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10/8/2010 10:39:05 PM

Bungie Weekly Update: 10/08/10

Raising the information level cap. [url=/news/content.aspx?type=topnews&cid=29120] click for full story [/url]

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  • I got Monument to all your Sins on the 1st Day. I did a Good part right after midnight release. Then when I got home from work I finished it off. Took me 11 Hrs and 14 Minutes the Whole campaign on legendary myself.

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  • im about to beet the game on legendary alone, but the game says i haven't beaten the oni sword base mission, which aggravates me because that mission took me nearly two hours to complete.

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    ANday: Can I HAZ Eva (C)............? Bungie: NOOEEEEZZ WHOOOOHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Jyrexx Putting in my vote for a classic Firefight playlist. Rocketfight and Sniperfight get voted 99% of the time I play, they're fun (don't get me wrong), but I love the limited lives/limited ammo game.[/quote] True that. Would be nice to see some like Firefight versus up there, although as fun as that is, the fact it's restricted to only four people is a big problem. Four on four would have been epic.

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  • Putting in my vote for a classic Firefight playlist. Rocketfight and Sniperfight get voted 99% of the time I play, they're fun (don't get me wrong), but I love the limited lives/limited ammo game.

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  • Well, it was cool to see the stats and all... But as far as seeing that it's going to be like a month or two until the level cap is raised... I can't say that's all pleasing with the Commando Helmet just out of my reach. XD

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  • So I fall in the top 5%? Seem's glorifing, well to offer some of my tips that helped me several times; here they are. Basically what worked for me is Patience. Following an enemies movement pattern can be could, you have a basic idea of there area radious. So if your feeling under prepared for a firefight, crouch walk you way through victory. Another thing is weapon loadouts, of course with elites; I was kept a plasma pistol handy and a precision weapon of any kind; DMR, Needle Rifle, Sniper Rifle, etc. Now to complement your weapon loadouts is Armor power-ups, now again to depends on the level your playing on. If your famalier with the levels, and you have a broad idea of what levels is an all out firefight; you'll know what to keep handy. Me personally have found Active Camo, Drop Shield, and Hologram very useful in Campaign. Active Camo is good for thinning out heavy area's. As long as you crouch walk, they won't be able to see you. Drop Shield is good because we know the situation were we need a Medpak but...there isn't one till the next checkpoint, drop shield restores your health as long as you stay in the bubble. Halogram is could because they fall for it, also good for removing elites out of the battlefield as well as making a quick escape if your getting overwhelmed. These a few simple, but very helpful for beating Legendary solo. Oh little advice for Long Night of Solstice. When your on the last part, assassinate as many elites as possible (especially the General!). They will not realize your there until they actually see you.

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  • 5 percent? The Legendary campaign was indeed a challenge, but wow, I didn't think I would be part of that statistic. Anyway, regarding the obligatory advice for it, I cannot really offer anything that has not already been said by other players. Always have a plasma pistol with more than a fifty percent capacity as well as a headshot weapon on hand. Always be on the lookout for weapon crates and the occasional sniper rifle. When you do get your hands on a sniper, [i]make every shot count.[/i] High ranking Covenant won't go down with a single headshot, but it will still do a number to their shields, so be patient and wait for them to stop running around to secure a damaging shot. Avoid using vehicles for the most part (barring the Package), unless you feel like experimenting around at a choke point, which there are plenty of. That being said, try to avoid being targeted by a hostile vehicle at mid to close range, since they all can and will take you down before you can say "Why didn't I pick up Armor Lock when I had the chance?!" Speaking of Armor Abilities, feel free to experiment with what fits your playing style. During my run, I stuck to Sprint since it would allow a narrow escape if I got a bit careless with where I walked, but I always swapped it for Hologram when it was provided so I could send it into a new area to see if I would be overwhelmed or not. It's also handy for distracting those Zealots who insist on having Armor Lock [i]and[/i] a Concussion Rifle or Fuel Rod Gun. Last but not least, [b]be patient[/b]. This is Legendary difficulty, and as the update stated, the Covenant are capable of doing much more than before(gotta say though, 77% more damage?!). Know that you [i]will[/i] die several times trying to perfect your strategy to reach the next checkpoint in one piece, but if you keep at it, you will have that sweet taste of triumph and eventually, the satisfaction of beating a video game on its hardest yeah. Well, that's I can say off the top of my head. Now if you excuse me, I have to go get whupped in Matchmaking.

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  • That was an interesting read. I was mental enough to go for solo legendary straight out of the box, it was a hard road but I got there :D I really thought there were more Lt.Colonel players like me (with no boosting), I seem to get matchmade with them so often. One stat I'd like to have seen is how many people have attained 1000/1000GS so far Looking forward to the rank cap removal.

