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8/8/2019 2:51:31 AM

Feedback on hunter class performance

Hello to the bungie team, I have played destiny for the past 5 years and though I enjoy all content and aspects of destiny I mainly play in the crucible in which in all this time I can tell the the changes both positive and negative in all the sand box updates since destiny 2 launched. Now I do understand that you guys acknowledged that PvP has kinda been neglected this pass year and that there is a lot you guys are working on which may include some of the things I will state however my hopes is to shed light on things that perhaps isn’t your radar and the reasons why. As of now Hunters as a class are not exactly up to par when compared to Titans and Warlocks. Tinkering with the classes I understand may not come easy because all 3 classes are created thematically and I you don’t want to lose that in the changes, however the transition from year 1 to forsaken left some gaps open that are amplified with the increase in speed of the Game since characters and class trees were not created with this speed in mind at the time of conception. Warlocks are thematically grenade focused, possessing the most powerful grenades in the game with several have the potential to kill in 1 shot or get multikills with one grenade. Titans are thematically melee focused with the strongest melees and further more with shoulder charge that can instant kill in the crucible. Hunters are thematically focused on dodging. Something that is new for all classes. I do want to note that the dodge animation feels slower than it did in destiny 1 and “briefly” breaking aim assist makes it much more underwhelming than its D1 counterpart. But more to the point of this feedback is this: Hunters have Nothing to increase their lethality in PVP. The idea behind the Aeon Soul/Flux etc exotics is a testament of what You/Bungie wanted the classes to focus on. Hunter grenades are so underwhelming in comparison to warlocks which with mini nova they can walk around with a multikill ability with the range and consistency of The exotic Legend of Acrius, Titans have a shoulder charge (Not even counting the added effects of exotics) that have great maneuverability and insane hit detection. To compare such devastatingly lethal abilities to a Hunter Dodge is unfair. They have more lethality and hunters still have the same dodge. In the year 1 sandbox it worked because of the slower time to kill made it much more difficult to take a hunter down mid dodge animation how ever now in a sand box of shotguns and shoulder charges and arc web grenades or mininova the hunter dodge is not an equivalent. The increased lethality available to Titans and warlocks are giving those classes the capability to the many of the same thing as a Hunter but better. Hunters have the weakest grenades, surely the algorithms and data available to the crucible team would allow them to see how much grenade kills hunters achieve versus warlocks and Titans. I’m guessing it’s much less and this is not taking into consideration that more players use hunters since it’s more game neutral for many who are coming over from other games like call of duty or Halo etc. Titans have one eyes mask and inertia override which allows them to double dip in damage buffs to increase their lethality and warlocks have empowering rifts. Yet hunters have no exotics or abilities that can functionally increase weapon damage (I am not mentioning Arcstrider combination blow here since the game is faster and shotguns are so readily available, melees are not as potent and lethal) It would of been a slightly more fair a comparison if Titans only had a melee ability and no grenade or class ability and warlocks only had grenades but no class ability or melee ability but this isn’t the case. Titans have a barricade which can withstand 2 rocks or 2 golden guns or a combination of the two, running through a barricade would leave any guardian with a sliver of health turning a battle around instantly. They have a grenade that can shut off supers with a very Very generous radius, and a subclass that has 2 supers giving it the most versatility in the game. A shield toss that unfairly ricochets and one shots anything in proximity. To compare (Arcstrider has to travel to the enemy guardians to pose a threat while the sentinel can not only travel with a powerful shield bash but has the advantage to throw a shield giving it superior range = lethality and functionality aside being able to block ANYTHING. It does everything an Arcstrider does and more. Hunters have the weakest grenades, the weakest melee. (Warlocks can push players off the map and titans one shot) and the most underwhelming class ability. Nightstalker smoke grenade is useful to disorient targets but they have to lean on their common weapons lethality to finish a target which in some cases shoulder charge or blink out of smoke anyways. Now to address a player base problem, why do players complain about hunters? It isn’t because hunters dodge, it’s because they Jump. Players have difficulty looking up, but experienced players have trained themselves to look up and counter vertical play. This is the only reason why hunters are still viable in competitive scenarios. However this only exacerbates another problem that players have with hunters. Grenade travel speed and detonation speed and lethality have all been toned down since destiny 1, so guarding yourself with either will not block off an enemy guardian (Titan/Warloxk) from getting passed it without taking much damage and shotgunning ir shoulder charging. The tool that hunters used to make distance has been neutered (Famous wombo combo) doesn’t even work the way it did because detonation speed of smoke and grenades are still slow to match year 1 sandbox. What this does is force Hunters to have to increase their lethality to counter other shot gun players or an incoming shoulder charge by having to use Shotguns. This is why hunters have been primarily using shot guns and stompees and vertical play. It’s almost the only thing Hunters must do to stay consistent. If this was tuned and tweaked surely that would open up different possibilities by arming hunters to counter without resorting to just a shotgun. Both warlocks and titans have a faster and more mobile super than hunters even though hunters are supposed to be the fastest and most mobile. Hunters are lacking Within their own niche identity, and mostly all the exotic armor that has been released have been the most underwhelming. All in all, Hunter supers have: -less defense, are slower (Titans and warlock dawnblade can kill you on one side of the map and have the speed or duration to kill you again at your spawn on opposite side of the map) -Weakest grenades -Least lethal melee -And a class ability that does not increase lethality or defense, only maneuverability in which with the heightened lethality of both Titans and warlocks in recent updates, makes it very simple to finish Hunters if they are low on health forcing some to have to play passive aggressive with pulse rifles. If the team insist in having hunters thematically focused on Class ability dodge, then I would strongly recommend to add different effects, like a flame effect for solar, lightning effect for arc and Vanish in smoke shadowy effect for Nightstalker and adding a unique trait to aid them in combat. A quick example for gunslinger could be adding a sort of burn damage on dodge with fire effects that may slow down enemy guardian ability “cool” down or burn off some of their currently equipped weapon ammo. Arcstrider May give off an electric knock back effect or the ability to very briefly cancel enemy guardians sprinting capability and increased animation dodge speed. While Nightstalker May get the shadowy smoke effect from destiny 1 again and disable precision damage during animation (Since head cant easily be seen in void shadow/Smoke) and passively gain greater dodge cool down or gain heightened senses allowing for faster grenade and smoke grenade throw travel speed and detonation when dodging near a guardian. These abilities might not increase weapon damage like warlocks or titans but they present an equivalent functionality for hunters to become more lethal as a whole to even out against one shot grenades or melees.

