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originally posted in: Director's Cut: Part 1
8/14/2019 9:44:46 AM
This was nothing but a brain dump from someone with a massive ego and a stunning lack of leadership skills. And this was clearly the edited version .. dear god. And I say that as someone who led a team in the military and had to plan assess and deal with situation where lives were on the line. His team had to tell him that the Reddit comments about the Pursuits tab were bad. Think about that. His team had to inform him of the reaction to a game he was directing. What a Leader. As for the rest its clear that their focus is Eververse. Making games is apparently hard and they are going to deal with that in the next Annual Pass by "standardising" which anyone who has ever worked in any organisation that loves that word knows that it means "make more cheaply" but its hidden away behind saying that the doesn't want his team to burn out. As for the crap that the Zero Hour mission was funded through Eververse .. how does that it work ??, do they wait until they have a certain amount of cash and THEN make something ?? .. that flies in the face of the "everything overlaps" comments. I call BS on that one. And its clear that Luke pays FAR more attention to "streams" and Youtubers than anyone else. Probably because they will happily flatter his ego to get close to Bungie. I have been playing less and less, and I can see that continuing to the point that I just lose all interest, strangled by the boring grind and anything nice being hidden behind Eververse which is now on the Director soon apparently. Never mind about removing the need to go to Ada all the time for Forge frames, no lets force all the tat into our players faces. That's the really important bit isnt it, getting Eververse out there in everyones face. Soon there will be an outlet at every Planet Vendor too. Just wait.

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  • 1. Being a military leader is VERY different from being a business leader. Don't assume things about a business you don't know anything about. 2. Streamers and the such WORKED to become as popular as they are now. Bungie didn't suddenly look at Datto or whoever else and say "you're a streamer and you'll be popular". The COMMUNITY made them popular of their own free will. 3. Streamers aren't Bungie's "yes men". Datto, Rick, Houndish, Atz, they all openly criticize and suggest improvements for the game. If the community can get behind these streamers' suggestions in a positive manner, then it is suggestive that the community WANTS these suggestions implemented into the game. Don't get on the "streamer bad" bandwagon.

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  • Jeez, just stop playing the game already. Your past experiences don't make you qualified to talk about a business you have no clue about. Save us all some time and go enjoy another game.

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  • B-tothe-UMP!

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  • Taken on the whole, Warframe is more expensive, overall. Truth be told, I love both games but if Destiny 2 charged what Warframe prices are, then D2 might actually be stellar, too. As it is, D2 is less expensive, a different game and in no way compares with how great Warframe actually is, to play. I want Destiny to rival Warframe. I’ll pay their prices, if what they offer in return is truly great. Bungie hasn’t delivered, so I won’t.

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  • I used to play warframe. People complain about eververse stuff but a new frame that's just come out for those who don't want to grind it out is usually about £40 and that is alot for essentially a new subclass, if you went in Warframe right now as a noob and bought every frame it would eclipse the cost of destiny by far. Yes you can grind it out, but it is very time consuming and rng is involved. I think destiny is reasonable value for money, people who work in the industry aren't on minimum wage and it take alot of man hours to develop games. And you know what and this goes for everyone, if you don't like it go elsewhere and don't play it.

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  • Playing Warframe as your favorite frame in PvE is one of the more awesome things any gamer can do, tho. I’m not saying Warframe is cheap. It’s prob one of the more expensive and time taking games ever made. I’m also saying it’s an amazing game, from a PvE experience. When you develop your frame into its greatest realization and potential, it is a spectacular thing to see in action on the screen! The perks and power are awesome to behold.

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  • And how much did you pay for warframe's base game and DLCs? If we are comparing and all.....

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  • Difference is you can make plat in game in Warframe and use that to buy that new frame from other players. Even GW2 has a way for players to attain micro transaction currency. If we could get silver by turning in stupid amounts of legendary shards or masterwork cores it would be a different story. They aren’t the first people to ever make a mmo with micro transactions other companies have been doing better and for longer, it’s possible they just just need to pull their head out of their ass and look around.

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  • if they released 5 more destiny games with all the dlc's at once the price of all of that put together wouldnt come close to the money i have spent in warframe(no regrets). so your point is 100% valid.

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