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  • It is too costly to modify core AI behavior for various difficulty levels. I am a Software Engineer.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] HIGHsTeR BoTz Also, the level cap not being taken up for a month seems odd too. It literally gives people nothing to work towards.[/quote] Nope. It balance the game so everyone can reach the lvl and wont stay just low-lvl.

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  • . [Edited on 10.12.2010 4:01 PM PDT]

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  • -blam!- cod go troll some where else or be banhamer! [Edited on 10.09.2010 10:50 AM PDT]

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  • when the level cap is raised will there be new fire fight voice's like "elite's" or grunt's voices and other stuff like that?

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  • Why did you guys rid of slayer pro in arena? I feel as though it makes it so much less competitive. There is literally no competitivness in reach besides MLG customs, and this is coming from someone who has thouroughly enjoyed the halo matchmaking system SINCE Halo 2. Also, the level cap not being taken up for a month seems odd too. It literally gives people nothing to work towards.

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  • The lvlcap is wonderful :D cause of that the little kids out there cant reach a higher rank like the others at the moment.

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  • .m [Edited on 10.09.2010 9:58 AM PDT]

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  • the level cap IS A joke! the only reason i am playing halo reach is to take up the time between now and the next call of duty game coming up. Leveling up was the only thing a wanted to do now that im at the limit i am losing intreset in this game and will more than likely sell it in a weeks time if cap is not removed. i did buy a game to be told what i can and can not do. Halo reach has lied to its buyers and should be doing everything to keep your fan base. im pissed off that i payed for half a game and am not able to use the full game. who does this, its a joke, get your heads out of your a** and fix it. i didnt pay for half a game.

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  • Wow I didn't know Warrant Officer grade 3 was an upper quartile. Nice!

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  • Yeah 5%er. My suggestion for anybody trying. When I would get stuck on a part almost every time I did something goofey just out of pure frustration I would fine something that worked and get past that part. If your stuck and nothing seems to be working, just go for that crazy 1-in-a-million idea, it just might work.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] starscreme 2 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Snugglebutts69 Why is it that Bungie is so insistent on rewarding people who weren't big enough fans to buy your game day one-- or who weren't big enough fans to play it regularly-- but punish the hardcore fans who have already reached Lt. Colonel Grade 3. The only thing this rank cap is doing is taking away the enjoyment of leveling up. It's not discouraging boosters, since once the cap is unlocked, the rank catches up to what it should be anyway. I don't know about the rest of the community, but in "A MONTH OR TWO" when I turn on my Xbox, I don't want to see that I'm already an Inheritor, and say, "Well, damn, I guess I already did everything there is to do." I've already skipped over Commander entirely, I don't want to skip the rest of them. It seems like the only way to miss out on things in the game... is to stop playing the game.[/quote] Finally, Someone with a reasoned, fair argument regarding the level cap. All the kids ranting, threatening to leave of CoD don't help. I totally agree with everything this guy says, I don't want to stop playing Halo, but I don't want to miss out on a load of ranks. Why punish the people who play the most and love the game. And by the sounds of it, the cap is "being raised" not removed. This is the first time I've felt let down by Bungie in 10 years. [/quote] I think the rank cap is bs. I'm a lt col grade 1. I agree with u I don't wanna skip all the ranks. I hate how reach is just catering to noobs. I think that all the noobs got together and sued bungie, and forced them to get rid of the ranking system so that they could all be inheritors. I know that isn't true obviously, but that's what it feels Like. Bungie, stop kissing noob ass and pay attention to us hardcore fans.

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  • Wow I have all the achievements, and I'm currently Lt Colonel grade 2, I feel kind of special I guess. xD I do have some tips for the campaign: First of all, have a plasma pistol with you at all times! Overcharged plasma + a weapon that can headshot = anti elite. :D And you can use it to kill grunts and stuff too (heck even overcharged plasma can kill grunts!) If you're on a place where you encounter brutes, get a needler or a needler rifle, 3 needler rifle shots in the chest and they explode. :) Try and make headshots for grunts jackals and skirmishers I guess? As for the shield jackals, shoot their hand, then headshot them. Sprint is useless in legendary in my opinion, there is no running away. xD Instead get armor lock, or even better get bubble shield. Bubble shield is a life saver, and a must if you can find one! :P Have your AI spartan buddies do some work, they may seem useless in normal, but in legendary they can help you somewhat. xD Never drive a vehicle like a warthog or a ghost, you just die too quickly. Use your grenades properly. And last of all, dont be a hero, stay close to cover anytime, because they will shoot you! =D Hell, it took me 4 days I guess. Hunters are a living nightmare on legendary! Anyway Bungie, I dont want to complain, but when is the legendary ending coming? D: Could you at least give some clue. :(

