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10/13/2019 3:16:53 PM

Eververse has become too stingy

Eververse is too stingy


Eververse is fine as it is


You read the post and agree with my idea


First of all, I want to say that I really do love this expansion, and I will continue to keep playing it. However, there are still things that need to be improved from the elemental affinity on armor, raid philosophy pointing too much in the direction of only the hardcore, and lack of diversity on weapons perks. Since there are already content creators like Say No to Rage that you can just listen to, here is my feedback on Eververse. -BRIGHT DUST IS HARD TO EFFICIENTLY FARM. For example, one of the bright dust items this week costs 2,000 bright dust. To afford that, I would need to complete 200 repeatable bounties and have 600,000 (3k each) glimmer to get them. Bright dust purchases should be more generous since it is another layer of stuff that we can grind for if we want to in the game, giving us more control of our looks (a huge part of Destiny). Either decrease the cost in bright dust, have the bounties give more bright dust, or just make the repeatable bounties much cheaper. -LOOTBOXES NEED TO GO. The engrams are essentially Destiny's version of the lootbox, which can be bought from Eververse. Given the current controversy of lootboxes possibly being gambling, they should either be removed rom the game or just not make them able to be purchased in silver. Just add more cosmetic engrams to the season pass or put all the old items on a rotating archive page. -EVERVERSE IS TOO STINGY. Luke Smith himself said that Eververse cosmetics don't really fund the game as much as they allow for more interesting experiments such as the Zero Hour mission. The problem now, as described by Paul Tassi, is that the store is just way more stingy now compared to before. Less stuff is able to be purchased with bright dust, Eververse armor ornaments are still expensive, and the exotic ornaments can only be purchased with silver. This also isn't helped by the prices still being rather high (5+ dollars for a weapons ornament!?) ++++ The best overall solution I have is to simply just put the current season ornaments into the season pass's premium track with all the materials in the free track. My reasons.... 1. [u]It makes the season pass much more enticing[/u]: I am a lot more likely to buy the pass even if it isn't a season whose content I enjoy if I can get more awesome looking ornaments just by playing the game. I could just spend the whole time in strikes or crucible for my artifact and season rank if I don't want to play the seasonal content. 2. [u]The free players need the premium farmable resources MUCH more[/u]. I have a ton of the stuff banked in my inventory instead so I don't need to get it from the pass. Instead of the materials enticing me to play more, they are just bloat to fill up a space on the premium track, like flavorless rice on a dinner plate. 3. [u]Bungie relies on selling season passes for funding[/u]. Destiny 2 is a free-to-play game now with having to make money from selling expansions and seasonal content. While Eververse helps pay for cool experiments, the dlc is the actual meat-and-potatoes that they need to pay everything. Bungie can afford to put Eververse items on the premium track because it makes players much more likely to come back season after season to get all the cool looking cosmetics as well as farming the seasonal dlc. With an expansion only coming out once a year, they need people to want to buy the season pass to keep the lights on rather than Eververse.

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