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originally posted in: Director's Cut: Part 1
Edited by TheShadow-cali: 8/14/2019 3:21:13 AM
I don't even need to read what you said. Just scrolling through this post and reading the replies says enough. Boy is this company so damn lost its actually pathetic... Edit: When the words Datto and communication comes up about the community. Yeah, let's keep misleading the community a hell of a lot more... Edit: 1. Dmg, by posting this and seeing Bungie's actions that have shown otherwise a lot of the time this last 2 years. All that you did was cases this post to be flooded because most know Bungie usually don't back up their own words and that alone is the case for a post like this to have a hell of a lot of negative feedback. If they want legit feedback that is positive feedback? Then tell them to stop lying to their player base and back up their own words. It's simple logic that we all are grown up with, it's just some know how to use it better than others. I mean even my 11-year-old has this down to the tee. Yet, these are adults that run the company, hmm. Edit: 2. Just one more thing, It's not the devs that are busting their a** to create this game. I don't blame them at all because it's hard work, especially how this company is being handled constantly changing things left and right with no foundation at all to get this game moving forward. It's the higher-ups and Luke Smith along with the investment team that is the actual problem. 12 years people this project has been worked on and where have they actually gone with all the deliberate poor actions? Stop using Tess the only vendor that in 2 freaking years that has been well taken care of and not being used as her intended purpose. [quote]Our plan is to use these new items to bolster the service provided by our live team for another full year, as they grow and create more robust and engaging events that we’ll announce later this year. It has been, and continues to be, our goal to deliver updates to the game. Going forward, our live team is also looking to grow beyond vital updates and improvements to focus on world events, experiences, and feature requests.[/quote] Learn to back up your own words Bungie...

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  • I’ve read it Odin, to sum it up. He recaps half the time and the other half is him talking about features he likes and topics streamers/YouTubers have complained about. The problem is the weeks of no response to us at all results in a response that doesn’t answer the questions we’ve been asking! My reasonable post of buffing damage for auto rifles in pve, was ignored by them with no reason at all!

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  • So basically, all talk as usual and no action.

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  • My man!

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  • [quote]I don't even need to read what you said.[/quote] - Bungie when they see Odin crying on the forums.

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  • [quote][quote]I don't even need to read what you said.[/quote] - Bungie when they see Odin crying on the forums.[/quote]

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  • Regardless, you should read it. It's very... Insightful.

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  • Edited by TheShadow-cali: 8/14/2019 3:09:04 AM
    [quote]Regardless, you should read it. It's very... Insightful.[/quote] Let me let you know a little secret that has been going on for literally 5 years now. I've seen hundreds of post like this and this isn't even Dmg own words as you should know. This is Luke Smith's words the one that has been lying about this game and almost cased the entire player base to leave when the base game released and had the nerve to say the game was doing good. Then CoO was released and that was a flop as well. When you see a post that is overdone that it shows whoever came up with this literally has no clue at all what the word communication actually means and that is not even a joke, it's the truth? It shows They have some dude make crap up to "sound better" but their actions have always shown otherwise and that is a fact. I mean, the BS saying "Guide game is a success"? That alone tells me how fake these people actually are.

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  • When has Guided Games EVER been a success?

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  • You tell me?

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  • Notice that Smith tries to take credit for Halo decisions...... when he didn't join until after Halo 2 and was a glorified "community manager" until Destiny came along.....

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  • [quote]Notice that Smith tries to take credit for Halo decisions...... when he didn't join until after Halo 2 and was a glorified "community manager" until Destiny came along.....[/quote] I haven't even bothered reading or watch a video with anything about Luke Smith other than this...

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  • What insight did they show?

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  • That they are not capable developers.

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  • [quote]That they are not capable developers.[/quote] This is what happens when you fire your key devs or cased them to quit that you're are stuck with inexperienced people that you have to fake it to get by.

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  • Dude you know damn well that this forum is a toxic breeding ground. Why would you assume this company is lost based on the words of people who don’t know what they’re talking about.

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  • [quote]Dude you know damn well that this forum is a toxic breeding ground. Why would you assume this company is lost based on the words of people who don’t know what they’re talking about.[/quote] Yes, this forum is toxic, but let's look at the truth on how it got there shall we? I've been on this forum literally 5 years now. When quality work was being done in D1 this forum thanked Bungie for the effort they put into creating D1. There was a hell of a lot of gamers that gave a lot of legit feedback but only the small petty things were paid attention to. D2 comes around and Everything about D1 was lifted behind and literally ignored that the base game was a flop as well as the first expansion. So what does Bungie do instead of focusing on actually improving the game? The half-backed random rolls Made Tess a priority that it's going to get much worse with Shadow Keep Starts lying about Tess that wasn't meant to be end-game content among many other things Barly has put any effort to improve the in-game content in 2 years now other them Tess that has their Full attention. When cash-grab events come up they literally stay silent ignoring the community about it and wait until the event is over before they say anything. That being said, Barrett pretty much lied that he said "Bungie has learned from Dawing" that was a cash-grab that they would improve things from there on out. Yeah, They sure learned from that as we can see. Throating XP and just about everything else in this entire game They keep saying "we will communicate"but Datto word is law? I only gave you a smidge of the nonsense this company has pulled the last 2 years and you think no one has the right to be toxic knowing the nonsense they have pulled (and will continue) to pull like straight out lying to their player base face? I also have seen plenty of positive, legit feedback, it's just most only want to focus on the negative and try to barry post or come up with excuses for this company deliberate poor actions 24-7. Hmm, 12 years working on a project and they still don't know WTH they are doing. That is just straight out wrong.

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  • I can't even begin to imagine how long it would take to list exactly how they completely mismanaged communication with this community, mismanaged the game, out right deceived their customers, ignored so much amazing feedback in 5years, etc... Here's two for you. This truly revealed where their priorities are and have remained. In D1 at the launch of Eververse, there was a bug that I believe allowed you to get stuff for free (filling a book or some such thing), they fixed that exploit so fast it was breath taking. The quickest this lethargic company has ever moved to address an in game issue. Why, simply because it had the potential to impact revenue. Another would be the chest format of D1 eververse where you purchased a box but could not directly buy what you wanted with your money, it just bought you a chance at getting your desired item. Some young malleable minds were taken advantage of for hundreds of dollars for what essentially was a slot machine format. And all the while, the 'we are listening' mantra played.

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  • The forum isn’t toxic. The community isn’t toxic. Gamers aren’t toxic. A minute % of individuals are bad actors. Just like in every group of humans across time and space. The end.

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  • What?

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  • Cool story bro

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  • [quote]Cool story bro[/quote] Thank you, glad you liked it 👍

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  • [quote][quote]Cool story bro[/quote] Thank you, glad you liked it 👍[/quote] Np

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  • Or read the post because this community is infamous for seeing the worst in everything.

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  • [quote]Or read the post because this community is infamous for seeing the worst in everything.[/quote] ditto should have zero influence on the game, 500k daily players vs ditto, hmmmmmm odd isn’t it

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  • Datto has well over 500k subs, gets thousands of views daily, and gets thousands of likes from Destiny players. I think he has a say.

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