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Edited by Duardo: 6/27/2019 12:03:22 AM

Community Summit Recruitment

Hey all, In preparation for fall, we’re looking to invite a few guests from the community to give feedback on what’s currently being worked on. While we’ve begun sending surveys via email and continuously gather feedback from these forums, we are still very interested in getting face to face feedback with players of Destiny 2. If you are available from July 8 to July 11, reply below with 100 words on why you would like to visit Bungie and give feedback on the future of Destiny 2! [b]Do not[/b] post personal information, but let us know what region you're from. To be selected, you also must be 18 or older. [b]Note: [/b]There aren’t any specific gameplay requirements for this. We aren’t only considering players who’ve beaten every raid, have memorized Youtube videos for strategies, or have reached Legend in the Crucible. We only have one spot for a member of the forums, so consider this a [i]golden ticket[/i] of sorts. If chosen, we will cover your travel, hotel, and feed you some bread while you’re here. After 24 hours, we’ll lock the thread and start going through posts. Once someone has been chosen, we’ll let them decide on whether or not they’d like to announce their participation. Cheers, -dmg04

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  • Extending deadline to 7AM tomorrow morning to account for maintenance.

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    28 Replies
    • dmg04 You make some valid points and i agree that eververse must be removed from this game but, Whether we wanted it or not, we've stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars. So let's get to taking out their command, one by one. Valus Ta'aurc. From what I can gather, he commands the Siege Dancers from an Imperial Land Tank just outside of Rubicon. He's well protected, but with the right team, we can punch through those defenses, take this beast out, and break their grip on Freehold

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      • I nominate KellyGreen2 to go. That guy can cut to the chase and bring a dose of no nonsense reality to the table. I'm in Las Vegas, NV, and am a fully employed married adult. I'm a day 1 D1 player, and have run the gamut from die hard, hardcore player/raider/completionist with a dedicated clan to someone that has all but abandoned this game along with that dedicated clan. If you want feedback from the perspective of a player in this predicament, I'm your man.

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      • Edited by Daffylicious: 6/28/2019 6:47:15 PM
        I hope you choose someone with a spine, figuratively speaking. Not another Datto. Not another elitist cheek-smoocher. Has Slayerage been invited to these things? Anyway, if the person you choose doesn't bring up masterwork re-rolling I got a ggyyppssyy curse ready.

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      • Edited by TheShadow-cali: 6/27/2019 1:46:48 AM
        Should I? [spoiler] 🤣😂[/spoiler] Edit: The only reason I would ever want to visit Bungie is to thank Barrett and his team for creating ROI, where D2 should have pick up from. Had to add, and the team that creates the skybox. Good job guys... Everyone else, good luck. Also, someone reminded me, thank you to the composer. Edit: 1. I love that this forum has mute, I just started using it and my first reply I can't even see. Headache free 😁 Edit: 2. Now if anyone comes on this thread thinking Bungie would ever invite me, you're on the wrong thread 😄 This was more for humor but all welcome 😁

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        83 Replies
        • Edited by The Makr: 6/28/2019 12:34:12 AM
          Invite me if you are interested in a D1 and D2 player who represents the segment of your community that plays primarily solo. I think my game hours would reflect someone who is serious about the game, has over 50,000 triumph score, but only one raid clear in D2. I feel I could lend a perspective that is not typically represented by the streamers and perhaps flows upstream against how Bungie wishes we would engage with the game. I'm respectful of the various different factions that play this game and their perspectives, but the hardcore solo player would like a seat at this game, and I would like a seat at your table. Maybe I'm being naive, but I feel your offer is sincere and would approach it knowing I am a guest at your house and no one likes a jerk guest. Forgot to mention, I'm from Loudoun Co. VA, near Dulles airport. PS - Looking forward to armor 2.0 and really wouldn't mind a sneak peak, lol...

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          5 Replies
          • I also nominate kelly_green. In order for a game to improve, you have to look at it from all angles and be willing to talk about the positive and negative, not just from the narrow minded dogmatic view of the Jedi.

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            • Don’t act like you care about our opinion when the list of invitees has already been drawn, and they’re called collaborators and streamers.

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              • Solo player posts are hilarious in this thread 😂, invite me so I can tell you how you can make a multiplayer game for solo's. The amount of cringe in the posts are insane, have some integrity people.

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                5 Replies
                • While I would love to be invited myself, I'd much rather you invite: Kellygreen2 ( This person seems to have a level head and understands the issues that many of us feel frustrated about. He/she is able to articulate their point of view without stooping to a hateful forum fight. I would like to see that person be invited because (for the most part) he/she represents my viewpoint.

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                  9 Replies
                  • Don’t invite me or anyone else on this thread. There are 2 outspoken people and both should be invited. I’ve agreed and disagreed with both in the past but they have had some valid points. Odin and Kellie Green. You want an honest assessment of the game/forums, there’s your answer. No way either of them get invited. You don’t want honest community critiques. Here’s the thing, if they went, they’d relay to the forums what they said and heard. You don’t want that.

