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9/8/2019 12:45:38 PM

Last Wish suggestion

Nowadays a lot of people already know how to make Raid last wish, so here I come to suggest a way to possibly improve it by giving more fun to the people who are doing it. I was just making the last wish with some people from a discord server, it all worked out, all the best, but a part made me a little thoughtful about the safe part, where they do it differently from the way the guys of my clan does, they do so that the person who stepped on the locks would also have to come in and get the relic, while the other person in that duo just clears the scenery and just, practically doesn't participate in the mechanics, well I don't complain Is this wrong, but I keep thinking, man and the other person is there just cleaning? Where's the fun in this, I think the raid should be something in a group that was meant to amuse everyone. But as I said I don't think that's wrong, because there are people who raid just to try to win a thousand voices, and that's not wrong. Now my suggestion to give everyone there fun, the people who step on the lock, will get a debuff that will prevent them from getting the relic, in this way, will make all people participate in the mechanics, and leaving things even a little more fun, remembering this is a suggestion. Thank you all

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