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  • It so seems that I fall into that 5% who beat the legendary alone, and although sometimes I wondered why the hell I was doing it and I think there is something wrong with me, mother of god help me! By the end of it I had picked up some basics, heavy weapons (with the exception for the rocket launcher for air vehicles) dont even bother with, they woulnt even damage elites and you will have a hard time getting a shot off at a pack of grunts before you find yourself, well, er, dead. Instead pick up your two best friends, which will be the DMR and the plasma pistol. The DMR (can be the pistol or needle rifle if ones not available)is great for headshot'ing the grunts and brutes (quick note, the brutes if they dont have shields are no harder to kill with headshots than helmeted grunts, as soon as you see their helmets come flying off you know its only one more shot, even of legendary)however against those elites, the best thing to do is to either sneak up and assassinate them (not recomended, at all, unless its too good to give up) or (what is highly recomended) is to shoot them with an over charged plasma pistol than quickly shoot them in the head with the DMR. As for times that these tricks just simply just arnt going to work you turn to your AI character as a shield and extra arm. Think of the AI as a sort of yo yo, that you have to throw using your body, it stays there for abit, and then comes back to you. In the mission right before you enter sword base there are two hunters (even so i dead nearly 30 times) run up to where ever one is and make sure the AI is fallowing you (I think its Cat) and by AI i mean a noble team member since they (odly enough) dont die, so they are just sacks of guns and meat. So let them do most of the damage while you lob grenades at them, you will still die plenty of times trust me, and it will take some time but its the only way ive found to get the job done, (also, there are going to be grunts and elites inside the garage thing, you might want to take them out first if at all possable) Next up is USING CHECK POINTS! this is the biggest and greatest way of getting through any level, be as sneaky as you can and use your Noble team as meat shields. Sometimes going to the "Boss" will actually be your best shot, because most of the time a checkpoint happens right after, so take out the grunts (because even though they might not seem it, theyre gunfire kills you more than anything) In the level where your protecting Hasley in the underground cave is the best example of this. the turrets are your friends, so keep them up and running, but you dont love them enough to die for them, so keep the ones that dont have swarms of enemies coming at them up. As soon as the game starts forget about your fellow team mates (THEY MEAN NOTHING!!!!) grab a jet pack and fly into the rocks on the right, that is going to become your home for the remainder of this mission. you can peak your head out and get some headshots off on the grunts and if you notice any of the elites having no shields well take them out too. The only time you have to leave your little home is to destroy the wraiths that are droped LUCKILY your little rocks make a nifty path to where the first one is dropped (alone with to two of the turrets)and then by the time your running out of ammo your going to be heading back to where noble team is anyway and if you continue left up onto the building and than down onto the platform with the wraith you shouldnt have to many problems.(remember hop onto the back of the wraiths to destroy them since the gunner will kill you if you hop on the front) ALL the while that this is going on remember to check the left hand side of the screen for the "checkpoint" as they happen quite often, most of the times you get a turret back up and running in fact. On legendary I found that the armor abilities are really just something extra that save you. Really there is no RIGHT one, except for the jet pack when it is given to you as you will defintetly need it for the mission. However use what you are most familiar with and can react fastest with, for example I went through using armor lock and bubble shield since I react fastest with those. I will say though that I used holograms quite alot because it seemed the enemy fell for it every time and gave me better shots at their heads. EXTRA TIPS: when killing jackles shoot their gun which causes them to be stunned then go for the headshot When taking out wraiths, dont bother with heavy weapons unless they lock onto it, as somehow it will manage to dodge them, instead take out the gunner as is it almost always a grunt or brute and than sneak to it using as much cover as possable and then hop on either the front or the back (never hop on the front if the gunner is still in there, you will die) if i sniper rifle is avalable DO NOT WAIST IT! use it to take out the brutes with shields and the high classed elites with heavy weapons. Needle weapons ARE YOUR FRIEND! this is more towards the needle rifle than the good ol' needler, the needle rifle against brutes causes them to explode after the certain amount of hits no matter where you hit them and the scope "plume" or what ever the acuracy thing is called goes down much faster than the DMR. and finaly TAKE BREAKS! I know its tempting to play all the way through but take breaks, hit start, hit save a exit, and take a short break even if its for 30 seconds, it will help you focus. Thats all I can think of for now! send a reply if you have any in detail questions and I'll answer back as fast and as best as I can, thanks! [Edited on 10.09.2010 9:28 AM PDT]

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  • Burrito's Protip #2: Remember kids, killing grunts has always been a blast, but they're angry little buggers in this game! Going in for the melee is never a good move!

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  • I didnt think it was possible to do "Heat in the Pipe" without cheesing. Nice job to those guys.

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  • I beat Legendary alone also. I can't stress how valuable the plasma pistol was for taking out Elites. I had a plasma pistol and a precision weapon on me whenever possible. Pop Elite's shields with an overcharged plasma bolt then drop-em with a head shot. Also, the needler rifle makes short work of Brutes. I haven't found many specific tactics for dealing with the lesser races other than the usual spamming of grenades, melee, and of coarse, being a crack-shot. Occasionally I find you have to resort back to the good-old spray and pray method, but I usually save this as a last resort.

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