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Destiny 2

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2/27/2020 5:19:10 PM

Armour Idea and Feedback

So in general I really like armour 2.0. The mods can be cool, some more than others, some i just don't change because they are nothing next to ammo finders... but the biggest issue for me is having to change my armour all the time for certain activities, it's a pain, remembering which armour I've set up for different activities, which mods I want for certain activities etc Most of the time I just make do and only change out my exotic piece and ammo finder armours... Intitially I thought loadouts was the answer, let me set a loadout simply on the app and immediately replace all my armour... But then I thought no, this isn't the answer... Now i think Anthem was onto something here (bear with me, Anthem had a terrible start but some of the ideas make sense!!!) My idea - do away with armour. So get rid of all the different armours.. Instead give us mods to hunt for and ornaments. Basically we wear one suit. Thats it.. but every other piece is an ornament. Every style we find, every helmet, every glove etc is an ornament.. The rest of the package comes down to mods. Have mods for everything we do now. Have new mods to hunt down. Make a new mod slot (or slots for the stats) Then back to loadouts. Let us create a loadout for different activities - Crucible, Gambit, Raid, Strike and Open World. Each one ets us save our mod configuration. But then the style options are almost endless.. The only odd one here is exotics? They could either be a piece of armour that overules our 'base suit' or be a mod unto themselves with an enforced ornaments (or ornaments) to keep the visual. This would make inventory management eaiser. Would make the option for styles so much wider and would free up so much vault space. On a side note - Weapons eventually becoming obsolete? I actually like this idea. I'm tired of my favourite weapons being nerfed into the ground to try and stop me using them. Give me back my Magnificent Howl, give me back my fun pinnacles. 9-12 months is a LONG time, I can play the hell out of those weapons whilst they slowly get overtaken then find new exciting guns to eventually replace them. So long as you DO make the exciting guns to replace them as you go along Bungie The solution is not and CANNOT be to make new weapons better, be reasonable guys there are limits! How do you make a better hand cannon than pre nerf Not Forgotten? Answer? It's either exotic or you can't!! That gun was perfection. The only way is a) nerf it to give others a chance (which sucked!!!!) or b) have it eventually become obsolete and need to be replaced... If you make a nigh on perfect weapon you can't keep making better ones. This makes 99% of new weapons already obsolete!

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