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7/31/2019 5:33:23 PM
All this whining and crying from a gamers when they'll pay $25 for a Fortnite skin.

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  • Sorry but I nor my kids nor my brother and his kids have spent a dime on fortnite except for the season pass that is $9.50 and you earn the skins and drops that come with it by playing the game. They even give you a chance to get the pass for free sometimes so you still get the skins emotes v-bucks and all the rest for free. I have been playing it with the kids and family for on over a year now and have a total of less than $20 in it and have far more cosmetic items than I do in Destiny. I could play and never spend a dime and still earn things and it would be completely free. You also don't even have to have the playstation yearly pass to play fortnite and i am pretty sure it is the same for xbox.

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  • Ah, you have caught the eye of the Emperor. Calus is delighted to see other fellow Guradians destroy your "argument" so easily. The Emperor is amused by your futile efforts and even more satisfied when said efforts are deterred.

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  • Edited by kellygreen45: 7/31/2019 6:54:59 PM
    Nobody has destroyed anything. Just a bunch of angry kids who don't understand how Warframe and Fornite's business model works....and aren't afraid to show it.

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  • Fortnite is free and supports itself solely off micros. Destiny 2 insofar has been sold at the regular price. Shadowkeep is still going to cost upwards of 35 dollars. I stand by the assertion that if Bungie hadn’t screwed themselves over and lost almost 2/3rds of their playerbase from launch, making quality content would have supported them financially better than micros ever will.

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  • Edited by kellygreen45: 7/31/2019 6:57:28 PM
    [quote]Fortnite is free and supports itself solely off micros.[/quote] If it were actually free then it wouldn't need "support". Fortnite makes its money by counting on people to be too emotional to stop and THINK about what it is they are really spending their money on. Warframe makes it by counting on people to not stop and think where all that Platinum they're trading for comes from..

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  • So micros. Like I said.

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  • Edited by kellygreen45: 7/31/2019 7:23:16 PM
    Which means you haven’t thought out how the business model actually works.

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  • Sure.

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  • Indeed. Which is why Epic is raking in so much money that they are in a position to challenge Steams MONOPOLY on the digital distribution of games on PC. Don't get there by giving away stuff and relying on the "kindness" of strangers.

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  • stop calling people whiners and actually make a point to your argument. if you don't have any then shut up and eff off, kelly.

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  • The point was already made. Many of the same people making a fuss about Eververse are the same people who ridiculously overpay for cosmetics in games like Fortnite.....or support Warframe's incredibly intrusive MTX system. No such thing as a free lunch.....or a free-to-play game.

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  • [quote]No such thing as a free lunch.....or a free-to-play game.[/quote] There literally is such a thing as a free-to-play game. Stop trying to sound deep.

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  • Is that like free healthcare? Or free college tuition? Did you even bother to read what he wrote? The money has to come from somewhere

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  • which is what?? fortnite? that's not a valid argument. and yes, fortnite is a free game. go check playstation store right now. i doubt you will ever state a proper argument. just some time waster.

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  • Fortnite made a lot of its early money, the money that supports the "free" game from the pve side. Oh. Wait. Didn't you know that the pve fortnite came first? The one that Epic charged $60 for, promising it would be free to play by the end of 2018? Yeah. Now they say it might be free to play in 2020. Just because you haven't spent money on Fortnite, doesn't mean that no one is. AAA games aren't cheap to make and maintain, so I guarantee you that they are making money from the people playing it.

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  • yet i can still play it for free and always have. maybe it used to be pay to play but not anymore. that's is why its a free game. if people want to spend money on it then all the power to them

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  • You haven't played the pve for free. Not battle royale. The co-op multiplayer vs ai, where you have objectives like defending the van or saving survivors.

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  • nope never bothered to play that. and if i have to pay to play it i never will because i wont pay for that feature. the rest of the game is free as well as downloading it. so i will continue to just play for free. and unless epic changes their business model to charging people to play all features of fortnite, it is free to play.

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  • Free game.

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  • No such thing.

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  • Warframe,fortnite you can play all the content for free everything that is a free game. That is why people pay for skins with no problem. Destiny is an expensive game that you pay for yearly and quarterly. Stop pretending bud the eververse is a disaster and probably in the worst place it’s ever been.

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  • Incorrect. You cannot play the pve content in fortnite for free. Therefore you cannot "pay all content for free".

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  • Edited by kellygreen45: 7/31/2019 6:04:22 PM
    [i]"There is no such thing as a free lunch....Its just a matter of who gets stuck with the bill. [/i] Warframe and Fortnite aren't free. Say---just for the sake of example----you and I go out to eat lunch We both order our our fill. Then the waitress comes to the table and hands me the check, and I choose to pay for both our meals. You walk out with a full stomach, and didn't have to pay the for the meal. THE LUNCH YOU ATE WASN'T **FREE**. I SIMPLY PAID FOR YOUR MEAL. That is how 'Free to Play" games work. Just like the resturant didn't charge us individually...but spread the cost of the meal over the entire party (and I picked it up)... Epic isn't "giving" away Fortnite. They simply spread the cost out over the entire player base...and recoup it by leveraging the popularity of the game to get people to ridiculously overpay for skins and other cosmetics. If no one actually paid anything for the game.....Epic would lose money and stop offering it. When---in fact---they are raking in money. Likewise Digital Extremes isn't giving away Warframe. They spread the cost out over the entire player base....and over TIME. DE does this by making the obnoxiously grindy....and then are constantly chisling away at you for microspending to bypass that grindiness. I played Warframe for three months....and actually spent more in that 3 months than I typically do in a YEAR of playing Destiny. Destiny is an "expensive" game....because Bungie (except with Eververse)...doesn't spread the cost over the entire player base. They charge us individually for the content you play. So Destiny isn't more expensive to play Its just that Bungie isn't letting anyone else pay for your meal. They require you to open up your wallet and pay your own way.

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  • What? Dude I have played warframe every single thing in the game and never paid a cent that is FTP. Everyone can play all the content they put out it is free.

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  • Dude. Someone else paid.

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