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                    • I started playing modern video games in Halo2 with my son and having been enjoying playing them with family and friends since then. As Destiny has progressed I have tried to contribute suggestions as to ways to improve the game and have actively interacted on the Forums with honest opinions on what works, what doesn’t and explaining the reasons behind my opinions. I am use to NDA’s and preserving confidentiality. Currently I can attend at the time specified and would love to do what I can to contribute positively to this game (downside is it would make my son jealous)

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                    • Edited by TJ_Dot: 6/27/2019 2:17:09 AM
                      Oh geez, I'd love this if I weren't a complete noob to travel and such I've had all my small ideas about free cam using ghost and adding a manual weapon drop function (picture and video tools for people), and streamlining shaders via directly buying any and all of them from the shader menu, no inventory, no need to back and forth with collections. Then I have that obsession with Re-working Quiver Tether into first person "GG of bows". Could mention repurposing of Enhancement cores too since they have a lot of unused potential going on right now, infusion makes it worse (inb4 slander) I'd also probably make a vault space request. Sorry. This is weird, It's like I want to, but don't at the same time, idk, but I've been [i]DYING[/i] to get those ideas out to you guys, and this just screamed sorta-golden opportunity. Though if I somehow get chosen: I live in New York.

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                      13 Replies
                      • Hello North America Kentucky region here. I would like to visit Bungie as I loved Destiny 1 and love Destiny 2 no matter how many games come and go thru my life, I will always come back to play this game. I have played this game for hours on end helping new players , vets and grinding thru the best this game has to offer. I just want the chance to provide an option and help make this game better for my fellow guardians. Thank you A Kentucky Warlock

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                      • Lol that feed you bread part was funny.

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                      • Whatever you do, don't invite the streamers who are spoiling this great game. Try inviting some average players who probably make up the bulk of the player base.

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                      • Why have a Summit when you can read your own Forums and start listening to us. Start by removing Enhancement Cores from Infusion.

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                      • I'd love to visit Bungie and give feedback on the future of Destiny! Since Destiny came out, I have avidly played the game for thousands of hours, headed a clan, traveled to numerous conventions (ECCC, E3, and PAX West) to play demos and was asked to offer opinions on Bungie Store merchandise by the department head of Merchandising. I have an open and reasonable mind and am able to articulate my opinions in a clear and respectful manner. I believe I would be a good fit for this Summit meeting! I am located in Eastern Washington, and am available July 8-11 with my own transportation, so the trip over to Bellevue is a simple drive over the mountains.

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                      • You need to invite someone who plays solo and pick their brain.

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                      • I wonder how many people are using multiple accounts to apply. 🤔

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                      • Edited by CptnMuddButt: 6/28/2019 7:57:42 PM
                        There's only thing I have to say!!! "Whether we wanted it or not, we've stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars. So let's get to taking out their command, one by one. Valus Ta'aurc. From what I can gather he commands the Siege Dancers from an Imperial Land Tank outside of Rubicon. He's well protected, but with the right team, we can punch through those defenses, take this beast out, and break their grip on Freehold."

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                      • I’d love to be the spokesperson for the general Destiny community. I am a longtime fan and wish to offer some insight on what the community wants and seeing what happens behind the scenes would make me the happiest man alive as Destiny is like a second home to me and you guys are like my family. Currently I am situated in the United Kingdom but have always wanted to go to Washington some day but going to Washington to go to the community summit would be a dream come true. I hope you guys consider me for the summit and good luck to everyone else with their placements. Thank You.

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                      • Never was a hardcore gamer until I bought the first white PS4 with that came with d1 bought some other games got kinda bored with other game and decided why not just play d1 and from then I was hooked bought everything dlc preorder d2 just so I could get cayde 6 toy and bought dlc and season pass I would give my real opinion about the future of destiny would love a chance to meet the creators of destiny sure the game has its flaws but love it I will never forget that moment when G horn dropped for me literally the greatest feeling I ever got out of any game I’ve played

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                      • I’m writing this to make it aware that players in destiny 1 would like to play trials of Osiris. It was one of the most popular game modes to date in the history of destiny. Thousands have even signed a petition to get it back in the game. If weekly items like xur are still in weekly rotation, why can’t trials of Osiris?

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                      • I'm ginger, bearded and English. I've been playing video games since Dizzy the egg was the pinnacle. Multiple sclerosis has not dampened my nerves for gaming in the last few years and my collecting nature has seen me bag a few triumphs and items. I joined the journey in Jan '15 and hope to be here for a while yet. Be an experience to visit the studio, and doubtless a pleasure. Thank you, Fozz.

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                      • Do you understand American English is offensive language to a lot of other English speaking country's. I wouldn't step foot in USA let alone Destiny 2 workplace. Thank you.

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