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10/17/2019 7:31:54 PM

THE EVERVERSE LIE (datamining reddit post) While i am thoroughly enjoying my experience in Shadowkeep, i feel the need to hold Bungie accountable for their actions here. They have deliberately deceived us in several ways with the Eververse store to milk as much money from us as possible. The original reddit post is above, and a TLDR is below. The idea that you can wait for Tess to sell whatever you want for dust is a COMPLETE AND UTTER LIE. The list of bright dust items she sells is predetermined, and apparently has been since season 1. Additionally, Bungie intentionally never communicates what items will and wont come back each season to create the illusion that nothing will come back. This means you're more likely to spend money on EV items. Alot of the new seasonal items are silver-exclusive but this is never communicated to the player, meaning you're more likely to miss out on certain cosmetics and never be able to get them again, making you more willing to buy in the future.

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  • I downloaded the game and played for the first time in 9-10 months. I’m truly confused. What does the $35 version include? Does it include this “battle pass” (😂😂😂) and the shadowkeep proper or is it just the dlc? The $60 one is for all the “seasons” correct?

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  • I recommend you to start a gaming studio and not charge a dime for anything. I look forward to you employees quitting while you scramble for money for their paycheques and then go bankrupt.

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    32 Replies
    • So people are actually still defending Eververse. We've reached an unprecedented level of brain-washed. Imagine that these people have a right to vote. [i]Stupidity has become a virtue[/i].

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    • I just don’t understand the need ,or want mentality when it comes to the items in the store. All I’ve ever seen in any game when it comes to this stuff is a fool and their money will soon be parted, nothing more.

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    • Bungie is up to a lot of shady behavior with this expansion. Pay per account for expansion on consoles. Now all cosmetics cost actual money. All locked behind a pay wall. Seems like Activision leaving was a bad thing. The greed is real. Here I thought paying $35 for a small expansion was more than enough for this behavior not to happen.

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      9 Replies
      • Come on. Bungie is a game developer, but also a business. Are they willing to manipulate the perceived time- sensitivity and availability of their for-purchase items to take advantage of players with poor impulse control? It’s possible. Could it be considered borderline unscrupulous? Eh. Maybe. Is it STILL up to every player to exert their free will and control their spending habits and not blame anyone but themselves if they spend their money on purely cosmetic items? You bet it is.

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        13 Replies
        • The hyperbole used by people who can't understand basic business practices is astounding. Lies, illusions... dude they are selling you lines of code that change the way other lines of code look. It ain't that gotdam deep. You either buy what you like, don't buy anything you don't like, or don't buy what you do like because you don't have or don't want to spend the money. You would think everyone on these forums complaining about this mess has a crippling retail or gambling addiction with the way they say bungie influences all their decision. Pro tip, don't save your method of payment for future use. That way, whenever you feel impulsed to buy, you have that extra minute or two while getting an entering your info to rethink how your issue is your inability stop compulsory decisions and not how bungie sets up their COSMETIC store

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          5 Replies
          • Yeah and? Dont buy it. Nobody put a gun to your head. Lots of companies are like this it's a buisness at the end of the day. Now it's totally fine to be an informed consumer in fact it's your duty to be. But people acting like this is some kind of exspose of high issue need to step back and look at various buisness practices that are quite immoral but legal. Hell, look within the gaming industry at EA and Activision. Sure it doesnt give you warm fuzzies knowing that bungie wants your $ but it's just the way it is. Buy it, dont buy it, or play another game but dont act like this is some kind of crime against morality or decency

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            2 Replies
            • So, the problem before was Bungie wanted it both ways - selling a $60 game and then having microtransactions...that was terrible - because you expect to get content for your $60 purchase not have it paywalled as microtransactions... This was fixed when Bungie went free-to-play, however - they have chosen their payment model and they give you the choice of buying into it or not...that's more than fair guys...making posts like this don;t make any sense...if you don't pay anything for destiny this season you still get great Vex weaponry, access to tons of free content, exotics and even free eververse items... Sorry, I don't see a problem here anymore...

