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originally posted in: Revoker
8/5/2019 4:55:15 PM
I know often with a high impact sniper people often aim intentionally to the body. Giving bullets back would be dumb.

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  • Nah! Lol it would make the pinnacle weapon feel pinnacle. It would make the weapon PvP and PVE viable. It would make it more desirable. Difficulty wise, with the exception of recluse, it is THE easiest quest, yet it's the least sought after cruci pennicle reward. I understand time frame involved, but we are almost done with the season, and more people have mountaintop. People were willing to PAY for past weapons. By this time last season, a third of the population had recluse. It just isn't desirable.

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  • It’s supposed to make misses less punishing. Body shots are also easy to clean up with a primary by either yourself or a teammate. Why would you get ammo back. It would be body clean up infinitely. That’s dumb. Or you could just aim for the head and get headshots. Body only when hurt or when you can clean up with another weapon. Body shots most likely result in kills anyway. Also double bodying someone to get both shots back would take all the skill out of the sniper and sniping in general.

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  • "Or you could just aim for the head and make the shot"...I dont see that as a viable argument unfortunately. Bungie made a perk that gives you a round back to encourage those who don't just make the shot. Spending a pennicle weapon on that group of people tells me that they were the overwhelming majority at the time. To simply say "make the shot" is , in your words, dumb. There is a gun and perk out now so, were a passed " just make your shots". Now I hear you on the body shot clean up. Two shot body shots, I dont agree. If someone peaks a lane twice on you, your telling me you aren't getting that kill? Body shot/ clean up and get a round back is troublesome. I just dont think a well rolled supremacy shouldn't be an all out better gun then the pinnacle weapon. Other pennicles have guns that can compete with right roll and user, but those weapons arent just better. That's why they get the "poor man" tag. (Service revolver- Poor man's luna). I just want the gun to feel as special as previous pinnacles, or dont make it a pinnacle. Drop it in the cruci loot pool, and make a true pinnacle weapon worth the grind. Currently, it's most special feature goes in the kinetic slot so you can pair with NF/Luna/Recluse.

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  • Supremacy isn’t better tho. If you miss with any sniper you lose that shot. Revoker gives it back. Just remember the worst thing that can happen when you snipe: you miss. Revoker allows you to always have ammo unless you hit a target. If I miss twice with my supremacy, I’m done. I have to kill someone to get more ammo. Revoker doesn’t have that problem. Giving it body shots would make it too generous. Now it’s a kill or infinite ammo. Also, what if you kill someone with a body shot. You got the kill AND get ammo. That isn’t right. Revoker is fine as it is. It isn’t that hard of a quest either so idk what you have to complain about.

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  • My supremacy roll provides me a plethora of perks to assist me in, as you said "aim for the head, and make the shot". The job of weapons being to delete lives, by default this fact alone would make my supremacy better, and that's without getting into archetype, baseline stats, etc. Getting it didn't require the comp grind either. I agree with you, the quest isn't hard, or boring for that matter. The prize for quest just isn't good. Lol it forces a player to grind, intrinsicly get better with a weapon, only to get a version of said weapon that more benefits someone who hasn't attained the same skill level. You said yourself you aim and hit crits. So you admittedly don't get to take the same level of advantage of the pennicle perk, as a newcomer or non sniper. I get wanting to bring more people to the weapon type, I just think they went about it the wrong way. And Complain? It's a forum. You are supposed to come on, put your opinions out for response. Do you use it for something else? Why so agro lol? You know you don't have to respond...

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  • This doesn’t need a glory grind. You just go into comp and play. You win and the quest progresses, you lose no problem. You don’t need to go above 100 glory to get this weapon. You can play it like qp, there’s no punishment if you lose. You can say all you want, that supremacy is easier to get. It isn’t. It requires a run of the raid, a lucky chance to get it, THEN you need to be lucky and get a good roll. I’ve only gotten 3 in 30 clears. Each raid has 8 chances of you complete the whole thing and open 1 chest at the end with the key you got from riven in the same run. Do the math 30 • 8 is 240 chances out of three. That is a 1.25% chance to get one. That’s fairly low. So that’s to get one. Now there are 4 masterworks you can get and range is what you want so. To get a supremacy with a range masterwork is .3125%. Now you want snapshot because it’s still the best sniper perk. The third slot can have snapshot, outlaw, ambitious assassin, or genesis. Now the odds of a god roll are .078125% for a supremacy with a range MW and snapshot. Now if you want the true god roll we want those stats with either rapid hit or kill clip in the forth slot. Sense it can hold 4 different perks. We now have a .0390625% chance. The magazine can hold 8 perks, four of which increase the range by 5 so now .0195313%. The barrel can hold 9 perks. 3 of those provide a significant boost to range. Now for the TRUE god roll, you have a .0058594% chance. (This looks weird I know but it wouldn’t format it right so). A sniper with a guaranteed snapshot roll and a range masterwork that’s PRE MASTERWORKED is a breath of fresh air for some people who want a good kinetic sniper rifle. Before one of the only options was Alone as a god, which also required a lucky raid drop. The problem now with alone as a god is you can’t use the new masterwork system and there’s no mod slot. Both of these snipers punish a miss with no damage and loss of your 2 rounds unless you pick up ammo. Being able to have ammo until you hit someone allows you to keep sniping until you get a kill or a body shot cleanup. You speak about skill level? Some of the best snipers in this game use the revoker to improve. It’s easy to learn the gun because you have ammo a lot more than every other sniper. Crazy flick shots are also easier to hit because you can take that daring/impossible shot and not worry about missing because the ammo comes back.

