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2/19/2020 6:24:17 AM
It was a slapped together cut scene that tells you nothing, answers nothing, implies nothing, and ultimately only states " Oh hey, remember RASPUTIN? THE GREATEST WARMIND EVER THAT WE ABANDONED ... 4 stories ago? ... LOOK! ITS RASPUTIN!". I remember when this game had fun and comedy ... its been devoid of that for nearly 2 years.

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  • [quote]It was a slapped together cut scene that tells you nothing, answers nothing, implies nothing, and ultimately only states " Oh hey, remember RASPUTIN? THE GREATEST WARMIND EVER THAT WE ABANDONED ... 4 stories ago? ... LOOK! ITS RASPUTIN!". I remember when this game had fun and comedy ... its been devoid of that for nearly 2 years.[/quote] Wow...You say a lot of words to say nothing

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  • It's kind of sad that you have to diss this because you don't WANT to understand anything. If you don't have anything productive to say or anything to really contribute, just don't say anything. Otherwise you're just wasting yours and others' time. This is one of my biggest pet peeves: someone thinks they know exactly what's going on because obviously everyone around them is an idiot, and so they diss everyone around them. I personally write stories, and 1) can tell that they are 1000x harder to write in the quality that Bungie has, and 2) can see so much potential in this story, both in what I would do and what is even possible. Bungie has flat out told us that this really isn't even half the story, that D1 and D2 (including expansions up to Forsaken and maybe even the first three seasons) are just [i]introducing[/i] us to what the Destiny universe is. What do you do in an introduction? You flesh out the characters' stories. What are Bungie doing? Fleshing out characters' stories.

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  • I think you are trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill here... I have every right to state my opinion as much as you have yours, a counter position is not anti contribution, its seeing something through another glass. The trailer doesn't bring any new information to the table and didn't involve the team needing to put together a more elaborate animation other than modifying some walk cycles for a render, that's it. If information happens we'll see it at the start of the new season, but right now, counter to the video, Osiris is not chilling on Mars, and Rasputin, much like the past 2 years, has nothing to say. So I am not raving about something that brings no new information. I await more. And yes, in general D2 has been disappointing since midway through forsaken when it became apparent that Cayde was not coming back, and nothing was written in to fill his character profile for the conversations in game. .The decision seemed like a desperate attempt to bring players back, but removed the last bits of humor this game had to offer. Its been nothing but a depressing somber tone for two years, that's not opinion, that's simply a fact of the story writing. Even the music in the tower stayed depressing. You don't "win" in the Dreaming City, your revenge cant bring Cayde back, you don't stop anything on the moon, just discover vague secrets, All the humor is in replays of old strikes and story quests that still hearken back to Cayde 6 still living. So, pardon the pessimism, but i have valid reasons for it.

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  • Okay, I agree that I could have handled that a bit better, and I probably could have worded that a bit better, but so could you. Just because you didn't like it doesn't mean you have to go and say that the writers are dumb and can't come up with anything. We just don't have the full picture yet.

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  • Im constantly pessimistic and sarcastic, so dont mind me. I'd say im mostly just butthurt that the game wronged people early enough that no one I know will come back to it, and I cant blame them . I didnt say the writers were dumb, I did point out that they are lacking their lead, so 'where this whole thng was going" is kinda... lost. Theyre filling in gaps, with little time to do so. Crunching is no way to make a quality game. Thats not on the artists, or writers, thats on the management.

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  • [quote]It was a slapped together cut scene that tells you nothing, answers nothing, implies nothing, and ultimately only states " Oh hey, remember RASPUTIN? THE GREATEST WARMIND EVER THAT WE ABANDONED ... 4 stories ago? ... LOOK! ITS RASPUTIN!". I remember when this game had fun and comedy ... its been devoid of that for nearly 2 years.[/quote] You're dumb

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  • Don’t you see? Just like they’ve done with Season of Dawn, they’re going through the first 2 expansions and expanding upon the narratives they’ve started in them.