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              10 Replies
              • hold them accountable for what? people's lack of self restraint spending money on useless virtual items? people being upset over this crap is unbelievable. there is not a single item she sells that improves your game experience, when you people fuss over this useless crap you come across as spoiled children upset they can't have something.

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                14 Replies
                • This is actually a very good post absent some of the editorial commentary. As I don't really look through the silver purchases section and go straight to the Bright Dust section, end even then rarely buy anything even there (I still have 42k+ Bright Dust), it has little impact on what I do in the game or even in the store. It is an interesting look into how things rotate through. My takeaway is this: If you buy things you want for for Silver, good on you. If you buy things you want for only Bright Dust, good on you. If you buy things for Silver and kick yerself in the arse later when it's offered for Bright Dust, that sucks. If I were in your boots, I'd want Bungie to mention this is a Silver only item. Only then would I feel confident in buying it for Silver. Of course, if you're not sure when you might see it for Bright Dust, or you think you might miss it when available, buy it for Silver and be happy about your purchase, knowing you made it under those terms. The bottom line is to be happy about your buying decisions. That means creating a framework for your decisions. If you have no framework for decision making, I'm betting you may also suffer offline in your real-world buying decisions. This is a skill learnt in life and carried into the game....or vice versa.

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                • I have no idea how presenting an item in a store front, allowing the customer to purchase or not, is in any way, problematic. If you see something you like, buy it. If you are hoping it goes on sale, wait. Just like many products in real life, this may never happen. I've even seen people complain about bright dust amounts. Seriously this is crazy for in game, optional, cosmetics. If you really hate EV this much, then just avoid it. Outrage culture, and this in particular (EV out of control), is totally absurd!

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                  5 Replies
                  • Edited by gizzamaluke: 10/18/2019 10:38:12 PM
                    I, for one, am SHOCKED! This is an outrage. How DARE they sell cosmetic items with zero impact on gameplay. I have no self-control and will be forced to buy everything they sell... They are clearly trying to deceive us and take our money without our consent! We've been brainwashed and cannot stop ourselves. THE HORROR! [spoiler]Calm down and play the game. Bungie is not out to get you. You don't have to buy a single thing from Eververse, ever. [/spoiler]

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                    3 Replies
                    • This is bullcrap, I can't get every outfit for my Barbie doll.

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                      • This need to stay on top.

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                      • Don’t worry boys. Pokémon is coming soon. We can make curry 🍛 🙃

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                      • you do realize you are crying about optional, virtual cosmetics in a video game, right? you can't actually put that stuff on your dolls. you can't physically hold any of it.

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                        72 Replies
                        • Edited by Mr. Morale: 10/20/2019 2:33:00 AM
                          Imma assume a lot of y’all don’t go out much, business have been finding ways to get you to buy things. Mind this, it isn’t their fault you’re going broke for their stuff. You choose to be a consumer, I have yet to buy anything from Eververse. I will buy something if this season makes me feel like Bungie has earned an extra $25. 2 for 4 deals are manipulation, buy these items an get one free item isn’t a steal, sales are the actual price of items that couldnt sell for the racked up price. The only sales are Black Friday, and even then you didn’t save $200, you spent $150. You will always be manipulated into opening your wallet, one way or another. There’s always some way to increase profits, there are people in a room just spinning the numbers. This isn’t new, gaming isn’t a right, it’s a luxury, if you can’t afford it then better yourself first. Food should be affordable, housing, clothing healthcare, and transportation. A video game should only be fair, not affordable.

