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originally posted in: Director's Cut: Part 1
8/13/2019 8:05:47 PM
ok... interesting... so not exactly what I expected. my thoughts (if u care): I've played destiny since the launch of the first game and... 1. Pvp has gotten more diverse and yet less diverse. What I mean is we have bows and trace rifles and more supers then ever before yet all that people use are hand cannons, pulse rifles, shotguns, the insane roaming supers, etc. 2. I'm a fan of gambit, but even I'm burned out. Even though I like gambit I find myself moving away from it. this is largely due to heavy ammo being so easy to get and invasions being a matter of who shoots their truth or 1k voices first, I miss the days when I could invade using a pulse rifle and win if I had enough gun skill. 3.Pve. saw what you will about streamers or datto or whatever, but you can't deny the strength of Well, Warlocks are a must have for ALL endgame pve activities at this point. I don't want Well to be nefed but I think that it should be the only real viable super for warlocks in Pve. Just some of my thoughts, agree or don't just thought I'd share, yours truly, a player since the beginning.

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