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originally posted in: Director's Cut: Part 1
8/14/2019 2:36:16 AM
[quote]First of all, Bungie (and others) have reported on and addressed the fact that Activision's contract with them is the reason Destiny 2 had to be a "start-over" experience, go look for the interviews and reports. They're all over YouTube and Google.[/quote] Well, as far as the contract, they were required to push out a full title. Again, this doesnt mean this meant that D2 should have discarded of the good work in D1. If it had to be a completely different game or complete overhaul then why some of the elements were kept? [quote]Secondly, just as a bit of free life advice: don't ever be so ridiculously arrogant and stupid that you presume to tell someone what they do and don't have evidence of. Real quick way to make yourself look like a jackarse. As you do.[/quote] I am neither arrogant or stupid as you presume to be. All I did was to point out that you did not show an evidence but your word. If you presented the evidence and said here it is, I'd gladly accept that I was wrong. And I'd consider the new information you provided into my perception of the game and Bungie. However, you chose to insult me rather than having a mature conversation. [quote]You were originally complaining that they DIDN'T keep what was in D1. Now that they're bringing back what they didn't keep, you're complaining that they're bringing back the things you liked?? What even do you WANT at this point?[/quote] Honestly, I love it when this logic is used :). it is extremely shortsighted and I still cannot warp my head around how anyone could end up at this conclusion. Taking away a feature, then giving it back and calling it a new feature, a new content or expect players to get excited about it is outright outrageous. Because, ultimately removing those features, then putting them back in into a game environment that was not designed for it creates issues. A prime example is, 6v6 quickplay in small maps that are mostly designed for 4v4 encounters with slower movements (before then go fast update). Then these changes that had to be brought back requires balancing and fixing of other things that they affect (another prime example certain weapon archetypes cannot balanced without a overhaul to the pvp such as scout rifle). However, all these takes up Bungie's time and resources while they were supposed to focus on other things then everything falls behind schedule. Naturally, this leads Bungie abandoning certain things as they cannot spare resources and time anymore. This is simple BAD management, nothing else. Finally, I just like to point out a fact that you seem to forget that Bungie is corporate company that makes their own decisions. Sure they are bound by contracts just like anyone else working. However, Did Bungie not now who and what Activision was before they signed the contract? Did they not know they wouldnt be able to meet deadlines and had no contingency plan if things did go south? Did anyone from Activision, or you or me had to put a gun onto Bungie's head and made them sign the contract? You simply cannot blame anyone else but Bungie for getting into a bed with Activision and all that happens between them. I hope this kid was able to enlighten you! (now I am being arrogant, since you clearly cannot tell the difference (now I'm being a hole about it, just so you know))

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