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  • Three things I agree with: 1) Hunters are squishy as hell. It’s annoying, but I’ve learned to live with it. 2) Hunter grenades are terrible. That’s all. They’re just terrible. 3) Dodge is a stupid ability, IF you’re the type of player to never use it (like me), but even then it’s a weak ability when compared to others. It’s also incredibly selfish, at least the Lock and Titan abilities help teammates.

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  • hunters aren't as good as warlocks or titans, but most titans and warlocks in crucible are just pve players looking to finish bounties so people really believe hunters are op. They are not.

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  • The thing is... when you stop and ask .. what could you give a hunter to compete with one hit kills from the other classes... you then have to realistically realize it would make hunters op. It does suck that warlocks have several one hit kill options as well as titans.... they basically get to carry three weapons. Shoulder charges are like fusions, and the mini Titan slam is a small tracking rocket... Warlock grenades are like shotguns or the plan-c... While the hunters get dodge and agile jumping... yay... but you can not give anything with distance... You can not go close quarters because hunters can get in and out... or not even care about getting out for a free double/triple kill. I do not know what the answer could/would be to balance this out. I am on day 4 of my warlock(first time ever) and my purpose of running other classes is to see this very topic first hand. The first thing I miss is the dodge to reload when I play not only on my warlock.. but any FPS game at all. You also have to remember the way of the wraith with the wall hacks and what it can lead to as soon as you get a crouched headshot kill... < op af in good hands. The fact this subclass exists makes me say... those one shot kill abilities and even oem is balanced.(currently). For a hunter... a one hit kill ability would pretty much be a guaranteed kill every time for any average to higher skilled player where as you have to feed the warlock for theirs. Titans are a little trickier because they have range abilities with theirs and defending against it takes a little more skill per radar and offensive/defensive movements to avoid... either way, only guaranteed if you feed them with bad choices and there are weapons that can stop them from a successful kill with shoulder charge with even a tiny bit of radar knowledge. And as fare as aggressive players go... being able to maneuver, with accuracy in air, all around a couple of players does go a long way. I mean, warlocks have crap in air accuracy and they are THE air assault class of the game. Great post... I just do not know what the answer is. Hunters are the most used class.. but I do list “accessibility” as the reason for the easiest best results for your average player... Where as warlocks and titans do take a higher skill level to truly utilize all of their abilities plus the basic pvp awareness/skill per radar reading, team reading, etc...

