news/content.aspx?type=topnews&cid=29224] click for full story [/url][/quote] [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] urk The Halo: Reach Warfront expands! [url=/news/content.aspx?type=topnews&cid=29224] click for full story [/url][/quote] [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] urk The Halo: Reach Warfront expands! [url=/news/content.aspx?type=topnews&cid=29224] click for full story [/url][/quote]

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  • SO what will be the limitations on the map, bot say that they dont look epic, because i cant wait to get my hands on them but like how far out the space station will you be able to go if you want to like forge a small map out there make a little battle area on top of the ship. Are you going to add these peaces to the forge world or are they going to be seperate maps all together. i dont know if you are the operater for bungie but it seems like you would know what as a gamer can i expect to see in these new maps as far as forge and doing it up on xbox live

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  • I think the only map pack connected to Halo with more than 3 was the one in Halo Wars, something not made by Bungie. This seems to be a nice timing as well since there are a few games I was planning on getting and am buying this month on the Arcade due to the bonus points even though I didn't have anything I'd specifically wanted with that 800. Very nice timing with that one. On other notes, I do wonder what else is being added with the pack, there could easily be additional armor options added alongside the rank cap. Probably with a few attached as Waypoint rewards for things from the pack (Possibly adding other ones that require the remaining two Legendary Completion feats). Along with the maps, we also pretty much have a confirmed bonus group of forge maps due to the contest which will probably add to the available game maps. As a side note for those complaining about the Forgeworld Maps, those are still separate maps. Honestly, most people wouldn't have known they were on the same map without being told.

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  • i think the map should be free sence its the last halo game ever they should make it less about microsoft points and more about having fun with your friends not waisting point and maps or just do what they did with halo 2 odst and i call it 2 becaust it takes place during halo 2 not 3

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  • It s looks cool but guys i hope you been thinking for new armor 2 cuz thats a "mustbe" GBA J

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  • OMG!finally new maps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they look great (nice job bungie)

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Lyle91 Every Halo map pack has been 800 MS Points, and they've all came with three maps,so I don't see what the big deal is.[/quote] If I do remember clearly, Halo 2 had a map pack that included 5 maps and two other map packs that included 4 maps I believe.

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  • Bungie makes me happy! Tempest with forge should be nice. For the next map pack a night sky-boxed forge world enabled map please :D

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DigThat Actually, if you look real close, I left your argument ambiguous on purpose. [/quote]I'd like to know how you messed with my argument and why I need to adjust my viewing to see how you altered it, but ok! [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DigThat On an unrelated note, I'm relatively new here. How on earth do you use the quote function so it displays who is being quoted? [/quote]Just press the 'quote' button! Three down from 'submit'!

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  • Every Halo map pack has been 800 MS Points, and they've all came with three maps,so I don't see what the big deal is.

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  • Bungie this kinda sucks as most of you map pack for the other games have been at least 4-5 maps plus the fact only one of these map is playable on invasion. it's just kind of annoying that at the moment there are only 2 proper invasuion maps and your only ading one more viable map for all of the people that have now adopted invasion as there favourite game type

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  • Actully they probably started making these maps after the game came out so its not a rip off. Plus they're also adding achivements. Also its not like we're buying it for the games price (over $60.00). I'm just not happy that the forge map is another foruner map.

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  • I agree. They should add a remake of headlong and colossus from halo 2. I think that would make people want it more. Three maps just seems a little small.

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  • [quote]That was great of you to completely disregard my actual argument, which I even explicitly said was my bigger point! Here, I'll bold it for you since you missed it the first time![/quote] Actually, if you look real close, I left your argument ambiguous on purpose. We still have no idea how the release of this map pack will affect playlists. Bungie has said nothing on the matter, and there is no way to know if they haven't changed the way things work. Maybe the playlists will be split between those who have the map pack and those who don't. I don't know, not pretending I do, but this particular debate is best left until later, once we know more than what maps will be featured. On an unrelated note, I'm relatively new here. How on earth do you use the quote function so it displays who is being quoted? [Edited on 10.14.2010 5:26 PM PDT]

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  • Thank you!! I am sooo hyped for this!

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  • Oh god I don't know how to post normally on this forum so I am going to have to quote someone. This kinda sucks. We are paying for 3 maps and if we don't buy them we will probably have the playlists limited again, giving us half the game or less. Isn't there like only 4 playable playlists at the moment on Halo 3?