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  • In what way did Dawn and CoO ACTUALLY connect? Saint14 was a discover-able corpse at best, And was not part of the grand story of CoO, CoO was also about a simulations, not ACTUAL TIME TRAVEL. Saint14 has no real weight on anything we've done up to Dawning, there was no real threat of anything, if the maze event had failed it wouldn't have changed the outcome of upcoming seasons, none of it mattered. It didnt add to the narative, it injected an entirely alternate one that had nothing to do with the first other than " this is where Osiris lives"

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  • That’s wrong. One of the big quests in CoO was the Perfect Paradox quest, which is quite literally the main plot point of this season (the driving force of course being the Legion’s interference with the timeline)

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  • Edited by The-IIID-Emp1r3: 2/19/2020 9:11:28 PM
    [quote]In what way did Dawn and CoO ACTUALLY connect? Saint14 was a discover-able corpse at best, And was not part of the grand story of CoO, CoO was also about a simulations, not ACTUAL TIME TRAVEL. Saint14 has no real weight on anything we've done up to Dawning, there was no real threat of anything, if the maze event had failed it wouldn't have changed the outcome of upcoming seasons, none of it mattered. It didnt add to the narative, it injected an entirely alternate one that had nothing to do with the first other than " this is where Osiris lives"[/quote] You realize Saint tried to find Osiris in the Infinite Forest but ended up getting lost right?, Osiris feeling guilty to being not only the reason Saint (the greatest Titan the city had and ever lived) died but because he couldn't even stop him from dying no matter what he did, this is how that dlc and this season content is connected.. characters, plot lines that follow eachother, etc Just like how now we will most likely learn a terrible secret Rasputin kept from everyone and that Osiris (looking through timelines and things that happened, are happening or will happen in the future) is the only one that has some dirt on Rasputin, we helped Osiris, we helped Rasputin, now we helped Saint survive by helping Osiris, most likely now in the next season it'll be a "pick a side" scenario where either you choose Osiris or Rasputin in some civil war type deal. Light, or darkness. PS: but then again you're one of those people who have a very hard time putting 2 & 2 together and understanding the story as it's given to us. I bet you didn't even know that the Hidden Swarm was trying to find a way to resurrect Oryx by having him be reborn instead of brought back to life.. or how i bet you didn't know that Hashladun and her sisters were trying to get Zulmak to be the next Hive king.

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  • Ah yes, it was SO MEMORABLE as a throwaway set of lines that I totaly forgot why I had to find the corpse in the first place. Foolish me. Clearly , the majority of CoO had nothing to do with reviving segira, saving osiris, getting a map, taking over the forest, and defeating the mind that controlled it in a wierd jumping puzzle battle at the end. That totaly wasnt the vast majoraty and ultimate goal of it. No, clearly, it was all about dropping that sweet sweet Saind 14 connection that was going to pay off later, theres.. no way.. that they had to figure out how to make it connect two years later.

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  • [quote]Ah yes, it was SO MEMORABLE as a throwaway set of lines that I totaly forgot why I had to find the corpse in the first place. Foolish me. Clearly , the majority of CoO had nothing to do with reviving segira, saving osiris, getting a map, taking over the forest, and defeating the mind that controlled it in a wierd jumping puzzle battle at the end. That totaly wasnt the vast majoraty and ultimate goal of it. No, clearly, it was all about dropping that sweet sweet Saind 14 connection that was going to pay off later, theres.. no way.. that they had to figure out how to make it connect two years later.[/quote] Nice sarcasm (yes i played CoO and yes i know we did it all to defeat Panoptes and save the universe as we know it), but you're still missing the point, the point is bungie is expanding on previous -blam!-ing stories instead of -blam!-ing off to another random new one that has nothing to do with anything that has happened in the past or recently People like you are never happy with anything bungie does with the story, they could give us a goddamn Darkness guardian class in the 11th season w/ a clear story telling us why it happened and still people like you would write it off as boring and not being connected to any past events when in fact it definitely would be, don't blame bungie for your own lack of interest and lack of knowledge.

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  • This feels more like the ... BattleStar Galactica version of "connecting" a story, where they wrote it season to season with no end in sight till they basically just had to find earth and end it. Let us not forget, that Warmind and CoO were originaly D1 content. and we even have lines that put our context our of order where people recognize others without being introduced. Good times.The most direct story line, could have completely forgotten CoO, and Mars, and would have gone straight from Vanilla D2, to Forsaken, to the Moon, because nothing else really links up in between in a fluid way. I mean, its not like they lost their main writer is it?