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  • Lol! Your maths a little off, I dont think the compounding of each perk per chest opened was calculated correctly, especially when considering the entirety of the raid loot pool. I'm certain the numbers would probably come out even lower for chanced chest openings. I dont think you need a god roll though to have a better weapon. And yes some of the best snipers in the game praise the weapon, but some them thinks it's a wasted opportunity as well, so that's a wash lol. I agree with the easy to learn part. It also allows a certain level of aggression too. I get it. Just doesn't feel pinnacle imo.

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  • You don’t get punished for a miss. Idk what else you want. Revoker is never getting buffed because it’s perfect as it is. You can’t miss. It’s a sniper that doesn’t punish missing. WHAT ELSE DO YOU WANT???????? Anything else is too generous and bungie knows this. When it first came out people pounded the weapon but bungie didn’t change it because there is nothing that can be done to it to make it not overpowered. Now that people actually have learned it. If you don’t wanna use it. DON’T and don’t complain about it. Very few people dislike this weapon no so you’re the minority. Bungie won’t be changing it so complain all you want, Bungie isn’t listening and they won’t act because you don’t like it, but a lot of others do. It’s plenty rewarding and every time I miss and get it back, it feels pinnacle.

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  • Well... bungie COULD change it. I dont think they are known as the "keep everything the same" kinda group. And they don't always capitulate to the majority, i.e. removing menagerie chest and faction rally, keeping enhancement cores, no trials. And well...really , I hear you saying "the majority like it! You are in the minority", but well you nor I truly know that. Basing off of "they haven't changed it so far!" with I don't post to have the Destiny team make changes lol. I post to get my opinion out, and have a convo. Nothing more, but you seem triggered bro, you mad? You stated your opinion, I hear you. Is there something more you need? Do you need me to agree with you, or you just need to me hear you voice how "dumb" you think an opinion is and how "wrong" I am for apparently posting...on a forum.. for posting? I dont think it's a crappy gun either. Like I said, just not pinnacle. Nothing wrong with that.

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  • Bungie won’t change it because ITS FINE. It offers enough as it is. And for the record, they are changing menagerie rewards later this month or next month so they DO go with the majority. Faction rallies haven’t come back because everyone wants it to not be a terrible boring grind. They’ve explained why they aren’t bringing trials back. So idk what you mean. They acknowledged that we want trials back and explained why they aren’t bringing it back. I don’t know where you’re coming from here.

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  • Lol. The people wanted trials, menagerie chests, and faction rallies...they were taken away regardless. That's were I'm going my friend. The greater population isnt always considered. You left out those damn cores ha. We all begged for their removal. They only provided methods to get more...soo bungie doesn't always fold to the masses. I don't think they should either lol. They will listen to me as much as they listen to you, then do there own thing. I'm not going to lose sleep if the keep the revoker the same, nor will I break out in to song and dance if the completely change the gun. It's video game, I'm just giving my opinion on a mediocre, at best, pinnacle weapon.

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  • Did you read the TWAB. The menagerie chest is changing because THE MAJORITY IF PEOPLE WANT IT CHANGED. Bungie explained early on why trials is not coming back and some people were ok with their explanation. Faction rallies was a long and boring grind and people want it changed. People haven’t brought up faction rallies in a while because they simply don’t care. People complained about the mountantop quest and now they’re changing that. People complained about the reckoning and now that’s changing. People complained about gambit prime and reckoning weapon drops and now that’s changing too. Bungie does what the people want, unless they can’t. Then they explain it. Reckoning has been a hot topic in the forms as well as the mountaintop quest. Faction rallies hasn’t been, that’s why they don’t bring it up. People have forgotten about faction rallies so to say that most people want it back is stupid. It also doesn’t make sense that they don’t go with the majority. Because what happens, people get mad. People got mad when the menagerie was nerfed, so they looked into a solution and are implementing it soon. People got mad when trials wasn’t coming back, so they explained why and that satisfied most people.

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  • Lol! Ohhhh I see what we're doing. So we are just purposely neglecting the fact that said changes were announced in previous TWABs, the community outrage came and they did it anyway. And maybe people in YOUR circle may not be talking about faction rally but people are, that includes Bungie themselves brutha. DMG just had a talk about it two weeks ago (7/22) , I mean you're ignoring some key stuff to make your point sir. STILL quiet on the cores?! Lol but again what's your end game? It's ok sir. Bungie has made mistakes, and yes they fix them. The revoker as a pennicle was one of them. Nothing wrong with that. Like you said, they listen and act accordingly.

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  • Still quiet on cores??? Uhhh. Cores are easier than ever to get. You can get 9 cores in 45 minutes every day every week, every year. They’re easy as hell to get. They haven’t been quiet on those. There’s very little outrage on the TWAB. Everything is changing for the better. And you want more. Be satisfied. If you don’t like it, uninstall the game and go somewhere else. You see pinnacle as overpowered. Body shots returning ammo is stupid. Cry all you want. Bungie isn’t listening and no one cares. I’m not gonna try to convince you anymore because you are incapable of looking at something from a different view. You look at how revoker sucks and think that the gun sucks. You don’t look at the advantages of it and tricks with it. Even when someone says them to your face. Destiny will never change to match what you want because you simply ignore what’s good about everything. If something isn’t overpowered, it’s not good to you.

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  • You were trying to convince me!? Lol why? I'm some rando on a forum. I appreciate it though. Yes ! Definitely I want more lol! And I see your side too, like said the weapon doesn't suck. It's just mediocre. I dont bungie to change the gun to know it lol. And people complained about everything I said. Step your research game up. Confirmation bias is real. Thank you!

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