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  • Well, I agree in a certain respect. Yes, the game feels uber rushed, but it still has its core greatness. The major difficulty is Maps. Not just for Team Slayer, but for everyone. I got tired of Invasion in less than an hour because of the repetitiveness of the maps. BTB is ridiculous. Hemorrage? Really? Out of ALL the remastered maps, you choose the one that is now on its 3rd rendition? When something like Colossus, Headlong or Waterworks deserves a promising remake due to the outstanding crossplaying games (ie Slayer, BTB, One bomb, multiflag) worked so well on those larger maps. I will hold out hope for user created free maps. I am happy that TFUII is comiing out.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] gibonez 3 maps for 10 dollars. What a bloody ripoff. 1 month in and I don't want to even touch reach again. I'm done with reach and am looking forward to the next big thing, reach had absolutely no lasting appeal, thats what happens when you ship a game with a pathetic number of maps then not even a month out announced a ripoff map pack. Reach is the last bungie game I ever buy. [/quote] Speak for yourself, Ill be playing Reach for years [i]and[i] Im going to buy this map pack the day it comes out. Ditto for future mappacks [Edited on 10.14.2010 5:13 PM PDT]

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  • I don't have a problem with the price. 800 MS Points for three maps is fair. That said, this map pack should have been free. Not because I feel entitled or anything silly like that. But because Halo: Reach was launched with a very small amount of maps. And I don't care what Bungie says, Forge World counts as ONE map, not five. Anybody in the community could have recreated the Halo 2 remakes(probably even better versions) and The Cage and Paradiso are to the of the most hated maps. Halo: CE shipped with 13 maps, Halo 2 shipped with 12 and Halo 3 shipped with 11. See the trend here? Halo: Reach shipped with a record low 9 multiplayer maps! We have to buy a map pack just to get the amount of maps we used to get with the game itself. I have a real problem with Bungie shipping a game with so few maps only to release a map pack two months later and charge us for it.

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  • Reply fail [Edited on 10.14.2010 5:09 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] gibonez 3 maps for 10 dollars. What a bloody ripoff. 1 month in and I don't want to even touch reach again. I'm done with reach and am looking forward to the next big thing, reach had absolutely no lasting appeal, thats what happens when you ship a game with a pathetic number of maps then not even a month out announced a ripoff map pack. Reach is the last bungie game I ever buy. [/quote] I second this

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  • 3 maps for 10 dollars. What a bloody ripoff. 1 month in and I don't want to even touch reach again. I'm done with reach and am looking forward to the next big thing, reach had absolutely no lasting appeal, thats what happens when you ship a game with a pathetic number of maps then not even a month out announced a ripoff map pack. Reach is the last bungie game I ever buy.

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  • The only problem I have with these maps is that theyre all big team battle maps... We need better small-scale maps, like Guardian. [Edited on 10.14.2010 5:04 PM PDT]

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  • [quote] Its 800 ms points and does anyone know when it is coming out? Also for all the haters that are [b]to poor to pay $10 dollars for 3 new reach maps go out and buy 1600 ms points[/b], it will be worth it!! I mean comon it's REACH!!! [/quote] How do you buy something you cannot afford to begin with? Hence the issue here.

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  • I am truly disappointed with Bungie and MS at this point. I bought a game, knowing that I'd spent $60 for the quality I have grown on and loved in gaming with the Halo series (since Halo: CE, and everything in between). However, not only is my "system" plagued with the massive Disc Read Errors (which, might I add, is far from a "small" scale - there are owners of every xbox model with this problem!), and MS only fixing this problem with a $120 fee. Which, btw, the only workaround for is a filing of a complaint to the BBB, a serious enough case that MS will GLADLY fix your console for FREE over. After all of this, and the near lack of support from Bungie or MS other than "Call Xbox support" is problematic in itself. But then to release "old" content that could've been added to the disc, (or even better, making Reach TWO discs to resolve the MASSIVE DREs, like ODST), and then to pump them out for $10 with zero additional content (achievements are what you make of them, gamerscore does not equate to anything other than bragging rights) is a slap in the face. After the day is done, in order to get the full experience that was promised, some (not all) will end up paying nearly $300+ to be able to do. For everyone here saying $10 isn't much, try paying for college, working, bills, etc. The only ones here who think this is all easy are spoiled kids. For the utter lack of content on the disc (in the form of Firefight and MP at least - I still can't play the entire campaign), the Bungie community deserves SOMETHING more than the same. Once enough people refuse to buy the content, it will either be free (SOME Halo 3 maps) or stay at the same rate (MOST Halo 3 maps). Or be extorted like they've already done with their software and MS (why the BBB complaint IS serious. Or with ODST forcing H3 players to buy JUST to play). And for all those here who claim this ISN'T a money grab - this game sold how many copies? I am a Software Engineering major, I know about manhours involved in coding. But the effort by Bungie is not nearly what people are making of it. I absolutely LOVED H:CE and H2. The TRUE bungie team imo, as H3, ODST, and REACH have shown that the quality standard (the FUN of the GAME, the customer support, etc) has fallen. Out with a bang indeed.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Zephyrr What is up with all you ignorant people? The multiplayer maps were made for multiplayer FIRST, and then put into campaign. They were all MADE to be played in Multiplayer. Even the Firefight maps. So stop acting like Bungie is lazy. They put so much work into this game, more than any other one they've made. And we're going to get more of their hard work, and you can't just be thankful? All you people do is complain. Grow the hell up.[/quote] So as the consumer (the person who bought this $60 game), I'm not allowed to complain? Do I just have to accept all the flaws that I, apparently, paid for? Heaven forbid I want something that is likely to appease a very large group of the Bungie community (MLG), in the form of at least one arena map. Your logic is ignorant.

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