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                        • You really believed they randomized store items

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                        • Edited by Ahhsenberg: 10/19/2019 2:56:11 PM
                          So... now that it's no longer Activision that's to blame for these things, the community here defends it? That's nice. All of you are no better than the console fanboys that blindly follow businesses like they even give any -blam!-s about you. And another thing... cosmetics do impact the game. YOU ARE PLAYING A GAME BASED ON LOOT. The core of the game you're playing right now revolves around you getting cosmetics through loot. If that wasn't a factor to why people played Destiny, no one would be grinding for things or be jealous of your nerdy crap you get through raids or whatever else. There's a reason why they put ALL of the cool things that you used to be able to get through activities in Destiny 1 now locked behind Eververse. Use your brain. Bungie is as bad as Activision and wants to make as much money possible no matter how it negatively impacts the game or the player base. There was a time when there were no microtransactions(outside of DLC maps) and no need to have scummy approaches to these things as game companies would still make a shit load of money, but I guess no one here remembers those times as they're barely out of diapers or their moms basement. Enough defending these things or blaming it on others. It's time to start holding companies responsible. Stop playing this trash... or ignore everything and continue to shoot the same re-skinned enemies from the past 5 years a million times to get the same re-skinned gear a million times. Up to you.

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                        • None.... Of this is new. It's been this bad for awhile. People like me spoke about the store years ago and everyone ignored it/defended it, said it would only get worse. .... Four years later 🙄😒

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                        • Wait a god damn minute! Are you saying they are in it for the money!?!? 🤯 mind blown 🤯

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                          9 Replies
                          • You are not deceived. There is a price and you decide if it is worth it to you.

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                            5 Replies
                            • Wait you want Bungie not to be manipulative assholes? HOW BLOODY ENTITLED OF YOU!!! xD It's honestly funny seeing people suck up to Bungie, as if they haven't involuntarily spit roasted us year after year. Bungie has to be the most incompetent company when it comes to feedback and criticism; at this point I honestly think they're as clueless as EA. They think that by guilt tripping us with Luke Smiths crappy biography we will suddenly feel obligated to voluntarily bend over for their annual spit-roast. We are paying for content and the content is nowhere to be seen; the content is usually recycled or completely lacklustre. Vex Offensive has got to be one of the most boring activities they have ever added and that's definitely saying something when the Reckoning was so goddamn awful. I tried being civil in my criticisms and then Bungo repeatedly spat in my life with their blatant disregard for players enjoyment or time invested. The Eververse store is like a tumour they want us to be happy about.

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                              1 Reply
                              • For all those people out there attacking those critical of eververse, let me explain to you why you're making an ass of yourself. Destiny is a product we bought with our money, it is a product we own/use, and we are complaining on our time. You have right to criticize bungie, and you have the right to defend bungie, but that is it. You (attackers) do not and will never have a intellectual, moral, social, or financial right to attack anyone doing either. We as a consumers are complaining about product we bought with our money and are doing so on our own time, you, as a bystander whose time or money we are not taking, have no right to criticize us. You are not smart, mature, or educated, you are attacking people online for having consumer standards and principles higher than yours. Man up, we don't have your ballsack, so you won't find it trying to flex your double digit IQ lathered in sarcasm against us. And stop using terms like "economy" and "business" when you clearly lack understanding of basic subjects like consumer rights. I've reply notifications disabled, so if you want to get smart with me over this, I hope you enjoy reading your own posts because I sure as hell won't be reading them, this is not a discussion. I've given you the information, it's up to you whether you accept it or not.

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                                44 Replies
                                • I must wonder if all the double digit window lickers who manage to blurt out "but they're a business" before their aid needs to wipe the drool from their mouths will manage to someday understand that cosmetic only items don't just occur, but require development time and resources. With the current system, no wonder shadowkeep has been such a lacklustre venture. One new armor set, and the raid armor is a re-skin "b-b-but it's just cosmetic" no it isn't you -blam!-tard. The -blam!-ing raid armor, the raid armor, is a re-skin because Bungie decided that filling eververse was more -blam!-ing important. I wonder when Bungie will just remove all pretense, and have expansions that only expand the cash shop. Shadow keep is almost there already. No need to pretend when you have these anemic bloated whales here to defend your every action like the good little sycophantic fanboys they are.

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