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  • haha oh wait you're serious let me laugh even harder

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  • All the Hunter haters will deny all of this. It’s just like D1. By D1 year 3 hunters were the weakest class without question. Fast forward to D2 Vanilla, everyone is used to hunter being lame for the last year so when D2 launched and things were actually Balanced, people thru a fit just like they are now. The amount of kills you can get with a titan or warlock just using your super alone is sufficient. People complain about Hunters come this is never looked at: Titan Jump: Smooth, easy to aim, almost zero adjustment when ADS or hip fire. Warlock jump: self explanatory made for air combat. Again very LITTLE or almost no adjustment of reticle or optic. Hunter Jump: Bouncy & CONSTANT Adjustment. So yea, hunters can escape....but it’s not as convenient to aim as effortlessly as the other two classes. Quit the hunter hate, shits old already. And btw, the douchbag spamming BB, or wearing gwynsin vest is the same cheese player who spammed Nova Warp and Titan OEM. You’d be surprised at how many “MAIN” classes actually play the “Cheese” class that season.

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    2 Replies
    • Comparing a Dodge to a shoulder charge or a grenade is comparing apples to oranges. Compare the dodge to the barricade and rift and that's an accurate comparison. Dodge is easily the best class ability, hands down. It's the only one of the three that can actively be used in combat, and isn't just for hiding or holding down a point a [i]little[/i] better. Also, gotta love how OP specifically addresses combination blow and other powerful melee abilities and claims how they aren't viable because of the new meta, and then complains about how titans have shoulder charge, which is also a melee. Shoulder charge is only good for surprise kills, and even then it's only available on 1/3 of all Titan loadouts, unlike Hunter Dodge which is available on every loadout. Hunters are the single most popular class for PvP, and there's a damn good reason.

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      1 Reply
      • 2
        If you main hunter and you feel underpowered you should be ashamed of yourself

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        2 Replies
        • Bruh, you forgot what a Hunter is. They kill from a far, sneaky, and agile. PVP is pretty close to balanced, maps need work, Titan super should drain faster, and a reduction of heavy drops. Also small bump to AR's. .04% BTW Hunter main.

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          2 Replies
          • Edited by zJDz: 8/8/2019 5:25:40 PM
            What you smoking? Hunters are the most used class in pvp especially on console because of their jump, movement, and dodge. The hunter movement lets you get in and out of gunfights faster than any other class. Stompeez Liars handshake Etc.

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            1 Reply
            • I have almost 10k hunter kills my warlock and titan kills added together don’t even make 10k 😂

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              4 Replies
              • Give up the wall hacks and then we can talk about balancing hunters in pvp. Yikes

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                9 Replies
                • Can you please summarize this in four words for me. Also a bit of advice. No one is going to read this novel. Keep it short and sweet. Only include the most relevant parts. Delve deeper into it when people comment

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                  20 Replies
                  • [quote]These abilities might not increase weapon damage[/quote] Hunters are the most played because they are already the easiest. People choose what's easy. Hunters can insta-reload with a tap of a button, increasing damage output and time to kill by 2x over any other class. Sure, Lunafacation boots or Rally barricade load weapon, if you want to be a sitting duck. Hunters have the biggest crutch supers. Aim assist/tracking built in to abilities. So, nerf hunters a little bit so that other characters can be used equally.

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                    10 Replies
                    • All I can say is “Hell No”.... Nerf hunters jump so they can’t accurately fire hand cannons, then we can talk about giving the hunter a more useful dodge!

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                    • Edited by Mythic: 8/8/2019 7:13:13 PM
                      Bungie error code: ERROR500

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                    • Edited by Mythic: 8/8/2019 7:12:43 PM
                      Bungie error code: ERROR500

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