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  • [quote]This feels more like the ... BattleStar Galactica version of "connecting" a story, where they wrote it season to season with no end in sight till they basically just had to find earth and end it. Let us not forget, that Warmind and CoO were originaly D1 content. and we even have lines that put our context our of order where people recognize others without being introduced. Good times.The most direct story line, could have completely forgotten CoO, and Mars, and would have gone straight from Vanilla D2, to Forsaken, to the Moon, because nothing else really links up in between in a fluid way. I mean, its not like they lost their main writer is it?[/quote] Ah yes, go straight from vanilla D2 to Forsaken.. -blam!- giving us a story about what happened with Ana Bray and why she's back or how it literally have us clear indication that Elsie Bray is the Exo Stranger (and why she's an Exo now) or how Nokris was actually on Mars this whole time with Xol as their base of operations but got frozen in ice for years.. ah yes god forbid we also go help Osiris defeat the Vex Mind in charge of Mercury that would've killed us all if we didn't take it out and change the unavoidable future where everything is dead even the damn Sun You're a straight up clown, hands down. They might not have been great ground breaking dlcs but at least they gave us more backstory to characters, why they do what they do, etc etc.. without them now we'd 1. be wiped out by Panoptes, 2. Never saved Saint-14 and 3. we'd have a straight up confusing next season as to why Osiris decided to show up outta nowhere just to go see Rasputin. Without those two dlcs (CoO / Warmind) we wouldn't have seen Rasputin nor have known wtf Osiris would have been doing until now next season, would it be a surprise? Sure... But there would be too many stupid plotholes and it would be shitty.

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  • I see your goal is to "win" a discussion through insulting the other party. Cool. Clutch those pearls as hard as you want, it doesn't change the fact that most of that could literally not exist in the main story because it jumps right outside of the main plot-line. I didn't say they weren't fun, or informative in their own bubble, but they are completely separated from the flow of the story. They gave you snippets to finish up the bray story yet still had to tell people ' shes gone and isnt coming back, we had no plans for her' - to paraphrase. And what does Ana do? Oh, right... acts as a vendor. Cool. Its also where Bungie started experimenting on how hard their user base would grind for lore and items, and apparently most of us are suckers. So, yay Bungie? This would continue to current day where bungie's main goals seem to be investing less and less time in developing new game encounters or content and simply rehashing the existing ones. When was the last time we saw a new enemy? Or even a type of boss? Oh right, Forsaken. But, when it comes to THIS TRAILER, there's no new information. You have supposition from a phrase, an abruptly cut off word, but you have no new information, and none of it currently has triggered any events in game. It tells you nothing you didnt already know about the characters, or very obvious conclusions that could have been drawn through previous events. People need to chill.

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  • Hmmm.... I sense a great disturbance in the forum.........

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  • Edited by HollowedWayfarer: 2/19/2020 8:46:36 PM
    CoO and Season of Dawn connect because of Osiris and Saint-14’s relationship. Despite their differences, they are very close, viewing each other as brothers. During the Perfect Paradox quest, we learn about Saint-14 and his death. Before this no one knew what happened to Saint-14, not even Osiris. Osiris learned this and instantly became filled with grief and regret. The only reason Saint ever went into the Infinite Forest was to go looking for Osiris. This lead to Osiris building the Sundial so he could save Saint. Now why would this new cutscene happen? There are many rumors and conspiracies involving Rasputin in the Destiny universe. Osiris could he described as the conspiracy theorist of Destiny. While in the Infinite Forest, he might have seen something involving Rasputin. A past? Alternate present? A possible future? We don’t know. What we do know is that it drew enough reaction from Osiris to leave Mercury and storm off to confront Rasputin face to face.

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  • All of that basically came from Dawning, not CoO. How does CoO lay this out ? Hm?

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  • Your stupid and this is a lore forum not a diss the lore forum. So either shut your mouth or diss the lore on the “Place to diss things forum”

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  • You're *

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  • Indeed

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  • Osiris’ and Saint’s relationship was established all the way back in D1. This isn’t new information. Granted, it was further fleshed out this season, but people always knew that Saint and Osiris were close friends.

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  • D2, pc only.

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  • Uhhh, it has some pretty big implications...

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  • Osiris met Rasputin *finger twirl* woo...

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